A/N: This is a story that I've been fiddling around with for a long time, jotting down random little snippets of plot whenever they popped in my head, but without any real intention of actually writing it. Then about a month ago, inspiration struck hard, and I sat down and wrote nine chapters over the course of a weekend.

Now for some warnings:

This story takes place a few years after Allen and Kanda were on the run from the Order. Without getting into spoilers for the story, they have since returned and Kanda has taken a position as General. Lavi's alive, but Cross is not.

As for Neah, I'm still working out the details of how he fits into this story, but the short version is that Allen is the only person inside his body.

I should also warn you that Allen's a Noah in this story, since I'm sure some of you aren't going to like that; he's not on the Earl's side, he's just a Noah (again, I'm still working on the details).

While it's a Yullen mpreg, which is nothing new from me, it's a little different from my other stories, and this first chapter is definitely out there.

There will be lemons, but you should know that the lemon in this first chapter is definitely non-con, for both parties involved...


It started out as a routine everyday mission. The town had an abnormally high concentration of akuma in the surrounding forest, and they were there to exterminate the akuma. In fact, it was more mundane than 'routine', as even though there were a whole lot of akuma, they were all low level, so sending two critical breakers to take care of them was probably overkill. This was a mission that Allen and Kanda could have handled separately and in their sleep.

Which is why neither young man noticed the level three approaching. They had grown complacent with the easy mission and forgot to keep an eye out for surprises.

Allen finally noticed it with his curse as he took out the last of the level ones, but before he could alert his mission partner or turn to face it, it hit him square in the back with its special attack and he fell to the ground, landing in an ungraceful heap.

Kanda heard the Moyashi cry out and turned just in time to see Allen get hit and collapse. Knowing just how dangerous high level akuma's special abilities could be, he made sure to keep an eye on the unconscious boy as he fought with the level three. And if asked, he would adamantly stick to that story. He was only watching the Moyashi out of curiosity towards the akuma's attack, not out of worry for the boy. Kanda Yuu was not developing feelings for that brat.

Compared to the level ones they'd just wiped out, the level three felt difficult, but it was no harder than any other level three. If Kanda had been giving it his full attention, the fight would have been over and done with easily enough. But he was distracted by the Moyashi, so the fight took longer than it should have. Not that he would ever admit that Allen was a distraction.

When the boy began to stir, it was clear that there was something mentally wrong with him. The wobbly way he moved and the blank way he observed his surroundings made it obvious to Kanda that the Moyashi was not in his right mind. If the kid were thinking clearly, he would have launched himself directly into the fight, no matter how crappy he was feeling. Instead, he was standing on shaky legs, looking like he had no clue where he was.

Turning his focus back to the level three, Kanda deflected a blow and returned it with one of his one. The Moyashi hadn't been physically harmed by the attack, but he was clearly under its influence, and the best way to free him from its grasp was to kill the akuma; he'd be a little worse for wear for the next few days, but killing the akuma would free the boy from the effects of the attack. And it was important that Kanda do it quickly. As he was now, the Moyashi was a sitting duck.

One lone level three really wasn't all that hard for a General, and now that Kanda wasn't quite so distracted, he quickly finished it off. But not before getting hit with its special attack.

It was only a glancing blow, he had managed to dodge the worst of it, and the akuma was defeated, so he wasn't particularly worried about it. The fever that came after being freed from an akuma's ability was something that his accelerated healing could fight off without any trouble at all.

Making his way over to where the Moyashi was still standing in a daze, Kanda's sense of relief faded to apprehension. One look at the Moyashi's glazed over silver eyes told him that it hadn't worked. Allen was still under the effects of the akuma's attack. They hadn't worn off when the akuma was defeated.

The thought was only confirmed by the way his own body began to feel. The heat that had begun to build up inside of him was definitely not normal. He was falling under the effects as well.

Kanda wondered what the akuma's attack did to them, but his question was answered not a moment later, when Allen finally noticed his presence.

The white haired young man closed the distance between them quickly, and to Kanda's absolute horror, he wrapped his arms around the older boy's shoulders. Kanda tried to shove him off, but the Moyashi wouldn't budge. Instead, Allen moved his head and placed his lips against Kanda's, silencing the swear words he was spewing with a fierce kiss.

Trying and failing to fight against the kiss, and the feelings of arousal building up inside of him, Kanda finally put together what was happening. They'd been hit with an incredibly powerful aphrodisiac.

With that realization, Kanda tried once more to pull away from Allen, but the Moyashi held on tight, using the moment to shove his tongue into Kanda's mouth and deepen their kiss. And since he would never admit that he liked making out with Allen, Kanda blamed his enjoyment of the kiss on their current situation.

But as the aphrodisiac worked into Kanda's system, loosening him up enough to enjoy the kiss, it already had a greater hold on Allen. Kissing was not enough for the young man, not when there was a strong, warm body that he could be closer to. He pulled the samurai even closer to him and began to grind against him, searching for relief from the nearly unbearable heat that had overtaken his mind. It didn't matter that Kanda was someone he hated with a passion; to Allen's hazed over mind, it only mattered that there was a person here that he could have sex with.

Feeling Allen press his erection against his hip shocked Kanda out of his daze, but only briefly. He was stunned by the forwardness of the action, but as the younger boy repeated it, grinding into him more and more forcefully, the haze of arousal began to build up once more. He needed to think fast if he wanted to get out of this situation.

But the more he thought, the more he realized just how hopeless their situation was. They were in the middle of nowhere and the finder was dead, so they would have a horrible time finding their way back to civilization in their condition, as no one was going to randomly wander by and save them. Plus, with the Moyashi completely out of it and practically begging for sex, getting Allen out of there was going to be next to impossible. There was no escaping until the spell they were under had worn off, and based off how he was feeling, and the fervor with which Allen was attacking him, letting the aphrodisiac run its course meant having sex with the Moyashi.

With nothing to lose and being incredibly unwilling to have sex with Allen, as that would mean admitting that he actually wanted to have sex with Allen, Kanda decided to give the Moyashi a hand job, hoping that experiencing an orgasm would make the effects pass and return the boy to his senses. If it worked, he could then sneak away from the Moyashi to take care of his own growing problem. It was the only way out of this that he could see.

'Gentle' was not in Kanda's nature, but he was confident that he'd been on the receiving end of Teidoll's gentle side enough times to convincingly mimic it. It would probably be embarrassing, but it was only for a few minutes, and the Moyashi looked so out of it that it was highly likely that he wouldn't remember a single thing from this whole ordeal. He just had to remember that the embarrassment would be much less emotionally painful than the alternative.

Taking hold of the younger man's shoulders, Kanda broke their kiss and braced himself for the horrifyingly embarrassing words he was about to say. He leaned in closer, brushing his cheek against fever-warm skin and doing his best to not gag at the thought of touching Allen so intimately. After a deep breath to steady his nerves, Kanda began to whisper in the Moyashi's ear. "Shh. Just relax, Moyashi. It's all going to be ok. You just need to calm down, and I'll do my best to help you through this."

The words felt awkward on his tongue at first, but he was surprised to find that the soothing nonsense actually began to come naturally to him. It felt right to be talking to the younger like that. And because that could not possibly be because he wanted to be with the Moyashi, the ease with which he spoke such drivel had to be from the last decade of putting up with Teidoll.

Kanda wanted to scream out his frustration, but the nonsense was actually working. The Moyashi was calming down. The hips that had been grinding so frenziedly against him slowly stilled, and though the boy's keening moans gave away just how badly he was affected by the akuma's attack, he was no longer trying to force himself on Kanda.

Knowing that the boy's stillness wasn't going to last for long, Kanda let his hands drift down to the boy's bony hips while continuing to whisper the soothing nonsense in the Moyashi's ear. He paused there for a moment, enjoying the feeling of the still moment, before his brain snapped back to reality and reminded him that he was only liking touching Allen because of the effects of the aphrodisiac. Resuming his mission, Kanda moved his fingers to the button of the brat's pants, praying that his plan would work and bring the kid back to his senses. He nimbly popped the button open and swiftly slipped his hand down the front of Allen's boxers.

The Moyashi's erect shaft was easy to find, and Kanda quickly wrapped his fingers around it, doing his best to get this over with as soon as possible so that he wouldn't have to think about the fact that he was jerking off Allen Walker.

To his surprise and shame, the soothing words had stopped coming, and Kanda found himself leaving a hickey on the tender porcelain flesh of the Moyashi's neck. Mortified, he tried to fight against the haze of arousal that was continuing to wash over him and stop himself from continuing with the intimate motion, but he found that he couldn't. It felt like his lips were fused to the boy's throat.

Allen came with a choked groan, and in the sudden quiet that followed, Kanda released his hold on the boy and took a step back; he did not want to be touching the Moyashi when the kid returned to his senses.

However, to Kanda's utter dismay, the Moyashi only blinked a few times before his eyes glazed over once more and he resumed his needy moaning. The cock that had released just moments earlier was already fully erect again; and even as his mind continued to haze over, Kanda knew that the impossibility of that was because of whatever shit it was that the akuma had hit them with. This was not going to be as easy as he initially thought. Simply touching the boy was not going to be enough; he was going to have to try something different.

Giving up on thinking, as it was becoming increasingly harder to do, Kanda focused solely on relieving the Moyashi; he was losing himself to the growing warmth inside him, and their only hope of getting out of there anytime soon lay in his ability to snap the Moyashi back to reality.

Forcing himself not to think about what he was doing, Kanda fell to his knees and pulled down the Moyashi's pants to expose his cock. He was briefly deterred by the boy's size, but he pushed that thought aside and took Allen's shaft into his mouth. He was self-conscious of his lack of skill with oral sex and mortified by the fact that he was doing such a thing to that idiot Moyashi of all people, but short of bending the brat over and actually fucking him, this was the only option left to him. Degrading himself by taking what he regarded as a submissive position was his only hope of escaping this situation without having to have sex with Allen.

But as Allen came, releasing his load down Kanda's throat, Kanda lost his inner battle with the drug in his system. He needed sex and he needed it now.

The Moyashi was still out of it, completely lost in the powerful aphrodisiac, and it took no effort at all on Kanda's part to get the boy to pull off his pants and get down on his hands and knees. The samurai's pants were pulled down just enough to free his erect cock, and without a second thought, he shoved his needy shaft roughly into the boy's unprepared hole. If it hurt, Allen didn't even flinch. Both boys moaned in ecstasy and through the effects of the drug, began moving like longtime lovers rather than the inexperienced virgins that they both were.

Kanda's relief at achieving release was short lived, as the aphrodisiac seemed impossible to shake. Despite his best efforts to resist it, he couldn't fight back and lost himself completely to the arousing feelings. He roughly and needily moved Allen into a new position and began to pound into the boy once more.

By the time the drug wore off and Kanda had returned to his senses, he had lost track of how many times he'd released in the Moyashi's ass. He knew it was more than twenty, and the setting sun told him that they'd been at it for several hours, but beyond that, the afternoon was a nausea-inducing fog of sexual ecstasy and self-loathing.

The Moyashi had finally passed out, and it mortified Kanda to think that the last couple rounds might have happened while the brat was unconscious. However, he had more pressing concerns. The growing darkness urged him to get to his feet and get back to the safety of the nearby town, but Kanda couldn't move from where he lay beside the Moyashi. Even if he could have moved, there was no way he'd have been able to get Allen back with him in his exhausted state; the boy's naked body was covered in drying semen and the fluid dripping from his obviously abused hole was tinged red with blood. Too exhausted to feel guilty or embarrassed, Kanda allowed himself to black out; it was dangerous to be out in the woods unprotected like that, but there was clearly nothing he could do about that. Sleeping was truly his only available course of action.