Yooooo what up? This story might be short, but I keep thinking up ideas so it might end up long. I don't know if this is a common concept or not, but if it is, I'm trying to put some new style into it. This might not turn out good though, I hope it does. Enjoy!

This takes place just after What You Want.

I don't own Danny Phantom. I wish I did, so I can make more episodes.

The bell rang.

Students ran from their lockers to their classes.

One student had out a schedule and the Casper High School map printed on a flimsy piece of paper. He was the new student: James Allenson. A freshman who was completely... well, almost completely... ordinary. His mom was an accountant. His dad was one of the stars of those shows where they try to find ghosts in abandoned buildings (and James was quite sure they were fake).

He was not a jock, but wasn't a nerd. He didn't quite have a place anywhere. He wore a plain black shirt and jeans. His brown hair was in the most basic style. He didn't get noticed by anyone, except for Dash, who tripped him, as he does with all new kids.

He sat down in his first class. Students were talking and messing around. One kid caught his attention, though.

That kid was an ordinary black-haired kid, talking to two other kids, obviously his friends. One wore a funny red hat and the other was obviously goth. But the friends weren't interesting.

James didn't quite have the nerve to talk to that kid, but kept a good eye on him for the rest of the class.

Lunchtime. The first four classes of the day were over.

Kids crowding the halls, running to get the nuclear waste the school calls food.

James got some of the mysterious goo and looked around for a place to sit.

It wasn't hard to find the black-haired kid. James' attention was drawn to him quickly, even though the kid didn't stick out. James decided to get to know the kid. He went to the table they were sitting at.

"Hey, I'm James. Can I sit here?"

The black-haired kid nodded. "Go ahead. I'm Danny, and these are my friends Tucker and Sam."

James sat down. "I just moved here, this is my first day."

"Well then, welcome to Amity Park. Here's some tips: don't eat the green goo," Danny said as he pointed to what appeared to be mashed peas, then continued, "stay away from the jocks, keep in well lit areas, and if you want to keep your sanity, never talk to my parents."

Tucker wasn't slow to talk about technology. "So, do you like computers? I know a lot about computers myself. Or are you the gaming type?"

James smiled. He moved around all the time, and was always the new kid. He was glad to find people who didn't bully the new kid for once. "I guess you can call me a gamer."

"Do you play Doomed? I bet-" Tucker stopped and looked at Danny. James suddenly got this strange feeling; it was fear, yet confidence, and most of all, alertness.

In a suddenly serious tone, Danny said, "I'll be back. Sam, come with me." He got up and whispered something in Tucker's ear, and ran out and left.

The feeling faded to a dull thought, but didn't go away. James was talking with Tucker about Doomed, but it was tough to focus on the conversation. For a while, the strange afraid-alert feeling wouldn't go away.

The rest of lunch and school flew by. James shared his last class with Danny, who slept through most of it. He invited James over to hang out with him and Sam and Tucker.

The house in question spawned many, many questions. Sam and Tucker stifled their laughs after seeing the hilarious face of disbelief James made after seeing the bright flashing Fenton Works sign and the bunches of equipment of the roof.

Danny answered the questions before they could be asked.

"Yes, my house is crazy. That big metal thing on top is called the Ops Center. My parents built it. And yes, my parents are that crazy. I have a sister, and she is not crazy."

"Don't forget to mention the huge lab in the basement," Sam added.

"And stay away from the green goo," Tucker noted. The trio laughed. James was confused, but amused.

James sighed in relief when they walked inside to a relatively normal-looking house. It had a strange feeling to it, though. A feeling of obscure, mixed emotions, plus an added alert feeling seeming to come off from Danny himself.

"Good, they're in the lab. They won't try to push their ghost craziness on you. Ignore any big explosions, they're nothing to worry about."

The alert feeling faded, but the others didn't. They went up to Danny's room.

James sat on the bed. "So, you got ghost hunting parents, huh? My dad does ghost stuff too."

James got a curious feeling. Danny obviously was interested in what James said.

"What does your dad do?"

"He's on one of those ghost hunter shows. That one with three ghost-hunting-technology wielding geeks and a 'psychic medium'. He's the 'medium'."

"Oh man, my parents love that show! They're jealous of the ghost-sensing power."

James laughed. "Yeah, I personally don't believe it. Ghosts? Seriously? It would've been bad enough if he was a simple hunter, but he just has to be the psychic. We had to move here because school bullies found out he was on the show, and in turn, bullied me to no end."

There was a sudden feeling in the air. A very slight, almost sad feeling. Almost disappointed, ashamed.

Danny let out a gloomy laugh. "You don't know the half of it."

James was linking the feelings to Danny. The kid was different. James was sure of it. The feelings seemed to be linked with Danny's feelings. He changed the subject though, as both a test and an escape from ghost talk.

"So, we should get to what we met up for. Let's play some video games!"

In the end, they played all sorts of games for a few hours, until sunset. James left, feeling refreshed with the feeling of no foreign feelings. The cool night air cleared his thoughts.

The curiosity didn't go away, though. He didn't know what was happening to him. Though he did know that there was something up with Danny and the house he lived in, he didn't know how he would figure it out.

There it is! A new story! I hope this is interesting. Prepare for more chapters eventually!