Thanks for reading! I don't own any of Fullmetal Alchemist! Please let me know if you enjoy!

Roy and Riza's first few months of married bliss were perhaps both the happiest and hardest of their lives.

It was a lovely and awkward time.

The couple learned more about each other during that period than they had ever thought possible, as all newlyweds do.

Riza learned Roy liked his first coffee of the day cold.


Roy learned Riza did not appreciate being disturbed during her weekly bubble baths.


As the days turned into week, Roy and Riza both learned how to work as a better, more efficient team.

Roy and Riza learned how to survive on less than an ideal night's sleep, as they spent many evenings lovingly in each other's arms until the break of dawn.

Even though the mornings after their heated love making brought long days with them, neither husband nor wife regretted anything…..


Roy and Riza's new ability to physically express their love came as a great relief, a cherished gift to the couple.

Finally, they did not have to hide their feelings anymore.

Not from the world and not from each other.

Outside of their bed and home, Roy advanced in his work, pushing towards the goals he had set for himself as Fuhrer of the country.

It would take many years, but Roy knew the value of hard work and perseverance well.

Riza helped wherever and whenever she could.

Although she was no longer in the military as an officer, being the Fuhrer's wife allowed her certain clearances that helped her perform specific duties.

She was not the type of woman to be satisfied purely from domestic work.

And truthfully, after she and Roy got married, Roy had found that his old Lieutenant was very hard to replace.

It was best Riza stay by Roy's side, both at home, and at work, whenever possible.

The people of Amestris already loved their new Fuhrer.

To the couple's delight, the citizens of the country were quick to accept his wife as well.

Spring, summer, autumn, winter….

Spring again.

As a gesture of appreciation, there was a large party planned for the night of Roy and Riza's one year wedding anniversary.

Just as they had for the wedding, thousands of guests milled about the streets of Central, celebrating and having a good time, all in recognition of the Fuhrer and his wife.

Roy and Riza, along with their inner circle of family and friends, and the military elite, would all be at the formal party in the center of town, the same place where their wedding reception had been held one year ago.

Before the celebration actually began, in their bedroom suite at the Fuhrer's mansion, Roy sat in the chair beside their bed.

His eyes were narrowed as he focused intensely on the book he was reading.

Riza was standing across the room, looking in the large mirror of her vanity as she put on her pearl earrings.

Tonight, she had chosen to wear the same elegant black dress that Roy had selected for her when he had proposed…

Once her earrings were in, Riza smoothed a strand of loose blonde hair back into her elegant bun.

"Alright, I'm ready when you are." She declared, looking over at her husband.

"Ok, just let me finish this….paragraph….almost…..done….." Roy mumbled as he scowled in concentration at the page.

Riza walked over with a sigh and took the book out of his hands.

A Man's Guide To Pregnancy: How to be a Good Father and a Supportive Husband

"Roy, why did you buy this?" Riza sighed as she closed the book and laid it on the nightstand.

"You know why." Roy smirked at his wife.

"I'm a week late. There's nothing definite at all, you're just being silly." Riza said, rolling her eyes as Roy reached out and gently pulled her down onto his lap.

"Well, if I am being silly now, later, I'll just be more prepared." Roy reasoned, kissing Riza's lips sweetly.

Riza went to pull back but Roy started to deepen their kiss, earning an irritated whine from the blonde.

If he wanted a kiss, that was fine…

But…...the party!

Roy picked Riza up and stood, with her carefully cradled in his arms, and started walking to the bed.

It was then that she ultimately broke away. "We're going to be late, Colonel!" She whispered as Roy laid her down.

She had finally finished getting her hair perfectly styled, her outfit put together…

But the loving, hungry look in Roy's onyx eyes told her it was going to be worth the redo….

"Yes, we certainly are, Lieutenant. I'm sure they'll understand." Roy purred, his hand sliding up the inside of Riza's thigh as their lips met again. "We'll be quick~."

"Roy!" Riza gasped into their kiss.

Outside the mansion, the Fuhrer's chauffeur stood patiently by the car.

5 minutes late…..

10 minutes late….




14 minutes late, the door to the mansion opened and the chauffeur watched as the Fuhrer and his wife stepped out and walked to the car.

Giddy smiles were on both of their faces and the chauffeur himself struggled not to blush when he realized that both Roy and Riza's cheeks were lit with the warm afterglow of mutual physical pleasure.

It was a silent, awkward drive to the party, but Roy and Riza just smiled at each other.

Roy and Riza's first year of marriage had its joys and its challenges, all of which they had overcome.

In the backseat of the shiny black car, Roy gave Riza's hand a squeeze, which she returned.

Roy wondered if he was right and the book was necessary….

Secretly, Riza was wondering the same thing.

Whatever surprises it held, they were both excited to see what this next year would bring.

They could handle anything as long as they were together.

Fuhrer Mustang and his wife.


I'm considering making this a series and writing a sequel where Roy and Riza have a child. The next story would explore how their relationship evolves. What do you think?