Syspocalypstar. A place of wonder, color, imagination and friendship. Once two separate worlds that fought against one another, but now lived in perfect harmony. It had been nearly a year since Armamageddon had almost completely destroyed both worlds. But luckily, the citizens of Apocalypseburg and the Systar System learned that all their fighting was pointless and had created a new place to laugh, learn and create.

In this world of bricks, Emmet, a former construction worker now turned Master Builder, was walking through the streets bringing home some groceries, and a hot cup of coffee for his girlfriend. Emmet was wearing his usual orange vest, as well as some headphones, still listening to his favorite song.

"Everything is Awesome. Everything is cool where were part of a team. Everything is Awesoooooome, when we're living out a dream. Haha! This song will never get old!" the little plastic figurine said as he made his way back to his house.

Upon entering the house, Emmet placed the groceries in the fridge and asked if anyone was home.

"Lucy? You home? I got you some coffee. Your favorite, too!"

"Coming, babe!" Lucy called as he heard her walking down the stairs to the kitchen.

Lucy was a master builder who had been taught by Vitruvius many years ago when Lord Business was trying to use a powerful weapon called the Kragle to glue everything in the world together. She wore a black hoodie with some spray paint on the side, black pants, and had light blue and pink hair. Emmet always had a smile on whenever he'd see her beautiful face.

"Here ya go! One black coffee for you, and one with just a touch of cream and twenty five sugars for me," Emmet smiled handing her the plastic cup.

But she shoved the cup and aside and instead planted a kiss on his little yellow cheek. Emmet blushed as she pulled away and took the coffee.

"You're cute when you blush," she complimented.

Emmet just blushed even more and laughed as he looked to floor in embarrassment.

"Well, I've gotta go. Benny said he needed help repairing his spaceship or something along those lines," Lucy said as she headed for the front door of their house.

"Lucy, wait," Emmet called out.

She turned around to face him, wondering what he needed.

"What's up, babe?"

Emmet moved over to the couch asking her to sit with him for a minute. Lucy sat next to him on the blue couch in their living room adjacent to the kitchen and the front door.

"Lucy, you and I have been seeing each other for almost 6 years now, and living together for almost 1 of those 6. We obviously have feelings for one another that I cannot see going away ever. And I always enjoy being in your company," Emmet said holding Lucy's claw hands in his. "I love you, Lucy. And I will never stop loving you. From the moment I saw you in that construction site, I knew you were the one for me. And that's why I feel now is the perfect time for me to ask you this question," Emmet finished.

Lucy started to get nervous as Emmet knelt down on one knee and reached behind his back.

"Lucy, will you make me your special bestest partner, and marry me?" Emmet asked with wide eyes as he brought out an engagement ring and held it in front of her, clasped in his yellow claw hands.

Lucy was speechless at the ring being held by her boyfriend and the question he just asked her.

"Emmet... where... where did you get that ring!?"

"I... went to the jewelry store downtown the other day and bought it with my life savings," Emmet spoke with a shy look on his face. "So... will you marry me, Lucy?"

"Emmet... I... I..." Lucy was suddenly interrupted as a loud noise suddenly erupted from the backyard. It was so loud it shook the house. Emmet jumped, almost dropping the ring.

"What was that?" he asked.

"I don't know. But we're about to find out," Lucy said with determination in her voice as she got up from the couch and walked toward the rear of the house.

Emmet just stayed in the same position he was in, but with his hand holding the ring hanging by his side.

"Way to kill the mood," he pouted.

He got up and quickly ran to catch up to her. As they reached the back door, they felt a breeze. But it wasn't coming from outside, and it wasn't the air conditioning in their house. Emmet and Lucy looked at each other with nervousness in their solid black eyes. She opened the door and was suddenly sucked through the doorway into a blue and white colored hole. Upon them disappearing through the hole, it suddenly disappeared as the back door to their house closed ever so slowly.

Emmet and Lucy screamed as they traveled down this path to an unknown location. Neither of them knew what was going on. As flashes of blue and white lights flashed by their faces, Emmet finally called out: "Lucy's what's going on!?" he called.

"I don't know! I think this is some sort of dimensional rift," Lucy hypothesized.

"Well where is this thing taking us?" Emmet nervously asked.

"I don't know. But I think we're going to find out in a sec," her voiced echoed through the seemingly endless hole.

Emmet held out his hand to hers as a bright light finally appeared at the end of the rift. The two screamed and shut their eyes as they were engulfed by the white glow.

Emmet blinked his eyes a few times, seeing upward at a clear blue sky and what looked like very tall buildings. Emmet sat up straight as he held his hand to his head, feeling a little bit of a headache from landing on the ground. He appeared to be in an alleyway of some kind. He suddenly remembered Lucy was with him and worried if she was alright from the fall.

"Lucy? You ok?"

But there was no response from her.

"Lucy? Lucy!? Lucy where are you!?" Emmet called out.

Then, he suddenly noticed something very strange. Something that made him realize he wasn't in Sysparkcalypstar anymore. He then looked down at the ground and placed his hand on it.

"What in the world? Why is- why is the ground or anything here not made of bricks? Where am I? What is this place?" Emmet said as he twirled around.

He then noticed a gigantic dumpster close to him with a few soda cans close by.

"And why is everything so... big?"

This place, it reminded him of the place where he saw the Man upstairs. The only difference there was that he couldn't move. But here, he could. He suddenly saw an opening to this alleyway and caught sight of what looked like more buildings. Emmet ran until he stopped in his tracks at the edge of the alley to look up. He could see gigantic skyscrapers reaching higher than any skyscraper that he and his fellow construction workers assembled in Bricksburg before he became a master builder. He looked at his surroundings at ground level, noticing giant cars parked on the side of the road. A few of them had some strange designs that Emmet never saw before. There were also some miniature ones that looked to be about his height to drive. There was also a large grass field with a fence surrounding it behind said cars. But on top of all of these, Emmet noticed there was no one in sight. He didn't know if that was good or bad.

"Perhaps there's someone here who could help me," Emmet whispered just in case anyone was listening.

He slowly walked out of the alleyway and onto the sidewalk to cross the road. He looked to his right, then his left and then his right again to make sure no cars were coming. The road was clear, and Emmet hopped down from the sidewalk and began to cross the road.

A few blocks away, a police car was making its way through the street. It had red and blue sirens on top, as well as black and white stripes on either side. In the front seats sat two officers. A fox and a bunny. The fox was Officer Nick Wilde, the first fox on the force, who was the one driving the cruiser. In the passenger seat was his partner, Officer Judy Hopps, the first bunny on the force. The two were trying to make a conversation while they patrolled around the city as their boss instructed them to.

"When the Chief said that we had to patrol the city, I was not expecting it to be this quiet," Nick said looking through the front window and then to his left.

"Patrolling doesn't mean you'll find a criminal every time, slick," she informed the vulpine.

"I know, Carrots. But when I joined the ZPD, I thought you and I were going to get more big cases for solving the Night Howler case," Nick complained.

"You just got to take what you get. Don't fret Nick, I'm sure we'll find something interesting today," Judy said while trying to cheer him up.

"I hope so. I don't want to be cooped up in this cruiser all day. As much as I like sitting on comfy seats and driving around to see the sights, I need to get some exercise to keep my body in shape," Nick said while placing one of his paws on his belly and rubbing it.

Judy rolled her eyes and giggled at her partner. As Nick turned the corner, he tried to start a conversation with the bunny so it wouldn't get awkward for them. As Judy listened to him talk, something caught her eye. She squinted at a tiny object moving across the road. Her eyes widened as she screamed: "NICK, HIT THE BRAKES!"

Nick jumped when she screamed and did as he was instructed.

Emmet suddenly heard something to his left. Seeing a car coming right for him, he screamed in fear, thinking he could be crushed at any second.

"THIS IS THE END!" Emmet screamed as he shut his eyes tight and brought his hands up to protect his head in case he did manage to survive.

The car suddenly stopped right in front of him as Emmet still thought he was going to die.

"Jeez, Carrots! What the heck was that for!?" Nick screamed at Judy.

"I saw something crossing the road. It looked like a mouse," Judy panted as she tried to remember what the tiny figure looked like.

Nick's eyes widened, thinking he had crushed the life form that Judy said she saw.

"Oh no no no no no no no no no no! Please no!" Nick worried as he and Judy unbuckled their seats and grabbed the door handles.

Emmet, still thinking he was going to be crushed, opened one of his eyes as he realized the car had stopped just mere inches from his face. He then heard what sounded like not one, but two car doors opening, followed by a few footsteps to both his left and right. Suddenly, he heard a female voice call out to him.

"Hello?" said the voice.

Emmet tensed as he turned his head toward the direction the voice came from and caught sight of a large rabbit standing over him.

"Are you okay little guy?" the rabbit asked.

Emmet's eyes widened as he screamed, taking off running in the opposite direction, only to run into something soft and furry. Falling backward, he looked up to see a shadowy figure blocking the sun, and saw that it was a fox. Emmet screamed again as the fox was nearly double the size of the bunny he had just seen.

"Whoah whoah whoah, what up with the screaming?" the fox spoke to the little man just in front of his dark brown foot.

"Please don't hurt me!" Emmet pleaded as he did his best to curl up into a ball and lay on his side.

"We're not going to hurt you," the rabbit spoke trying to calm him down.

"That's what they all say," Emmet cried.

"Sir, we promise. We're not going to hurt you. We're officers. Please calm down," the red fox assured the scared little man.

Emmet looked up to the fox and noticed that was wearing a police uniform and badge on his chest. Still shaking and breathing heavily, Emmet slowly uncurled himself and stood up on his feet as the rabbit officer spoke again.

"Sorry that we almost ran you over. My partner wasn't keeping his eyes on the road," the rabbit scolded the fox.

The canine made an unimpressed face at the rabbit as he knelt down and extended his paw out.

"Need some help, son?" the fox said with a soft voice.

Emmet looked at his paw and then slowly crawled his way into his paw and sat on top of one of his paw pads while the fox officer brought him up to eye level with the rabbit.

"Y-Yes. I could use some help. But I need to know: Who are you guys? And where am I?" Emmet asked while calming himself down.

"Well. To answer your first question," the red fox spoke, "I'm Officer Nick Wilde. And this is my partner, Officer Judy Hopps, ZPD."

"ZPD? What does the Z stand for?" the little man asked the mammals.

"The Z stands for Zootopia," Judy answered him.

"Zoo... topia? Is that what this place is?"

"Yes sir. Where anyone can be anything," Judy smiled at him.

"Yessiree," Nick said with a chuckle.

"So you know our names. May we know yours?" Judy asked the yellow skinned minifigure.

"E-Emmet. Emmet Brickowski."