Prompt "My mind is a dark place. You don't want to be there" and "I just want to be numb, I don't want to feel anything"

This doesn't end happily, I'm not feeling good enough to give them a happy ending today.
Short and unedited.

"I just want to be numb," he whispered,

Chuuya's heart cracking along with his ex-partner's voice,

"Please...I don't want to feel anything, not anymore."

From his position behind the brunet Chuuya couldn't see his face, but clearly saw the silver droplets falling to the floor. Heart clenching, the small ginger didn't know how to react. His flamboyant, stupid, strong partner was begging for the pain to stop.

"Dazai" he trailed off slowly, uncertain.

Squaring his slender shoulders, Chuuya stepped forward to...beat some sense into him? Hug him? He didn't know but just knew he had to do somethi-

"Get away!" Dazai near-wailed.

Chuuya stepped back in shock, he had never heard such a sound from the cocky and insufferable man.

"Let me in Dazai, let me help you." pleaded the ginger, unable to see his partner like this.

A low chuckle slowly became hysterical laughter, "My mind is a dark place Chuu~ya."

"You don't want to be stuck in here with me."

Thanks for reading.