hello everyone, let's get this out of the way and will be the only time

Disclaimer: I own nothing of these two awesome series, just this laptop to write this story.

so as the name suggests the concept with this story is that the star wars universe is a more sexual place, which would make this a smut fic with a plot. the reason I'm doing this is because (1) not that long ago I was playing a flash game called 'love saber' and (2) I wanted to be the first that makes a massive gender bent fic for the star wars series.

the few chapters will take place several years before the phantom menace starts and before you jump to conclusion here is a list of who I'm turning female.

the Jedi order with the exception being one male.

the Sith.

the entire clone army and all the droids in the star wars universe will be turned into gynoids (sexbots if you will) why? because I and I'm assuming some of you people wants to as well, so why not write about it.

the force will have a more sexual twist to it, an example would be is that they if you want to use the force you would need to be horny. so if anyone can help change both the Jedi/Sith codes and their oaths, pm me as that would be most appreciated for the story.

I'll be adding the Naruto universe as well but I'm thinking of introducing them into the galaxy just before the clone wars, as the time on Naruto's world would be just before the Hyuuga incident and given that at this time the entire shinobi nations aren't allies yet so they still hate and distrust one another.

also if anyone can come up with any names for the males that are being turned to females like for example

Kit Fisto = Kitty Fisto

Anakin = Anika

and so on, so if you can think up some that would help with the story and I'll give you credit, also I am asking if anyone who is as knowledgeable with the star wars universe wants to help make this fic happen PM me and we'll talk.

in any case I should have the first chapter done in a few days, by the way if you can guess which character gets a lemon first wins a cookie. So leave a review on what you think of this concept and if i should continue it anyway