Author's comment and disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Some are Supernatural original, others belong to Rae666 and his/her story Lucifer and the sequel Falling. I have the author's permission to use these characters. Like before, you needn't read the background story as I will implement it in this one, explaining everything along the way. But it might be more interesting if you do.

Also, if you haven't read the prequel to this story called Abomination, I repeat, you needn't. Anything important to this story will be explained along the way. However, I would be nice if you did. LOL

Thank you all, present and future readers for reading and reviewing the story.

It has been nearly four months since the events involving alternate universes and Jack couldn't help but feel depressed. Cass spent most of his time in Heaven, helping Gabriel keep everything together and keep him from killing his brothers. Michael and Lucifer combined was a nightmare. Both Sam and Dean could confirm that.

Jack was in the kitchen, holding Captain Crunch cereal in one hand, and an apple in the other, deciding what to do. When he had his powers, he ate but not out of necessity, it was more like pleasure. Ever since he gave his grace away, he felt hungry all the time. He had never stopped to consider, or he was too young to do so, but the hunger he was feeling might have been a representation of his feelings.

He could still hear Sam's voice in his head, saying the sugar-filled cereal would rotten his teeth. Jack sighed heavily, looking at that red apple in his right hand still not putting the cereal down. Sam would have wanted him to take the apple. But Sam wasn't there in the kitchen. Sam and Dean spend most of their time researching and following leads and being harassed by his uncle.

Yeah, the boys are still trying to figure out how to separate the two archangels, that shared poor old Nick. His body was rebuilt using the material the cage was made out of, thanks to Crowley and now they were both stuck in it. Not that the boys really want to separate them. Not that it is the end of the world kinda thing. But Michael being on their tail almost every day made them edgy, made them want to end it as soon as possible. And Jack just heard him drop by again.

"Nothing? Still?" Michael asked and Lucifer's face twitched just a bit. He was leaning on the war table, his hands on the edges, his body tense and his expression almost scared. Lucifer thought this house-sharing would make them stronger as brothers again, but all it made them is being at each other's throat. Michael kept Lucifer down under most of the time and holding control like that wore him out, yet still he wouldn't let go, not even for a short while.

That took its toll on him, making him flinch at the smallest sound and twitch from time to time. And when he got really upset, all those emotions would overpower him, weaken him and he would just fall asleep. Then the worst imaginable thing for him would happen. Lucifer would assume control. Not that he ever used Michael's powers, or did anything for that matter, but it still bothered Michael so much, that when he would come to, he would try harder to stay in control. It turned out to be quite a vicious circle.

Like now. Michael got so angry for a moment, he kicked the chair and slid all the books of the table. He looked at the Winchesters with the wild look in his eyes, but meeting their worried looks, he took a deep breath. "You have no idea what it is like to have Lucifer in your head all the time." He said as he picked up the chair he kicked a second ago.

"Right." Sam said rubbing his neck and looking at Dean. Dean looked back and then rolled his eyes. Yeah, Sam knew. Sam knew all too well. He knew even better then Michael did. Michael was lucky. The Lucifer in his head was different than the one Sam remembered. The one that screamed and sang loudly in his head, wouldn't let him eat nor sleep.

Michael took another deep breath, feeling like the weight of the world was on his shoulders and his feet were about to give up on him and he practically threw himself in that chair. He squirmed for a second, and then slumped, his eyes heavy, his breath slow.

"Ne doesn't really mean that." Lucifer said emerging and could only hold his eyes on the boys for a moment before the weight of his sins made him look away. He focused on a splinter in the chair and start picking at it, trying to yank it out. "This is tearing him apart. As funny as that may sound." he added, and cut his finger on the splinter. He quickly put it in his mouth, trying to stop the small bleed.

Dean pulled his chair away from the table and got up. It was evident he had enough. He was clearly tired of this whole game and needed to walk away, just for a little while. "I'm heading out." he said grabbing his jacket and Sam gave him a desperate look. A look that said Don't leave me alone with him. But it was too late. Dean was already out the door, trying to figure out which bar was the closest.

Jack stood in the doorway, observing quietly the whole conversation, not feeling all that hungry anymore. He felt sad and left out when Lucifer smiled at him saying "Hey, kid." followed by Sam's frown and request to leave them, with an excuse that they needed to work. As much as Sam hated being alone with Lucifer, he wasn't going to let Jack anywhere near him.

And Jack was conflicted about it all. Sure, he knew they were only trying to protect him by keeping him out of this, and out of hunts too, since he was almost human now. But pushing him aside, leaving him out of the loop wasn't the answer either. They should have known better.

So when the War room or the library was occupied, like it was now, Jack would retreat to the archives or what he called "The treasure room". It was actually storage for all those dangerous and cursed objects that the Men of Letters and the boys collected over the years. Naturally, Jack knew not to touch them or open the cases that had warning labels, sigils or warding on them. He would take a look; inspect the items through the cases they were in, read case files related to those items.

He was yet to check out the cabinet that was labelled "Small cursed objects". He approached the cabinet curiously and opened the top drawer. And as he did a small pearl rolled to the front of the drawer. He was smart enough not to touch it straight away. Instead he looked around the drawer, removing all the packaged items, trying to find an empty wrapper. His eyes were constantly drawn to the pearl, and for a second, he remembered a picture of his mother he had in his room. In it she was wearing a pearl necklace, smiling brightly and he just couldn't walk away from it.

When he found no container that was empty, he eyed the pearl and taking a deep breath, he picked it up. He sighed in relief when nothing happened and brought it closer, inspecting it. Just a regular ivory coloured pearl, but he liked it. He flinched when he heard Sam calling him and he pocketed the pearl, deciding to keep it. He quickly shut the drawer and exited the room, switching off the lights on his way out. And just before the room turned to complete darkness, a small plastic bag containing one small piece of parchment with a Chinese symbol on it, fell behind the drawer, trapped inside the cabinet forever.

Jack walked back into the War room only to find Sam all alone, and probably happy it was so. "Lucif... Michael took off, probably back to Heaven. – Sam stated with clear relief in his voice – I am heading out. Just spoke to Jody; she still has some of Bobby's old books. Maybe there's something in there."

"Can't it wait until tomorrow?" Jack asked with a child-like innocence. Like a kid asking his father why can't he come to his baseball game, not understanding his father's constant need for being wrapped up in work. Planes to catch and bills to pay, you know?

" I want to finish this as soon as possible – Sam said, clearly feeling tired, being pushed by Michael constantly – Just... I just need to get this over with, ok? You understand, right?" Reluctantly, Jack nodded, not wanting to burden Sam with his feelings when he already had enough on his plate. "Great. You'll be fine here by yourself? Dean should be back soon... I hope." Sam said as he threw his duffle bag over his shoulder and picked up his jacket.

He gave Jack a small smile and walked away to the staircase. Jack didn't even know his hand was in his pocket, holding the pearl tight as if it could provide some comfort, and he watched Sam leave. With a heavy sigh, Jack turned around and headed for the kitchen. He felt hungry again and he was about to stuff himself with Captain Crunch cereal.

Later that night, Jack was sitting on the edge of his bed, unable to sleep. Unable to even lie down and try. He got up when he heard the front door open and peeked out of his room. Dean passed by, clearly drunk, unable to walk a straight line. He just smiled at the kid as he walked by, headed to his room. Jack pulled on a fake smile for Dean and went to sit on the edge of the bed once again. He held the pearl in his hand and played with it, remembering his mother, or what he knew of her. He vaguely remembered the sound of her voice saying he was meant to do great things. It certainly didn't feel like that now.

He looked at the picture of her on his nightstand and her smile seemed like it was directed to him, but it gave him no comfort. He remembered watching the video of her, telling him Cass would look after him, be there for him. And he wasn't. Not right now. He was in Heaven, using his grace as a battery, trying hard to keep it from falling to Earth, sending billions of souls to wonder around causing havoc.

He caught himself sighing heavily again, noticing he's been doing that a lot lately. A small sparkle caught his eye and he looked out of the high window at the starry night, just in time to see a falling star. He smiled having seen that for the first time in his life, but felt lonely. He had no one to share it with. And he wanted someone. He needed someone.

Dean woke with a heavy headache. He threw off the pillow that was over his head and sat up. Running a hand over his face, he stated "Remind me not to drink ever again." and only then noticed he was actually saying it to *Sam. What was *Sam doing in his room?

He blinked a couple of times when *Sam replied "Yeah. Like that's ever gonna happen." There was something not right about this picture. Dean took a look around, still sitting on the edge of his bed. Why the hell were they in a motel room? Did Dean miss something? Did he drink so much he lost memory of the past few days?

"You feeling ok, Dean?" *Sam asked sitting in the chair and putting his boots on. To him, Dean looked a bit out of place, like he had a nightmare or something.

"Yeah. – Dean replied thinking he would figure this out later – Must have drank myself to amnesia." Right now, he needed a hot shower, to wash away the stench of alcohol and whatever bar he was in. When he meet Sam's worried gaze, he shook his hand off and added "I'm fine. Really."

"You sure? It's not him, is it? It's... It's not Lucifer?" *Sam asked, concern and slight fear in his eyes.

"Lucifer? – Dean asked frowning at his brother – Why would I be dreaming about him?" He asked, guessing that is what *Sam meant. But then he rolled his eyes, guessing wrongly again "Oh, you mean the whole separation thing? Yeah, sure, it is all one big pain in the ass, if you ask me, but what can we do? It's not like we could just walk away." Dean spoke while ransacking his bag, looking for clean clothes.

He picked up some and headed towards the bathroom finishing that statement and froze at the door when *Sam asked seriously "What separation thing?"

"Dean, what are you talking about?" *Sam added getting up, standing straight like on high alert and Dean turned to face him. Something was off. Something was definitely off.

"What do you mean what I'm talking about? I'm talking about separating Michael and Lucifer, the thing we have been trying to do for the last couple of months." Dean said, sounding nonchalant, but still observing carefully *Sam's reaction.

"Michael? Who the heck is Michael? Are you sure you are alright, Dean? Maybe someone put something in your drink?" *Sam asked almost hopefully. It was a long time since his brother even mentioned Lucifer, a long time since they had an incident involving him and he knew his brother didn't like to talk about him. But this Dean that stood before him spoke of Lucifer like... Like he was someone else.*Sam couldn't even explain it. And he really hoped his brother wasn't loosing it, or succumbing again.

And the words out of *Sam's mouth hit Dean hard. He was confused for a moment, not sure if he was dreaming, or did someone actually put something in his drink. He looked at *Sam, hoping his brother was just messing with him, but the worried look on *Sam's face told him something else was going on. So he looked over the room once again, making sure it was in fact a motel room, and then walked back to his bed.

He sat down and hid his face in his hands for a moment, wishing this was a dream. His hands ran across his face and he took a deep breath. Sighing heavily, he looked back at *Sam and asked "Tell me one thing. Just one thing, and then I'll explain everything. – and when *Sam nodded, he proceeded – where is Lucifer now?" Dean made an educated guess based on his past experience.

Every world they visited had something to do with a Lucifer. Whether it was the world where Michael won the apocalypse and killed Lucifer, or the one where Lucifer defended a nephilims existence, eventually becoming the Ruler of Heaven, it could all be brought back to the moment when he was released from the cage.

Little did Dean know, in this world *Lucifer was never in the cage.

"What do you mean, where is he now?" *Sam asked with a very confused expression, frowning at Dean. "He is where his been our entire lives." And the next line cut right through Dean, sending shivers down his spine, making him think he's about to pass out.

"He is in you."

* means it is a double character, from a alternate universe. The Falling Universe.