Chapter 10

Agent BM: Glad you liked it

After the explosion, everything and everyone that had been in the site originally disappeared, and the once paradise looking place was now a blank white space.

The citizens of Litwak City stopped fighting, the yellow and black clothes they were wearing changed back to their regular clothes, and they all looked around confused.

"What's going on?" wondered Vanellope.

"What happened to the site?" questioned Bumblebee.

"Where's Rebecca?" wondered Candlehead.

Everyone began chattering, and Maroni fired his gun in the air to quiet everyone down.

"Listen everyone. I can explain everything." Honey announced.

Honey and the mobsters explained that Rebecca Hives was really a virus and that the whole site was just a trap so she could lure in people and take over the Internet.

Only this time, they listened and believed her.

"I can't believe we got so taken in by her." said Felix.

"You tried to warn us before this, but we didn't listen." Taffyta told Honey.

"We're so sorry, Honey." Apologized Optimus Prime.

And everyone looked very sorry.

"It's okay everyone. You were brainwashed." Honey told them.

They all left the site, and returned to their home site. Honey and her bees headed straight for her apartment, after defeating a huge bee-like virus, she was beat.

"Hey, Honey we're going to the restaurant to celebrate. Want to come?" asked Maroni.

"No thanks, guys. I'm just gonna head home." Honey replied, and she kept going.

Once she was in her door, she plopped down on her couch, and kicked off her shoes.

"You were great out there, Honey." complimented Buzz.

"Yeah, you were really brave." added Bumble.

"Thanks, guys. I couldn't have done it without you." Honey replied.

"It's no problem. We'd follow you anywhere." Stinger told her.

After having a frozen dinner to eat, Honey and her bees fell asleep on the couch.

Slowly opening her eyes, Honey saw the morning sun coming through her window. She then got up, and stretched.

"(Yawns), well back to business." she said.

She woke up her bees, got showered and changed, ate breakfast, and they all left for the store. When they got there Honey was shocked when she saw all the citizens of the city waiting for her, even Yesss and Maybe were there.

"What the..." she replied.

"Morning, Honey." greeted Vanellope.

"Hi, what's going on? And what're you all doing here?"

"We all wanted to come on out, and thank you." explained Lucy, walking up to her.

Honey saw that Lucy was formed a black eye, from when she'd punched her.

"Oh, Lucy, I'm so sorry I had to punch you yesterday. There was no other choice." Honey told her.

"It's all right. It doesn't hurt that much." Lucy assured.

"You were the first one to see right through Rebecca's site." said Rancis.

"And you were amazing out there." added Yesss.

"Yesss how'd you know about that, you weren't there." Honey told her.

"You were filmed. See?" asked Maybe.

He held up a small screen, and Honey and her bees saw that something had filmed her stopping Rebecca. It looked really epic, how she shot out the dart and it hitting Rebecca right in the abdomen.

"Whoa." was all Honey could say.

"Someone filmed it and shared it online. You've already gotten a few hearts." Yesss explained.

She then handed Honey a bag of the money she'd earned.

"Hey, thanks." she replied.

"So Honey, do you think we could get some real honey treats?" asked Kevin.

"Sure, come on in, everyone." Honey declared, as she led everyone inside.

All day everyone from the city bought Honey's treats, Honey had probably never had such business before, and never felt so happy to have her friends and customers back.

In some ways the Internet was like a beehive. But just like with real hives there was only room for one queen bee, and if anyone was going to be the queen bee, it was Honey Potts.

The End, thx 4 all your reviews, and thank you agent for your suggestions and help