CH.4: Lovers embrace

Brainy sat in his cell as he was being reviewed on insubordination but also putting another life in harm's way; so, pretty long time of being in here. He deserved it however…there was no getting past acting of his own actions. No one twisted his arm, no one swayed his decision. J'onn was no longer D.E.O. and Brainy didn't figure his involvement in when he had made a move.

Alex was pacing outside as she had been since he had been brought in. "Do you realize the situation you have placed yourself in Brainy? What you have placed me in, I mean, what were you thinking?"

"I was only thinking of rescuing Nia Nal…if I have jeopardized the D.E.O. in any shape or form I do apologize and own up to my actions whatever they maybe." Brainy did not see himself being in such, well as they say hot water but so be it. She was safe and that is what mattered to him.

"You should not take this lightly…cause at best you are looking at being locked away for a long time. I am not even sure I can sway Colonel Hayley at this point even with your record of helping this place out." Alex is clearly stressed…and he does not wish her to worry any.

"Colonel Hayley will not be coming for your job Director Danvers…as it was your decision, your call to arrest me and place me here as I am. If anything any other Director might not have reacted as you have." He studies her and notes how she slows down some.

"Brainy…I like you, you do your job well and even with your quirks your tech know how has helped us out of some tight jams. I never wanted this for you." She lets out a resigned sigh.

"I do not hold it against you Director, I mean Alex, and if you don't mind I would like sometime alone before they bring me in for questioning." He went to lay on his back as he stares up at the ceiling. Alex leaves him be and as he closes his eyes he only thinks of Nia and while he had not been given time to check in on her…he can only hope that she is faring well.

Nia had suffered many broken ribs along with a swollen eye and an assortment of bruises over her body. She was in a hospital room; last time she was in one of these it was visiting James. She had no idea how long she was out but when she came to she found Kara and James there. It was fitting given she was closest to them.

"Hey, you are awake…you had us worried." Kara went to her side and she reaches out gripping onto her hand.

"I…uh…why does it hurt to talk?" Nia looks at both of them feeling like her vocal chords had been through the ringer.

"Nia…you underwent quite the physical torment at the hands of those men. There will be physical scars…and it may take a bit to come back from it, let alone find your voice again. It is hard to say how long they beat you before Brainy stepped in to save you." So…it was Brainy who had stepped in to save her.

"What about Alex? I mean I saw her…but she did nothing. She could have stepped in and done something but instead it was like there was yellow tape preventing her from interfering. Why Kara?" Nia felt tears though none would fall.

"Alex was going to move in, just, well there are certain measures and procedures she abides by. While yes she is the Director of the D.E.O. she also sort of has to follow Colonel Hayley's rules." Nia could note the distaste in Kara's tone at saying her name.

"The men who assaulted you were arrested and will face charges. However it is hard to say how long they will be locked away if Ben Lockwood has any say on matters." James shakes his head and Nia feels like crying more.

"So these men will just walk free…continue to spread their hate like it is just another day at the park for them?" Nia could not understand the justice of this.

"Ben Lockwood will see his day in court, trust me Nia, it will happen. Right now though Brainy is in some serious trouble." Kara's words brought her back to the plight at hand.

"Kara…I can't…I can't let Brainy suffer because of me. He was only helping…" She grips her throat and James offers her a cup of water which she gladly guzzles.

"Brainy understood what he was getting himself into. I will talk to Alex and maybe get J'onn to help but for now rest up Nia. I will see you back at work." Kara goes to leave and James was the only one left.

"When will this stop James?" Nia felt resigned to her fate as she lay there looking up at the ceiling knowing she was not going to get an answer.

"It will, someday, but for now just have a hopeful optimistic outlook on life and live each day to your very best. Brainy, well, he will get through this…you just have to leave everything in Alex's hands. Get better, we miss you at work." James leaves and she is left on her own.

"Right…" She knew she would get stir crazy in bed here but maybe she could catch some sleep, rest up, sleep came naturally to her after all and within a minute of thinking this she finds her lids shut.

Brainy would face an interrogation followed by a hearing in regards to his continuing clearance to work at the D.E.O. It was rigorous and filled with a good amount of stares from the humans who worked there. Some had come to depend on him in the absence of Winn and now this. However much as they wanted to point fingers he did not betray them.

No one was doing anything to ease Nia's suffering…he was the only one to risk everything to save her. Brainy however did cross a line when it came to authority…something that now put a slant or a mark on his impeccable record. It seemed days or longer that he was held in custody till at last he was allowed to return to work. It could not be because of Colonel Hayley, no, this had to be work of Alex. However when questioned she just looked at him and asked him 'whatever do you mean?' and went about her work as per usual. Brainy wondered then if not for Alex then who?

However Alex could not let him off, not easily that is. He was to be reprimanded and any field assignment had to be passed by her before he was allowed out. He found that sound and fair in judgement though that did make helping Supergirl a tad bit harder. Perhaps it was best left for another day as he was still allowed to do his job.

Hearing that Nia was set to be released from the hospital he hurried over…quickly as a taxi would permit. Oh how he missed the days when he could fly with his ring. Still perhaps getting used to not having it would allow him time to understand how regular people operated. It was costly and such but he managed and it wasn't like the D.E.O. paid them little, the amount of money he had in this Earthly money consuming machine and of course using cards to hold such money.

He had not seen Nia since he had rescued her. It wasn't like he was avoiding her…just…he was held in custody and wasn't allowed visitors nor was he allowed to visit Nia. Heading to the front desk he asks about Nia and is then given directions to her room. The elevator ride was filled with him rehearsing what he was going to say to her.

Upon exiting the elevator though he finds himself face to face with her. It was quite sudden and the words just wouldn't come to him. "Nia Nal…I see you have recovered quite nicely."

"Brainy…hi!" Her face was flushed and he wondered if it was because she was still hurting some. Oh poor Nia. He would not sleep a wink till he knew she was fully recovered.

"I can see by the coloration of your cheeks that you are still feeling a bit…ill, never fear, I will get you some chicken noodle once we leave here." He gestures at the open elevator and she joins him inside and he pushes the descent button.

"Oh Brainy you don't have to, plus, my cheeks are this color because of being sick. The Doctors cleared me to depart because of my body having mended from the attack. I am still sore some places but I should be good to work again within a few days of rest."

"I see, this is good news then." Brainy looks around the closed confines of the elevator as it began to lower. However it would suddenly stop causing the two to bump each other.

"Whoa, um, is it me or have we stopped?" Brainy had come to the same conclusion, that, or it was possible they were frozen in time.

"I will see what the problem is." He attempts to jump up realizing he was not wearing his ring. He felt rather foolish doing so and he covers it up with a cough. "It would seem we are stuck."

Nia lets out a laugh and he tries to determine the cause of such laughter, but, he himself is soon laughing. Laughter, it was something humans did in uncomfortable situations, well…if that were the case if it made it easier for Nia to handle coming from such a tense situation he would join her.

"Do you miss it…being able to fly?" Nia wipes at her eyes and Brainy contemplates some on his answer.

"I do admit there are times where flight would be an easy fix to a solution. However, I have learned that sometimes the easiest fix to a solution is not always the best. When I fought those men, or rather wore them out…it was not without my ring. I eluded their attacks simply by moving fluidly and attacking when an opening presented itself. In time my ring will find its way to me, till then, I must learn to cope with my current predicament."

"You sound so wise Brainy. I'm not even sure if I can properly prepare to put on my costume again after what happened in my own apartment. I was so overwhelmed…so frightened…even knowing what was coming I couldn't properly prepare. I'm such a failure-."

"Nia Nal…you are no failure. In my time knowing you I have seen your character build and while this might be a setback do not let it derail all you have overcome to put on this costume and take up the fight of justice. I believe…that you will see this through, because I believe in you." He takes her hands in his as he faces her.

"You believe in me?" Nia says in a barely audible whisper. Brainy wondered if it was perhaps fate that held the elevator in this limbo as it was, perhaps it was giving him a chance to right the wrong he had done.

"I have always believed in you, and, while my feelings for you have been…distanced, I have always been in your corner. Feelings…they are difficult to comprehend as till I met you such feelings never were queried or given much thought or feel. However…that has all changed. I found myself keeping you at arms-length…figuring something like this, like us wasn't worth the danger, that it was doomed to fail. This is where I was in the wrong.

"I am not sure if you can forgive me but one thing I do wish to get out there, you can count on me to be by your side…cause that is the only side I can see myself being near." Brainy had never spoken so long before, perhaps he had, but all he knew at this very second was that Nia Nal made him feel complete.

Nia does not say anything, and for that he does not blame her. However after a beat she throws her arms around him, kissing him once more. This time though Brainy embraces her, holding her close to him and feeling a sense of…calm. Oh there is quite the bloodrush and yet something much calmer under the surface.

His hand runs through her hair and his mouth tastes hers. It is quite a moment and one he will log away for future reference. For now he simply revels in the feel of her soft body, her body cushioned against his own and when the two part neither can say a word. This would be a first for him as he stares at her beauty and wonder and knows that here…he truly felt like he belonged.

"I don't think I can beat what you just said, but, I'm in total agreement. You make me feel secure Brainy, and, I know that this won't be without complications but we will make it work. Nothing is gained if not tried and I am so going to put my all into this, into you, into us. I want my dreams to be far more pleasant, far more soothing…would you mind kissing me again?"

Brainy smiles as he does just that. The elevator having started up but the only movement he felt was his lips on hers again. Dreams, so fitting…and he knew that his dreams would be of her as they held each other and no matter what came their way…it would be faced together.


Authors note: Brania is so simple, so sweet, so underappreciated. While the show Supergirl of late has been lacking in ships as it tries to find its way, I am really hoping something will come of these two. Ship the dreams, ship the dreamers, ship what can only be described as the dream team. It is hard to tell what ship I will handle next but keep a watchful eye out and have a nice day.