Disclaimer: I do not own Phineas and Ferb or any of the characters. It is the property of Disney, Dan Povenmire and Jeff "Swampy" Marsh. I am just a fan and I always will be.

Bath Time For Perry

Chapter 1 : Dirty Perry

It was a beautiful Summer's day in the Tri-State Area. Everything seems to be the way it should be and it seemed to be serene, peaceful and above all, normal.


-Except in one part of this town. At the city dump, Perry the Platypus, OWCA'S top agent called Agent P, was in the middle of fighting off with his arch nemesis the "evil" mad scientist, Dr. Heinz Doofensmirtz.

'Give up, Perry the Platypus...there is no way you will be able to thwart my scheme to use my Teleport-I-Nator to send all of the garbage in the city dump over to my goody two shoes brother Roger's office during inspection day!...'Heinz said madly, once again stating his evil plan.

Perry however, simply ran to the machine, pressed the self destruct button and the countdown started.

"Self destruct sequence in 10...9...8...7...." A robotic voice could be heard.

Heinz blinked when he realized this.

"Why do I keep putting self destruct buttons on everything I make?...'Heinz asked out loud.

Perry soon ran to his hang glider, ran and soon jumped off the garbage mountain where he was on, just as the the I-nator's countdown reached zero.


"CURSE YOU PERRY THE PLATYPUS!...."Dr. Doofensmirtz shouted as his latest I-nator blew up.

However, Perry didn't exactly escape scot free, as the garbage blew up and some of it landed on Perry and his glider, causing him to have difficulty flying and making him do an emergency landing.

"Crtcrtcrt...'Perry muttered in annoyance over the state that his glider was in and just summoned his cover car and was soon off.

With another successful mission under his belt


Perry soon managed to get back to his yard and was glad to see that owners were busy doing their own thing. Phineas and Ferb were making blue prints for whatever big idea they have cooked up for today and Candace was in the living room, talking to her boyfriend Jeremy over the phone.

Perry was about to sneak inside, only for someone to grab him and Perry, quickly went into pet mode when he saw who it was. It was Linda Flynn, the matriarch of the Flynn-Fletcher family and she didn't look too happy.

"Perry...'Linda said as she smelled the pet and wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"Pew...what on earth have you been rolling in, Perry?..."The mother said to the monotreme, who was still acting like a mindless pet, even holding her nose due to the sheer smell of him.

"Crtcrtcrt...'Perry did his chattering sound, still acting mindless.

"Phineas...Ferb...'Linda called.

"Yeah, mom..."Phineas said as he and Ferb walked away from their blue prints, which were still incomplete at this point since it was still pretty early in the day.

"I have to go do some grocery shopping...could you boys please give Perry a bath?.."Linda said to her sons and Perry, despite being in pet mode, eyes widened when he heard what she said.

'Sure mom...me and Ferb were going to make a super roller disco here in the backyard but it can wait...'Phineas said to his mother who giggled.

"You boys have such active imaginations...'Linda said as she handed the pet to her red haired son, who held his nose upon smelling him, even Ferb, despite being silent, couldn't help but hold his own nose as well.

"Pew! What did you do Perry, play in the city dump this morning?..."Phineas said, unaware of some true his statement was.

"Crtcrt...'Perry said as he tried to wriggle out of his grasp.

"Good luck, boys..."Linda said as she soon left to go do her errands.

"Bye mom..."Phineas said as he and Ferb waved their mother away.

"Alright Perry...time for you-..."Phineas was silenced when he noticed that his pet was no longer in his arms.

'Hey, where's Perry?...'Phineas asked out loud and he and Ferb looked around.

They however quickly saw their pet trying to sneak away and they grabbed him.

"There you are...come on Perry...it's bath time...'Phineas said and Perry tried to wriggle out but to no avail.

If there is one thing Perry does not like, it's bath's. Sure, for a pet as intelligent as him, it might seem silly but he can't change how he feels. Also, while he may be a semi-aquatic mammal, he doesn't like getting the soap in his eyes or the taste of the bathwater that sometimes gets in his mouth or inside his nostrils.

He doesn't like bath's and he doesn't want this.

"Come on boy..."Phineas said and frowned.

"Why does he always have to act this way during bath time?...'Phineas asked out loud.

Ferb went to get the platypus bath, filled it up with water and soap and Phineas tried to place Perry in it, but the turquoise monotreme managed to slip out and crawl away fast.

"Perry, get back here...'Phineas said as he and Ferb tried to go after their pet, who escaped inside the house.

Phineas saw this and sighed.

"There has got to be a better way to bathe Perry without him freaking out all of the time...'Phineas said.

Ferb heard this, knew what was about to happen and counted his fingers backwards from 3, once he was done, Phineas had his "idea" face.

"Ferb, I know what we are going to do today but we have to get Perry first...'Phineas said before he explained the details of his latest idea to his step brother

-To be continued-

Next time on Bath Time For Perry

Where's Perry?

:) Till next time beautiful people, remember to read and review :)