A/N: Hey guys, thanks for your reviews, faves and follows, they all mean an awful lot to me! I got a review asking if I'd thought about who I might pair Harry with and I'm not sure yet, but I know it will mostly like be a slash pairing. The only person I've thought about pairing him with is Bucky, but who knows what'll happen? Leave a review and tell me what you think! Who would you guys like to see Harry paired with?

Happy reading! :')

Chapter 2.

"It all started with the battle of New York". Steve began his story, telling Harry everything , finally ending with 'Thanos' snap'. Harry stared at the group aghast. What sort of person could possibly do something like that. Even Voldemort wasn't quite that evil. Harry wondered how many lives the mad titan had ruined, how many different planets he'd decimated. He had no idea what could possibly be motivating him to slaughter half of the universe's population but it couldn't be anything good.

"That's... Insane" Harry finally managed to find his voice.

"It is, we're going to have to get a plan together to figure out how we can defeat him, he's much too powerful" Steve said anxiously.

"It sounds like we need to get that gauntlet off of him, if we manage that he won't be quite as powerful and we'll also be able to bring people back to life, we need as many people as we can get right now" Harry suggested. Everyone else murmured their agreement and they set about to start planning.

"I think we're also going to need to train, Thanos and his minions defeated us pretty easily so we should dedicate as much time as possible to training" Natasha commented, after being brought up in the red room and spending countless years working for Shield, she wasn't used to being beaten, and it had hit her hard.

"Yeah that might be a good idea. Okay, we'll spend the morning planning then we'll spend the afternoon training if that's okay for everyone" Steve questioned.

"We shall not be defeated again, I will definitely train with you!" Thor bellowed in agreement, the rest of the group murmured their assent and they began to plan, trying to figure out what their best option was. Ideas were tossed around and they finally decided that getting the gauntlet off of Thanos was going to be the best option. They now needed to track him and figure out where he'd gotten too.

Harry hadn't realised how much he'd missed planning these type of missions, knowing that everything was on the table and one small mistake could end everything. Harry had lead many missions during the war and had gotten quite good at planning and executing plans so he was rather at ease with the situation.

The buzzing off a monitor turning on across the room made Harry jump. Natasha and Steve quickly made their way over to see what was happening with the rest of the group following quickly behind. A picture of a man stood at the front doors ringing a doorbell came up on the screen.

"Hey ah is anyone home this is Scott lang, we met a few years ago at the airport in Germany and I got really big".

"Is this an old message" Steve asked, hope in his voice.

"Ant man, I know you know that"

"Its the front door" Natasha stated incredulously.

"That's me, can you buzz me in?"

Harry was baffled, he didn't recall Steve mentioning an ant Man. Frowning he thought over what Steve had said about Germany. He knew that Steve and Tony had had a disagreement which lead to a rather large fight, and the two of them still hadn't made up.

"Hello, anyone in there? Please let me in it's really creepy out here" Scott sounded desperate as he practically begged them to let him inside. Steve and Nat looked at each other before Steve went to the intercom and buzzed him in. Several minutes later a rather short stocky man ambled into the room.

"Uh thanks guys, I really appreciate the help. What's going on"? Scott asked.

"Do you know what's been happening recently Scott"? Rhodey queried.

"Not really no, I've spent the last month's working on a quantum realm portal so, care to enlighten me"?

Steve quickly filled Scott in on what's happened over the last few months and Scott laughed.

"You're not serious are you"?

"Yes, we're really serious Scott, Thanos has eradicated half of the human population and he's massacred countless other planets as well. But we need all the help we can get so if you're willing to lend a hand we'd really appreciate it". Scott stared at them incredulously for a few moments before he shrugged.

"Sure why not, I mean what have we got to lose right"?. Harry chuckled at that, he'd only just met the man but he already liked his easy going attitude.

"I think we need to find out if Tony is still alive. I have no idea what happened to him but from what Pepper said he went up in that space craft. If he's still alive, we're going to need his help" Bruce stated despondently. At the first mention of Tony, Steve stiffened up, a frown marring his features.

"He was going to call you, you know. When the aliens landed" Bruce told him quietly.

"I know, but it'll take a lot for us to put aside our differences. I just hope he's still alive out there" Steve spoke quietly, a sad look crossing his face.

The history between each of the avengers was immense, they'd gone through a lot together and come out stronger on the other side for the most part. Despite their differences, Harry knew Tony and Steve loved each other like brothers and he prayed they'd all pull through this together. He'd only known them for a short time but he was already becoming attached to the mismatched group. He'd never felt this at home, not even in Hogwarts and that surprised him a great deal. He supposed it was because here he was just Harry, whilst in Hogwarts he was the boy who lived, the man who conquered, the Tri wizard champion and had been the heir of Slytherin for awhile. In the wizarding world he had never truly felt at home, he had never truly felt safe because the people of the British wizarding world played him the hero one minute and the villain the next and he absolutely despised it. Even Ron had fallen out with him for awhile, purely through jealousy and not trusting Harry enough to believe that he was telling the truth about the goblet. But he knew here, with people equally as complex as himself he would fit right in, and he would never be judged for past problems or for things he may do wrong, and he was exceedingly grateful for that.

"I think it's time to train, we all need to be put through our paces" Natasha interjected a hint of smugness to her voice.

"I'm assuming you all know some hand to hand combat"? Everyone nodded their assent except for Harry.

"Harry, can you fight"? Natasha enquired.

"I've not been trained in any sort combat, I'm good with magic and some reconnaissance stuff, but everything else I'm crap at" Harry admitted. He didn't have enough time during the war to learn such things as Muggle fighting. Mad eye had tried to train him in using a sword but the man had died not long after they'd started lessons. He was definitely going to need a lot of training, he just hoped they had enough time to get him up to speed. Harry was also going to start studying his books, there was bound to be something in there that would help them defeat Thanos, and Harry needed to have some duelling practice. He could easily summon a dummy to fight against but he knew he was severely lacking in spell knowledge so he put that first on his list of things to do. He also needed to brew some extra potions and maybe some poisons as well. He hadn't been very good at potions in Hogwarts but since leaving he'd learnt to love the art and could happily spend days brewing different potions. It had taken some practice but he was no longer hopeless, although Snape would probably say differently.

"Okay, well we'll need to work out some sort of training regimen then, including cardio, combat, body strengthening, teamwork and we could do with learning some more about tracking. Harry, Nat and I will begin teaching you the beginnings of hand to hand combat, I'm sure you'll catch up quickly" Steve gave him a reassuring smile and Harry grinned in response. He was rather excited to be learning some new things, he hadn't done all that well in Hogwarts what with the constant threat of Voldemort, but know that he didn't have to worry about him anymore, he could focus more on learning everything he needed. Thankfully, he had pretty much a full library of books stashed in his bag, he had hundreds of potions, defence, transfiguration and charms books, along with subjects like runes, arithmancy, warding and alchemy. He also had some books that had 'dark spells" in them. He knew he most likely would never use anything like that, but it was better safe than sorry. He also had several animagus books along with his father's journals on how he had transformed himself. Harry had begun the animagus transformation when the war ended and he was doing surprisingly well without a teacher, he had the most difficulties with trying to calm his mind to find his form. He'd never been good at meditation and it had taken him weeks to get to a point where he could clear his mind for more than ten seconds. But after a lot of hard work it had finally paid off, and he found his form, a peregrine falcon. He was exceptionally happy that he had a flying form, he was always happiest in the air and he was excited to see what flying as a bird would be like when he finally finished his transformation.

Harry quickly pulled himself back to the present as Steve asked him another question.

"Sorry what did you say"? Harry frowned, he really needed to pay more attention.

"I was just asking how good you are with your magic"?

"Oh, yeah it's usually pretty good but I could definitely do with some more time to practice. I'm a little bit out of shape".

"Okay, well for the next few weeks we're all going to be working hard, we need to be at our peak physically so I expect all of you to give it your all" Steve stated seriously.

"I mean, I'm small and cute I already have the advantage over the enemy so I think I can sit all of this out. But you guys go ahead, work hard, I'll just watch from the side-lines" Rocket remarked.

"You will join in with the training sweet rabbit, you can always improve" Thor stated.

"You do realise that he's a racoon right"? Harry murmured in confusion. Thor gave him a look that clearly stated he was out of his mind.

"Well, let's get started team" Steve ordered with a bright grin. They all left and got the elevator up to the top floor where the training rooms were situated and for the next few hours Harry felt like he was being tortured. If this wasn't hell, he didn't want to know what was. They started running laps around the room, Harry was relatively good at this because they did similar things for quidditch practice, Bruce on the other hand was puffing and panting away, severely winded.

"I'm too old for this stuff guys" he panted as he half heartedly jogged around the room.

"Bruce, I'm almost eighty years old, if anyone's too old for this it's me" Steve quipped back.

"Yeah but you have the super soldier serum running through your veins, you could probably run forever and not get out of breath" Steve just laughed in response, neither confirming or denying the statement.

Once they were warmed up they began martial arts and combat, and for the next two hours Harry was kicked, punched, slapped and knocked over. He could barely breathe by the time it was over and his whole body ached, he knew he'd wake up tomorrow with some serious bruises.

Lying on his back, Harry stared up at the ceiling as he tried to regain his breath, he was going to work on his duelling and spell knowledge after this. He was too far behind in his magical knowledge to be of much help to the rest of his team, and he wanted to prove himself, he didn't want to let anyone down by being a weak link. When he finally got his breath back, he made his way down stairs with the rest of the group and ate a hearty meal of chicken, tomato and basil pasta amidst friendly banter and chit chat from the rest of the group. Despite the numerous aches throughout his body, he felt the best he had in awhile. He hadn't kept up with his fitness routine and he knew that was going to bite him in the ass. He was going to push himself as far as possible, he needed to be a lot fitter than he was now.

When he finished his dinner, Harry once again made his way up to the training room with his bag. He pulled out several duelling books and conjured some dummies. The dummies he was using were very commonly used in auror training, they had different levels on them so the better you got, the harder it became.

Harry turned the dummy on to the lowest level and quickly began shooting spells at it, the great thing about these dummies was that they showed you how many times you hit the dummy and how many times you missed it, they also recorded what spells they were hit with, and how many times they had managed to hit you. Harry quickly ducked under a stunning charm and fired back with his own stunner before sending an aguimenti charm and a freezing charm at it in quick succession, all three caught the dummy in the chest and it was quickly encased in ice. He took the spells off and moved up to the next level. For another two hours he continued to push himself, ducking, dodging and spinning out of the way of spells and sending back as many as he could. By the time he was finished, he was once again lying on the floor, panting in exhaustion. He definitely needed a lot of work, he needed to be able to do that for a good hour without getting tired, when they went off to fight Thanos he'd probably be fighting for hours on end and he couldn't get tired because he'd most likely be killed if he did. When he finally caught his breath, he made his way back down stairs and said goodnight to the rest of his team before making his way to a spare room he'd found. He decided to have a hot bath to ease as many of the aches and pains as possible. He took a quick pain relief potion before getting into the bath.

When he'd finally soaked for long enough he got out and towelled himself dry before putting on some bruising balm to try and get rid of as many of the bruises as possible. He grabbed one of his many potions books out of his bag and got into bed where he read until he finally fell asleep a good hour later.

The next morning he woke up and immediately groaned in pain, apparently the hot bath and bruising balm hadn't worked quite as well as he had hoped they would. He finally gritted his teeth and cautiously got out of bed, he slowly got changed, grabbed his things and headed out to the kitchen. When he got there, he proceeded to make a large breakfast for everyone, he put sausages, bacon and hash browns under the grill before he started making some pancakes in one pan and fried eggs in another. Despite how much he disliked his aunt petunia, he was grateful that she had taught him how to cook. Ten minutes later Rocket shuffled into the room, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. He hopped into a chair at the bar and leaned his head on his hands as he yawned widely.

"You alright there Rocket"? Harry asked cautiously, he didn't know the racoon well, he didn't really know anyone here well for that matter, but he liked him so far and would like the chance to get to know him better, he had a smart mouth and his sarcasm and witty comebacks reminded him an awful lot of Sirius.

"Wha.. oh yeah m'fine just tired" Rocked grumbled back.

"You want some coffee"? Harry knew he'd asked the right question when Rocked immediately perked up at the mention of Coffee. Harry quickly poured him a cup and handed it over. Rocket practically inhaled the coffee and Harry barely suppressed a chuckle.

"Can I have some more of that"? Yet again trying not to laugh, Harry made him another cup of strong coffee and placed it on the bar in front of him.

"Want some breakfast"?

"Have you got pancakes"?

"Yeah sure, do you want syrup or butter on them"? Harry questioned.

Once Harry had made the raccoon a plate of pancakes with butter he plated up his own food and sat down and began tucking in. The food was definitely sweeter in America and he found himself liking the change. Thor, Steve and Nat came in whilst Harry was eating his breakfast and he quickly stood up so he could sort them out some coffee and food.

"Sit back down kid, you made the food we can get what we want" Steve assure with a smile making Harry sit back down.

"How are you guys doing this morning"? He asked them.

"I've just been for my morning run so I'm pretty excited to eat" Steve admitted.

"Is he okay"? Steve asked, nodding his head towards rocket who had fallen face first into his pancakes and was soundly snoring away. Harry gave a brief chuckle before nodding "I don't quite think he's a morning person" Harry stated making the others laugh.

"What's on the agenda today then boys"? Natasha queried.

"Training all day again I think, but today I'm going to be pairing everyone up, everyone has slightly different fighting styles so you can all learn from each other. Harry you'll be alternating between Natasha and myself again today" Steve said thoughtfully. Harry groaned, he didn't think he could handle another day of training if it was intense as the day before. He was already covered in cuts and bruises and he was having trouble moving. They were definitely serious about training and he respected that, but he was hopeful that they would be a little easier on him today.

The remaining avengers slowly began to trickle into the room, each grabbing a plate of breakfast and a coffee. Harry continued to eat as he listened to the idle chatter around him, he relaxed as he amicably chatted with Scott about his time in the quantum realm whilst he finished his food. He tried to let the peaceful atmosphere dispel his anxieties about the days training but his efforts were for naught as the pager that had been left on the table the day before began to wildly beep, and a loud crash was heard from the next room. In that moment, all hell broke loose.

What do you guys think is gonna happen next? ;) Please review and tell me what you think!