I don't know who is reading this, but I hope someone likes it.

Chapter Eight:

"You're sure we'll find her?" Graham asked as they entered the TARDIS.

"I can feel her in the key," Yaz said. "I also just know in my heart she isn't dead."

"She can't be dead!" Ryan cried. "She just can't!"

"Easy Ryan," Graham said patting him on the shoulder. "We'll find her."

He gave Yaz a worried look.

She pulled a lever she had seen the Doctor pull many times before. The TARDIS went into motion. No one knew where it was going, no one really cared so long as it led to the Doctor.

After what felt like an eternity but probably only five minutes, the TARDIS stopped. Yaz exited first and found they were on another asteroid. The stars were in motion though and swirled across the sky.

"What is this place?" Graham asked softly.

"Doctor!" Ryan yelled. "DOCTOR!"

They cautiously walked around the rock. Yaz saw it first: A shimmering figure on the ground.

She held out a hand to Ryan and Graham.

"Wait here."

Yaz cautiously approached the figure. A blur of faces molted across it. Yaz could tell she was dying, but part of her was still fighting. Still fighting to exist.

"This works in the fairy tales," she said. "Let's see if it works in space."

She kneeled down and held the warm glowing figure in her arms. Yas softly kissed the ever-moving face on where the lips were.

It was pure ecstasy. Euphoria. Joy like nothing she'd experienced before. It was like the best possible orgasm she had ever imagined and better. Yaz felt infinite.

When it ended, she opened her eyes and realized she was holding the Doctor as she knew her. She was smiling at her.

"True love's kiss," the Doctor said with a smile. "Remind me to take you to meet the Brothers Grimm. They're a pair of characters."

"Doctor!" Ryan shouted.

"Come here boy," she said with a broad smile.

"How?" Graham asked as he hugged her with Ryan.

"The Beluan and I were at a stalemate. We effectively offed each other except for the essence that I store in the form of love. Only one of the people I have intimate feelings for can awaken and restore me to my original form."

"Does this happen every time you die?" Yaz asked.

"Only when I die on the mental plane," she said. "It is really complicated, but simply put: Yaz your kiss restored me to who I am because love is one of the most powerful forces in the universe."

"So, what now?" Ryan asked.

"I am going to check in regularly with a mental health counselor," the Doctor said. "Just because the mite is gone doesn't mean the thoughts aren't there. But we're still going to go on crazy adventures and depend on each other for support. Got it?"

"Excellent," Yaz said.

"How about that planet for sports?" Graham said. "I have been meaning to check on how Arsenal is doing."

"You're an Arsenal fan?" she asked shocked. "I should abandon you here!"

Ryan laughed.

"I didn't know you knew much about earth sports."

"I'll show you what I know. To Emirate stadium we go!"

The Doctor and Yaz held hands as they entered the TARDIS


Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this odd little story. It was an experiment in seeing how far I could take a story like this. Please consider dropping a review. Thanks again!