That's Life

Chapter1: Problems

By: Akira006

Disclaimer: I do not own the G boiiz! (I do own the gurls)

"Look! A motorcycle!" The little boy, fascinated by the machine, exclaimed as he pointed it out.

His parents exchanged knowing looks. "Now Jodie, you never ride one of those death machines . . ." His father droned on with the long lecture which Jodie had heard time and time again. Jodie rolled his eyes and began to day dream about being the biggest, baddest leader of a motorcycle gang . . .

Heero sat in the stands, surrounded by parents of the children playing softball in front of them. The blazing afternoon sun beat down on his exposed neck and face. Even if he wouldn't admit it, or complain, he was extremely uncomfortable from the sweltering heat. 'Hurry it up!' He mentally chided the game.

People were giving him strange looks and whispering to the person next to them. The obviously found it odd that Heero was wearing jeans, a shirt, and a black leather jacket in the middle of April. He glared at them or pretended not to notice.

'C'mon!' He once again chided the game. This sun was wearing his nerves thin. However, not long after the game ended with all the kids winning. Heero climbed down from the bleachers and walked slowly over to the dugout, waiting outside the doorway with as much patience as he could muster. He watched with amused eyes as children rushed out to proud parents and eagerly told them the story of the whole game despite where the parents had been there or not.

Adam was on of the last to come out of the dugout with his big bag slung across his small chest. He smiled at once when he spotted Heero and quickly ran over. Heero unknowingly was smiling broadly back, almost in the same fashion as the parents. Adam hugged Heero around the waist(which was high for Adam's height). "Dad! Dad!" He cried happily as he hugged Heero as tightly as possible. Heero patted his son's head and messed up his hair affectionately.

"Hey Adam," Heero returned to his son. The little boy finally let go and walked with Heero, telling him the whole story of the game as they walked. Heero would nod his head and occasionally say, 'Really?', 'Woah!', and such when they were needed. They eventually made their way to the parking lot where Heero's lone black motorcycle stood out against the SUVs and cars that filled the majority of the lot.

Heero sat in the front and helped Adam up behind him, securing his helmet properly before turning back around in his seat. He kicked up the kick stand with the heel of his boot, and they drove out of the parking lot and onto the road. The wind blew through Heero's brown hair, cooling him off to Heero's great joy.

It wasn't longer that they pulled up to the small house where Adam lived and got off the bike. Adam rushed ahead to the screen door with a sudden burst of energy, leaving Heero to secure the helmet to the seat by himself. Heero walked up in his usual pace, detecting the loud music coming from inside the house. '6 whole hours and 5 long days for all your lies to come undone! And those 3 small words were way too late cuz you can't see that I'm the one!!' He sighed and knocked on the wooden door behind the screen. No answer. Heero frowned and knocked harder on the door. The music stopped suddenly, signaling an answer, before the door was opened to reveal Josie. Her short reddish brown hair was flipped out as usual, and she was wearing a black Good Charlotte wife beater and jeans. She smiled slightly when she saw it was him at the door. "Hey Heero," She greeted in a partially embarrassed voice.

He nodded in return and looked down to show that Adam was home only to see wasn't there any longer. His eyes quickly searched the land around the house.

"Oh, he's inside the house already. Ran in when I opened the door," Josie explained. Heero once again nodded, this time in relief. "Come in." Josie opened up the door wider to allow him passage into her messy abode. Heero stepped past her into the small hallway and followed her into the kitchen. "Coffee, tea, anything?" Josie asked as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Coffee's fine," Heero replied as he seated himself at the small table. Josie poured another cup of coffee and fixed it for him, knowing how he liked it since every time he brought Adam home or came over he had the same thing. She took a seat across from Heero after setting his coffee in front of him. She stared into her own dark liquid, realizing that she was extremely weary. Heero observed it. "Tired?"

Josie nodded. "Yeah, it's hard running a house by yourself." She caught the slight look of guilt in Heero's blue eyes. "Especially a house with a six year old boy running lose. I don't know what I'd do without you." Heero looked up with question. "I mean, you looking after him ever now and then and taking to and from places occasionally," She covered.

He nodded in understanding. "Well, I am his father."

"Yeah, that you are." Josie sank down in her seat.

"Do you regret Adam?" Heero asked after a while, shattering the silent wall between them.

"Yes and no. I mean I love Adam. I care more for him than I do myself. I just feel that if I had a choice, I'd wait so that way I could make this life better for him. Like so I could be a better mother because I would be more mature and more responsible. I mean this was all so quick and all. I'm only twenty-two. I had him when I was 16. That was way too young."

Heero ran his hands over his face and pushed away his untouched coffee. "I'm sorry," He apologized quietly.

"Hey, it's both our faults. Don't try and go put all the blame on yourself. You've already got too many things to deal with." Josie kissed her fingers and placed them to his forehead.

"I should be leaving," Heero commented as he stood up, pushing the chair back with the back of his knees. Josie nodded and followed him out of the kitchen, down the hall, and stood in the doorway as he left. She watched the road after him for a while before closing and locking the door. She turned around and stood in the hallway for a while, thinking. Slowly to walked back to the kitchen and hesitantly picked up the phone. She dialed the number and waited as it rang three times before,


"Hey Wufei!" Josie greeted, immediately recognizing the voice. "Can I talk to Nehria? Just girl stuff."

"Yeah." Josie thought she caught something about baka onnas spending too much money shopping and such. She grinned and waited, tapping her foot. Nehria was like a goddess. She was so understanding and sweet and kind. It was kind of amazing that she and Wufei were married.


"Nehria, we need to talk!"

"Oh . . . ok. What's going on?"

"Well, I just. Ugh! I'm going to sound like such a retard!"

"Just tell me."

"Alright . . . I'm still in love with Heero." Josie sunk down into one of the chairs and stared at Heero's untouched coffee.

"Aww Jos. Is this good or bad?"

Josie shrugged to herself. "I dunno. I'm just-I'm still very attracted to him. I feel like I still need him."

"You need him?" Nehria asked to make sure Josie knew what she was saying.

"Yeah." Josie laughed sardonically. "Need him, want him, love him, and everything else."


"Well what?"

"Well what are you going to do about?"

"Absolutely nothing probably," Josie admitted truthfully. "What would you do?"

"I dunno . . . I'm not good at that kind of thing. Lemme three-way Kaili. She'll know."

Josie waited as she did so and tried to figure out what she would say. She listened, however, as Nehria explained it all thoroughly to Kaili, who happened to be Duo's wife.

"Ooo, Jos. Tough one. Just tell him how you feel," Kaili suggested.

"Oh, yeah, easier said than done. Why isn't there like a manual for this kinda stuff?" Josie asked with an exasperated sigh.

"Cuz it probably wouldn't work," Nehria answered more to herself than anyone else.

"True, but if you want some super plan or something, than lemme call up Sydney. That's her thing." Kaili thus three-wayed or four-wayed(whatever it was) Sydney, Trowa's fiancee. She then told Sydney all the information and asked for help.

"Damnn . . . that's hard!" There was a moment when Sydney was thinking. "Well, does he like you?"

"I dunno," Josie answered uneasily.

"Of course," Sydney murmured to herself. "That would be too easy. My advice would be to get him to like you and work your way from there."

Josie rolled her eyes. "If only it were that easy."

"Why isn't it?" Kaili asked.

"Let's be truthful. We all know Heero. He's not very open with his feelings so I'd probably never know," Josie replied.

There were murmurs of agreement from the other lines. "Melanie?" Nehria suggested. Sydney called up Melanie, Quatre's wife, and explained it all to her as the rest of the girls listened.

"Awww this is so romantic!" Melanie exclaimed. "I'll so help you guys! I just . . . I have no idea how."

"Ugh!" Josie was tempted to throw the phone down in her anger but controlled herself. "Just never mind guys! I'll figure something out myself. Thanks for listening. Bye," Josie turned off the phone and set it back in the cradle. She sighed and headed off to take a shower. 'What the hell was she gunna do?'

A/N: Short chapter, but I'm horrible at beginnings. Hope you liked it! Please remember to R+R! Always R+R!!!