Epilogue - Brothers and Sisters

*present day*

*Dagur's Point of View*

"So, Nuffink finally proposed?" I asked Hiccup.

Hiccup laughed. "Yeah, he did! We wrote the papers up a few days ago, now we just need Fishlegs and Heather to sign them. Then he and Ragnhild can start planning a wedding," he said.

"Gods... Wasn't it only yesterday that they were all running around playing tag in Fishlegs's garden?" I chuckled.

"I know. I'm just glad I still have one more kid left, even if she does have her heart set on marrying that Thorston kid," Hiccup commented.

"Chiefs! There is a boat in our waters!" Spikelout called out from his look-out post.

"What colors does it fly?" I asked curiously, stepping beside the young man to look through the telescope.

"They aren't flying any colors at all," Spikelout said.

Hiccup took a turn looking through the telescope at the strange ship. It was small, about half the size of our ships. It flew no tribal flags and there wasn't any paint of any kind on the ship. There wasn't even a figurehead.

"Very strange," Hiccup commented.

"Do we let them come in?" I asked.

Spikelout looked through the telescope once more.

"Chiefs, I only see three people on the ship," he said.

"Oh?" I said curiously.

"It appears to be two men and a woman," the young viking commented.

"They might be refugees. Let them come in?" Hiccup asked, looking towards me. We always decided on everything as a team, especially when it was something big like this. I nodded in agreement.

"Bring them in," I said.

We started walking towards the docks so we could welcome the strangers. Along the way, we got Nuffink, future chief of the Hooligan Berserker tribe.

"This is a great chance to practice your speaking skills, Nuff," I said, teasing the kid about his shyness.

Nuffink shook his head at me. "At least I'm better than you, Uncle," he retorted. Hiccup laughed but quickly stopped when he saw my glare.

By the time we reached the docks, the ship was already almost into port.

We signaled to them so they would know where to go. Once the ship had been tied down, three Vikings, two men and a woman, disembarked the ship. The men stood on either side of the young woman in a protective manner.

The first man, obviously the oldest, looked to be in his mid/late twenties. He had startlingly green eyes and dark red hair that fell down his back in several braids. He was muscular and had broad shoulders, but not in the normal viking way. He was slimmer than other vikings.

The second man was standing protectively close to the young woman and looked to be in his early twenties. He had bright red hair and deep green eyes. He was buff, but not overweight. His hair was pulled back in a way similar to Eret's hair.

The woman definitely was quite pretty. She too looked to be in her early twenties and had blonde hair that fell just above her shoulders and soft green eyes. I noticed she had a small bundle in her arms. My eyes widened when it moved and I realized it was a baby.

"Hello! Welcome to Berk! May I ask who you are and what brings you here?" Nuffink asked kindly.

There was something about the second and third vikings that seemed so familiar.

The second young man spoke up first.

"Uh, hello. We are actually searching for somebody. Well, several people actually," he said.

"Oh? What are their names? We can do our best to help," Nuffink offered.

"Thank you. He is looking for Hiccup and Astrid Haddock," the red-haired man said, gesturing towards the man beside him.

"We are looking for Dagur the Deranged," the young woman said quietly.

"Oh! Well, you are in luck! Two of the three people you are looking for are right here!" Nuffink said, waving his hands towards Hiccup and me.

"This is Chief Hiccup and Chief Dagur," Nuffink introduced us.

The girl and the man she was standing with both immediately looked toward me. The girl covered her mouth as tears slipped from her eyes. The man looked like he could cry too.

Then I realized who it was and I felt my eyes tearing up too. How had I not noticed? The unkempt fiery red hair, the gentle green eyes…

"Ozzy? Marina?" I said, barely above a whisper.

The two nodded and ran towards me.

I laughed in disbelief as I embraced them.

"How on Earth?" I said incredulously as I pulled back to look at them. They were beaming back at me.

"B-but the island? Everything was destroyed!" I exclaimed. The tears were flowing freely down my cheeks now. I gently cupped a hand against either of their faces.

"Throk saved us," Marina explained.

"A-and your mother?" I asked hopefully.

They both looked down at their feet.

"She stayed behind to help as many people off as she could," Ozzy said, his voice heavy.

I nodded and wiped at the tears on my cheeks.

"I am so sorry. If I had known you were out there…" I started.

"It's okay. You couldn't have known," Ozzy said quickly.

"Good Thor, let me look at the two of you," I said, stepping back.

Ozzy was taller than me but was nearly identical. The only difference was the lack of scars and he had Mala's eyes and nose. Marina was breathtaking. How could I have helped make someone so beautiful? She could have been her mother's twin.

I let a sob of joy escape my lips as I pulled them back into a tight embrace.

"Who is this?" I asked, looking down at the baby in Marina's arms.

"This is Arlo, your grandson," she said softly.

"Grandson?" I wasn't sure if I had heard them right.

I carefully took the baby into my arms. He couldn't have been more than a few weeks old. I chuckled in disbelief.

"Who is his father?" I asked. Marina gestured to the first man.

"Brandt is," she explained shortly.

Nuffink turned to the other man.

"Brandt? Nice to meet you. I'm Nuffink," He said, holding his hand out to the man.

"Nice to meet you too. I really need to speak to Hiccup and Astrid Haddock," he said, cautiously shaking Nuffink's outstretched hand.

I couldn't help but notice as Hiccup's face went pale.

"You okay, brother?" I asked.

Hiccup nodded silently, never taking his eyes off the man in front of him.

"Nuffink, go get your mother. Tell her to hurry," he said.

"Mother?" Brandt said, turning to stare at Nuffink.

Nuffink smiled uncomfortably and ran to get Astrid. It wasn't five minutes before they came back along with Heather, Fishlegs, Mila, Ragnhild, Eira, and Zephyr, who had little Stoick Hagen in tow.

Heather looked over at me and saw who I was with. "Oh," she said quietly. She looked at me and I nodded. She laughed and ran towards her niece and nephew, giving them both a kiss on the cheek and a big hug.

"Aunt Heather?" Ozzy asked.

Heather nodded. "How? How are you hear?" she asked.

"It's a long story," Marina said, melting into her aunt's embrace.

"Who do you have, brother?" Heather asked when she noticed the baby.

"This is Arlo. I'm a grandpa!" I said excitedly. Heather smiled.

"Well, as the great aunt, am I allowed to hold him?" she asked.

I nodded and handed Arlo to her. She gently rocked him in her arms.

"Hiccup, what's the emergency?" Astrid asked. She stopped as soon as she saw Brandt.

"Oh my gods," she whispered. She held one hand over her mouth and the other over her heart as she started crying. She looked like she was about to fall and Eira stepped up to support her.

"Dad, what's going on?" Eira asked.

Brandt looked down at his feet. I noticed that Fishlegs was staring at the young man as well.

"Uh, kids, t-this is Brandt," Hiccup said, his voice shaky, "Your brother."