Hey! This is a fill for a tumblr prompt requesting mini fics for all five of the senses.

The Effect of Dana Scully on Fox Mulder: A Journey of Arousal Through the Senses


She was gorgeous, that much was obvious. He would have probably used the word 'cute' to describe her at the beginning of their partnership - baggy suits, scruffy bangs, a shroud of innocence that followed her around. He wasn't sure what had happened somewhere down the line, but fuck. She was, without a shadow of doubt, the most attractive woman he'd ever seen. And he had to be less than a foot away from her day in and day out.

To say it occasionally distracted him would be an understatement.

90, okay, 70 percent of the time he was able to reel it in without her noticing. While she looked stunning, he'd never want her to lump him in with all the other guys who ignored her brains for her beauty. It happened so frequently that it'd almost become a game between them; everytime a man's stare lingered too long, when she was called any type of garden variety pet name, when someone asked him if she was single - they would send each other amused smirks and continue about their day unaffected.

How he wished to be unaffected right now.

It was over a hundred degrees and the air conditioning in their rental was sporadic to say the least. Scully'd been miserable the entire ride, but was refraining from saying anything to make him feel worse than he already did. Then, like a gift from the gods, a small ice cream stand emerged in the distance and he pulled over immediately.

"Mulder, what are you-oh thank god," she beamed as the sign came more into view. He'd initially been so proud of this spontaneous gesture, but he hadn't realized it meant he'd have to sit across from Scully as she, unintentionally, lewdly ate the ice cream cone. A vision that was immediately stored away in his file of fantasies was not one he particularly wanted to face right now.

She got a big scoop of vanilla ice cream on a cone and he swore to god he'd never seen anything more pornographic. Her eyes fluttered shut in pleasure every time her extended, bubblegum pink tongue lapped at the dessert. She even let out some hums of contentment as a small smile graced her lips, a small smile beamed at him as if he was the sole cause of her happiness. He should do this more often.

Since it was so hot, she'd taken off her light jacket to reveal she was in a thin, spaghetti tank top, revealing the creamy skin of her freckled arms to the brightness of the sun. She almost looked like she was glowing.

She couldn't eat faster than the ice cream was melting, so a steady line dripped down her forearm while another drop landed on her chest, slowly making its way down to the valley of her breasts, disappearing in between the two mounds.

Jesus Christ.

He watched in stunned awe as she stuck out her tongue and licked the length of her forearm, a move that made his cock twitch painfully against his straining pants. Then, as if her sole goal was to torture him, she reached down into her cleavage and gathered the sticky drips onto her fingers before sucking it off.

"Mulder, you're dripping," she stated, gesturing to him.


"Here," she muttered, leaning forward. She slid her wet finger up the length of his forearm and pulled back to reveal a glob of chocolate. She stuck it in her mouth too, her cheeks hollowing from the suction, before laughing breathily with a coy smile, as if embarrassed by her bold action.

They had to sit there for twenty minutes after finishing so he could calm himself down from seeing her like that.


"Can I borrow your shower stuff?" she asked, adorned in a thick fluffy robe and coming up to his shoulders without her usual heels.

"Why?" he asked, simply curious.

She bit her lip before answering in an almost shy expression. "I, um, forgot mine and I didn't want to use the hotel stuff because I know yours smells better."

"Oh is that right?" he asked, teasing her but going to gather his stuff anyway.

"I mean, you just- I like your stuff," she shrugged, playing with the wood of the doorway while watching him.

He made his way over to her, arms filled with his hair care and body wash and handed it over to her clumsily. As their hands were grazing each other, he huskily whispered, "Agent Scully, are you implying that you like my scent?"

She rolled her eyes, but he didn't miss the way her cheeks reddened. "Shut up, Mulder."

The next day he had a hard time focusing on anything other than that Dana Scully smelled like him. It's how he'd imagined she'd smell if they had sex, a little of him on her, a little of her on him. He could tell she liked it too because she seemed to conveniently forget her shower supplies a lot more after that.

He didn't know if it elicited the same reaction for her that it did for him, but he knew he spent a lot of time in the shower with his dick in his hand thinking about how it smelt on her.


In his defense, he was already touching himself before she called. If his gauging was correct, he had been about two minutes away from reaching the part in his mental fantasy where Scully twitched and convulsed around him, which was without a doubt where he would have finished. But instead

Riiiing Riiing

His hands stilled, one mid-pump on his shaft and the other squeezing his balls, as he contemplated letting it go. However, he turned over and saw the subject of his fantasy was calling and it felt impolite to ignore real Scully in favor of dream Scully. Keeping one hand gripping his shaft, he reached over and grabbed the phone.

"Hey, Scully. What's up?" he should have taken a moment to collect himself before saying anything because he sounded like he was running a mile.

"Mulder, are you okay?" her concern voice rang into his ear.

"Uh, y-yeah. I just got back from a run," he lied, desperate to divert his attention. "Is everything alright?"

She paused, as if deliberating with herself whether to press him on the lie she didn't believe or let him off, luckily for him she decided on the latter. "Yeah, I just wanted to ask if you were feeling better. You seemed a little down today," she reassured in a sweet tone.

Call him a pervert, but Scully's voice changed when she was worried about him and it was a sound smoother than honey and one he thought about often. A sound that made his cock ache so much that he couldn't help but squeeze himself as he answered. "Sorry about that. I just had a really bad headache."

"Mulder-," she chastised, drawing out his name a little bit. "Why didn't you tell me? I could have given you something."

He bit his lip as a bolt of pleasure ran through him while he thumbed his engorged head. "Thanks Scully. I feel better now," he replied evenly, normally.

"I'm glad," she said sleepily and, based off the rustling he heard, she was snuggling in bed while she called him.

"I appreciate you checking up on me," he smiled.

"Mhm," she mumbled deep in her throat, a breathy exhalation coming out through her nose as she undoubtedly got herself comfortable.

The sound was too akin to pleasure and he came, hot and blinding, a muffled grunt the only indication.

"Are you sure you're okay, Mulder?"


He'd hurt his back and she insisted an old friend from college taught her the 'perfect' solution to help smooth out a muscle cramp. A few minutes after she started, he was sure it wasn't a 'friend from college' but a boyfriend who really knew how to use practicality to disguise foreplay.

He felt like she found every excuse to touch him, but other than her body smashing into his as he sat upright in the chair, she didn't seem to be making any indication of ulterior motives. She'd told him to take off his shirt, so all he could feel was her bare arms touching his skin as she raked the palms of her hands over his entire back.

Occasionally her chest would smash into his arms as she tried hitting him at new angles. He enjoyed each new move because it was honestly making him feel good. Too good. Almost as soon as she started touching him, his body responded. As she softened the tight area of his back, he hardened in the front. Equivalent exchange at its worst.

He placed his arms on top of his crotch in hopes that it would hide his appreciation from her. He thought it was successful until he caught sight of her self-satisfied smile.


She tasted like musk, Scully, and sweetness. The perfect combination. He lapped at her like it was the last thing he'd ever do and, honestly, if it was he'd be completely content. There was no place he'd rather be than between her thighs.

God, yes. Mulder, oh fuck.

He wasn't sure who was enjoying this more; him or her. He swore he could get drunk just from her alone. Even as she lay in his arms after the fact, sleepy and sated, he'd roll his lips together and run his tongue over his lips just so he could continue to enjoy her a few more times.

Actually - correction - she tasted like sex, Scully, and an overwhelming sense of content happiness.

Thanks for reading! - Nicole (Twitter/Tumblr: gaycrouton)