Notes: Code Geass is an anime that's owned by the studio Sunrise. This story doesn't take place in the same continuity as the anime and my other stories.

Lelouch Vi Britannia was the youngest prince of Britannia's kingdom. Although he was young enough to feel like a zero, Lelouch made up for it, by having a higher amount of immaturity than anybody else in the kingdom. He had an infamous reputation, for doing chaotic dances and crashing into valuable paintings. Lelouch had accidentally broken so many paintings, that his family's valuable paintings were moved to a museum, that Lelouch was never allowed to go to. He was upset about being banned from looking at art, but he could understand why it happened. He was a careless, reckless punk, who didn't know what he wanted to do with his life, so he acted like a immature simpleton.

One day, Lelouch was invited to be a guest at the wedding of his youngest brother, Prince Clovis. Lelouch hadn't wore a tuxedo in years and he wasn't prepared to break that tradition. Instead of wearing something fancy, Lelouch wore a black sweater, gray sweatpants, and a superhero hat. Clovis was getting married to a princess, who Lelouch didn't bother remembering. The wedding was taking place outside of Clovis' castle. All of Lelouch's siblings had gotten a castle. However, Lelouch didn't have one, because he felt he didn't need or deserve one. His father, Emperor Charles, agreed with that, so Lelouch still lived in his parents' kingdom.

Lelouch may of not been properly dressed for a wedding, but he was ready for the dancing. He danced to the wedding. He caught the attention of several wedding guests, but not in a good way. They thought Lelouch was a goofy intruder. He looked like such a slob, that several guests didn't know he was a member of royalty. Charles' personal guard, Bismarck Waldstein, walked up to Lelouch and sternly said, "Your behavior is unacceptable, Prince Lelouch."

Lelouch smirked and replied, "Wow, talk about judgmental."

Bismarck responded, "You are making a scene, at your brother's wedding. If I were you, I'd be ashamed and start apologizing."

Lelouch smiled and replied, "If I were you, I wouldn't be the Emperor's yes-man."

Bismarck grabbed Lelouch and responded, "How dare you act so irresponsibly. I'm going to remove you from the wedding."

Empress Marianne's personal guard, Jeremiah Gottwald, walked by and said, "You'll do no such thing."

Bismarck stared at him and replied, "You don't call the shots around here, Jeremiah. Lelouch is being a nuisance, as usual. He must be taken out of the wedding, so he doesn't ruin it."

Jeremiah responded, "Hold on there. Empress Marianne instructed me to watch over Lelouch and to always help him. She would certainly want Lelouch to be at the wedding."

Bismarck replied, "That's a nice thought and all, but Emperor Charles instructed me to keep Lelouch out of trouble."

Jeremiah responded, "Don't worry about that. I'll keep an eye on him."

Bismarck reluctantly said, "Very well then." He stared at Lelouch and said, "You're going to have to grow up."

Lelouch casually replied, "I might do that."

Jeremiah grabbed an orange out of his jacket and asked, "Are you hungry, Lelouch?"

Lelouch answered, "I'm okay, orange boy."

Jeremiah replied, "I've told you not to call me that."

Lelouch patted Jeremiah's shoulder and responded, "I used to call you that, as a cheap insult. However, I now use it as a sign of respect. Orange is the name of your loyalty."

Jeremiah thought about it and said, "I like the sound of that."

Lelouch asked, "Can you believe how difficult Bismarck was being?"

Jeremiah answered, "His loyalty to the Emperor is admirable, but his grumpiness isn't."

Lelouch responded, "Exactly, I agree with that. Why does everybody have to be so stiff and bland, instead of being fun and cool, like us?"

Jeremiah replied, "I don't know. Most royal people are lame."

Lelouch had boastful look on his face, while saying, "I'm a major exception."

Jeremiah replied, "None of your brothers can compare to you." Jeremiah showed favoritism to Lelouch, because he was the only one of Charles' sons that Marianne gave birth to.

Lelouch sat down, while saying, "I hope this wedding isn't too long. This is the third wedding I've had to go, this year. I barely remember the others."

Jeremiah said, "Well, Princess Cornelia and Guilford got married in January. Prince Schneizel and Kannon got married in May."

Lelouch sighed and replied, "I'm glad that Clovis is the only remaining sibling. That means I won't have to go to any more weddings."

Jeremiah responded, "You'll have to go to your own wedding, eventually."

Lelouch replied, "I don't even have a girlfriend, so I won't have to worry about that."

A few minutes later, the wedding started. Clovis and his bride got onstage. Diethard Ried was the minister and General Bartley was the best man. During the wedding, Lelouch was having a hard time paying attention, but something else got his interest: A young lady, wearing a white dress, was stealing the pizza, from the wedding-food table. Lelouch looked around and saw that Bismarck and Jeremiah hadn't noticed the thief. Lelouch whispered to Jeremiah, "I'm going to go to the restroom." As usual, Lelouch was fibbing.

Lelouch started following the thief. She had left the wedding area and was hiding behind a tree. He got behind the tree too and said, "Greetings."

The thief, named C. C., was surprised and upset about getting caught. She sighed and said, "You're one of the princes, aren't you?"

Lelouch answered, "More or less."

C. C. kept her head down, while saying, "You'll probably whine to security about this and I'll get punished and locked-up."

Lelouch sat next to her and replied, "Nah, I have no desire to get you in trouble. However, I do have to ask what you're doing here."

C. C. responded, "Ever since I broke up with my cruel boyfriend, Mao, I've been leading a directionless life."

Lelouch replied, "I can relate to that."

C. C. replied, "However, my stomach has a clear direction and goal in life: It grumbles loudly, until I wakeup and have a real meal. It's like an alarm clock."

Lelouch responded, "I see. Can you excuse me?"

C. C. nervously replied, "You're going to get security, aren't you?"

Lelouch calmly responded, "No, just relax."

C. C. nervously bit her tongue and said, "Fine." Lelouch walked away. C. C. wanted to trust Lelouch, but she was paranoid. She feared that Lelouch was going to tell his parents, about what was going on.

A few minutes later, Lelouch returned. C. C. looked at him and was relieved he didn't bring security. Lelouch was carrying a big bottle of soda and a few slices of the wedding cake. Lelouch said, "Since you needed a real meal, I figured you needed a drink and dessert."

C. C. was pleasantly surprised by Lelouch's kindness. She was used to having to beg for favors, but Lelouch was volunteering to help her. She said, "Thank you."

Lelouch replied, "You're welcome. As weird as this sounds, I'm glad you robbed my brother's table. That wedding was boring. I don't want to go back there and watch that boring crap."

C. C. smiled and responded, "I know this isn't a very tempting offer, but you could stay behind this tree and have lunch with me."

Lelouch replied, "To be honest, I couldn't think of a better offer." He and C. C. started eating lunch together.

C. C. said, "My name's C. C."

Lelouch asked, "Does that stand for Captivating Comcast?"

C. C. replied, "No, I'd rather not share that secret."

Lelouch responded, "My name's Lelouch Vi Britannia, but my friends call me Lelouch Lamperouge."

C. C. asked, "Why would they call you that?"

Lelouch answered, "It's a name I made up, so I could be the bad-boy of my family."

C. C. replied, "Okay then, Lelouch Lamperouge."

Lelouch asked, "Where do you live?"

C. C. answered, "In a small apartment. It's nothing special and I can barely afford it."

Lelouch replied, "I'm sorry that you have to deal with that."

C. C. responded, "I would say it's okay, but my life hardly counts as okay. My life's a struggle and I'm a pain to others."

Lelouch tried to make C. C. feel better by saying, "You're not a pain to me."

C. C. asked, "What am I, if I'm not a pain?"

Lelouch tried to word himself carefully, considering his bad phrasing of words was infamous. He said, "You're a charming, cool surprise. My day would of been unremarkable, if you hadn't come along."

C. C. lifted her head up and asked, "Do you really think that or are you joking around?"

Lelouch said, "I'm not known for being serious, but this time, I'm being sincere."

C. C. took a look at Lelouch's outfit and was amused that she was more fancily dressed than him. She asked, "How come you're wearing such casual clothes?"

Lelouch answered, "I don't feel the need to dress fancy, so I dress however I want. How did you afford that nice dress?"

C. C. sighed and said, "Mao bought it for me. It brings back bad memories, but it's the best outfit I've had, so I often wear it."

Lelouch replied, "I see." Lelouch and C. C. finished eating their pizza and started having pieces of the wedding cake.

Meanwhile, Clovis' and his new wife finished saying their wedding rows. Clovis walked up to his parents and siblings and noticed that Lelouch wasn't present. He asked, "Where did Lelouch go to? I haven't seen him, since the wedding started?"

Jeremiah tried to standup for Lelouch, by saying, "He just went to the restroom, so don't worry, Prince Clovis."

Clovis asked, "How long ago, did Lelouch go to the restroom?"

Jeremiah sighed and said, "An hour ago."

Emperor Charles angrily said, "That immature son is completely lacking in responsibility. He skipped one of the royal weddings. When I find him, I'll punch him."

Clovis replied, "That might be too extreme, father."

Schneizel and Cornelia, at the same time, said, "No it's not."

Cornelia smirked and said, "Jinx, buy me a soda." Schneizel sighed and started heading to the vending machine.

The tree, that Lelouch and C. C. were hiding behind, wasn't too faraway from the wedding area. Empress Marianne looked around and saw Lelouch's legs. She faced the others and said, "I think I know where Lelouch is. I'll bring him back, in a non-violent way." Cornelia and Schneizel looked disappointed, about their brother not getting the violent punishment they thought he deserved.

Marianne walked behind the tree and saw Lelouch and C. C., who were having a pleasant chat. She said, "Greetings, son."

Lelouch nervously asked, "Mom, what are you doing here?"

Marianne said, "You're the one who snuck away from the wedding and took part of the wedding cake, before it was time to cut the cake."

Lelouch nervously chuckled and replied, "I'm sorry about that."

C. C. had been very thankful, for Lelouch helping her, and she didn't want him to get punished, so she faced Marianne and said, "I deserve the blame. I'm a starving, poor lady, so your generous son gave me the best meal I've ever had."

Lelouch replied, "C. C., don't blame yourself. I'm the one, who snuck away from my brother's wedding."

Marianne could tell that Lelouch cared about C. C. and that he was being a gentleman, for once. She said, "I'll excuse your behavior, because you were helping out this nice lady. However, Clovis wants to see you, so it's time to say goodbye to your new, um, person in your life."

Lelouch looked back at C. C. and said, "I'm sorry I have to go."

C. C. replied, "You have nothing to be sorry for. Thank you for showing me a good time. I'm not used to having those."

Lelouch said, "Then let's hangout again. I can promise you more good times, maybe even some smiles."

C. C. smiled and replied, "Sounds wonderful." She gave him a hug, before he walked away.

Lelouch returned to the wedding event, even though he'd rather be with C. C. Clovis smiled and said, "Lelouch, it's good to finally have you here."

Lelouch replied, "Congrats on the wedding, bro."

Charles grumpily looked at Lelouch and said, "You're such a irresponsible, wasteful punk."

Lelouch had gotten tired of his father's insults, so he said, "So what?"

Charles said, "You shouldn't of even been invited to this wedding. Bismarck, take this brat and put him back in his room."

Bismarck replied, "No problem, your majesty." He picked up Lelouch and started carrying him back to the kingdom.

A few minutes later, Marianne went into Lelouch's room and asked, "Are you okay?"

Lelouch answered, "I'm not thinking about me being okay. My concern is about C. C."

Marianne replied, "You seem to have a lot of sentimentality, for this random stranger."

Lelouch paced around the room, while saying, "C. C.'s more than a stranger and I'm the strange one, not her. I caught her taking pizza from the wedding, which caught my interest. She's not a petty thief. She's a sweet, fun lady and I don't want her to suffer anymore."

Marianne was starting to pick up on what was going on, so she said, "Aww, you've gotten a crush on her, haven't you?"

Lelouch nervously replied, "Mom, why would you think such a thing?!"

Marianne responded, "I've never seen you be so eager, to help someone. Whether or not your feelings for C. C. are romantic, you can't deny that you have feelings for her, can you?"

Lelouch replied, "You're right. I'm going to go do some shopping."

Marianne stuck her hand in front of Lelouch and asked, "Where do you think you're going, Lelouch?"

Lelouch answered, "I have to get something, for someone important."

Marianne knew that Lelouch was going to go shopping for C. C., so she said, "Very well then. I won't tell Father or your siblings about this."

Lelouch smiled and replied, "Thank you."

Lelouch walked out of his room. While running around the hallways, Jeremiah walked up to him and asked, "What are you up to, Lelouch?" Jeremiah was the only staff member that Lelouch trusted, so he told him his plan.

Lelouch asked, "Do you think I'm doing the wrong thing?"

Jeremiah said, "No I don't. It sounds like this C. C. woman is a good friend of yours."

Lelouch replied, "I just met her today, but I already care about her and want to help her."

Jeremiah responded, "Then you should go ahead."

Lelouch said, "If Father or Bismarck find out, I'll be in so much trouble."

Jeremiah replied, "If they do find out, I'll make sure they won't stop you."

Lelouch patted Jeremiah on the back and responded, "Thank you, orange-boy. You're the best." Lelouch walked out of the castle. Although he liked the life of royalty, it was nothing compared to C. C., the most valuable person in his heart.