AN: Long story short – I couldn't keep up with consistent updates back in October for Smooch-tober since I was drowning in a ton of work for classes. Anyways, I didn't want to completely delete my one-shots I already had done and decided to separate them into three different collections based on ships.

Summary: Kiss related one-shot prompts for Kacchako.

Happy reading~ :D

Kissu Kissu Chuu! Vol.1


Kiss On The Hand


"AND THE WINNER: CLASS 1-A, URARAKA! EVERYBODYYY SAAAAY YEEEEEAH!" Present Mic screeches nearly causing everyone to go deaf with the static of the overhead speakers not being able to keep up with his volume.

"Good, Uraraka" Aizawa lazily comments, "next up: Kouda vs Shiozaki"

Down below, Ochako was heaving and panting as she spat the excess iron taste of her blood mixing with saliva in her mouth. Both hero courses were having a sparring match in gym gamma. Ochako had gone up against Monoma with his copying quirk, making it feel like she was basically going up against herself.

He was taunting her throughout their match, saying how her class must feel privileged to be babied by all the academy's faculty when his own, Class 1-B only mainly had Vlad King to whip them into shape. He kept spouting how the world's watchful eye on Class 1-A was a disadvantage as everyone knew their quirks and could easily study up on their individual fighting styles.

Ochako was having none of it as she grew annoyed when he hysterically laughed and called her predictable when he looked above his head and saw that she was prepping a storm of debris to use on him with her meteor shower attack.

"I'll show you predictable!" she shouted, smearing dirt and grime all over her sweaty forehead with the top of her left hand as she dropped her pile a few inches closer to the ground and stacked them against each other to form stairs. He watched with his jaw nearly unhinging as she strained her muscles to concentrate on making her debris-steps solid, just enough to allow her to run, jump, and skip over his head in mid-air while inching her fingertips dangerously close.

"KICK HIS ASS, BABE!" she hears a distinct gruff voice in the distance, already picturing his smug shit-eating grin plastered on his lips.

"RELEASE!" she yelled louder with a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins as the stacked rubble collapsed one step at a time cornering Monoma in a circle. The aftershock of the amount of rocks caused the petty blond male to fall right on his ass as Ochako lunged forward to roll with him, ultimately pinning him to the ground as she landed on his back. One knee keeping him in place with her other leg firmly planted on the rocky floor. She held both his arms outstretched above his head to keep him from touching her to re-copy her quirk.

Monoma had managed to knock her a few times with medium sized boulders causing her to receive a ripped bottom lip and a nice forming bruise on her right cheek. The zero gravity-defying girl was more than a cute round face and kind words – she'll kick every males' ass to prove that she's more than what they've seen so far of her.

"Don't undermine us. Class 1-A isn't fragile and neither am I, Monoma!" she harshly whispered against the cup of his ear, letting him go, exhausted as she got up and bowed to her teachers who were waiting for both students to leave the field so Cementoss could repave the structure to let Kouda and Shiozaki spar next.

Walking towards the tunnel entrance to return to her class's side of the bleachers, she gets stopped when she sees the one person who has never doubted her since day one.

He had his hands in his blue baggy gym pants, impatiently he kicks himself off the wall of the tunnel and reaches her side. He grunts at the sight of her bruised and beaten up face but one look into her fired-up eyes and she knows that he knows.

He's so proud of her.

Katsuki takes her right hand into his, gently rubbing his thumb against her bleeding dirtied knuckles. She hisses in pain but doesn't wince back from his warm touch.

"That'll show that asshole not to mess with my girl" he smirks, leaning down to place a heartfelt kiss against her injured hand. His lips linger on her soft skin, pecking it once more to show his affection for her.

She giggles with a victorious smile gracing her lips.

"C'mon, let's go get you bandaged up"



Done! To be continued.

I'll keep this 'story' opened until I feel like it has a good number of prompts in it.

Note: I'm always opened to ideas from readers as well! Please send me Kiss related ideas y'all might have/would maybe like to see happen and I'll see what I can do and of course, I always give credit!

Want more? Then check out my other mini collection: Kacchako Positivity Week for a completed series of one-shots!

I don't own Ochako Uraraka or Katsuki Bakugou and all other characters mentioned or those that will be used in this fic – Boku No Hero Academia is owned by Kohei Horikoshi.

I just own the idea/plot/story/whatever you want to call it~ lol :P

Please do review! Follows and Alerts tell me that you guys are at least interested in the story but reviews really let me hear out what your feedback and personal opinions on my stories are!

If anyone is afraid to leave reviews due to language difference - please don't be! I can fluently read Spanish and partial French! :) And hey, that's why Google translate was invented after all! LOL.