Crickets chirped and joined in on the symphony of the night. A small tent emitted a faint glow in the middle of a meager campsite.

"I can't believe we get to go camping! Just you and me in the woods! This is great."

Izuku held a thermos of tea in his hands as he sat up, sleeping bag covering up past his knees and kissing his torso.

"I mean, we're not totally alone. All Might is here."

"Yeah, in a cabin. Leaving us in the woods while he has all the amenities."

"He doesn't have that many. Besides, you were just saying how excited you were." The green-haired boy was at peace. He was far from a sarcastic person or as blunt as some of his other friends. However the one-for-all holder was comfortable enough with Mina by now to call her on things like this. He would expect the same of her.

"Yeah. I am. But cabins are still nice. Not as nice as that sports lodge."

"At least there are no villains this time." Izuku took a sip and looked at Mina.

Both teens paused. Was it too soon to bring that up? It had happened in their first year at UA and now here they were in their second. Both had been through a lot, separately and together. And yet here they were, breathing in the wild night air of Endor national park.

"Sorry. Maybe it was-"

"No. You're fine. We lived through it. Stuff went down hill for a while, but also uphill. It was a bit if a rollercoaster...WE SHOULD GO TO THE AMUSEMENT PARK! I WOULD LOVE TO GO ON A ROLLERCOASTER!"

"I would like that...though roller coasters aren't really my thing. Life is enough of a ride as is." the green-haired boy chuckled, still remembering the last time he went on with Mina.

"Well, sorry that Mr. Bonedust prefers gentler rides like the Tilt-a-whirl and the hell drop."

"They aren't that bad, Mina. Really."

"Hey...remember when we had met? Before UA? And we were just good friends? We didn't really realize our feelings back then."

"...I did." green eyes stared at the ceiling of the tent as steam rose from the cup in Izuku's hands. His eyes met Mina's again. They were still so young and yet the boy was incredibly grateful.

"That's because you're cute."

"I...well...takes one to know one."

"Well aren't you Mr. Smoothie. Anyway, I remember you telling me about how you came here as a kid."

"Yeah...back when me and Bakugou were closer. We used to catch Cicadas. I called him Bug Kacchan. know. Pun."

"You're not calling him that Any more, huh?"

"I mean...we get along better now I guess. He has changed. But what we had as friends...that's gone. But it's ok. I have actual friends...I have you."

Mina blushed Lavender as a huge grin crossed her face.

"That is so corny...but sweet. I am glad we did this. This trip. Just you and me out here, staring into space and reminiscing. It's good to just be goofy kids now and then, you know?"

"No pressures or worries about our mortality or any legacies we might have to step into."

Having finished his soothing beverage, the green-haired boy felt his hair brush against his pillow. He was happy to just commune with nature, but having a movie night with her and All Might would be welcome too. It had become a little ritual the two hero students had with their mentor.

Their mentor. It was still surreal remembering all that had happened. Getting their provisional licenses, fighting villains, getting into UA, and training with All Might; It all played through Izuku's mind until he remembered that first encounter, the day he met Mina. To think a quirkless runt like him could have been through so much: good, bad, and in between. And she had been there for a lot of it.

The boy's thoughts thoughts stopped when he felt a familiar pressure, warmth surrounding him and spreading to his cheeks. He didn't even have to look to know who it was.

"Y-you have your own sleeping bag."

Mina yawned and cuddled her boyfriend.

"Yeah but what's the point of sharing a tent if we can't cuddle?"

Accepting the acid girl's logic, the boy smiled and kissed her pink cheeks, turning them lavender with his lips.

Not long after, the two fell asleep, ready to tackle the rest if the trip ahead.

And this entry is even shorter. I probably could have fleshed it out more but I might do so in the future. After all, I decided to make it a short scene set in the timeline of Walk in the Park, specifically Izuku and Mina's second year at UA.

I thought that me the most fun way to do it. Also I am late with moth this entry and with notes for it. My focus has been elsewhere so I decided to keep this more brief and save my energy for bigger things. I hope you all understand and enjoyed these one shots.

See you next year for Izumina week 2020. Lol.

And also, you know...the crest of this year with my other fics. See you then.

PS. I considered doing the beach prompt with a follow up to Dagobah, but decided against it.