((AN: We all know the storyline to these fics. They gather to watch the movies and all that so I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about them getting together and finding a DVD or some other magical nonsense. So this is a brief prologue from Tony's point of View and then straight into the Story. ))

Tony glared at Fury and Strange his eyes bore into their backs. They had all but kidnapped him with the help of Rhodes and Pepper both of whom for some reason did not seem angry at this

So now he was stuck in Wakanda with all the members of his old team who currently hated him and a few other heroes who also hated him. So basically more than half the room currently hated him. Great.

But Strange had it in his head that the future of this world rested on the fact that they all function as one cohesive team. But really he had far too much faith in Tony's life solving this problem. Tony was the only reason they weren't a team nothing that had anything to do with him was going to make this better if anything they'd probably hate him more.

A hand squeezed his shoulder tightly and he looked over at Rhodey, the traitor, who was giving him a reassuring look despite the fact that Tony had caught him and Sam being all buddy buddy. Tony hadn't even known the two had been talking to each other. It was blasphemous. Rhodey had only rolled his eyes when Tony had brought it up and Tony had shot back by trading out Rhodey for T'challa on his speed dial.

The king of Wakanda was in lounging in an armchair between Tony and the rogues managing to look both relaxed and still intimidating as hell at the same time. It was probably a king thing. And something the genius greatly appreciated. T'Challa was the only even ground between them and his presence was a warning on both sides. Plus Okoye the super scary woman with the spear was just outside and even Natasha seemed hesitant of her.

Strange hadn't stayed around for long he'd done his magic bullshit drooped him and Rhodey off and then to everyone's surprise both Bruce and Thor.

Both of whom seemed remarkably friendly with one another. Tony felt a bit betrayed but that was nothing new. So he plastered on his media smile and pretended his didn't notice when Bruce refused to acknowledge his existence.

He could do this.

And then the door opened and Tony's whole mind faltered.


And Bucky Barnes.

He felt his heart stop just looking at them and his hand instinctively rose toward his reactor though he pretended to play it off like he was pulling imaginary lint from his suit.

Blue eye met brown and Tony tore his gaze away quickly. Though he couldn't help but gaze sideways at the pair. Steve looked good in a sexy lumberjack way and Tony had never thought that smooth jaw would look so good with a beard but damn him he was just that perfect.

Bucky looked more Wakandan than T'Challa sporting a hippie scruff complete with man bun. He still had no arm and Tony didn't examine him further than that. He couldn't bring himself to look at Steve and Barnes for longer than a minute it made his chest ache and his breath shallow and the genius did not need to have a panic attack, not here.

He would not show them his weaknesses.

He was Tony fucking Stark and Stark men were made of iron.