
The silent expanse of space is abruptly disturbed by a rip in the black void.. An alien vessel in a flash flies through a wormhole that it seemingly created. Its engines quiet letting out a whined whir as their life finally dissipates.. Aboard the vessel an angered yautja slams down on the pilot console, he did not want to stop clearly and now the ship is at the mercy of a planet's gravitational pull and its speed is increasing. His armour is scratched with signs of battle. He does what he can to control the ship so it doesn't at least tear itself apart, he takes several weapons from the weapon wall, his trusty sword, and twin casters along with a smart disc.. And then continues to steer the ship as it glides into the planet's atmosphere.. The vessel is still cloaked so he is not made.. The ships high visibility vision mode illuminating the lay of the land as it is night time.. He levels the ship and enters an escape pod with several growled clicks.. A warning flashes up before he even slams on the rune that he is well below the minimum safe distance to launch the pod.. He doesn't care.. With a roar he punches the button and he is shot out of the silent ship with a loud pooom! He isn't wearing his mask as it is slotted on his right back slot. He sees the runes of the blue display blur upwards. When he feels an incredible pain in his legs.. Then sudden darkness.. As his pod smashes into the ground without having much time to slow its descent..

The Predator: A Bad Star.

Act 1.0. Alien intentions..

Chapter One: Unexpected Arrival..

The Berkleys..

"Moooom i can't find it!" a whiny voice makes its way to my ears, i swear that kid is a test of my will and patience. I put a finger and thumb to my eyes and squeeze.. "Hun it will be around somewhere come and get your breakfast! It's getting cold Kaylum! Ellida.. What has he lost this time?" Ellidas deep hazel eyes sweep mine and she shrugs like she doesn't really care, she leans a hand on her jaw and proceeds to swirl her oatmeal around the bowl before swirling a dollop of honey over the top. Her fair brown hair is tied up wit a blue pinny and she is wearing a gradient blue grey blouse along with matching skirt and blue slip on shoes. With an impatient huff i swipe my auburn fringe away from my baby blue eyes and frown. "Kaylum.." I don't finish what was loaded in my mouth and head as i see him run in with his missing item.. He smiles at me.. When Ellida also smiles..

"Happy birthday momsy!" He says holding a holographic card and some rare flowers they must have picked the other day.. His baby blue eyes creased as he lets out a toothy smile and a laugh that sounded more like a gargle..

"Why thank you both so much! I'll place these right here.." I say putting them on the dining rooms middle white island. In full view of the kids.. Kaylum hugs my legs and scrambles up onto his chair.

"Kuds Elli how much honey?! Got a bee farm going on?!"

"I'll need it chasing you all day you little twig.."

"I am no twig! Imma Zortas! Ffwuuh!"

I let out a snorted laugh with a hand to my eyes as i sit beside them both.. After they finish pigging out on oats they make their way out, i wave them both off as they enter the transport to school and i finally have some 'me' time and clean the house up, it's a very homely house, four bedrooms two bathrooms.. I decorated recently, the living room which is open plan right the way to the kitchen is of a deep cobalt and cream theme, there is a three piece suite that are purple but have deep red covers over each one. A TV several cabinets that follow the cobalt colour, there is a slight gap looking like a door.. Which holds my collection of firearms.. I was once part of the police force, before i had Ellida.. At 35, The law is very centric around people protecting their homes and family yet all firearms user's must keep their licenses at all times. On their person. Life on Aurora is by no means hard, but it isn't easy either. The law is global meaning no matter which continent or country it stays the same.. It is run by one government, one military force.. The United Systems Military, it is where i met my late husband Garrett.. He, had an illness.. A fatal virus. It is heavily contained at the moment but when it spread back in 2288, my husband was infected, i had no choice but to.. End his suffering.. It pains me to this day to remember those years.. I have brought my children up as a single parent ever since, law dictates that all parents to-be can only have two children. With Aurora being a small planet, population must be tightly knit. It's been the same since i can remember, but i was the only child to my parents, I'm 51 this year today. Kaylum is ten this year and Ellida is turning 16 this year. Though thanks to advances in medical humans can live up to 140.. 150 at a push. So I'm now classed as middle age. That's if the local wildlife doesn't snag you.. The wildlife here is.. How can i say it? Intelligent.. They are opportunistic.. Yeah sure there is several herbivores and omnivores but most are predators.. And very territorial, they are dangerous, but as long as you stay clear you are fine.. And there is clear signage telling you where to not go in certain wetlands, rainforest or woodland. Or mountains.. Or air space.. Yes air space.. This planet is home to.. Dragons.. Not fire breathing beautiful beasts.. No these things throw acid that can chew through the strongest metals in seconds.. So that doesn't bode well for muscle bone and flesh. We live in the eastern hemisphere so the weather is quite hot for 4 months, we don't get too much in wintery conditions which is nice but once it starts it's freezing... We live in Jymsveir West Cordis State. Up north there is Vordyne with the capital city Sussa. That is my most frequently visited city it is also where i work part time as a patrol officer. There are old old pictures of a place called Earth, back three hundred years it was a nice planet to live on, i heard tales of many conflicts. Many 'famous' wars happened on that planet.. It never struck me as something to be fond of remembering but hey..

I tidy up the house with some quite acoustics playing on my music system. Taking full advantage of the little sprogs at school. Though if i get one more holodisk telling me my son has continued to be the subject of bullying i will walk down and beat the little shits back into the first gradings.. I am very protective of my family. Comes with being not only a mother but an ex-policewoman. I'm no heavy fighter by any stretch I'm very athletic in build.. But I'm very fast.. I can and will hold my own, there is still that side that i tap into. I've killed creatures four times my size who were looking for a quick meal.. So I'm not easily scared of gore or ugly monsters. And believe me I've seen a lot in my short life so far!

Once i finish up tidying making the house look clean spic and span i decide to relax and enter the utility building, I've been working on a few projects namely a hunting rifle for my son when he's older, seeing as Ellida refuses for him to use hers..

I taught her to hunt small game as a hobby.. She loves the calmness of waiting for that perfect shot..

And no that's not what I'm working on right now.. I'm giving my flyer a once over.. It allows us to take to the skies. Think of a ship.. That's the best way i can describe it but it looks more like a shell at the moment I've only just got the diamond flat shape finished now it's the engines and internal systems..

As i get lost in my creation i hear a familiar sound.. "No.." i say to myself..

I hang my head round to see the time…

I was so lost in my work i completely lost track of time and i haven't prepared dinner.. "Krud.." i place my toolkit on the desk and leave the large building.

But i stop, i see Kaylum visibly shook up and i see Ellida walk up to me with twisted lips as if she has done something she shouldn't have. "Ellie? What's wrong darling?"

"Kaylum was having trouble so i stepped in, i punched the boy but i got into trouble instead."

I huff and nod.. "Alright let's go inside, come on.."

We both go inside and i go upstairs, i see Kaylums' door closed. I lightly knock and enter to see him laid on his bed still in his blue uniform, his back to me. I sit on the edge of his bed and put a hand on his hip and rub him gently.

"Do you want to talk about it sprog?"

"No.." He says shakingly.

"Ok.. But if you don't want to see the ship.." I say knowing full well he can't wait to see what I've been working on. The utility building is strictly, motherly strictly, off limits to the pair of them.

He slowly turns and my neutral face turns into an angered frown.

His left eye and cheek are black and blue.. "Who did this Kal?" I ask as positively calm as possible.

"The same person Elli punched back and got into trouble for.."

"Ok.. I'll give the school another call.. If this carries on.. We may have to look at another sch-"

"Nooo! If i leave the bullies win!"

"How far do you think they are willing to go to win Kaylum? Bullies will never win, they will always lose.."

"I don't want to leave mom.."

I nod, "That's fine but I'll be calling the school in the morning.."

I get up and kiss his cheek before leaving the door ajar.

It is the weekend but this is getting out of control.. And i want the issue resolved. I'm never one for violence but if i catch that little shits mother.. I'll glove her in the pit she calls a vagina for being such a shitty parent..

Later in the evening it is becoming dark by the time we eat but something catches Kaylums eye. And he runs to the window "Mom, Elli look a shooting star! We all see a slow moving white streak fly across extremely low we see something fall from the white streak.. A piece of the meteor maybe? We watch it as it moves towards us.. Then over the house..

Kaylums mouth gapes open. And Elli smiles.

As we go outside.. We wait to hear something.. Then minutes later…

A faint.. Boom.. It is so quiet here on the nights.. It is usually bustling with woots and clickers.. Maybe that meteor spooked them.. We go back inside and finish our meal.

Afterwards the kids both have a bath and get ready for bed. I tuck Kaylum in and gently stroke around his bruised eye and cheek, "Mom did you make a wish?"

"You tell me yours I'll tell you mine.."

"I want to meet an ALIEN! Not those things in the wild.. I mean.. An actual breathing talking ALIEN! As big as the house! What was yours?"

"I wished for you two to be happy always.." I tickle his chin and he laughs.

I peck his forehead and he reaches up and kisses my cheek.

"Night momma bear."

"Night little bear.."

I turn on the wall light and gently close his door. I knock on Ellidas door and enter. She is sat at her desk writing out something on her pad. She tries to hide it but i steady her hand. "What's that you are typing hun?"

She shrugs, "Just a story.."

"Oh? What about?"

"Monsters and a warrior alien coming to kill them all.."

"Sounds badass! Are you far in? Is the alien a good guy?"

"A she mom! Her name is.. The jewel of the west.. She flies around the galaxy looking for worthy targets and kills them for sport.."

"So she is a hunter.. Does she kick any bullies ass by chance?"

She smiles.. "Not yet but she might.."

"Well i will have to take a sneak peek one day.. What's the story called?"

"I haven't thought of one yet.. I'm having a hard time thinking of one.."

"Well spend some time on it and something will pop up.. I never thought of you as a writer hun.. Keep it up!"

I kiss the back of her head when she smiles she kisses me on the cheek and says "Night mom.."

"No more sneaky secrets!" I say with a smile as i close her door..

I change into my nightwear and tuck myself into bed making one mental note of my plans for tomorrow then slowly relax before drifting to the land of nod. We have lived here since day one, all homes are created with 100 recycled materials but you'd be fooled to think it was anything but, our staircase floats built into the wall with support in the middle of each step and the rooms are all spacious, the whole ground floor is open plan meaning little sprites can scoot their way around on rocket skates and the like.. But it is easy to maintain other than the back yard and utility building there is a pool to the right side of the house in a glasshouse. The backyard consists of an acre of greenland. But we only have the first few thousand metres or so, my tool shed and utility building the only thing brown and standing, the rest is either Kaylum's various motorised carts or hover boards and guns.. Not real guns.. Toy guns..

No doubt he will use my shed as a storage for them in the morning..

First things first.. Stop thinking and just.. Sleep..


A beeping.. Pain.. At least I'm alive. A warm shaking breath.. Moisture on my face.. As i move my leg i let out a pained bark..

It is dislocated.. I open my eyes to see leaves.. And feel teeth, biting.. I shoot my head up to see a four winged creature trying to take a bite out of my hide. I swipe for it and it screeches and barely escapes my talons.. Where am i? No.. Scratch that.. I have no memory.. Who am i? I feel a large gash across my head. I sit up to see i have been flung several metres from some kind of pod.. I see my left leg in a sorry state, and then the pain all at once hits me. A fire in my lungs, i see a tube jutting out of my chest.. With what appears to be the remains of the pod slats that i must have burst through.. With a growling i grab the tube as i rip it out i let out a monstrous roar.. A jet of bright green blood follows the tube as i throw it aside. My whole body tenses and my mandibles shoot open.. I reach round for my medicomp but it isn't on my person, "Pauk!"

I shakingly get to my feet and almost instantly fall on my good knee.. With a trilled warble i shuffle towards the pod.. I see my mask on the floor just off the chair.. I take it then put it on and my whole yautja silhouette is red apart from my head which is orange.. There is several warning runes that flash up indicating that i need to seek immediate medical attention.. I am suffering major internal bleeding and losing blood from my head and chest wound.. I search for my medicomp.. I find it but with the force i was thrown.. The medical kit is damaged and will not open.. I grab the box and with my wrist blade i try and pry it open to no avail.. In a fit of rage i throw it at the pod, i immediately pick up my weapons and find my sword half sheathed. I hear distant howls and snarls..

I hobble along and my head pounds.. My infrared vision barely making out sense of the strange terrain when color washes in. My hearing a constant ringing.. Who am i.. Why am i here? I look to the left as my thought is halted to see a set of fangs and muscled arms fly for me i hit the floor letting out a roar as whatever has hold of me bites into my unarmoured side, my wrist blades find their way into the creatures head and neck and decapitate it.. The creature looks to be of a bipedal reptilian.. Its grey and green scaled hulking mass flops to the floor with a hissed groan as its life ends as quickly as it's bite..

I let out a bark as i twist my new wounds trying to get up.. I can't carry on like this.. I move on when i see several large bird-creatures in the air.. They wail when my armour is hit by a substance..

There is a smell of burning i notice its of a weak acid.. I fire my casters at the creatures and I'm almost showered in green-black acrid blood.. I cautiously move on.. Every breath a fiery molten intake.. So hard to breath..

I see my illuminous green blood create a streaky trail as i move slowly.. There is a warning as another creature stalks towards me.. This thing is huge.. Biege and skin with red markings along its huge long arms.. It lets out a large wail it's tusks along its cheek line the claws on its huge arms the size of my forearm.. Spines along its back and arms.. I try to avoid the creature but it lumbers towards me with deceptive speed, it swipes at me sending me smashing into one of the twisting ill shaped trees. I let out a loud roar when it grabs me by the torso beginning to dig into my wounds.. I stab its forearm and it drops me.. I let out a louder roar as i land on my dislocated leg and aim my casters and fire one after the other. I crawl on my chest.. "Get… Up…" i growl to myself.. I use one of the trees to prop myself up, the night air is humid.. I begin to climb the trees slowly.. To get my bearings.. I reach the top when i see my ship several miles away.. But before that.. I see greenland and.. A house..

I climb down and my hud illuminates the house, surely the lifeforms here could help? Or maybe they are hostile like these creatures.. No matter.. If i don't get myself healed up soon i may collapse.. And my vitals are not improving.. That mixed with my confusion is making me more unpredictable.. And prone to make mistakes..

What seems like forever i make my way to the plains.. The house creeping ever closer.. I am hit by something.. A memory, I am in my ship.. Flying towards this planet.. I huff as i move on when i see a small building.. A metal brown building.. I slowly pull open the door and my huge frame barely fits in the tiny space.. Various tools are strewn on the desk and on the wall.. I see what appears to be an adhesive gun.. I take it.. And move on.. I see a larger building to the right.. I see a ship and several other tools within. I look towards the house.. My pheromone vision picks up three lifesigns all in separate rooms.. A rune flashes up.. Three humans.. They are asleep.. I enter the building.. The ship is large enough for me to fit in but i see a kit with a sign.. A white cross.. I open it up to find Primitive healing items.. And several bottles.. Antiseptic fluid..

I take off my armour and mask..

I take off my boot with my dislocated leg and let out a bark.. My talons screech along the metal desk i sit on the ships flat delta wings and apply the fluids to my head and body wounds earning a muffled growl.. I begin to use the pads to stop the bleeding then bandage over my chest i let out a roar as i wash the fluid over my head wound.. And drop the bottle.. "C'jit! Pauk!"


I am disturbed from sleep by what i can only describe as.. Animalistic growls.. The kids won't have heard it as their rooms are in the front of the house.. My window is also open. The humid nights usually keep me awake..

I definitely get up when i hear an almighty roar.. It shook my bones…

"The fuck was that?!" i whisper to myself. I put my gown on when i quietly power walk towards the stairs.. I make my way to my weapon stash and take out a pulse ejector.. A small white pistol that fires a non-lethal pulse knocking out anything even a kratu.. A huge towering reptilian biped.. More on those later..

I cock the weapon it it whines a high pitched 'diiiii' and i set it to full power..

I open the back door when i hear another roar.. And the sound of a glass bottle being dropped.. I shakingly aim the weapon and see the utility buildings doors wide open. As i enter.. I see.. Something.. It turns to me but before anything else can happen.. I pull the trigger.. With wide eyes and a shudder.. With a loud paadoooo! The pulse hits the huge creature and it groans falling back smashing off the desk and falling on its back.. I shake. "What.. The.." I inch closer and turn on the light.. "Fuck…" i finish.. As i see what appears to be a huge.. Muscular.. Creature unlike anything I've ever seen.. Its barely breathing.. Its.. Mandibles ever so slightly subtly moving.. He or it left a bright green blood splat on the desk..

"Mom? What have you shot?" my mind races as he approaches the utility building i rush out "Don't come close Sprog! I shot something very dangerous! Go back inside the house sweets.. Please!" he rubs his eyes.. "Ok.. Mom.." he walks back in and closes the door..

I slowly close the utility doors and examine what the fuck i just shot..

I notice it has some kind of mask on the right wing of my ship along with its chest piece and a huge boot.. Must be its armour.. I see the first aid kit open and his blood all over the floor..

"Shit i think he was trying to do first aid.. And i just.. Shot him.." i say to myself quietly.. I look him over very very carefully.. He has a large nasty gash on his head that extends from his left eye to the base of his ridged forehead.. His chest is bandaged up. With clotting pads to help stop the bleeding.. He is also sporting a broken leg.. It's not at the same angle his right leg is at.. I rub my face in a conflicted manner.. I shot him..

He will wake but i don't know how he will take it.. Will he kill me? Oh no.. What have i done?! I don't stand a chance against this creature.. He's huge.. Taking up a large space of my floor..

I hold up his mask and its easily three times larger than my head.. I place his items next to him he will be out cold for a while yet.. I decide to leave him be.. If he leaves by the morning I'll clean the place up.. But to be on the safe side.. I place a red tarpaulin over him.. "Fuck.." i say exhausted.. I take the gun and close the door.. I notice i have some of his blood on my fingers and i stare at it.. It has a strange.. Glow to it.. As i turn off the light. I see his blood on the floor glowing.. I hope he doesn't wake in a bad mood.. Those talons based on the gouges in my desk look like they do some damage and that's not to say for his weaponry.. Fuck it i can't risk it.. Not with my kids..

I turn the light on and fearfully approach him i uncover him and grab his.. His hair..? No they are fleshy but rough.. And adorned with silver rings and purple gems.. Come to look at him.. He's.. One pretty fucker.. Even if he does have mandibles and a set of fangs.. I can't.. Move him.. I try again.. But he doesn't move an inch.. Heavy motherfucker.. I wipe my hair from my face when a.. Clicking.. Causes my hand to reach for my weapon.. But he is still under.. Again if he didn't fall immediately after that shot I'd be impressed.. But maybe because he is critical he dropped more easily.. Then it hit me.. If he wakes up fully healed.. I run to my house.. I swap the ejector for an LS453.. An assault rifle.. With a bullpup design the clip in the stock.. And a clear red holographic sight.. I make my way back and aim the weapon at his head.. "Just… pull the trigger D.. It's just a pest.. An injured.. Pest.. Oh… Oh Fuck.."

My finger.. Refuses to pull the trigger.. And although he is alien.. I feel strangely sorry for him.. He didn't deserve what I've done.. I lower the weapon his breathing is wheezed..

What I'm about to do is incredibly dangerous. I give him a chance, I'll see if he's alive tomorrow then I'll figure what to do with him, i place the tarpaulin back over him and turn out the light. and i close the utility door..

I place the weapon against the wall back in my room. I say he's a he.. He looks like a he.. A pretty alien he..

I wash the blood from my fingers which strangely hadn't dried to see its thicker than human blood.. It's a bastard to clean off..

I try and go to sleep but all i keep thinking is.. I shot an Alien.. Kaylums going to be pissed.. When i do eventually sleep due to exhaustion, i wake up hours later to hear Kaylum shouting at me before I'm fully awake.. "What is that in the utility mom?! Is that an Alien?! And you shot it?!"

My temper rises like mercury…

"Kaylum what have i told you about going in the utility building?! Shit sake child!"

I scramble out of bed and go to my weapon rack and get out the pulse ejector.. "Moooom what are you doing?! He's still asleep! You can't make him sleep longer!"

"Oh i can little bear.. Stay here please.." i walk out in my gown once more and carefully open the door.. The tarpaulin slowly heaves up and down as the huge alien breathes.. Still wheezing..

I unfold the tarp revealing his face.. I huff.

"look at tho-"

"Fuck! Kaylum! Get out! Now!"

He frowns.. "Mom you shot an Alien! He isn't going anywhere and Elli came in first after I told her you shot something! Looking isn't a crime is it?!"

I groan.. I haven't had my morning coffee yet so i can't be bothered dealing with the whining.. "Look.. Don't touch.."

I release the rest of the tarpaulin and Kaylum bites his bottom lip..

"Momsy? Maybe if you help fix his leg he might forgive you shooting him asleep?"

"With what exactly Kaylum? We aren't exactly sod the builder.. Can we fix it?"

He looks around and begins rummaging around the the cupboards lining the edges…

"Here.. Use these as splints.. And.. Clean screws as holders.."

He is such a boy scout.. Gets it from yours truly..

"Ok fine but you are being held responsible for any of his discomfort.."

"I'll tell him personally.."

"No you won't." I say with a stern tone..

"When he wakes, he is getting sent straight back to wherever he came from. No less no mess."

I can see his conflicting thoughts..

"The answer is no Kaylum.. He could be extremely dangerous we don't know if he is friendly or dangerous.. Or.. Or safe.."

"Pleeaase?" he asks in an almost cute and innocent manner the little shit..

"And how do we know what he eats? For all we know he eats annoying little children look at those teeth and tusks." I point..

"Have you seen his eyeballs yet?"

"They're green.."

"My fravourite colour!"

"Favourite.. Kaylum. It's favourite.."

"If he doesn't eat annoying little children and he's good? Can w-"

"Kaylum most definitely not! No! Criminy jingles boy!"

"Who's the new carpet Mom?"

I look up at Ellida.. I give out a weathered huff.. "look i need to fix his leg so can you take your brother to the pool.. Do something and get out of my hair while i sort out mister muscle here please?"

"Kaylum let mom fix the broken alien she SHOT!" I give her a glare and aim the ejector at her.. "Want some?"

I laugh slightly as they both leave laughing also.

"Right you alien.. Let's get you fixed up so you can stop bleeding all over my floor and leave the way you came.."

There is another noise.. A deep warble.. Almost like a.. Response..

It is only in the daylight coming through the glass roof that i catch a glimpse of his deep maroon markings over his large forehead and sides and possibly his back.. I lower to his broken leg and wince.. It isn't broken.. Just dislocated.. And his legs are huge even with both of my hands clamped around the shin they don't wrap all the way round.. I feel the bone and with tightened pursed lips i push down with my minuscule weight when i feel and hear a deep.. Pop as the bone reverts to its correct place. I make note of his scars on his calves.. Hell i made note of how he feels.. So far nothing but muscle and bone.. What the hell are you?

"Alright i fixed your damn leg.. Be nice.."

Not that he could ever understand me..

I just don't want to put myself or kids in danger.. I decide to take a look at his chest wound.. And notice he is bleeding from the back also.. He tried to stop the bleeding from the front.. He was possibly on the back when i disturbed and shot him..

I keep saying it but he is one beautiful specimen.. And i haven't seen an Alien before.. I wonder what his name is.. Does his race talk? Fuck Delilah.. Stop it he's just an Alien, but again what if.. He is a super intelligent lifeform? Maybe he could be reasoned with? Though i should call it in to USM.. But then they would experiment on him.. Then maybe a war would start.. No.. He stays here and i don't tell anyone.. That reminds me..

I shout for the kids..

They come running, and i smile..

"You were both there the entire time.."

"Mom he's an Alien you can't expect us to forget and play.." Ellida says with hands on her hips and a cheeky smile.

"You fixed his leg Mom!"

"Yeah i fixed his leg.. But i need to move him.. He's lost a lot of blood.. Can you both help me turn him over?"

They both kneel beside me.

"Ok on three.. One two thr- come on you big heffer.." we collectively manage to roll him over..

"Clotting pads.." Elli passes them over and i stare at his maroon back with a striking pattern.. His skin is rough like scaly.. Reptilian.. But with black hardened clusters especially on his hands, shoulders and feet.

"Can we say he looks cool mom? He looks cool.." Kaylum says.

I nod as i carefully wipe blood away but it oozes out..

"Kaylum can you pass me the adhesive gun from the shed please?"

He runs off when Ellida reaches out and touches his back..

"So rough.. Like one of those kratu.. Looks like he fought one and won." She says looking at the deep bite along his left side.

"Do you think when he wakes.. He will know that we have taken care of him?"

"I hope so Elli because next time i shoot him it will be with real ammunition.."

"Mom it isn't in there.."

"Elli.." i ask in annoyance, but she shakes her head..

I stand up and notice it on the left wing of the ship, possibly where he was stood.. The smell of the antiseptic fluid hangs in the air.

"Not a word to ANYBODY about our friend here understand.. We don't want the USM getting wind of him..

Kaylums face drops.. "Last night.. That shooting star wasn't a shooting star was it? It was him falling from the sky.. A Bad Star.."

"Or a guardian angel!"

"You two, don't get so attached please? Once he is healed up i expect him to be up and out.."

"Mom you are still in your Jimjams.. Want to go get sorted? K and I can work on this.."

I close his back wounds but his hide is far too thick to hold the adhesive glue..

"I need a damn nail gun or metal staple gun.."

Kaylum goes to the right and reaches for the metal sheet staple gun, i staple his wounds closed and place clotting pads over and bandage him up nice and tight. My hands and gown covered in green glowing blood.. "His blood will make fantastic night lights.."

Kaylums mouth opens. "His blood glows in the dark?! So cool!"

It also smells strange almost like the smell of ammonia with a bitter after smell.

I shoo everyone out and roll him back over. I stare into his closed eyes..

"Don't hurt me or my children mr mandible.. We've helped you out.."

Again he won't understand me but i make my point either way and leave the tarpaulin off of him.. As i shower myself clean something else hits me.. His ship.. Where is his ship..?

After my hour long shower i see Ellida making several sandwiches.. And Kaylums cheeky grin.. With his shiner.

Seeing the alien has heightened everyone's spirits and seeing as we helped him oddly enough.. Mine too..

Also strangely enough.. I'm beginning to want to know more about our guest. But why? He is just some creature i shot at three in the morning.. Nine or so hours ago..

Maybe his blood is affecting me.. Oh no what if it IS affecting me?!

My kids notice my daydreaming and slide up to me. "Is the alien telepathically communicating with you mom?" Elli asks with a sly smile.

"You two are dancing on my nerves.. Clean your mess up and go to the pool or something.."

I pour some steaming coffee and sit with my legs up on the table I'm wearing a white t-shirt with blue marko jeans.. With white and black slips ons.. My auburn hair tied back in a black bun bobble.

Kaylum comes running in making gun sounds acting like his favourite action movie hero azzari the red.. With a blue bandana over his head. While Ellida is out having a run. I do the laundry and hang it out the front on the line, but as i turn i look at the utility building..

He is at the back of my mind..

I try and ignore him but my memory catches his markings..

They were subtle but.. Fuck sake he's an alien.. Of course he is going to look different..

I huff and enter the house, Several hours later Ellida comes in and heads straight for the bathroom. As soon as i finished cleaning it.

I need to head to the city.. But i can't.. I can't risk him waking up but we need food shopping which is what i originally had planned..

I shake my head.. And approach my computer, i make an online purchase and within an hour it arrives..

Ellida laughs. "Mom you never buy online why didn't you just tell me to go? It costs more online.."

I huff at her, "Because i wasn't risking it with the giant closet monster.. Next silly question? Besides i bought more than usual i got a feeling he will be hungry when he wakes so i thought I'd give him a peace offering of kuza joints.. You think he eats meat?" i ask with raised brows.. "I think he will like Kaylum more.." Elli says ruffling Kaylums auburn hair. "Or annoying big sisters!" he blows out a raspberry throwing spittle everywhere..

"You two seriously.." i make my way to the building and enter he is still out cold but something is off.. His breathing is sounding better.. I feel a slight hot flush of fear.. I place the meat on the desk..

"Listen here alien i brought you food.. So no eating my kids or you will be eating bullet casings.."

I stop and lower to him.. Is he healing? I put my head to his chest.. But don't make contact, his heart slowly thumping. The wheezing isn't as bad.. He is definitely healing.. I hear a slight.. Rumbling.. He also feels.. Warm i can feel it from here.. I move away and make my way back to the house after closing the doors.

Evening comes and I've made a stew and pudding. And sure enough Kaylum just can't keep mr alien off the subject for five minutes..

"Do you think he has a name or do we give him one? Call him.. Beefeater!"

"No not Beefeater that sound ridiculous.. Call him. Something cool.. Tumnus.."

"Tumnus! You want to call a giant alien Tumnus! Wheres pottyfock and tweewinkle?!"

"Shut up K it's better than Beefeater!"

"No Names! I said don't get attached! He's going as fast as he arrived! Both of you get it out of your heads right now!"

"Yes mom.." They both say. Almost shattered at the response..

"Guys he is NOT a pet.. He is an alien.. He doesn't belong here who knows why he crash landed here.. He could be a convicted murderer of his race for all we know!"

"Or he could have crash landed because he ran out of fuel or something? Maybe he hit an asteroid or something and found his way here to heal himself only our mother shot him?"

Kaylum says taking a mouthful of stew.

"Not taking the chance.. As soon as he's up he's gone.."

Later that night before i go to bed i make one final check on the huge mountain of meat. The Kazu joints are still on the desk untouched. I approach him and check his wounds.. Still bleeding but almost stopped..

I tap his broad shoulder. "Night mr visitor.." i close the door and head to bed.

I close my eyes and finally fall asleep..

The next morning..

I wake up and yawn, i shower then put on a raspberry red shirt with white jeans and white slip-ons. Leaving my hair down. The kids are both watching TV when i hear the sizzling of food being fried.. Ellida always does so if i decide to have a lay in. She even poured me a cup of coffee. I see my pulse ejector on the table. They finally sit at the table with me. And we have breakfast.. We are discussing the alien.. Again..

"He's not awake yet mom.. Its day two.. Maybe he is dying? Maybe his wounds got infected and he is in a coma?"

I nod. "maybe, maybe he will leave and never return.. How about that?"

Ellida laughs, "Mom what do you have against aliens?!"

"Nothing! At least not this one.. I'm just cautious is a-."

I stop.. We all stop.. We hear the front door open.. "Tell me one of you two forgot to close the door properly?!" I whisper..

They both shake their heads.. Our eyes dart to the left as we hear heavy footing and.. Clicking.. It is then we see him.. I bring up the ejector when two weapons of sorts unfold from the huge aliens back.. His armour on along with his mask.. He is huge.. Back arched as he is almost touching the ceiling..

The two children slowly leave the table. I aim the ejector when he growls.. It vibrates the walls and my chest.. He darts his finger down twice at me.. Possibly signalling to lower the weapon..

"Mom? Wh.. What is he doing with that laser..?" Kaylum asks grabbing my leg..

"Mr.. Mr.. Alien.. We helped.. Patch you up.. Your.. Wounds and leg.." Elli says standing beside me on the right.

He cocks his head and looks over the bandaging.. With a trilled breath..

He looks back at me and looks down at Kaylum, the alien folding his fists as he stands in front of me.. "Kaylum.. Get back.."

As i grab Kaylum the alien tenses up almost like he wants Kaylum to speak.. I let go and he relaxes ever so slightly…

"K-Kaylum.." he says. He slowly points to Ellida… "Ellida.." She says.. Tapping her chest.

He points to me..

But there is a clicking reverberating again.. "Delilah.." The alien says.. It's voice throaty and sharp.. Guttural.. It sent icy prickles down my spine.. His weapons fold up behind his back and the laser from his mask disappears..

"What is your name?" Kaylum asks. Slowly approaching him… Without fear..

I go to grab Kaylum but in an instant i am grabbed by the aliens giant hand and pinned against the wall.. My two kids scream in fear. "No don't hurt her she's our mother!" Elli shouts falling to her knees in fear it is then i see Kaylum run for the weapon wall and takes my pistol up "Let her go!" he says in a shaking but commanding tone.. "Let her go or I'll shoot you!" the alien slowly looks at Kaylum and slowly slides me back down onto my feet.. He walks towards Kaylum i aim the ejector at him when he stops and crouches to Kaylums level but even then he is just as tall as me and I'm roughly 5ft'5in. He holds out his hand.. "Weapon.. Hand.." He says..

Kaylum lowers the gun into the aliens hand.. And he… Places it back on the wall.. He stands and turns to me..

"Thank you.." He says.. Then he.. Disappears.. Like a ghost..

I lower the ejector.. And stare at Elli who is wiping her tears..

"Good alien then mom?" she says laughing slightly.

"He only attacked because you had that ejector mom where is he? He just disappeared.."

I go to the utility building.. The place is spotless.. No blood.. The meat is gone also.. The tarpaulin poking out of the built in storage..

"Mom he spoke our language! He communicated!"

"Yes he did indeed.."

"Thank you.." it rumbles in my head.. That voice.. Said so fluently.. The way he carried himself.. Was he a warrior? Damn it now I'M eager to find out more.. But i doubt he will be back.. He is probably on his way home… Maybe for the best.. I'd hate to shoot him.. But that grip on my throat.. It was strong but not meant to harm me.. Maybe a warning? I hold my neck where he held me.. I shake my head.. Best to just move on, enough excitement for one day.. We just met an alien.. And lived to tell about it.. Only we won't say a word..

Author note: Welcome ladies and gents to The Predator: A Bad Star. This is one of the final Yautja stories i may write and serves as a sequel to GHARD3H. This is going to be a long journey and i hope you enjoy the ride. If you enjoy it hit the review button and sound off let me know your thoughts! Until next time!