A flash of light appears in each different location, gathering people as they appear in a room.

The people in the room are Student of class 1A and 1B, Mei, the staff of U.A., The Big Three, the Pussycats, The League of Villains, some pro-heroes, Shinso, Eri, Kota, and Inko.


"Where am I?!"

"What going on?!"

"What happen?!'

"Where are we!?"

The heroes and villains notice of each other presents as they are immediately gotten up to their feet as Izuku, Shino, and Mirio quickly stand in front of the people they care about.

"Where have you taken us!?" Aizawa demand.

"Us!? You heroes are the one taken us!" Tomura shouted.

"You're the villains here so you must have kidnapped us!" Mineta shouted.

"What do you say you midget?" Dabi growl.

"This must have been you're doing All for One!" All Might exclaimed.

"And what would I do?" All for One said in a mocking tone,

However, a black portal appears in the room as a lone, black-robed figure entering the room causing everyone to be on edge.

"Greeting, everyone. I see that you all getting to know each other." He said.

"Like hell we are!" Katsuki shouted as he uses his Quirk to imitate him. But his eyes wide when his power is not working. "What the hell!?"

"Don't even bother. I remove your Quirk when I brought everyone into this room." He stated causing everyone to be shocked.

"What kind of Quirk do you have?" Izuku asked in fear that this man can remove Quirks.

"I'm Quirkless." This cause everyone to be shocked.

"That fucking bullshit!" Katsuki shouted.

"I don't care you believe me or not. Also watch your language, boy. We got kids here." He scolds.

"Umm... Excuse me." Inko called.

"Yes, Midoriya-san."

"I don't mean to be rude but who are you?"

"My name is Devil. One of the Observers." Devil replied causing everyone to be confused.

"Observers? Are you some government agents?" Midnight asked.

"No, we Observers have a higher statue than your government. For we are given a job to observe the multiverse in our own respectful area." Devil stated causing everyone to be shocked. This man observes the multiverse.

"So why are we here?" Ochako asked.

"The reason I brought everyone where is to watch a different reality of one person." Devil replied causing everyone to be eager to watch a different version of themselves.

"I bet it going to be me."

"No! It's me!"

"Fuck off! It's going to be me!"

Devil raise his hand causing everyone to be silent. "The one we are going to watch... Is Midoriya Izuku."

This shocked everyone in the room, but none more than Izuku and Inko.

"Me!?" Izuku shouted pointed at himself.

"My son!?" Inko shouted looking at her son.

"Yes, we are going to watch a different reality of Izuku. One that I'm very fond of." Devil said.

"That all fine and all but why did you bring them here?" Aizawa asked as the heroes are looking at the League of Villains.

"To show them that not all a different reality of themselves will be an interest to them." Devil said as he summons seats, a snack bar, a pop machine, and alcohol bar for the adult. "Now I must warn you. The words that we are seeing will question how you view upon the world."

Everyone nodded as they take their seats, grab some snacks, and watch as the screen started to turn on.

"Can someone without a quirk become a hero?" asked Izuku Midoriya.

Izuku and All Might are a shock as they are watching how they first meant. Everyone is confused about this as for why Izuku is asking that question. The only one that wasn't confusing is All for One as he knew what his Quirk is as he let out a smile.

"Hey, Midoriya. Why did you ask him that?" Denki asked.

"Well... You see..." Izuku tried to come up with an answered.

"It's because he's originally Quirkless." Devil replied causing everyone to be shock and the two One for All to look at him. "Hey, might as well tell them."

Currently, he was speaking to All Might, the number one hero as well as his idol, on the rooftop of a building after All Might saved him from dying at the hands of a deadly sludge villain. Izuku was asking these questions because unlike most of the world population (80% to be precise) he had been born quirkless. Though it was quite rare in today's society it did happen, and what happened next was even worse. Quirkless people were often subjected to prejudice and bullying from society as they are deemed weak, worthless and were easy targets for villains because they can't fight back. In relation to being a hero, there had never been a quirkless one before so Izuku was wondering if it was possible.

"I don't think its possible kid," replied All Might in a flat tone. Izuku's blood froze.

This shock everyone heroes as they never thought All Might would say that to Izuku. Recovery Girl smacks him behind the head with her cane needles causing him to shake in fear.

"You idiot! You know suppose to tell him that!" Recovery girl scold.

"I'm sorry!" All Might said.

"Pros put their lives on the line each day. So I can't honestly say that being a hero without a quirk is possible." Izuku felt a sudden pain in his chest upon hearing this.

"I see," he said while trying not to show the pain he was going through.

"Deku-kun..." Ochako muttered as she and Tenya look at their best friend in concern seeing their pain look on his face. Inko also looking at her son in concern as he was being told off by his idol that he can't be a hero.

"If you care about saving people then become a cop. Sure it's a job that's ridiculed for being on the receiving end for captured villains but no less admirable." All Might said before turning to leave.

" It's not wrong to dream. Just make sure it's achievable." He finished before leaving down the stairs.

When he was gone Izuku collapsed and started crying hysterically. No one believed in him. No one believed he could become a hero, not even his own mother. His classmates, especially Kacchan (Katsuki Bakugo), his childhood friend and a primary bully who often assaulted Izuku to boost his ego. He even gave him the nickname Deku (which meant worthless).

"Dude..." Kirishima said as they look at Izuku, who is crying on screen.

"That just...harsh..." Jiro said as she looks at Izuku.

"That too much All Might," Kendo said glaring at him while giving Izuku her sympathy. Hell, even Monoma giving him his sympathy.

Memories of all the torment he'd endured suddenly came flooding back.

"You quirkless piece of shit."

"As if someone like you could ever become a hero, you're completely useless Deku."

"Why does he even try, a quirkless person can never hope to do anything meaningful in this world."

Now everyone is in shock as he didn't know that he was torment before coming to U.A. All Might felt incredibility guilty as he stares at the ground as he didn't know that his student was suffering.

One particular memory came back to him, one from earlier that day. Kacchan had just destroyed his notebook on quirk analysis where described the quirks of other heroes.

As he was leaving him, with a smug smile, told Izuku, "You know there is one way for you to get a quirk. Just take a dive off the roof and pray you'll be reborn with a useful one."

"Dube what the fuck!" Kirishima shouted as everyone looks at Katsuki.

"That gone too far!" Mina shouted raising her fist in the air.

"I'll kill you!" Toga shouted as she was about to jump at the explosion spiky hair boy. But her comrade stops her before she could get a chance.

Coming back to reality Izuku felt truly broken, he no longer wanted to be a part of this world, he didn't want to exist at all. He just wanted his pain to end. It was then he realized that no one would actually care if he died, well except his mother who loved him unconditionally. It was with that that he decided to take Kacchan's advice.

"I'll wait until tonight," Izuku thought. "Before I do this I'd like to say goodbye to her."

Everyone is in a complete shock. None more than All Might, Izuku, Katsuki, and Inko as they are going to watch him commit suicide.

"No! Don't do it Deku-kun!" Ochako shouted in fear of her friend and crush.

"Please think about this Midoriya-kun!" Tenya shouted waving his arms around.

"Don't throw your life away!" Momo cried.

Kouta and Eri froze in complete shock and fear as they going to see their savior and hero going to going to kill himself.

"Damn it Deku! I didn't really mean it!" Katsuki shouted as he going to watch his childhood friend and rival going to kill himself just cause of his damn advice he gives him.

"Young Midoriya! Please think on what you doing!" All Might shouted now feeling more guilty than before.

"Don't do this!" Inko cried.

Izuku took out his burnt notebook (the same one Kacchan destroyed today) and threw it off the roof. He wouldn't be needing it anymore.

Izuku took a quick route home to avoid Kacchan and his friends. He heard some sort of commotion going on in the city but paid no attention to it as it wasn't his problem. He arrived home where he was greeted by his mother Inko (a slightly fat/chubby woman). They sat down and had dinner where they had their conversations about school and how the day had been. Inko noticed that Izuku had some new bruises and burns but didn't say anything. She knew exactly who was responsible. She was going to call her friend Mitsuki (Bakugo's mother) and the school later and finally sort this out.

"This has gone on long enough," she thought furiously.

"Mom I'm going for a walk," Izuku said suddenly. "I've got my keys so you can go to bed."

Inko was surprised by this as it was 10.30 but didn't say anything as it would have been a good opportunity to make those phone calls. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted however by Izuku hugging her tightly.

"Thanks, Mom for everything really. I really love you for it," Izuku told her.

"Izuku..." Inko whimper as tears started to come out of her eyes, placing her hands over her mouth. She going to watch commit suicide as she could do nothing about it.

Inko was taken slightly aback by this but simply smiled and replied, "I love you too sweetie." It was then that Izuku left, trying not to let her see his face. While she found his behavior suspicious she said nothing and reached for the phone.

Izuku arrived at the building where he'd spoken to All Might. It was a vacant building so he didn't have any trouble getting in. As he stood on the edge of the roof he saw his life flash before him. It was mainly of him being bullied by everyone (especially Kacchan), no one had ever once defended him, not even the teachers who just watched him get trampled on like it was nothing (some even laughed at it). He had been tortured and broken, and for what, wanting to save people for that reason alone, not fame or fortune. And now Kacchan was moving on to be a hero at UA (the top school for producing heroes) where he'd probably get everything he wanted, everything Izuku wanted, how was that fair. It didn't matter anymore, nor did he care.

"No... Please don't do it..." Ochako whimper placing her hands over her mouth as they are going to watch him jump off the roof.

"Don't do it..." Shoto whisper.

"I'm sorry Mom but I can't take it anymore. Thanks for everything. I love you," he whispered with tears streaming down his face.

It was then that he jumped. However, instead of hitting the ground Izuku fell into a dark mist and lost consciousness.

Everyone in complete silence as they just watch him committed suicide. However, what got everyone attention was a black mist at the end.

"Kurogiri, did you just save the brat?" Tomura asked.

"I think I did," Kurogiri said as he was praying that he just save the boy in time.

"I'll give you time to adjusted yourselves. In a meanwhile..." Devil appear in front of Katsuki and grab him by the collar. Lifting up in the air and giving him a cold glare causing him to shiver. "I would like to have a few words with this fucking bastard."

Devil left, taking Katsuki with him as everyone look toward Izuku, who is frozen stiff as they give him their sympathy. Tomura, for the first time, felt sorry for the poor boy. Meanwhile, All Might have his head down in shame as he just causes him to throw himself off the roof.

"What have I done..." All Might muttered