Born of Pain

Windswift: I found more to add to this! And, it's kinda long! I used up too
much room on my paper in Algebra/Geometry [aka the smart math class] being
bored . . . .

Muse: Yayfun! ^^

Windswift: This is an old poem that I made and I suddenly found it and
thought it would fit! So, I'm adding it in for the sake of making this
longer ^^ Smart, aren't I?

Muse: Iie, but . . . .

Windswift: -_- fine then, ON TO THE FIC! Er, POEM!

Recede into the darkness, the depths
And hide
More mind, more soul than body
Eyes -
Windows to the world I scorn
Fade away . . .
I didn't really exist to them anyway
Darkness . . . deepness . . .
Cold evil and bitter pain
Sweet as the cut of cold blade
My mind is more truly mine
Sharpened with haughty fuel
Silent meek, staring
Cold burning rage inside
Evil - fools! Idiots! Kill them I shall
Pain they caused, and pain they will feel
Sorrow - I can't . . . they escape . . . my grasp . . .
Waiting forever, hope in sorrow, love in hateful pain
The circle goes on forever
I can escape it never
You seal the pain again
You start afresh the tears
You make the dark come back
And you make me come crashing back
Like the damn fool that I am
Laughing at the world's destruction
Can only evil recognize its taint in the works of good
Retreat into the dark chambers of your soul
Its painful comfort has changed you
Made you bitter
Made you weep
It has made a lost and empty soul dark and deep
A promise of revenge
Sweet revenge
Sweet song
Blade song
Death singing
My bringing
My pain will be yours
I have enhanced the suffering you have caused
And I transform it
To you
You forced a soul to seek
The only comfort now it knows
You made it lost
You gave it dark
You made the hole deep
You made the bitter pain that creates tears bittersweet
And you are all traitors
You broke what you refused to take the time to see
Evil is prevalent
He is now more myself than I am
I embrace him - he cares
At least evil cares for its children
At least my black hole is no prison yet
A bitter haven is more welcoming than the world
An evil soul is more comforting than that world

Windswift: That took a while to type. So that's my evil poem, "Cry of an
Evil Soul"

Muse: Is your new favorite word evil?

Windswift: No, that would be evile ^^ And that's not a typo. It's evile

Yami Malik: Please review!!! Because my story is so good!!!