That's Life

Chapter13: Adam & Josie?

By: Akira006

Disclaimer: I do not own the g guys! I do own the gurls!

"I'm leaving for Earth," Nehria said on the other line.

Josie was reminded of the letter. "Why?"

"I got a letter from Chang this week telling me to leave . . . I feel I must trust him on this one, so I'm leaving to stay with parents in Texas."

"I got a letter from Heero too," Josie commented.

"What did it say?"

"To leave for Earth A.S.A.P." Josie sat down at the table in her kitchen.

"Are you going?" Nehria asked carefully.

"I wasn't planning on it," Josie admitted.

"You can come with me," Nehria offered. "I had an extra ticket just in case."

"What about Adam?" Josie half whispered as she heard him laugh from the living room where he was watching cartoons.

"We won't be gone long. I'm sure the men just want us to come to them or something of that sort. You can find a babysitter."

"He'd really love to see Heero again," Josie thought aloud.

There was silence for a moment. "Do you think it would be safe to bring him . . . with what is going on?"

"You're right. He can stay with Danielle and her parents where he'll be safe."

"Good. We leave this Friday at 4. I'll pick you up around 3," Nehria said.



"Why can't I come?" Adam asked sadly as he watched Josie from the doorway of her room. She was rushing back and forth, throwing things into her suitcase.

"Because," Josie stopped to look at him. "Because there are some dangerous things going on, and it would be safer if you stayed here. Danielle will take good care of you. You'll have fun, won't you?"

"But I wanna see daddy too!" Adam whined.

"I understand that, baby, but I don't even know if daddy is there. That's why I'm going. If he is there, I'll send for you, I promise."

Adam pouted and went to his room. Josie sighed and sat on the edge of her bed for a moment. This was getting to be too much. Having Heero in the family hadn't fixed anything for long . . . She stood up and forced herself to continue packing to keep from thinking about it.

Nehria picked her up at 3:05 as she had promised. They dropped Adam off at Danielle's. "Bye, baby," Josie said as went to give him a kiss. Adam turned away and walked inside the house without saying so much as a good bye. Josie put a hand to her head. "Dammit!" She walked back to the car and got in.

"He won't stay mad at you for long," Nehria reasoned.

Josie nodded her head though she was near tears. Nehria put the car in drive, and they were off.

"So why are you parents in Texas? I thought you were from Egypt," Josie ventured to ask once they were on the ship.

Nehria smiled. "We are from Egypt. My parents moved there in the hopes of settling down and resting and all. The promises of open land and cattle and all that drew them there."

"Oh, are they liking it?"

Nehria shrugged. "They're living."

That seemed to make something click inside Josie. 'They're living.' Do we all just live? Isn't there supposed to be more the life? 'That's life . . . it doesn't have to be.' Maybe it does. Maybe we all just barely pass by. This made her think of Heero. "I miss him so much," Josie unintentionally said aloud.

"I know you do." Nehria took Josie's hand in her own. "This is all gunna turn out alright though. You'll see."

"I hope you're right."


Heero had called the house, and no one answered. That was a good sign. He might have told them to leave for no reason, but he wanted to make sure they were safe. Oz may not even attack. It was simply a hunch that all of them had gotten. He sat in his Gundam outside the colony that he used to call home. There was a Federation base there that they would probably try to take out.

Speaking of which, a window popped up on his screen, showing the Oz ships on their way. Heero chose the best point to be when they came, which happened to be behind a floating piece of old colony. It took them a good 5 minutes to come within Heero's sight, but he held back from moving in yet. He knew Quatre and Wufei were on their way over even though he told them to hold back. They came anyways as he knew they would.

Heero mentally counted off the number of Oz ships. Not as many as he expected, but then again they didn't know he was there. Still he waited even when they began to prepare to fire. At the very last second, Heero spotted a point of weakness and went for it. He easily took out two Leo's with one of his beam sabers and was going for the main ship when its cannon fired.

The blinding beam shot into the colony. Bodies were being sucked out into the space air; one particular body caught Heero's attention. It was in that split second Heero was out of the cock pit, reaching for the body. He wrapped his arms around Adam's lifeless torso. He was shaking as he looked down on the angelic face. Then it hit him, if Adam hadn't left, Josie hadn't left. "Jos . . ." He whispered as he searched the bodies.

A gun shot swept past, nearly grazing his arm. Heero was reminded of the battle he was fighting. He was broken now. He reluctantly let go of Adam who drifted away from him, and returned to his Gundam. It was as though battle was what he lived for. Heero grabbed his buster rifle and prepared to fire a huge charge at the Oz ships before him. He pulled the trigger and wiped the majority of them out with one shot. The rest he took out himself with his beam saber, cutting them in half, through the cock pit.

Then he once again frantically searched the bodies for Josie. He couldn't find Adam anymore. His family and his life were dead . . .


Once Nehria and Josie arrived, Duo was there waiting for them in the airport with Kaili at his side.

"Where's the lil Heero?" Duo asked as he looked for his little friend.

"Oh, I thought it would be safer if he stayed back at the colony," Josie replied.

Duo's eyes got wide. "You left him at your colony?"

"Yes, is something wrong?" Josie asked.

"Yea . . . you better get him off that colony or he'll die!"

So now Josie sat on her way back to the colony to pick up Adam. 'Oh my God, you stupid bitch!' She mentally yelled at herself. 'Why the hell did you ever leave Adam there by himself?!' She was near tears. The minute she saw him, she was going to give him the biggest hug he'd ever gotten. Then the pilot's voice came over the loud speaker.

"The colony's under attack by Oz forces."

Josie couldn't breathe.

Akira: I'm so mean . . . I killed lil Adam . . . and then . . . now the next chapter is depressing as well. . Please R + R . . . yall thought they were gunna have a happy ending?
