Razor and T-Bone were flying back to the salvage yard after beating up Dark Kat. "We sure did give that gothic giant a piece of us back there, didn't we, buddy." Razor asked. "Yup." T-Bone replied before letting out a loud, tuba-pitched fart that blew in Razor's face. "Geez! You need to see Dr. Konway and get this checked out!" Razor said, plugging his nose. T-Bone turned the Turbokat and headed to Dr. Konway's office.

"It's just gas," Dr. Konway said. "So there's really nothing i can do."

"SERIOUSLY?!" T-Bone yelled. "I'VE BEEN FARTING MY GUTS OUT FOR FOUR CHAPTERS NOW! IT'LL NEVER STOP ON IT'S OWN!" His sentence was punctuated with a wet, brawny fart. T-Bone's furry cheeks turned red. "I suggest cutting back on the work and leaving the repairing to Razor." Dr. Konway said. T-Bone felt some loud rumbling in his belly, and he farted a high-pitched, adorable poot. Dr. Konway gawked, looking more like Lt. Steel than he already did. "I suggest you go home and take some of these gas pills." Said Dr. Konway. The SWAT Kats nodded.

"Yo mama is so stupid, she hated this show!" Said Tommy, one of David Litterbin's guests on TV. "This kat sure cracks me up." Jake said. "These jokes stink!" Chance muttered. Chance lifted his leg, aimed his butt at the TV, and ripped a huge, brawny fart that blew up the TV. Jake's jaw dropped so far that it almost touched the floor. "I don't think you've been following Dr. Konway's orders." He said. "I don't need to listen to him." Chance said. "I just LOVE farting."