"Awesome!" Lionel whooped.

"So... Whatya say...?" Thor smiled. "You wanna go see your parents?"

"More than anything." Atticus smiled back, though with tears in his eyes.

"Then let's go." Lionel replied with a smile.

They soon left the Kent home and went to see Thor's house.

"Whoa... Nice house!" Cherry grinned as the house looked like something out of a dark fairy tale as it was a mostly black Victorian and there weren't even any neighbors and there were gargoyles by the banisters leading up to the front door.

"Swanky digs!" Lionel added as they walked to the doorbell.

Thor soon opened the door which made it slowly creak open with a loud creaky sound as lightning flashed outside. "Mom? Dad! I'm home! And I brought company!" he then called out. "Hm... Must be doing errands or something..."

"Ah well...in we GO!" Lionel shrugged.

Thor soon led them into his house and had them follow him upstairs before they came to the attic. He soon opened the door and the ladder fell out, making Cherry duck so that it wouldn't hit her.

"Whoa..." The others whispered as the attic seemed to have a magical portal inside of it.

"It's a portal!" Atticus exclaimed.

"What? You guys don't have portals in your attics?" Thor smiled blindly. "Weird... Anyway, this will take us straight into the Netherworld!"

"Alrighty then...IN WE GO!" Lionel shouted triumphantly.

"I'm coming, Mom and Dad." Atticus whispered as he joined his friends in the attic.

And so, they entered the portal. Everyone yelled out while Thor laughed and had fun with it until they soon ended up in the middle of what looked like a horror movie forest and landed on the ground together.

"Gangway!" Lionel called out.

They all soon fell on top of each other which made them groan.

"Well, here we are," Thor beamed. "Oh, I love doing that whenever my sister and I come here to visit my uncle. It's like a roller-coaster ride! We should totally do that again!"

"I might consider that." Lionel replied.

"Really?" Thor beamed. "Score!"

"Right back atcha, my man!" Lionel nodded.

"Not now," Cherry said. "We have work to do."

"Oh... Yeah..." Thor smiled. "That's right."

"To find Atticus' parents!" Lionel exclaimed triumphantly.

They soon ran off together through the Netherworld and began their quest to find Atticus's long-lost parents.

"They gotta be here somewhere!" Lionel shouted.

"I'm sure we'll find them in this story, no way that there's gonna be a-" Atticus said.

To Be Continued...

"NO!" Atticus cried out, removing the word box and throwing it aside. "We gotta do this, and NOW! ...Even if I am being used without Thunder Pony realizing it."

"Yeah! Let's get this done now!" Lionel nodded.

They soon ran off together while looking around and soon ended up in the marketplace.

"Ooh... Hex Lax, my dad could use these." Thor said, picking up a potion.

"Really now?" asked Lionel.

Thor smiled as he looked at the potions.

"Focus!" Atticus told him.

"Sorry." Thor grinned sheepishly.

"We got parents to find, tout de suite!" Salem suggested.

Thor soon walked off with them to go to a castle which was called 'The Witch's Council' building.

"Okay... My uncle works here..." Thor told them. "He should know where your parents are, Atticus."

"I don't know if I like this place," Sabrina shivered. "It looks like a place of nightmares."

"Hey, relax," Salem replied. "I know these guys! I stood before them once..."

"Here we go..." Thor said. "The place where dreams go to die... And lives are crushed... Festering slowly and painfully after mustering up any possible courage you might have to stand up for yourself..." he said dramatically before smiling suddenly and looking at them. "So ya ready?!"

"...I think I left something in the car." Cherry said, walking off the other way.

"Oh, okay, we'll wait for you," Thor smiled before pausing. "Wait... What car?"

"Just a blasted minute!" Lionel replied, snapping his fingers and gluing Cherry to the ground. "You're not wimping out after all we went through. NOT ON MY WATCH!"

"I'm nervous though!" Cherry said. "What if they vaporize us or something?!"

"Well, we won't know unless we go in and see," Lionel replied. "We come too far to turn back now! We spent so much time looking for evidence of Atticus' parents, AND I AM NOT GONNA GIVE THAT UP BECAUSE YOU GOT COLD FEET!"

Cherry sighed. "All right... Let's go... Uh... A little help?" she then asked as her feet were stuck.

"Fine," Lionel replied, unsticking her and putting her on his back. "We're going for a piggyback ride into the place."

Cherry blinked, looking down at him.

Thor soon took them through the door and they came into the council building to find his uncle. "Uncle Drell? UNCLE DRELL?!"

"Thor, I've told you not to bother me at work..." A voice replied.

"It's important!" Thor replied.

"How important...?" A man with flowing long black hair with glasses glared, coming out and looking down at his nephew.

Cherry's eyes widened slightly. "Thaaat's a big guy..." She then whispered.

"He looks like if someone combined Newman from Seinfeld with Weird Al Yankovic...plus he sounds like Jon Lovitz." Lionel snickered.

"It's about the Fudo family." Thor explained.

"...How do you know about the Fudo family?" Drell asked his nephew in shock.

"Atticus had a vision dream..." Thor told his uncle.

"Atticus?" Drell asked, looking down.

"That's me..." Atticus said. "Um... You knew my parents?"

"Correction," Drell smirked. "I know your parents."

"You mean they're alive?" Lionel asked. "Score!"

"Of course they're alive," Drell said to them. "Nothing can ever keep old Patty Cakes down."

"Awesome!" The teens yelled.

"QUIET!" Drell told them, nearly making the room shake.

"Ooh..." Thor gasped.

"Now settle down..." Drell replied.

"Do you know why my parents gave me up in the first place?" Atticus asked the man. "...Didn't they want me?"

"Of course they did," Drell replied. "They were forced to give you up!"

"Forced...?" Atticus frowned.

"Someone took them from you after you were born..." Drell glared. "He tried to put you somewhere they would never think to look... They've been trying to contact you for years because you were destined to have visions and one of them would tell you to come looking for them."

"Sombra..." Atticus realized. "From when we were in Atlantis."

"Huh?" Lionel asked.

"It's a long story, Lionel." Atticus said.

"Challenge accepted!" Thor said before taking a big, deep breath. "So it was Atticus's birthday, but he doesn't like his birthday because it reminds him of being an orphan, and after Atticus's birthday party was a disaster, he found out about King Sombra who wanted him to become his heir, and it's when we found out about the Throne of Atlantis with Aquaman, and soon Cherry and Atticus made up and became friends again after Atticus turned into a rebel teenage bo-" he then hacked as he couldn't breathe anymore from talking so much.

"Just gimme the short version. It'll keep you from wasting your breath." Lionel replied.

"Basically, on Atticus's birthday when they found out about Atlantis, Atticus found out about King Sombra." Drell said while his nephew took deep breaths in and out.

"Sounds like a douche-a-saurus rex." Lionel replied.

"In short... Yes," Drell said. "I don't know what he saw in Atticus, he just found him to be the perfect heir for his kingdom in the magical world of Equestria."

"Which sounded totally girly when Unc first told me about it, but he proved me wrong." Thor soon added before breathing through his paper bag.

"Well...as soon as we get to Atticus's parents, we gotta stop that creepwad!" Lionel replied.

"Might not be as easy as you think..." Drell said. "It would take some magic..."

Cherry stepped out, a bit nervously as she let out a small gulp. "Erm... Teach us?" she then asked.

"I am the Head of the most important place in the whole Supernatural Realm, do you really think I have time to help you with magic like some kind of teaching mentor?" Drell replied.

"Well, you know anyone who DOES?" asked Lionel.

"...All right, fine, I'll help you." Drell then said.

"Seriously?!" The others asked him.

"It was that easy?!" Sabrina asked.

"...You look familiar." Drell said to Sabrina.

"That's Sabrina Sawyer Spellman." Salem explained.

"Oh... That's right..." Drell replied. "You know Hilda... I haven't seen Hilda in a while."

"You two boyfriend and girlfriend or something?" Cherry asked.

"Something like that..." Drell shrugged.

"She's my aunt." Sabrina replied.

"I see..." Drell said. "...We dated a long time ago... I doubt she'll take me back, but if you see her, tell her I'm really sorry for what I did a long time ago... I really miss her actually."

"Good to know." Sabrina noted.

Salem peeked his head out.

"Oh, I definitely remember you!" Drell glared to Salem.

"Oh, geez. Another blast from my past tonight." Salem sighed.

"Are you still gonna help us?" Cherry asked.

"Well... I will... As long as that cat stays out of my way," Drell said. "I'll help you prepare for the final battle with King Sombra to free Atticus's parents."

"Free them? Are they trapped?" asked Lionel.

"They were here earlier, but King Sombra must've found out about your arrival, so he's taken them away," Drell told them. "Only now time can tell us what happens from here onward, such as later in the future when you guys meet The Suicide Squad and the Fatal Five."

"...And you know this... How...?" Cherry asked.

"I have an Oracle who warns me about important stuff like this," Drell told them. "You never know when you might run into people who seem important in prophecy you were told about over ten years ago to what might happen in the present."

"How interesting." Lionel replied.

"I always thought so." Drell said.

"Crap!" Lionel groaned. "We're even FURTHER from learning about Atticus' parents and their whereabouts! Damn it!"

"I'm sorry, I really am trying to help you." Drell told them.

"Thank you, Uncle." Thor replied.

"We know..." Lionel replied. "So what are we waiting for? Sombra isn't gonna kick his own ass!"

They soon left down the hallway and soon came into a training room.

"Let's make some magic!" Drell told them with his voice booming a bit.

Lionel looked to Atticus with a smile. "We're not gonna rest until we find your parents and beat Sombra for good. This, I swear."

"You guys are real pals." Atticus smiled back with joyful tears in his eyes.

"Yeah, sure," Cherry replied. "Just don't go getting so mushy."

Atticus soon hugged her anyway.

"Jerk." Cherry rolled her eyes, but she seemed to give a small smile.

Lionel began playing the Justice League Unlimited theme on a guitar as they headed off.

"All right, Thornton, because you brought your friends here, you might as well learn advanced magic with them!" Drell told his nephew.

"Oh, boy... I was hoping for a weekend WITHOUT homework." Thor replied.

"Hey, we might as well make it fun, big guy," Lionel replied, climbing onto his shoulders. "And since I'm the Bat-Mite, you're kinda like my Robin! Or even better: NIGHTWING!"

"I can be Nightwing?!" Thor gasped happily.

"Sure, buddy!" Lionel replied, tussling his hair playfully.

"Ooh, I think I found a new friend..." Thor smiled.

"Here comes the hugs..." Drell rolled his eyes.

Thor soon hugged Lionel happily. Lionel just hugged Thor back, patting him while he did.

"I love making new friends, Uncle!" Thor smiled.

"Ugh... I've told my sister to never drink fruit punch when she was pregnant with that kid, and look what happened..." Drell muttered to himself.

"Hey, he turned out alright," Lionel shrugged. "So better look out, Sombra, cuz next time, you'll be dealing with...the TOON FORCE 5! We'll be like the Sonic Underground! Cuz we made a vow his parents would be found!"

Everyone soon posed together in an epic sort of way like a superhero group of their own.

"Don't miss our next kickbutt adventure: Toon Force Vs. The Fatal 5! Coming soon!" Lionel exclaimed as he began playing the Sonic Underground theme afterwards.

"A child born... The future awaits..." A voice sang as Baby Atticus was shown in his mother's embrace. "A vision of a deathly fate... Give up your child, separate... Bide your time... Lie and wait~"

"Toon Force Underground! Toon Force Underground!" The group was shown, one by one, coming to the team in various ways and fighting evil villains. "They made a vow his parents would be found~!"

Clips of Baby Atticus were shown of learning and growing, though living on his own eventually, not too far away from Cherry's house which would eventually lead up to them meeting and becoming friends until Atticus was adopted by Clark Kent to become his son and a fellow superhero, thus creating the Justice League.

"Young Atticus grew, learned what's right~," A voice sang. "Helped make the Justice League for fight! He seeks his parents, Cherry always knew, Is it time? If they only knew! Will their wishes all come true?~"

Scenes of Thor meeting Atticus were shown, as well as Lionel being sent to the 3rd dimension forever; next, it showed all the kids putting their hands in the middle.

"Toon Force Underground~ Toon Force Underground~!"

"We long for our child, but we have to wait," Emily said with tears in her eyes. "To act too soon, could seal his fate."

The kids were then shown on one side of a battlefield, with awesome costumes and powers-even Lady Gothika had powers of her own-and on the other, an army of villains, with Sombra standing at the head.

"They made a vow his parents would be found! TOON FORCE UNDERGROUND!~"