Deep within the Cosmos

Within a blue Nebula sat a massive 2,000 foot tall Black and White being he was a part of an ancient race of god like beings called the Aspirants,This Aspirant doesn't exactly have a name but I'll call him Ambient.

Ambient has been hiding in this nebula since the War with the Celestials where the Aspirants lost. Ambient cursed himself and the other Aspirants for not finishing the Celestials when they had the chance instead they went into a civil war and the Celestial nearly caused them to go extinct themselves.

However word spread throughout the universe that the First Firmament returned and captured Eternity to retain it's position as everything that is however the Eternity watch and a new group called the Ultimate Ultimates which were past incarnations of the multiverse to help them, the First Firmament was sent away but the worst part the remaining Aspirants were killed rendering Ambient the Last Aspirant.

Ambient just sat there in the nebula self loathing.

Ambient knew he should of helped them but he didn't instead he stayed hidden now he's feeling the same thing the First Firmament felt...Loneliness.

Ambient has been self loathing for a really long time and quite frankly he's getting sick of it,he has to do something,and he knows exactly what:Kill the remaining Celestials.

Thanks to the Godkiller armor the Celestials numbers have been reduced to merely 100,now it's time to finish the job, all he needs is the Godkiller armor and the Heart of the voldi...or not,Ambient knows how to build the Godkiller armor he helped build it after all as for the heart of the's just a cloaking device and Ambient wants the Celestials to know their death approaches.

Ambient looked to the Starship he took to Escape and reached out and took half of the ship apart and manipulated and Fused the pieces together to form a armor that was gold and black (take Iron man's godkiller armor helmet and put it on the Celestial Destructor's servitor's body)Ambient added a couple of Upgrades the armor has a arm Sword and Shield this version is much deadlier than the original and is made to cause the Celestials to go Extinct in under a hour Ambient has now dubbed this armor The Godslayer armor.

Ambient put the armor onto him self it was extremely comfortable like wearing a pillow Ambient put the helmet on and the Look was complete Ambient Clenched his fist and a long blade came out of his forearm and a shield materialized on his other arm then he tested the suits energy generator it augments his powers with it he can destroy 30 planets in one blast the suit pulsated with golden energy the suit works perfectly now the next step is to get all the Celestials in one place so how to you get a hundred Celestials attention?

1 Lightyear away

A Celestial that looked exactly like Nezzarr the calculator but was green was working on a massive machine that was on a moon orbiting a blue planet then Ambient silently appeared behind him and unsheathed the blade and thrusted it into his back the Celestial tried to fight back but Ambient sliced him in half back by moving the blade up then back down.

Massive amounts of energy spilled out and Ambient blocked it with his shield as the wave died down All there was left was a dead celestial ambient nodded his head as the task was complete now he just had to wait and see if the Celestials would show up.

Ambient looked around a few times until he felt a concussive blast hit him in the back and he flew into the machine with a loud boom he looked up to see the Celestials well not all of them only,Arishem the judge,Nezarr the calculator,Eson the searcher,Gammenon the gatherer,Hargen the measurer,Jemiah the analyzer,Oneg the prober,Tefral the surveyor and Ziran the tester were all here but Ambient didn't care he could still work with this.

Ambient stood up and scanned the 9 Celestials before him and the The visor of his helmet flipped up revealing Ambient's face the Celestials looked to one another except for Arishem who kept his sights trained on him.

Oneg flew in front of Arishem and blasted a beam of cosmic energy at Ambient His visor quickly flipped down and he brought up his shield it deflected the beam up Ambient immediately got an idea he angled the shield and Oneg was sliced in half by his own power.

Arishem motioned the others to surround him and they did they landed on the moon and formed a circle around Ambient and fired their energy beams but Ambient blocked it with a force field then with the wave of his arms the feedback wave knocked the Celestials back and to the ground.

Eson quickly got up and charged at Ambient only to get slammed to the ground ambient stomped on his chest and swong his blade towards his head but Gammenon blocked it with his staff and blasted Ambient back. Eson and Gammenon slammed their staffs to the ground and a massive wave of energy teared towards ambient but he jumped to the air and blasted them both with beams of energy knocking them back.

Then Hargen flew in and punched ambient a few times making him topple over then he blasted him but Ambient had he's shield up the beam reflected off and towards Nezarr who dodged it ambient bashed hargen's hands away and blasted him with his own energy knocking him in to a crator.

Nezarr levatated large pieces of the moon and threw it at Ambient but he sliced them in half he looked towards Jemiah who locked hands with Ambient trying to overpower him Nezarr levatated another piece of the moon this time it was bigger Jemiah pushed Ambient down and teleported out of the way nezarr dropped the massive rock on Ambient making a large boom as the dust settled Nezarr was about to leave when the rock turned a gold color and a large explosion acurred Ambient stood up with rock hovering around him although you couldn't tell..but he was livid as hell he unsheathed his blade and slashed at the air sending a wave at Nezarr, he didn't dodge in time and sliced his stomach making him topple over not dead but injured,Ambient looked over at Jemiah and with a gesture of his hand the rocks formed together and and he did a throwing motion and the rock flew towards Jemiah and hit him sending him flying.

Ambient looked towards the remaining Celestials Arishem,Tefral and Ziran and pointed to them as if to say "You're next."

Tefral and ziran looked at eachother not knowing what to do next Arishem flew at Ambient and collided with him and they hit the ground Arishem hit him with an onslaught of punches but then Ambient grabbed his head and headbutted him and threw him off Ziran blasted ambient knocking him down Tefral quickly ran up to him to kick him but Ambient caught his foot And held it as he slowly got up Then with the swing of his blade Tefral leg was cut off Tefral clutched his severed leg and was blasted away Ziran swong at Ambient but it dodged and thrusted his blade into his shoulder socket and pulled out and bashed Ziran away with his shield sending him flying,Gammenon tried to hit him with his staff Ambient caught it with his bare hand and socked Gammenon in the face then he hit Gammenon with his own staff then he broke it and Stabbed him square in the face with the broken piece and Gammenon collapsed dead.

Eson now furious blasted Ambient With all he had but it wasn't enough Ambient jumped in the air and knocked eson down and hit him repeatedly with his shield until his 2 middle eyes shattered ambient lifted eson off the ground and blasted him with cosmic energy eson hit the ground hard ambient put his foot on eson's back and thrusted his blade through eson's neck then pulled out and Ambient grabbed his head and violently twisted it all the way around before pulling it off eson's body layed motionless and Ambient raised Eson's head high into the air in a triumphant way.

3 million miles away

The one above all aka the Celestial leader gathered all the remaining Celestials as he senced some Celestials in terrible danger and they teleported away.

Back with the battle

The battle wasn't going well at all Arishem layed on the ground injured and his right arm sliced off as he saw his fellow Celestials Nezarr was still clutching his stomach, Eson is dead Gammenon is dead,Hargen was fighting ambient but got blasted away,Jemiah layed dead as ambient blasted a massive hole through his chest,Ziran held his shoulder as he layed in a crator,Tefral was trying to crawl away Arishem looked as he saw Ambient walking towards him menacingly with his blade out.

Tefral shot a beam at Ambient trying one last time to take him out only for ambient to block it with the same result ambient angled the beam and it severed tefral in half killing him.

Ambient stood over Arishem and raised his blade ready to end him forever but he was blasted in the back by none other than One above all with the rest of the Celestials behind him. Ambient flew into the air and towards the others now he had all the Celestials in one place now he can unleash his full power.

The armor glowed and Ambient started spinning fast and bullet like energy blast scattered hitting and killing most of the Celestials most of them dodged others weren't quick enough.

Hargen got up and saw the carnage and flew up towards Ambient and went in front of him and blasted him making ambient fall back to the moon with a large crash hargen landed in front of Ambient who was getting up Hargen levatated a rock and threw it at Ambient but ambient batted it away Hargen flew at him and kicked him preforming a giant back flip and blasting ambient to the ground. Hargen clenched his fist and massive amount of energy built up and he struck Ambient across the face Ambient looked up at hargen and felt his helmet and saw his white eye was exposed.

Hargen reeled back for another punch but Ambient quickly tackled him and punching him repeatedly before lifting him and blasting him away hargen quickly got up and fired a beam at Ambient only to be blocked by his shield ambient walked closer and closer untill he was close enough to bat his hand away hargen tried to punch ambient but he caught the fist unsheathed the blade and stabbed Hargen in the stomach.

Ambient started twisting the blade side to side making hargen kneel Ambient thrusted the blade out and energy leaked out of hargen and he clutched his stomach. Ambient held his hand up and it started to glow gold energy Hargen hung his head waiting for his death.

"HALT!"a voice boomed ambient looked up to see Eternity and the Ultimate Ultimates behind him with the First Firmament in chains.

Ambient looked at his creater and saw his condition he clenched his fist unsheathing the blade and flew at them "NO STAY BACK!"screamed the first firmament suddenly Ambient's armor shattered then transformed into chains binding Ambient's arms behind his back and legs.

Eternity looked at him and at the celestials "you won't be harming them anymore."he said ambient struggled to get out but it was no use the first firmament growled in anger "don't you dare destroy him he's what's left of my perfect creations." He glared at the celestials with hatred.

"Your perfect creation nearly annihilated the celestials i think they deserve justice."Infinity fired back "indeed do with the Aspirant as you wish farewell."the second cosmos said and they teleported away taking the first firmament with them.

2 celestials quickly seized ambient before he could escape Arishem stumbled to Nezarr and ziran holding his arm as it leaked energy. The celestials glared daggers at Ambient knowing soon he'll join his brethren.