Izuku sits on the bed and holds the blanket closer around his body. He inhales deeply and smiles. "Alright. So, you're the Prince."

Shoto nods. "Right."

"And I followed you here."

He nods. "Right again."

"I ate someone and was nearly executed and you saved me."

He nods. "Again. Right."

"So, what exactly are you looking for in a servant?" He tilts his head.

"I'm not sure. I didn't think before deciding on it." He rubs the back of his neck.

He starts to rub his chin. "Well, servant is pretty broad. But since I'm a werewolf I can be an excellent bodyguard. I can also sense danger and make sure your food isn't poisoned."

Shoto rubs his chin and nods. "I see. That makes sense. Right, that sounds good. Then I'll just call you my personal bodyguard. Now, I have a question."

He nods. "Ask away your majesty."

"Er...Shoto is fine." He waves his hand. "But, do we only have to worry about you changing once a month...?"

He rubs the back of his neck. "Well, technically I change every night. But I can control it sort of. I just let myself transform once a month so I don't go crazy. But experiencing extreme emotions also triggers it. If I concentrate and let myself relax I can trigger it, day or night."

"Really? That's pretty impressive. Anything else I should know?"

"Um...well, I don't really have control over myself when I change. I don't know what I'm doing and most of the time I don't remember much of anything when I change back. But I know for sure I never attack people I know and like. But, I don't really like strangers, so I'll be...cautious and not very nice. I also know I can be very protective of people I like. I still act like a wild animal, but I know around you I act a lot more docile." He rubs his hands together a bit.

Shoto nods a few times, making sure to keep these things in mind. It explains why he was so friendly with him last night.

"Now...do you think maybe I can get some clothes?" He blushes lightly. "I'm feeling really embarrassed walking around with just a blanket." He pulls the blanket a little tighter around him.

His eyes go wide and he stands up. "Of course. My apologies." He hurries over to his closet and gets him a shirt and some pants as well as a pair of shoes. "Until we get you something more fitting." He turns around so he can have some form of privacy.

Izuku quickly puts on the clothes, finding them a little bit baggy but they'll do for now. He bows. "Thank you, your majesty."

"I told you, you can just call me Shoto. No need to change that now." He glances back at him.

"Are...you sure? I don't want to come off as rude." He waves his hands in front of him.

"We've known each other for a month you know. We're friends." He smiles softly.

Izuku's eyes go wide and he nods. "Right." He grins.

Shoto takes Izuku to castle tailor to get him a custom fit outfit. It looks a lot like his old one, though better made. His green vest is of a much more durable material with golden buttons and the kingdom's insignia on left over his heart. His white sleeve button up shirt is much lighter and comfortable. His brown pants are also much more comfortable and easy to move in.

Shoto looks him up and down. "You look nice."

Izuku grins and looks at himself in the mirror. "Whoa, this really does look great. I love it. But...it's just going to get ripped eventually."

"Don't worry, it's enchanted so it'll grow with your body." Shoto insists. "Now that you're clothed, it's time to start my day."

Izuku straightens up and salutes. "Right. I'll follow behind you and make sure nothing bad happens to you."


Despite the hectic morning, the Royal Family is able to get together for a proper morning breakfast, albeit a little bit late.

Sitting at the head of the table is the king himself, Enji Todoroki. He glares at the green haired by standing closely by Shoto's chair. "Does your pet have to be here? Is he going to beg to table scraps?"

Izuku gulps and can't help but feel a sweat building on his forehead. He whines a little bit and looks off to the side.

Shoto raises a brow. "He's not my pet and he's not going to beg for anything."

Izuku feels like a heavy weight sits on his shoulders. He grasps his hands together. "I-I'm not even hungry." He waves his hands and smiles nervously.

Enji sneers. "Of course not. You already had your meal. I hope tearing apart one of my guards was satisfying enough."

"Leave him alone, dad." Shoto glares at him.

Fuyumi Todoroki, first daughter and Princess, claps her hands, smiling nervously. "Well, this sure is a good breakfast." She tries to keep the air light. "It's nice to meet you Izuku."

Natsuo Todoroki, second son and Prince, stares at Izuku who begins to sweat nervously. "Okay, I have to ask. Does he act like a dog like at all? I once read werewolves, even in human form, will act like a canine in some ways."

Shoto covers his face with his hands.

Fuyumi hits Natsuo on the shoulder. "Don't be rude! You might offend him." She scolds.

He rubs his arm. "What? It's an honest question. You can't tell me you're not curious."

"Even if I am curious, I know better than to ask something so insensitive." She rubs the bridge of her nose.

Izuku rubs the back of his neck. "I...don't like to be called a dog...so please don't refer to me as one." He says softly and bows.

This makes Fuyumi grab Natsuo by the ear and begin to pull on it. "See? You offended him! You should apologize."

He groans. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry! It won't happen again."

Enji slams his fist on the table. "Natsuo! Don't apologize to that beast like its a person. You're royalty."

Natsuo glares at his dad. "Don't tell me what to do old man. I'll apologize if I damn well please."

Shoto stands up and grabs Izuku by the hand. "Come on, we're going. We have a lot to do." He rubs the bridge of his nose.

Izuku stumbles behind him a bit. "Right behind you."

Once out in the hall, the prince sighs softly. "I'm so sorry about my family. They can be a bit...much."

He shakes his head. "No, it's alright! Your father was a little...intense, but otherwise it's alright." He smiles. "They seem nice...where's your mom...?"

"Ah, she's not here with us anymore." He looks off to the side.

"O-oh. I'm sorry to hear-"

"She left for the market. Something about a special plant fertilizer that sells quick." He shrugs. "By the time lunch comes around she'll be home and you'll see her."

Izuku's shoulder slump and he sighs. "Oh, that's what you meant..." He sets his hand over his chest.

"What did you think I meant?" He tilts his head a bit.

"It's-" He shakes his head. "Nothing, don't worry about it." He waves his hand. "Let's just get started with your day."


The sun begins to dip past the horizon and Izuku feels his forehead beginning to sweat. He whines and stumbles over a bit, dropping to his knees.

Shoto looks back at him and tilts his head. "Hey, what's the matter? Is something wrong?"

"N-no...it's just..." He whines and growls. "It's that...I." He barks softly. "The beast...it wants out...tonight."

"Ah. Well, I guess that will be okay. Let's go to my room though." He helps him up and guides the trembling boy to his bedroom. He makes sure the door is locked and watches as Izuku curls up on the floor.

Shoto rubs the back of his neck, unsure what to do. "Do you need anything? Or should I just stay back?"

"J-just...stay back, I..." He growls softly and shakes his head. "just need some time."

The Prince nods before walking over to the bed and sitting down.

It takes about an hour. The sun sinks and the moon rises. Izuku becomes more vocal and yells and cries as his body shifts and he squirms around. Green fur pricks through his body like needles, nails elongate and turn into black claws, teeth sharpen and turn into fangs, his body convulses and grows bigger, his face elongates into a snout, ears come to a point, and a tail sprouts from his backside.

The transformation itself takes less than a minute. Shoto watches with both horror and amazement. Izuku leans his head back and howls loudly. His clothes didn't tear apart, but his shoes did.

The werewolf pants heavily and looks over at Shoto. His ears perk up and he wonders over to him, wagging his tail. He whines and licks his face a few times.

He lightly pushes him back. "Come on, yes. Nice to see you too." He moves his head around a bit. He checks the clock on the wall. "Oh...it's nearly time for dinner. Um. Okay, Izuku."

The wolf barks and sits down in front of him, panting happily. His ears up straight and ready to listen.

"Dinner is going to be in a few minutes. We're going to be with my family. You have to be on your best behavior. Okay? No attacking anyone, alright? Just lie down and stay silent."

He blinks a few times and tilts his head slightly before wagging his tail and gives a firm nod.

"Good." He gets up and walks over to the door. He opens it and on the floor in front of it is a metal collar, a chain, and a large muzzle. He raises a brow and picks up the note attached to the collar.

"Put this on that beast that you insist on keeping. I'm not having him killing anyone again.
-King Endeavor

Shoto sighs heavily and looks over at Izuku who's lying down and chewing on his own foot. He picks up the collar. It's a bit heavy. As much as he hates to agree, it would be safer until he can properly train him. "Izuku...I'm sorry, but come here." He walks over at the werewolf who sits up and tilts his head.

After putting on the collar and attaching the chain, he looks at the muzzle and sighs. He puts it on Izuku's muzzle and locks it in place.

He whines and shakes his head around a little bit. He claws at it a bit.

"It's only for a short time. I promise." He pets him on the head. He takes the chain and leads him down the hall into the dining room. He takes his seat. "Okay, sit."

He sniffs the air a few times and he sits down next to his chair. He stares at Shoto's full plate and whines.

Rei Todoroki, Queen and Mother, smiles and grasps her hands together. "Oh, is this the werewolf you adopted?"

Shoto rubs the back of his neck. "Well, sort of yes. I didn't adopt-"

Natsuo slams his hand on the table. "I want to pet him."

Fuyumi groans. "Natsuo! Don't sound so demanding. You're going to get yourself hurt you know.

"W-what?" He blinks a few times. "Please don't. He doesn't really like other people."

Izuku scratches himself behind the ear with his hind foot, groaning softly. He isn't paying anyone much mind.

"Come on, he doesn't look that dangerous." He whistles. "Izuku, right? Come here. I scratching your ear for you." He pats the table and smiles kindly.

Izuku's ears twitch a bit when he hears his name and turns his head in Natsuo's direction. He begins to growl and stand on all fours. The fur on the back of his neck sticks up.

He puts up his hands and leans back against his chair. "Okay, never mind."

Enji slams his fist on the dining table. "Control that beast, Shoto!"

The young Prince curses under his breath. He rubs Izuku on the head and starts to scratch him behind the ear. "Hey, it's okay." He says softly. "I'm right here. He's my brother. Be nice, okay?" He

He slowly starts to calm down and settles back down, sitting once more. He whines happily, wagging his tail and leans his head into his hand. He turns to look at Shoto and presses his muzzle against his cheek, wanting to lick. He begins to whimper and his ears flatten on his head.

"Will you stop calling him a beast? You're going to make him upset. He's a...wolf...sort of. But he's not a beast." Shoto continues to pet the wolf who seems to be calm once more.

The king fumes a bit and waves his hand. "Just...eat before the food gets cold." He mumbles under his breath.

They start to eat. Izuku stares at Shoto's plate, nose twitching. The smell of the juicy, cooked chicken, buttery mashed potatoes with the perfect amount of lumpiness, and boiled vegetables enters his nose. He begins to drool and wags his tail, his eyes shifting to the rest of the chicken sitting on the table.

The Prince glances at him, then back at his plate. "Are you hungry...? You must be. Transforming looks...exhausting." He reaches over and starts to unlock his muzzle.

"Shoto!" The king grits his teeth. "What do you think you're doing?"

"He's hungry. I have to feed him." He slowly takes off the muzzle.

Izuku shakes his head and let's his mouth hang open, drool dripping from his mouth almost like a waterfall. He climbs up on the table and takes the bird into his mouth and hops off the table.

"W-wait! Izuku, you can't take-" Shoto tries to stop him but he moves over to a corner and starts to eat away at the succulent bird.

"That's it!" Enji stands up and marches over to the werewolf eating away at the bird.

Izuku glances over at him and begins to growl. He pulls the bird closer, his fur beginning to stand on end.

"You beast. Don't think you can go about stealing food from my family's dinner table!" He growls and glares down at him.

The werewolf snarls and pushes himself up on his hind legs and his claws begin to twitch. He roars and and snarls at the king, towering over him.

Enji stands tall, chest puffed out a little bit. He glares at the beast and his hand ignites in flames. "I've faced creatures much larger and dangerous than you. You frightened howls don't rattle me one bit!"

Izuku brings up one of his clawed hands and Enji brings back his flaming fist.

Before the two can land a strike on each other, Shoto stands between them, facing Izuku.

"Down!" He orders.

He whimpers and lowers his ears. He slowly drops down to all fours and lowers his head.

Shoto sighs and takes hold of Izuku's chain and leads him out.

"Where are you going?" Enji watches him.

"To my room." He calls back.

Izuku follows next to him, holding his chicken in his mouth.

Once in his bedroom, Shoto flops on his bed and groans loudly. Izuku lies down on the floor and continues to eat his chicken. He tears off a few pieces with his claws and set them on Shoto's chest.

"Thanks." He mutters softly and picks up one of the pieces and eats it. "I think we need to start doing some serious training with you."

He tilts his head a bit and licks around his mouth. He whines softly and goes back to tearing apart the chicken and munching on bones.

"Maybe I should get a book on dog care or maybe one about wolves? Maybe both?" He scratches the top of his head. "You're sort of a mix of both after all. I doubt their is a book on training a werewolf."

He finishes and looks over at him and tilts his head a bit. He wags his tail and begins to pant happily.

Shoto stands up and grips his chain. "Alright, let's go to the library. I'm sure we have some books there that'll help." He leads him out the door.

The wolf barks and happily follow next to him. He sniffs the air a few times and looks around.

The two get various looks from guards they pass and they make sure to steer as far away from Izuku as possible. The wolf didn't seem to notice or care. Shoto didn't care much himself. Once in the library, Izuku sniffs around the room a bit before lying himself down by one of the couches and resting his head down on his arms.

Shoto walks over to a crystal ball on a pedestal and sets his hand over it. "Do we have anything on wolves and dog training?" The crystal glows brightly and some titles appear in it along with shelf locations. Shoto makes a mental note of a few and nods. "Good." He walks off and gathers a few books before sitting down on the couch Izuku is lying next to.

The wolf lifts up his head and blinks a few times, staring at him.

"Alright Izuku. Tonight. We're going to do some training."

So, that was fun right? Nothing like your werewolf friend and your dad ready to kill each other.

Okay so! I also wanted to say, if you guys ever draw any fanart for any of my fanfictions let me know! I will probably cry and thank you a thousand times over! Also, follow me tumblr for updates and sneak peeks for future chapters and fanfictions!