Hey, guys! Back from my little writing break! For those commenters who've been waiting eagerly for another Yullen, here ya' go.

Standing in a pasture surrounded by woods in the heart of Transylvania, there stood a mansion. It had recently been rebuilt, with had splendid architecture and state of the art appliances. Not that there were, of course, many people around to appreciate it.

It had three balconies and innumerable windows. No one would be able to say the estate was anything but magnificent. The manor was made over in a gothic design. The entire building was painted a dark, shadowy black that made it stand out heavily during the day, but almost disappear in the dark.

Though it had many windows, it had only two entranceways. One was at the very back of the mansion, it was small and barely ever used. In another day and time, it had been a servant's entrance. It still was, but the days when it was used frequently every day by cooks and maids and butlers and all other servants had long since passed. At the very front of the sweeping mansion were the main doors, two large double doors that were just under twelve feet tall, above which was large carving of a black bat.

However, the mansion also had a darkness about it and one was just as likely to be terrified of the place as they were to be awed by it. An overall sense of foreboding covered the lot which could easily be attributed to its appearance as well as its location. A pitch black mansion, gothic looking, and seemingly empty, nestled in a mostly uninhabited area in Transylvania surrounded by trees. Yeah, it could be that. Anyone would be wary of such a home in such a place.

And it is as it should be since the heavy darkness surrounding the home could as well be attributed to the being(s) that now owned the home. The stately home, which had originally first been built to hold a bustling household now held only two. The (comparatively) new owner of the manor had been just as magnificent as his dwelling. His name was Yu Kanda, a demon of Japanese descent now living in Romania.

A taller than average individual (being 5'9"), the Japanese demon had long, black hair that he often tied up in a ponytail. Possessing a sleek body with a muscular build, he had a figure that many men could wish to have. His face was more of the same, a certain feminine slenderness with attractive but hard, masculine features made up of harsh, angular lines.

The most prominent thing besides his lips which were almost always drawn in a tight frown were his eyes. Steely and sharp, they sliced through things like a sword and regarded people as if they were things. They were colored a dark blue.

Those who found themselves being looked at by these eyes felt as if they had been impaled by his gaze . . . And would no doubt soon be literally impaled by him. He was not a nice demon, if ever there was such a thing.

Digging deeper than his outward appearance, however, he was slightly less magnificent. He had anger issues; serious anger issues. He was known prominently for his blatant aggression. Most of the reputation came from the fact that he never tried to restrain his anger even though he was fully capable of doing so. He was a demon, after all, which was a species not known for their patience or kindness, not that it would have stopped him if he'd been born as a pixie or something.

Kanda was one of the only (if not the only) demons in the world at the time. Perhaps because of this (or simply his nature as a demon since they were really more of a loner species), Kanda was predisposed towards isolationism. Kanda had chosen the manor to be his home several hundred years prior to our story.

The previous story goes that the original owner of the manor had been a nobleman from a dying family that lived there at the time that Kanda showed up in the area. Once very important in society and having a hand in the politics of the nation, the family had since lost all favor outside of itself and had all but petered out simply leaving the homeowner.

The mansion had been part of his family's land, the only part which they had been clinging to after being forced to sell the rest of the land to maintain their lifestyle and appearance. The mansion had been far less grand before Kanda took it over and renovated the place to his liking. In fact, it had been in a state of severe disrepair and was merely hanging on by a thread. He could do much better, Kanda thought.

The stubborn nobleman, named Sheryl Kamelot, had been unwilling to give or sell the home to him so Kanda took it by force. It should go without saying, of course, because of Kanda's demon-ness that he was fully capable of killing someone and that he was also not a very nice man. He got what he wanted and if any lesser creature (that was anything not a demon) tried to keep something he wanted away from him, he would do whatever was in his power to get it.

The fool Kamelot even tried to fight him. A pathetic human, Kanda thought, was no match for him and even though the nobleman had put up a good fight, he was no match for the demon. Lavi would later have to bury his body in their new backyard.

Ah, yes, Lavi. Lavi had been with Kanda for a short time by that point. A vampire and Kanda's slave, he was bound to follow Kanda wherever he went and do whatever Kanda didn't want to, which was a lot. He never seemed to mind, that is, unless he was ordered to do something disgusting. Lavi, in true vampire fashion, drank blood. He was clean and precise, taking only the blood from a body and leaving two small puncture marks near the body's veins.

Being a demon, Kanda's diet was much like a werewolf's in the way that he ate mostly human meat. But unlike werewolves, whereas werewolves ate every day, he ate infrequently. Minimum: a few times a month. Maximum: once a week. (A/N: Maybe you think that sounds like a lot, but think: how many times a week do you eat?)

So, for a few centuries the demon and vampire duo settled in the home. They lived together in that mansion, feeding and living comfortably. But things would soon change when Kanda got greedy and wanted more.

The streets were dark and quiet as he walked down them.

Kanda had found his mind wandering more often during his hunts. Kanda was a greedy man, he would admit it readily. He felt he was entitled to anything he wanted from the world and would have no problem dirtying his hands to get it.

For his whole existence, Kanda had always been striving for a new goal, trying to obtain things. He liked routine but also desired challenges. When he'd wanted a home, he took his mansion. He ran into a vampire and indentured it. He collected books and trophies and struck fear into the hearts of monsters and humans alike.

Truly, there was nothing of value left that he didn't have. What did you strive for when you had everything? Money meant nothing when you didn't have to buy anything.

He had a servant; he needed no more than one and although he would die before admitting it, Lavi was a quite capable worker who excelled at his tasks. He had the stately mansion, too. What was left?

Perhaps nothing. That was a depressing thought to Kanda. Was there really nothing left to achieve in his long life? Some as yet unthought of, unachievable task or item that remained a mystery to Kanda? Something, anything that eluded him?

The sound of his heavy boots plodding down the rain soaked cobblestone filled the otherwise noiseless area. The black haired demon grumbled in annoyance. It wasn't usually this hard to find food, but tonight seemed to be presenting a problem.

He was in a town, Brasov, one of a few small towns in the area. People in these towns tried to be careful; they knew what went bump in the night (so to speak). Few went out at night and they were often armed, not that this presented a problem to Kanda. Even an armed human was nothing to a monster much less a demon; the elite of inhuman species. Besides, there were always some stupid humans going outside at night despite the warnings they were no doubt given by others.

From off in the distance, Kanda could hear the giggling of a female. He had, after all, very excellent hearing. Kanda's fangs elongated and his body tingled as he sensed a meal. Big, black wings reminiscent of a bat's (but not enough to be mistaken for one's) wings grew from his back as he flew up in the air. Though demons were faster than humans on the ground, they could go even faster while flying. The several mile distance was crossed in seconds by Kanda.

When he was nearly to the voice but not quite, he slowed down. Tucking his wings into his back again so that they disappeared, he let himself fall to the ground. His strong legs easily landed in the field and Kanda ventured to find that prey of his. It wasn't long before he stumbled upon a couple laid out on a patch of grass. Apparently on a date, they decided to go to a field and stargaze.

Looking at the stars; a completely valid reason for risking their lives. Kanda thought, sarcastically. The young ones were always the stupid ones; the ones that made the needless risks and careless mistakes.

Making sure that his wings were stored away but that his teeth were still elongated and sharp, he stalked up behind them. Taking advantage of the element of surprise, he approached the low-lying male with lightening speed and brought his foot down on the man's ribs, effectively crushing them. He was still alive, although coughing up unhealthy amounts of blood.

His [girlfriend/fiance/whatever] realized what was going on and launched herself onto Kanda's arm in an effort to save her lover; a pathetically flawed action, in Kanda's opinion. Effortlessly, he flung her off him and she flew back, hitting a tree.

When will humans learn not to fight back? It's all just futile.

A whimpering from behind him brought Kanda's attention to the female who was now trying to crawl away, presumably to get help. Naturally, Kanda couldn't allow that; he'd lose his meal. Stalking over to her without an ounce of sympathy or pity and grabbed her leg, dragging her back to the collapsed male as she screamed and clawed at the ground in an attempt to escape.

Kanda dropped her next to her lover and hovered mercilessly over them both. He consciously blocked out the woman who repeated the word "please" over and over again like a prayer that would save her. It wouldn't; begging never helped anyone live. Then, for the first time, the man's voice spoke, catching Kanda's attention.

"Please. Kill me, if you wish, but spare her." He sounded strangely calm, if not looking slightly scared for the person next to him. Refreshingly, he seemed to have come to terms with his fate, his only concern now on the woman he was with. He knew he wouldn't live.

Having gained the tiniest bit of respect for him (or at the very least, wasn't annoyed by him), Kanda lowered himself to give an audible response to the young man's pleadings. "Can't. I need to feed." The statement as short, blunt and without feeling, but it was leagues better than the wordless killings most of his victims got.

At the mention of feedings, the female beside him barked out a pitiful cry followed by a series of agonized whimpers. The man was more tame, but the woman annoyed Kanda. Her screaming and fussing and crying grated on Kanda's nerves making him anxious to end it already. Noticing the slightest of movements, Kanda reflexively drew his eyes down to the relatively calm young man's hand which was lying on the ground slowly moving towards her twitching form.

In an intrigued but still emotionless manner, he watched the man's hand grasping the woman's, effectively drawing her attention to him and distracting her from the terrifying and murderous being before her. Their eyes locked together and they seemed to share a silent communication in which he seemed to compel her to reach her own state of calm (not for Kanda, but most certainly not going unappreciated by him, either).

The whole exchange was fascinating to Kanda. It was clear that the two shared a powerful connection; one that could and would only be broken by death. "I love you." The young man whispered, obvious love forming in his voice.

The woman's eyes filled with tears and fell uninhibited down her cheeks as a strained but happily nostalgic smile appeared on her lips. "I-I love you too." The lady forced out through her tears.

"You love each other, do you?" Kanda asked, suddenly. He quirked his head to the side as his intense gaze focused on them.

"Y-Yes!" The man answered hurriedly, shaking his head in the affirmative, the woman having not been able to find her voice.

"And your lives without one another?" Kanda queried. Perhaps this is what he has been missing. That mysterious, unattained thing in his life.

"Dismal." The man answered enthusiastically. The female beside him nodded in agreement.

The man had been hoping that by answering his questions, the demon before him would be either grateful or empathetic towards them and (either way) spare their lives. This ray of light called hope was immediately extinguished when the young man's world grew dark.

The dark, empty grassland filled with the endless screams of the young woman who stared in horror at her lover's body. Kanda, having gotten what he wanted from the two, brought his sword down upon her head.