I got the idea of this story from Marcel Henning. I hope you all like it. It will contain some sensitive topics (sex trafficking and/or organ harvesting), but I will put warning in chapter when it is coming. I will try to at least update once a week, depending on my work schedule. Anything more will be a bonus for you! I enjoy any comments, good or bad. I review and edit my own work, so if I miss something, sorry! Review if you like and tell me what you think!


Grey Undercover

Chapter One

I'm sitting at my desk looking over some contracts and Ros comes barging into my office.What is the deal with women just barging into my office? The door is closed for a reason.

"Christian, I think there is something going on at SIP. HR has advised me the turnover rate there is extremely high." I look up from the contract I'm reading and see her exasperated look. I purchased SIP about 2 years ago, and Ros has been in charge of it.

"Sounds like something you should be able to handle. Why do you need me to look into it? Aren't you my second in command?" I'm beyond irritated right now. Maybe it's the lack of sex. I haven't fucked anyone since I let my submissive go last month.

Ros huffs and plops down in the chair in front of my desk. "I think someone needs to go inside and see what's going on. Something isn't right. Based on the paperwork Jill sent me, they have been hiring a new assistant every month for the past 8 months. Nobody is that bad Christian. You manage to hold onto assistants longer than that."

"What are you suggesting? Sending in some kind of spy?"

"Have you ever watched the show Undercover Boss?" I shake my head and she looks at me like I have the plague. "What do you do when you aren't working? Never mind, forget I asked. Maybe we should involve Taylor in this conversation."

"That's not a bad idea." I grab my phone and call Taylor. He answers and I ask him to come to my office. He comes in and stands next to Ros.

"Sir, you needed me?" That's why I value Taylor. He's quick and I know I can trust him.

"Taylor, Ros believes there is an issue with personnel at SIP and she suggests we somehow get inside the business undercover. What do you think?" He stands there quietly, making me wonder what is going through his mind. Taylor has been my security since I started GEH 4 years ago. He can predict what I want without me asking. I value his opinion in everything because I know he will be honest.

"Do you mean like the show Undercover Boss? I think we can manage something like that. Maybe we can use a security angle. It's doable, Sir. But before we try that, we should reach out to the former employees. Maybe they can give us some sort of clue about what's going on."

"Am I the only person who hasn't watched that show?" I shake my head while Ros and Taylor laugh. "I agree with you on contacting the previous assistants. Have Jill from HR get you their information. Have Welch help you and keep me informed."

"Sir." Taylor walks out of my office, leaving Ros and I to discuss this topic further. "Ros, maybe we should also check the person that is hiring and firing the assistants. What is his name?"

"Jack Hyde. From what HR has told me, he is the Senior Editor for the fiction department. He has been there for 3 years, but hasn't really bought in many successful authors. Elizabeth Morgan is in charge of Human Resources."

"Ok, I'll give their names to Welch and see what information he can dig up. Anything else?"

She shakes her head and gets up from the chair. "Please go home and do something fun. Find a fuck buddy. Maybe you should watch a few episodes of Undercover Bossso you can get an idea of what you will be doing." She laughs as she walks out the door.

I stare at the door after Ros leaves, thinking about what she said. Maybe I should go to the club and find a willing partner. But the more I think about it, the more I don't want to go. That's a first…not wanting to fuck someone. I close my computer down and gather my things.

I walk into my penthouse and drop my briefcase next to my office door. I think back to what Ros said about what I do outside of the office. What do I do? I'm at the office 10-12 hours a day. Then I work in my home office until late. I don't have a life outside of GEH.I walk over to the bar and grab a glass and pour some whiskey. I take a sip of it and look out over the lights of Seattle. GEH has been my baby since it started 6 years ago. I have all this money and no one to come home to or share it with. Maybe I'm feeling lonely. I shake my head to clear the nonsense of being lonely and walk to my office. Taylor comes in behind me with some files in his hand.

"Sir, I have a list and files of each of the previous and current female employees at SIP." He hands the files over and I start to skim through them while he continues to talk. "The high turnover seems to have started about 8 months ago. Each female employee was the assistant to Jack Hyde and they never last more than a few weeks. As you can see in their file, they are beautiful women. I think something else is going on here sir. I have tried to reach out to a few of them and either their phones are no longer in service or they are no longer living at the last address listed."

I nod my head agreeing. "I agree that something else seems to be going on here. Maybe we should reach out to Elizabeth Morgan and see what she has to say? Hopefully she can give us some more information on these women so we can get in contact."

"Sir, I feel that we should not ask her anything in relation to this. If we plan on going inside without anyone knowing, we can't ask too many questions." Man this guy is smart. I'm glad he's on my side."I also think we should do detailed background checks on both of them, financials included."

"I agree. Something is going on over there and we need to figure it out. Ros is the only one besides you and I that know we will be going in undercover. Any idea how you want to handle that?"

"Well, I believe you and I can go in as an outside security company there to update equipment. No one there has met either one of us, so with some physical appearance changes, I think we can get by without being discovered."

"I will look around for housing near there, maybe an apartment or something we both can live in. When you say physical changes, I don't have to be fat right?" He laughs at me. Laughs!

"Sir, physical meaning facial hair and possibly changing your hair color. People may not know you own the company, but they do know who you are. Hair dye should take care of it. I think there is some apartments near the business that will work for us. I will check on those as well. In the meantime, I will be talking with Gail and let her know what our plan is. Anything else you want to discuss?"

"No Taylor, that is all. Thanks for your input on this. I think we will figure it out between the two of us. Enjoy the rest of your night." He nods his head and leaves my office. I grab my laptop and research the show Undercover Boss. I watch a few episodes and see what lengths owners go to ensure their businesses run successfully. The dependable and hard-working employees are rewarded well. I think I can do this.

I close my laptop and grab the files that Taylor left for me. I flip open the first one and I can't help but stare at the beauty in the picture. She has long brown hair and clear blue eyes. Anastasia Steele. Even her name is beautiful. This woman has me mesmerized and I haven't met her yet. I continue to read her file and see that she graduated with a 4.0 GPA from UW with a double major in Literature and Finance. This girl is smart.I keep reading and see that her mother and father are still married and they live together in Montesano. She has a reasonable bank balance, and nothing listed for relationship status. Maybe when this is all over with, she'd be interested in being flogged and fucked.I can't think like that right now. I need to figure out what is going on at SIP.

I close the file and continue looking at the others. Each of the women were single and didn't appear to have any family close by. They seem stable financially and were living within their means. The more I read, the more I realize that something is going on over there. Hopefully Taylor and I can figure it out.

I awake the next morning with the hardest dick I've had in a long time. I guess the dreams I had about Anastasia are causing me to be aroused. I lay on my back and fist my erection, thinking about her blue eyes staring at me while she sucks me off. I work my hand up and down, picturing her warm and wet mouth taking me all the way to the back of her throat. I start to feel tingling in my balls and I know my orgasm is quickly approaching. I tug hard a few more times and I blow my load all over my stomach. I haven't come that hard in a long time. I wipe off with my t-shirt and decide it's time to get ready for work.

As I exit the elevator to my office, Ros is there to meet me with a handful of paperwork. "Good morning Christian. I have some more information on what we discussed yesterday. Andrea said you have a few minutes to spare, mind if we talk now?" I gesture for her to enter my office, summoning Taylor as well. Andrea follows with a cup of coffee and some more files to look over. I really need a break from this.

"Taylor and I talked over a few things last night and we'll go over it in a bit. What do you have for me Ros?"

"Well, I think you need to get in there ASAP. Elizabeth Morgan has put in a request to interview another assistant for Jack Hyde. He has a girl in place right now, and apparently she is holding her own with him and he wants to fire her. She is on time every day, and is occasionally forced to stay after hours. From what I can see in her file, she has made numerous complaints; he makes inappropriate sexual comments and frequently invades her personal space. Jack's file says nothing about being reprimanded. There is also no comments listed his file about the previous female employees he had. It almost like the HR manager is helping him out."

I look over to Taylor and he nods. "Taylor and I are looking into apartments near SIP. Our plan is to change our appearance and use the reasoning for equipment upgrades to get into the facility on a regular basis. We will need to keep this information between us. The only other people that will know what we are doing is Andrea, Welch and Gail. Are we in agreement on this?" She nods. I reach for my phone and intercom Andrea to come into my office with her iPad.

I motion to the chair in front of my desk. "Take a seat Andrea. We need to go over some changes that are going to be happening fairly quickly." She nods her head and I continue. "We have been made aware by HR that there has been a high turnover for female assistants at SIP. Taylor and I have a plan to go undercover there as security equipment consultants that will be upgrading equipment for the new owner. No one there has seen myself or Taylor but we will still alter our appearance. We will be staying in a small apartment near SIP and will have no contact with anyone here until we figure out what is going on. I need for you to keep this information between us. My family will be told that I will be working out of the country for a few months on a new acquisition. Do you have any questions?"

"I understand the need to keep things between us, and Ros will have control of things here while your gone?" She looks over to Ros, who is looking to me.

"Yes, Ros will have complete control of things while I am gone. If anyone wants to meet or speak to me personally, they need to go through Ros first. We hope to have this wrapped up as soon as possible, but it could take a few months. Anything else to add?"

"No Sir, I think that covers it. So this is like the show Undercover Boss?" She asks smiling.

I roll my eyes. "Here we go again with that shit. Yes, it's like the show. Yes, I will be changing my appearance, and yes I finally watched the show last night. Are you all happy now?" I glare at all of them, and they laugh in return. "Get your asses back to work. Except you, Taylor. We need to discuss some things." Ros and Andrea leave my office laughing. I take a deep breath and rub my temples.

"Sir, I have received Jack Hyde and Elizabeth Morgan's background checks. Their employment history lists them starting around the same time. They also have the same previous employer. The way it seems on paper, they are in together with whatever they are doing. It's possible they have been planning for a while. I have ordered invisible cameras and recording equipment that is undetectable. We have the basic layout of the place, and can plan where we want to put cameras before we go in. That will save us some time."

"Excellent. I will work changing my appearance starting tomorrow. I will also start working from home. If you would change the elevator codes at the penthouse as well. I think we should start some type of surveillance on the business to get an idea of the coming and goings of the staff. Do you have a car in mind we can use? My usual Audi will be recognized."

"I will get with Gail and see if she would be willing to dye your hair. What color were you thinking? Black? That would probably work best to mix with your dark hair now." He is laughing at me again.

"Sure Taylor. Laugh all you want. Your so fucking funny. I may just fire your ass right now." I chuckle, shaking my head. He leaves my office and I find myself thinking back to the brown haired goddess from SIP. I hope we can get to the bottom of things before anyone gets hurt.

Two weeks later…

Taylor and I have established ourselves in an apartment a few blocks from SIP. We have been watching the employees come and go, trying to get an idea of what we are up against. I have seen my brown haired goddess every day, fantasising about what it would be like to have her underneath me, pleasuring her until she begs me to stop. My hair is completely black and I have grown a beard. Taylor has changed his hair from blond to brown. He has grown a beard as well.

Today is the day we plan to make our first visit to SIP. Our stories have been established as a private security company doing upgrades for the owner of the business. As I finish getting dressed, I take one last look in the mirror. We are dressed in polo shirts with khaki pants, trying to look the part of equipment installers. The future of this business and the safety of the female employees depend on us.