So, This Is Love


Lady Razeli

Chapter One

"Emma earth to Emma," Snow called snapping her fingers in front of Emma's face. Emma shook her head as Regina exited Granny's again with Henry in tow. It was after school, but Henry hadn't seen as they stopped in for quick hot chocolates before going to the comic book store. Emma refused to take him because she didn't want him to ask her for her hard-earned cash to go to expensive comic books. He could beg Regina for the expensive ones and on his birthday or Christmas he could slip a cheaper one on his list to Santa Emma, but otherwise as far as she was concerned that was all Regina.

"What I'm sorry you were saying?" Emma asked.

"I was saying if you don't stop staring at Regina like a creep, she's going to get the wrong idea," Snow said. A part of her was upset in the beginning, but Emma had been making eyes at Regina and denying it since before the curse broke only a year ago.

"What do you mean, I don't stare at her," Emma denied. Snow looked at her as if she might smack Emma. "What do you even mean the wrong idea anyway."

"I mean that she's going to assume that you wanna rape her," Snow said. Emma looked horrified.

"Oh my God I would never touch her without her consent," Emma cried.

"So, are you saying you would with consent?" Ruby asked popping up. Emma blushed.

"No... I mean…" Emma just fell silent not knowing what to say.

"Just give it up, and finally go ask her out, we're tired of you making sex eyes at her behind her back," Ruby told her. Emma was about to argue, but then her shoulders slumped she really had no defense and they were already calling bullshit.

"Regina hates me, what if she says no?" Emma asked them.

"Maybe she's into it," Ruby said. "I mean I'm always for taking a chance on love, but to be honest I have never seen her interested in women." Emma just looked ready to cry. "BUT…but what do we know, Regina is super private, and there was no way she was getting with any of us during the curse."

"Maybe she hated my father so much, that girls don't sound so bad?" Snow asked shrugging as she sipped her drink.

"You guys aren't helping at all," Emma groaned. The bell dinged again, and Henry came back in alone this time, carrying a comic book and his hot chocolate. He hurried straight over to them.

"Hi Grandma, hi Emma!" He greeted. "Mom said you have to watch me, she had an emergency at work, she said you can come over for dinner, so you aren't tempted to feed me crap before she gets home." Ruby and Snow snickered knowing that Emma was prone to letting Henry eat junk.

"No problem kid," Emma told him as she moved over.

"OH!" Ruby exclaimed.

"What?" They all asked.

"Henry you know everything there is to know about your mom, right?" Ruby asked. Emma groaned. Henry shrugged.

"Better than anyone else here I suppose," Henry replied. Snow and Ruby nodded.

"So, you'd know if Regina was seeing anyone?" Snow asked slyly. Henry's face scrunched up in confusion.

"What do you mean seeing someone, Mom sees everyone, she's not blind," Henry replied. Emma had to chuckle, it was so Regina in his reply. Snow pursed her lips for a moment probably also thinking he was so Regina.

"No, I mean is she dating anyone, or has she ever dated anyone?" Snow asked. He shrugged.

"Not at the moment I think she would tell me now, we don't keep secrets, and I think she dated Sheriff Graham before, but to be honest I was never really sure," Henry said. "But I think they were friends, mostly they had a really angry game of monopoly going on. Graham always tipped the board at the end, so no one ever won."

"Are you sure it was monopoly?" Ruby asked trying not to snicker obviously thinking it was some lie to cover for loud sex.

"Very, I came down once in the middle from a bad dream and asked if I could play, but they both said no, that there was enough bad blood in the room. He claimed mom cheated, but when I watched I was pretty sure he was just a bad loser. I want to play with her now, but mom says we're both sore losers and we've argued enough over the past year, she said she had never been the Evil Queen to me, and if we played, she would show me no mercy." They laughed.

"I bet she did cheat, she had his heart," Emma grumbled. "I bet she couldn't beat me."

"Oooh I'm down for game night," Ruby said. "This I have to see."

"Count me in, Henry text your mom and tell her we're having game night, and she can't stop us." Henry did so.

"Mom's threatening to fireball you if you show up," Henry replied.

"She's on a no magic kick so I'm safe," Snow hummed.

"She already said she'll make an exception, she seemed to be anticipating your reply. Anyway, why were you guys asking if mom was dating, I really don't want another parent," Henry said.

"No, no extras just Emma," Ruby said.

"Ruby!" Emma cried out blushing hard. Henry had no idea she was into women, the kid probably thought she was straight because of his dad.

"Oh, then that's okay if you like mom Emma, I didn't want someone weird in the house," Henry smiled.

"What, just like that you're okay, you don't think I should be with a man?" Emma asked.

"No, you should be with whomever you want to be with, that's what mom always says. Love is love, and true love is the most powerful magic of all. So, if a man won't make you happy, but mom does go for it."

"Aww kid that makes me so happy to hear, but um…I don't think your mom likes girls is the problem," Emma told him. Henry frowned as he thought.

"Oh, I can fix that," Henry said.

"What how?" They all asked.

"You bring mom her favorite chocolate she will literally say yes to anything that will not get you killed," Henry said. "And maybe if you take her on a date, she will like you."

"Is that how you get comic books out of her?" Emma asked. Henry chuckled

"No, Emma that's cause I'm her little prince," Henry grinned. They all chuckled, and Emma left with Henry after a while to secure Regina's favorite chocolate.

"I can't believe these chocolates cost me two hundred and ten dollars, what is in it gold?" Emma asked. Henry looked at the box.

"I think some of them yes, but trust me since you want good results, the ones with chili peppers were the way to go."

"That sounds horrible," Emma said.

"Really delicious actually," Henry said munching on his sample, he hoped Regina shared with him. Emma sighed.

"What now, should I bring wine for dinner this feels more formal than normal, I should bring wine."

"You should bring wine for her chocolate," Henry replied. "And then we go home and make you all pretty." Emma glared at her son.

"What's wrong with me now?" Emma asked.

"Mom might like you at your worse, but we want favorable results so she should finally see what your best is too." Emma didn't think her best was much more than she displayed and now she was worried she wouldn't be worthy of a Queen. They bought wine with a little gift bag and placed the chocolates in as well. David was less enthusiastic than Snow and Henry, but admitted he was tired of Emma staring and had kind of been on his toes waiting for her to do something about it. Emma cleaned up nicely dressing in a clean black t-shirt and skinny jeans with her leather jacket.

"Wow that's seriously the best in your wardrobe?" Snow asked when she came down.

"You're one to talk," Emma muttered. Snow looked scandalized.

"Well I'm not the one trying to bag a girlfriend, at least you ran the brush through your hair, she will appreciate your effort, I hope." Henry sighed.

"It will have to do, mom wants to know if we'll be on time, she says dinner is almost ready."

"Tell her we're there in ten, maybe I should quickly go grab some flowers or something," Emma muttered.

"No, no flowers are for later, mom hates when I want something and I go flowers, the same will apply, I think. Flowers are for just cause."

"Yeah she said that once, flowers are for just cause," Snow said remembering. Emma nodded.

"All right then let's just do this then, see how it goes," Emma said nervously wiping her sweaty palms on her pants. Snow immediately texted Ruby and told Henry he had better keep her updated. The drive over to Regina's was spent with Henry reassuring her before he got out of the car and ran in ahead of her before she could tell him to wait that she needed a minute.

"Shoes off Henry," Regina said walking into the foyer, she spotted Emma holding a bag and standing outside, looking slightly nicer than usual. "Don't stand outside Ms. Swan, come in, you were invited." Emma blushed and came in. She gingerly took off her shoes, wondering how she was going to approach this, she hadn't had a moment to think what to say of why she had bought Regina two-hundred-dollar chocolate of all things.

"What's in the bag?" Regina asked as she turned and headed for the dining room. The table was already set, and Henry was now grinning at them both as he allowed Regina to inspect his clean hands he had quickly washed. Emma took off her coat and cleared her throat as she joined them in the living room.

"Um…a gift," Emma muttered. She handed Regina the bag before slipping into the kitchen to wash her own hands. Regina looked puzzled and was staring in shock at the bottle of wine, her favorite, so Henry knew which one was likely empty after she had her chocolates, and of course her favorite chocolates. Well one of her favorites, she had several favorites.

"Oh, you guys remembered," Regina said a smile breaking out on her face. Henry suddenly looked guilty.

"Yes, which is why…why um…I'm gonna sleep at Emma's tonight so you can enjoy your bubble bath in peace, after I make it," Henry said.

"Aww aren't you the sweetest, my Prince," Regina said giving him a kiss.

"Yup, Happy Birthday Mom!" Henry cried as he looked at Emma over her shoulder. Emma looked so alarmed she had no idea it was Regina's birthday.

"Happy Birthday Regina!" Emma exclaimed. Regina gave her a hug too.

"Thank you, Ms. Swan, I'm sure going in with Henry on buying my present set you back a bit, but I really like it, if it's any consolation to your wallet," Regina told her. Emma nodded. Henry motioned for her to ask.

"It was no problem, I really wanted to get it for you." Regina gave them both genuine smiles as dinner commenced. Emma felt as guilty as Henry looked as he talked about saving up some of his allowance for the gift, but she knew that was crap. He apologized for not waking up for her birthday breakfast, saying he hadn't slept well, but tomorrow, she wasn't to get out of bed. Emma just thought they were horrible people, for her birthday Henry had planned an entire surprise party at Granny's with Regina's help, so it wouldn't be pink and frilly because of Snow. She could just imagine Regina waking up that morning waiting for breakfast that never came. Henry had stayed at her house last night and they'd been late to school that morning. She was going to fork out the money for an extra box, Regina at least deserved that. Regina of course was so forgiving of her little prince and told him she understood, Emma didn't hold him to a proper bedtime. Emma didn't even fight it, because she was the dick here. The rest of dinner went off without a hitch, and Henry ran her bath and lit candles as Regina talked about past birthdays saying how Henry when old enough to carry milk and cereal had continued the tradition of her own father of breakfast in bed. A small indulgence her mother stopped on her thirteenth birthday forcing her down to the table. That just cut through Emma like a knife, how could the kid have forgotten a tradition. Emma vowed then and there that no matter what, he would never forget again and if he was away at college, she would continue it. It was literally the one thing Regina looked forward too on her birthday, because that was all she ever got except for Henry's handmade presents usually and of course her giving him money to buy whatever he wanted for her. Emma made another vow that night, that next year was going to be special.

"Mom your bath is ready!" Henry called as he skipped down the stairs.

"Oh, thank you my Prince," Regina told him giving him a big hug and several kisses. It never failed to amaze her how loved this kid was, she couldn't imagine how they had ever gone through a rough patch, but it was soon clear after the curse that some of it had to do with the curse in order to bring her here. Now with the curse broken it wasn't hard at all to love each other again.

"I'll just load the dishwasher before we go," Emma insisted. She cleaned up and Regina saw them off with a wave, promising to see Henry in the morning for breakfast. Once they were gone Regina prepared her wine, retrieved her current book, and chocolates. She went upstairs and took a very relaxing bath.

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