
Very little research is put into the education system that will be used in this story. It is created to fit and work with the story.

"You're in Sakura-Ai dorm?! So am I!"

The beginning of the school year always marked an exciting time for all students, but it was especially exciting for those who were going in to their first year of university. Shuto University was deemed to be a prestigious and elite post-secondary institution; the competition was fierce to enter any program Shuto University offered.

"Waii! Kagome, I'm so excited! I hope we're roommates… who knows, they may put first year students together!"

Higurashi Kagome moved from her closet to her open suitcase on her bed, packing up the small life she lived in Osaka to move to the capital city, Tokyo. Her cell phone was pressed between her shoulder and her ear, leaving her relatively hands-free to get her stuff together. Her bullet train was departing that evening, and her mother, brother, and grandfather were preparing a goodbye dinner in her honour.

"I hope so too." Kagome murmured to her best friend, Sango. "Otherwise we'd never see each other! Kinesiology and history—they're such different majors."

"Here's to hoping. When's your bullet arriving?"

"Ten at night… Mama's arranged for a taxi to pick me up from the station. You?"

"Eight, my aunt and uncle bought the ticket without telling me, otherwise you know I would've gone with you." Sango sounded like she was rolling her eyes. "I'll meet you at the bullet station and we can go back to the dorms together?"

Kagome smiled. "Yeah, let's do that."

"Great! Okay, I'll let you go; there're only a few more hours before I have to leave. See you soon, Kagome."

Kagome dropped the phone from her shoulder and tossed it onto her bed. Her mind was wandering; her thoughts filled with all the new things she would do and discover in Tokyo. She had never left the four corners of her hometown; being accepted as a scholarship student to Shuto University was her biggest dream come true. Not only would she not financially burden her mother, but she would be able to receive the education she needed to get one step closer to being a renowned archivist.

"And last but not least…" Kagome picked up a framed photo of her and her late father. She pressed her lips against the glass before placing it gently under a layer of clothes in her suitcase. Zipping it shut, Kagome pulled her bedroom door open and hollered for her brother.

"Souta! Suitcase is ready!"

"Coming Onee-chan!"

Turning around, Kagome smiled contentedly at her childhood bedroom. It would be weird waking up in a new room every day, but she knew she couldn't hold onto childhood nostalgia forever. Just as her father, a respected historian in the historical community, had left his footprint in the field, Kagome was intending to do the same.

As promised, Sango Watanabe, Kagome's best friend from her earliest memory, was awaiting Kagome's arrival at the bullet train station. The platform was rather busy, but given that students from across the country –heck, across the world even– were pouring in, it wasn't unusual. Kagome grinned and waved at Sango as she left the station, luggage in tow. Unable to contain herself, Sango squealed and ran up to Kagome, pulling her in to a tight hug.

"I checked the rooming list! First years are put together and guess who gets to room together!"

Kagome couldn't stop herself from grinning goofily. "Us?!"

"And two other girls, but yes! Us!"

Simultaneously, both girls squealed while hugging each other. Their excitement was contagious, each of them feeding off of the other's aura. Deciding it was time to clamber into their awaiting taxi, both girls excitedly buckled in and started discussing all the things they would do together, now that they were roommates.

The scenery whizzed past them; Kagome was staring out her window while listening to Sango talk about Shuto University.

"So, I discovered that university isn't that different from secondary school…"

That statement caught Kagome by surprise. She looked away from the window to raise both eyebrows at her friend. "Eh?"

Sango nodded, chewing on her left thumb. "Yeah… apparently there are school forums, student run beauty contests… and a campus king!"

Kagome was very amused. I guess you can't expect us to grow up over two months of summer… "And what did you learn about our campus?"

That was all Kagome had to say. Sango was the one that loved to keep up with social trends and gossip. It wasn't so much that Sango was a gossip monger, she was simply a person who liked to be in the know and hated being blindsided; if it was something that was within her control, Sango Watanabe was going to control it.

"What was easy to find out was who the campus princess and king are. Though, they aren't dating which is typically unusual but…" Sango left her statement hanging with a shrug. Kagome was speechless; Sango's level of enthusiasm was surprising even her. "Hiromi Kikyo – the princess– is a fashion design student…! Hey!" Sango's eyes widened. "She's in the arts department, like you!"


Sango shrugged without enthusiasm. "And nothing, just an observation. She's in her second year but apparently she's made a huge impression on the students." Kagome eyed Sango warily as she tapped her chin in deep thought. "The only reason she's a princess is because the king hasn't taken her as his girlfriend… odd, isn't it normal for the king to date the prettiest girl in school?"

"God, how old are you?! Aren't we supposed to be in university?"

It didn't surprise Kagome that Sango looked incredibly offended. Laughing, Kagome leaned over and side hugged her best friend. "Please don't ever change. You keep me so entertained, you have no idea."

"Yeah, yeah." Sango wrestled Kagome off of her. "When you're lost and confused because you don't know who is who, don't come crying to me." Playfully, Sango harrumphed and didn't look at Kagome. "There's supposed to be a kick-off soccer game in the coming days; the best players from the junior and senior classes versus the best players from the freshmen and sophomore classes. The king'll be there." Sango wiggled her eyebrows, as if to imply that Kagome will have no idea who he was because she didn't participate in gossiping with Sango.

To that, Kagome rolled her eyes. "Good to know. How are they determining who the best freshmen players are?"

"Beats me."

"You know just about everything else, but not how they're measuring the capabilities of the freshmen soccer team?! You truly do spew out nonsense."

"Oh, shut up." Sango shoved Kagome. "I try to find out relevant gossip."

"Riiiight." Kagome was being sarcastic, and Sango caught every bit of it. Laughing, Sango wrapped her arm around Kagome's neck and pulled her in for a quick hug.

"Lighten up. You're always so serious—I hope our roommates can help me help you find your lost sense of humour."

"Oh, the humour is there," Kagome winked at Sango. "The humour-well is a little dry so you can say that it's… a dry sense of humour?"

"Oh my god that was so bad, please don't ever do that again." Sango groaned, putting her hands over her ears. "My head is hurting, that joke was that bad."

Kagome laughed while shaking her head. Looking out the window, Kagome watched the crescent moon come in and out of view with every streetlight that passed. Tokyo… The excitement was truly beginning to bubble in the pit of her stomach. She felt like she really made it. Yes, it was only her first day in Tokyo and she hadn't started classes yet but she did it! She received a full-ride scholarship to Shuto University and was well on her way to becoming an archivist. Kagome's hope was to work at the many cultural museums in Japan before exploring other regions.

Who knows where life'll take me… but this is the start of the journey…

The campus was abuzz the morning after Kagome's arrival. Clubs were advertising their services and the dorm supervisors were introducing themselves to their resident students. Kagome and Sango, along with their newfound friends and roommates, Rin and Ayame, walked in tandem through the campus courtyard. Senior year photography students were snapping pictures from every angle, while the dance and drama students were putting on a show in honour of the upcoming year.

Kagome's eyes flickered to a small table set up with an array of books. Interest piqued, she weaved her way through the crowds to arrive at the booth; her roommates were able to stay close on her heels. Two students, both looking exactly identical with the exception of an orange and green streak in their hair, looked at Kagome in surprise. The male with the orange streak stood up, the excitement evident on his face.

"Hello!" He bowed. "Are you interested in book restoration?"

Kagome's eyebrows shot up. "Book restoration?"

He seemed a little unsure, looking back at his twin for support. The boy with the green streak got up, his hands shoved in his pockets. "Yeah," he took over from his brother. "Book restoration. We work in collaboration with the history and archeologist students, and the campus library. Spots are limited…"

Kagome bit her lip, trying not to laugh. Book restoration wasn't something everybody was lining up to do, but the twins' enthusiasm was admirable. Crossing her arms, Kagome looked at Mr. Green-Streak to Mr. Orange-Streak. Sango peeked her head over Kagome's shoulder and grinned.

"This is totally up your alley, Kagome. Sign up!"

"… food!"

Sango and Kagome both turned around to see Rin run for a food stand. Ayame groaned, looking apologetically at her new roommates.

"Let me keep an eye on her. We'll meet up with you?"

Sango nodded as Kagome turned back around to the twins. "Sign me up!"

"… Actually?!" Green-streak said, incredulously. Orange-streak shoved him before handing out a sheet of paper to Kagome.

"Thank you…"

"Higurashi Kagome." Kagome bowed, introducing herself. The twins straightened their backs and returned the gesture, along with an introduction.

"Horai Roku." Green-streak introduced himself first.

"Horai Dai." Orange-streak barely let Roku finish when he began his own introduction. Kagome wrote her name, e-mail address, and mobile number on the registration form while Roku and Dai watched in awe. Sango was examining the area, her back pressed against Kagome's, trying to find a booth that would pique her interest.

"Kagome," Sango tilted her head to the left. "Let's check out archery?"

"But you don't know how—"

"For you."

Kagome handed Dai the sheet back with a smile before turning to her friend. "That's not a bad idea…"

Sango's hand encircled Kagome's wrist and she began tugging her best friend to the archery table. Dai and Roku watched the two retreating girls before looking at each other, shrugging simultaneously to indicate they had no idea what just happened. With an unceremonious plop, the twins sat back down and people-watched, hoping another person would come and join their small group of… three members.

"And what're you going to join?" Kagome asked Sango as they both sat underneath a lush tree, hiding as much as they could from the sweltering sun. Kagome had quickly signed up for the archery team as well, seeing as how it was a passion of hers since she was a little girl.

Sango let out a resigned sigh. "I have no ide—"


Kagome and Sango both looked to their left, Kagome leaning forward slightly to get a better view of what all the commotion was. The revving of a motorcycle reached Kagome's ears before she could see the rider. Clad, in all black, was—

"The king?" Sango whispered, looking back at a shrugging Kagome.

"This is literally my first day on campus, Sango. Why're you asking me?"

Sango rolled her eyes. "At least pretend to share my excitement…"

Kagome winked. "Let's keep this between you and me but… I am kind of excited to see what this 'king' looks like."

"I knew there was a fertile –virile?– woman in there somewhere."

Kagome shoved Sango's shoulder, both girls giggling.


The screeching only became louder. Kagome and Sango stood up, Kagome biting into the pork bun she picked up from a stall earlier. Sango squint her eyes and held her hand up to shield her face from the sun. Kagome, while intrigued by this supposed ō-sama, didn't want to put so much effort in straining to catch a glimpse. He'll cross my path eventually…

"Yona fainted!" A distant voice called out. Kagome looked up from her pork bun in time to see 'ō-sama' pull his helmet off. To say that the air was knocked out of her lungs was an understatement… at that very moment his helmet came off and his waist length unnaturally silver hair came undone, Kagome knew why he was the campus king.

"Ohhhkayyyy." Sango breathed, glancing back at Kagome. "Are you seeing this?! Is he real?!"

"I'm still trying to figure that out myself, Sango." Kagome, slowly, brought her pork bun up to take another bite. She wasn't able to decipher his features in detail, but she was able to tell that he was an extremely good-looking man. Just the way the women of the campus flocked towards him was enough for her to know that he was (for the women in the university, at least) a God amongst men.

"Well," Sango clapped her hands and grinned back at Kagome. "My appetite has been sated! Let's go find me a club."

Kagome smirked. "That's it?! Sango, I was half expecting you to go slip him your number."

"Are you crazy?! He's Ō-sama! University rumour has it that he's never dated anyone… and he's a senior! How the hell is little old me going to slip him my number? Besides," Sango put her hands on her hips and looked back at where his bike was parked. The 'king' was nowhere to be seen. "Somebody that popular can't be a good potential husband, now can he?"

"Are you still on this 'marriageable-man' business?" Kagome laughed, handing Sango her pork bun. The marriageable-ban business started years ago and quickly became an ongoing joke for the friends. Glaring at her, Sango didn't hesitate in taking the outstretched bun.

"Not exactly! You know I'm here to get an education that'll help me find my forever-job. The husband thing is up for debate." Sango chewed her bottom lip at her last thought, very obviously wondering if finding a marriageable man was a priority or not.

Clearly amused, Kagome shook her head and looped her hand through Sango's. "Well then, Miss Education-And-Job-Above-All… let's find you an extracurricular group. You're in kinesiology… what about something—"

"I'll stop you right there, Higurashi!" Sango held her hand up to silence Kagome. "Kinesiology is my passion, my dream, but Gods I don't want to do it every day. Find me something that's not related to science."


"You go for the polar-freaking-opposite." Sango rolled her eyes. "What about running?"

"Yeah, you definitely can run." Kagome rolled her eyes, causing Sango to glare at her. "Fine, fine, let's go sign you up for running."

"You are the least supportive friend I have."

Kagome winked at her while tugging her in the direction of where the track and field station was set up.

"Sango, I'm the only friend you have right now."

"False. Rin and Ayame have bonded with me."

"I'm sure, but as your designated best friend, I have the right to be as least supportive as possible when I deem necessary."

"Literally makes no sense, but I'll give it to you."

The girls laughed, their inside jokes cracking them up. Arm-in-arm, they approached the track and field station to sign Sango up. All the while, they chatted about everything and anything; the fact that they saw the campus king being nothing but a memory.

"How the hell am I late on my first day?!" Kagome screeched, racing out of her dormitory room with her backpack in hand. Out of the four girls, Kagome's first day of classes started later. The night before, she assured them that she wouldn't need a wakeup call… a decision she regret that very moment.

Slipping into her sandals, Kagome pulled the door shut behind her and began her sprint to the history building. The campus was buzzing with life, nothing too busy, but enough people for Kagome to dodge and weave through. Glancing at her wristwatch, Kagome noted that she had precisely four minutes and thirty seconds to make a seven-or-so-minute dash.

Why is this campus so large?!

Picking up the pace, Kagome jumped over a bench and cut past a tree. Mid-run, she pulled her arm through the strap of her bag and held it against her shoulder; gripping it in her hand was beginning to hurt. Her eyes were trained on the large red building on the other side of the campus.

And why is our dorm so far from my building?

So many rhetorical questions, so little time.

"Watch out!" Somebody jumped out of the way. Kagome waved in the air as an apology but didn't bother turning around to take a look at who it was. It didn't matter, anyway. What mattered was starting off with a terrible first impression on her first year History of Archeology professor.

Oh please, oh please, oh please! Kagome sent a silent prayer up to whichever God was listening. Another glance at her wristwatch showed her she had less than a minute to make it to class… a feat that was impossible. Tearing her gaze away from her wristwatch, Kagome moved to look up to see how far the building was when she collided with something cold, hard, and metal.


Kagome stumbled and fell back, her torso shooting with pain. And now I'm officially late… tears welled up in her eyes, more for the fact that she was late and not because she ran into something rather painful. Never, in her entire existence, was she ever late for class… and there she was, first day of university, late.

"Are you okay?"

My butt… Kagome nodded, despite the different pain points in her body. She didn't want the person – or thing, I didn't run in to anything human – to worry about her irrelevant pain. Maybe if she was quick enough, she'd be able to sneak in while the professor gave their first-day-of-class preamble?

A strong hand appeared in her line of sight, catching Kagome off guard. Groaning, Kagome brought her hand up and took a hold it. Warm fingers wrapped tightly around Kagome's hand; the grip of the hold tight enough for the person to tug Kagome to her feet with little effort.

"I'm so sorr—" Kagome's eyes widened, seeing a set of amused golden yellow eyes. It wasn't so much the eyes, but the hair that caught her attention.

The so-called King!


Kagome bit her lower lip and nodded, sheepishly. "Err, yeah…" It was then she noticed that she had run right in to his motorcycle. "I'm so sorry for bothering you, mister. I… er… bye!" Without sparing a glance back, Kagome ran around the motorcycle and resumed her sprint to the history building. The golden eyes stared at her running figure, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. As he prepared to ride off, his eyes caught something that lay where the girl had fallen.

Her meal card?

The campus king leaned forward and picked it up, reading the name that was embossed on to it: Higurashi, Kagome - Sakura-Ai Dorm

Turning around, he saw Kagome disappear behind a set of trees.

Kagome, hm?

He pocketed the card and revved the engine of his motorcycle before slowly riding off towards his assigned dorm hall.
