Disclaimer: I own nothing except my imagination.

A/N: I want to thank everyone who left a review on the previous chapter, it means the world to me. We finally meet Dylan, enjoy.

Fifteen minutes. That's how long it took to bring Dylan Robert Ruzek into the world. Kim and Dylan were being wheeled into Med, Adam hot on their heels with Allie clinging to his neck. Adam's heart was still pumping hard with the adrenaline from the whirlwind of his son's birth.

"Daddy, are mommy and Dylan okay?"

"Yeah, they just need to be checked out Allie pie." She had been a champ through it all and now they were waiting for the rest of their family to arrive. Kim was wheeled up to the maternity floor and they had to wait before they could go in. When they were finally allowed to see them, Allison had fallen asleep against her father so Adam put her gently in the plush couch in the room and pulled a chair against Kim's bed. "How are you feeling darling?" He pushed a strand of hair against her forehead.

"I'm okay, how's Allie doing? Did I scare her?"

"She's okay Kim. My girls did great tonight."

"You weren't so bad yourself daddy." She beamed. Her eyes were fluttering closed and he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Get some sleep darling." He kissed her lips softly as she drifted off to sleep. He watched her sleep a few minutes before he got up and went to see his sleeping son. He looked peaceful with his little fists balled close to his head. "You scared the shit out of me little man." He ran his thumb against the bottom of his foot.

"Adam babe, I'm just going to go soak in the bath" She called from their en-suite. It was late and Allie was down for the count and she was feeling stiff in her lower back.

"Everything okay?" He poked his head in the bathroom.

"Yeah, I'm good." She smiled at him as the tub filled with warm bubbles.

"You call me if you need anything. I got to grab something at the district and I'll be back, Allie is all tucked in."

"Okay. Be careful." He pulled her to him and they shared a kiss.

"It's just a quick in and out." He assured her.

"I know but still, we never know."

"I'll be careful on the drive in and back." He promised. She wasn't the kind of mom-to-be that was nervous like that because Adam had been working till the very last minutes when she was pregnant with Allison but close to the end, with Allie still being young, it added an extra stress on her shoulders. "Now come on, slip that hot mom body of yours in that tub and keep you and Dylan warm until I come back." He kissed her one more time. "I love you."

"We love you too." She smirked and pulled away, slipping her sore body in the tub as Adam left. She was happy to be surrounded by some heat, hoping it would alleviate the back pain she was feeling. She had a couple of weeks to go before her due date but she also knew that anything could happen at this point. The pain in her back had been present for a few days now but she neither had Braxton hicks or contractions so she figured that it was only a matter of stiff joints and her inability to sleep a good comfortable night in any position. She leaned her head back against to towel she had placed there and closed her eyes. "We are so lucky." She started talking to her bump. "Daddy loves us more than anything in the world and Allie is going to be the very best big sister you'll ever want." Allison had taken to talking to her baby brother every night and kissing Kim's tummy good night just to, in her words, made sure he knew how much she loved him. Kim felt her tummy wave under her fingers like it usually did at night when she talked to him and it was always something she enjoyed doing.

About twenty minutes later, she got a sharp pain shoot from her lower back to her abdomen with a swift kick from Dylan. She breathed hard through the pain but the next pain that shot through her body made her scream out, waking up Allie who came in, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Are you okay mommy?"

"I think so."

"I looked for daddy and I didn't see him."

"He had to go to work but he should be back in a little bit." Kim rubbed her lower back to try to ease the pain she was feeling. "Go back to sleep sweetie."

"Is it okay if I sleep in your bed until daddy comes back?"

"Sure sweetie." Kim smiled through the pain she was feeling. The last thing she wanted was to scare Allie. Allie went into her parents' bed and Kim returned to the water that was slowly cooling down already. She opened the tap just to have a little extra water running to warm the tub as her pain went down considerably. She took a few deep breaths and rubbed her belly. "So much for taking the edge off baby boy. Five more minutes in here and it's going to be bed for us." If the bath didn't help, she was sure as hell hoping that sleeping would distract her for a little bit.

Kim toweled herself down a little bit over five minutes later, the pain still bothersome. They were coming and going at an uneven rate so she kept track of them more or less, figuring it was Braxton hicks starting. Her water still hadn't broke so she wasn't all that worried about that for now.

"Mommy?" Kim noticed that Allie hadn't fallen back to sleep like she originally thought. "Does it hurt a lot?"

"Just a little bit." She lied, taking a seat on the side of the bed.

"Daddy says that you lie."

"Does he now?" She couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her lips.

"He says that you won't say so if you're hurting somewhere so he doesn't worry."

"Because daddy is a worry wart." She smiled at Allie but a very sharp pain ripped through her abdomen and this one she wouldn't ignore it. "Can you do mommy a favour?" She asked calmly, not wanting to spook her daughter. Allie sat in bed and nodded. "Can you take my phone and call daddy for me? Allie did as she was told. She unlocked Kim's phone and found Adam's number and called, placing it to her ear.

Allie, baby. You're supposed to be sleeping. Why are you calling from your mom's phone? Kim could hear Adam's voice faintly over the line. "Mommy's tummy is hurting her and I think that maybe she's having my baby brother." Are you sure? Where is your mom? "She's sitting on the bed next to me and she's hurting. What do I do?" Put me on speaker. Allie looked on the button and Adam's voice came out loud and clear for Kim to hear.

"Kim, darling, talk to me."

"I don't know Adam. The pain comes and goes but the timing isn't regular and my water haven't broken yet. It just hurts."

"Okay. I need you to take some deep breaths for me." He waited to make sure that her breathing matched his. "That's right darling, keep going. I am ten minutes out so I'm going to stay on the phone with you until I get back okay?"


"Miss Allie pie?"

"Yes daddy?"

"I want you to take mommy's hand and rub slow circles on it until I come home. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes daddy." She scooted closer to Kim and took her free hand in hers and kissed it before rubbing small circles like her father instructed her.

"That's my girl." Kim could feel his proud smile through the phone. "I love you both."

"We love you too daddy."

"Kim, any change?"

"No, still hurts."

"I'm almost there." Adam sped through the city with his lights on. He was a nervous wreck but he couldn't let Kim and especially not Allison see that. He needed to be strong for the two of them.

Adam barely put his car in park before he was out of it and climbing the stairs to his house. He made it to his room as he ended the call, kneeling in front of Kim.

"You're going to be okay, the two of you."

"I don't know what's going on."

"I've got you. Do you think you can walk so I can drive you to the hospital?"

"I think so." Adam helped her to her feet but she felt an extra pressure on her lower abdomen, forcing her back down on the bed. "No, I can't."

"It's okay." Adam took his phone and dialled 911. "This is Detective Adam Ruzek, badge number 59054 I need an ambulance at 526 N Odell Avenue. I think my wife is in labor."

"Adam." Kim cried. The pain is getting more consistent "The pain comes every two minutes or so."

"My wife says the pain is every two minutes or so but she says her water hasn't broken." Adam listened to the instructions he was being given and he scooped Kim and placed her comfortably on the bed. "Allie pie? Can you run to the bathroom and bring some towels?" She nodded and ran in the direction of the bathroom. "Kim, darling, they want me to look what's going on because ambo's a little bit far out." She nodded through the pain. He lowered her underwear and with just one look he knew what was going on. "We're going to do this together." His insides were screaming with nerves.

"What do you mean do this together?" She was starting to panic on the outside as much as he was on the inside.

"The baby is coming and I don't think that we're going to have enough time to bring you to Med."

"Is something wrong?"

"I can see his head." He told the dispatcher. She gave him instructions and he relayed them to Kim. "I need you to push when you get a contraction because that's what you're having." Allie came back seconds later with towels and Adam draped one over her legs so shield their daughter from the view. "Allie sweetie, can you stay close on the chair over there?"

"What's wrong with mommy?"

"I'm going to help mommy have your little brother Dylan so I need you to be good." She nodded and found a spot on Kim's make-up dresser. "Alright darling, it's just you and me." He placed the phone on speaker on the side of the bed so both his hands could be free. He squeezed her leg and gave her his most honest smile. She pushed seconds later and after a few pushes, the head was out and the rest went by so fast that when the paramedics arrives minutes later, Dylan was crying against Kim's chest and Adam was sitting next to her, Allison now tucked into his side.

"I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to you." He spoke softly to his son. "Your mom's the brave one of the two of us and she was amazing. Oh and your sister did great too and I'm so proud of the three of you."

"We're proud of you too Adam."

"I was so damn scared." He walked to her and kissed her lips. "I think I just aged a few extra years."

"And you're still as handsome as ever." She teased him. He was about to answer her when there was a knock on the door.

"We heard over the radio that baby boy Ruzek was born." Kevin grinned at his two best friends.

"You heard right." Kim smiled at him. "And now Adam can deliver all of our future babies.

"That's a good idea if you want to kill me." They bantered together.

"The fam's all there and they can't wait to see our new little homie."

"Just let them all in." Kim said with a shrug as Dylan started crying. Adam picked him up and Kim handed him a bottle so he could feed him, Kim having come to the decision not to nurse him like she had with Allie. The team and their family came in small groups to be introduced to the youngest in the Ruzek clan and when everyone was gone, the little family of four spent some quality time together, Allison getting acquainted with her little brother under the loving eyes of her parents.

A/N: So Adam delivered his son and they are now a family of four. Hope you like it and please leave a review before you go, your thoughts mean the world to me - Sarra