A/N: This was SUPPOSED to be part of the OTP short story series where someone takes their younger sibling to an Easter Egg hunt and the bunny scares the younger sibling forcing the Easter Bunny to take his head off….now who do we know who kinda has a younger sister that I just seems to REALLY enjoy writing? However, my beta readers all got ahold of this fic, shook their head, and said just do it. I tried to fight it, but you know the fluff is with me….always….Ch 1, Easter Egg Hunt

Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck

"Sarah, are you sure you don't mind?" Emma asked.

"Your mom's right, kid," Jack joined in. "Molly there, well, she's our responsibility, not yours."

"I told you two when I came back, if I was going to live here part of the deal was I was going to help out around here," Sarah replied. "Besides, what kind of big sister wouldn't want to take her little sister Easter Egg hunting?"

Jack gave her a look. "Sarah…"

"Dad, I know, can we not do this again?"

"Will your leg be okay?"

"It will be fine, Dad, I promise, and if I can guard the president, then I can watch Molly Easter Egg hunt," Sarah replied. Jack nodded and watched her leave.

"Jack, you gotta let her live her life," Emma said softly.

"Live?! That's all I want her to do," Jack replied. He shook his head. He had been so proud of his daughter when she joined the Secret Service out of college. She had quickly risen through the ranks, and even had changed her name after helping take out a counterfeiting ring by one of the cartels to help protect her family. She had taken a bullet protecting a former president. It had all been kept out of the media, but if it wasn't for her, one of America's favorite past presidents would be dead today.

"She's trying to figure things out," Emma reminded him.

"I know, but that's my little girl," he paused seeing Emma grin. "Fine, my big girl and I can't take her hurting like she is."

"She decided to end things with Bryce," Emma reminded him.

"Well, where the hell was he, anyway? Huh? She was shot, and where was he?"

"He was on a mission, and she told him, her or the CIA," Emma said, trying to keep Jack calm.

"Who in the hell would choose the CIA over my little girl?" Emma didn't bother to remind him that time. She had been wondering the same thing herself.


Sarah looked up into her rear view mirror, seeing her little sister in the car seat. There was a serious age gap between them, catching Jack and Emma by surprise, and most of the time when people saw the four of them out, together, people thought they were looking at three generations of Burtons. Sarah sighed. She could have this life by now, she wanted it, but it was hard to trust anyone after Bryce had chosen the CIA over her. The twenty-five year old looked back at her four year old sister and grinned. Molly had taken to Sarah quickly when she had returned, and Sarah was glad.

She wanted to enjoy this weekend, because next week she was starting back to work…at Burton Industries. She snorted. She was living with her parents, and working with her parents. She had been one of the best in Secret Service, but those days were behind her. She had gone in willingly and knowing the risks, and she didn't for one minute regret what she did…except maybe date Bryce. She had thought them serious…or did she really? If she was honest with herself, she had dated someone a bit unavailable because she was herself. She was dedicated to her job the same way Bryce was dedicated to his. When she wanted more, he had told her no, and honestly, that was probably for the best. She liked Bryce, cared for him, but she didn't love him. Not the way her parents loved each other.

"Sarah?" Molly said from the backseat.

"Yes, Miss Molly?" Sarah replied, making both ladies grin.

"Will you keep the big Easter Bunny away, he's scary."

"I will protect you from the big Easter Bunny, Sweetie, I promise," Sarah replied with a wink

"Sarah?" Sarah looked into the rear view mirror and saw concern on her sister's face. "Don't get hurt for me the way you did for the other people you protected."

Sarah gave her a warm smile. "Molly, the bunny won't have a gun, but if he did, he'd never stand a chance." Molly giggled.


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Chuck asked.

"Bartowski, I am in charge of this Easter Egg Hunt, and if I tell you to put on the damn rabbit suit, then you damn well put on the damn rabbit suit!"

"But, Big Mike, I'm 6 foot 4! I'll scare the bejezzus out of these kids!"

"Bartowski, you are a mail clerk, you volunteered for this, I am your boss, what are you not understanding?"

"Mike, I'm just saying-"

"When I want your opinion I'll ask for it! Do you hear me asking?"

"No, sir," Chuck replied. "What has you all fired up?"

Big Mike looked around. "Harry Tang is wanting my job, and I figured it has something to do with what I've done to his wife."

"What did you do to her?" Chuck asked. Big Mike gave him a look, and Chuck's eyes widened. "Oh, God," he muttered.

Big Mike had a far away look on his face. "That is some woman." Chuck nearly threw up, and had to catch himself. "Now, here's the deal, there is a good chance the younger Burton sister will be here today and I need you to make her happy. If she cries, you're fired."

"You can't do that!"

"I need my Tang, Bartowski." Chuck shuddered. Big Mike pulled out his phone and started scrolling through pictures. "Look at this," he said, thrusting it toward Chuck.

"NO! I DON'T need to see that!" Chuck said, squeezing his eyeballs shut.

"It's the little girl," Mike replied. Chuck opened one eyeball and tried to smile like it had been a joke. The look on Big Mike's face showed he didn't take it that way. "Memorize this. You don't get to see the lady Tang in all her glory." Chuck was trying really hard not to throw up in his mouth as he memorized the picture of the little girl. "Those pictures are for my eyes only."

"Good to hear," Chuck said, grabbing his head and running off. This had to be the biggest mistake of his life, him being here. Chuck stuck the bunny head on and began to greet children. He was sweating, not just because the suit was hot, but because he couldn't lose this job. After college, he thought he and Jill would be forever. Jill broke off the engagement when he couldn't find what she called, "a real job". He and Bryce were supposed to start a video game company together but that never happened. Bryce apologized but told him he had a better offer…as an accountant…Chuck didn't even know Bryce knew accounting. Chuck had worked for Burton Industries during the summer as a mail clerk and after he got out of college with no idea what to do, he went back to Burton Industries. For three years he tried everything he knew how but with Bryce gone, Jill pressuring him, and an engineering degree that was doing him little good in a marketing firm, he was stuck. He couldn't lose this job. It was bad enough he was living with his sister, but to lose this job….he shook his head. He just couldn't.

And that's when he saw her, blue eyes, blond hair, crooked smile, he was transfixed in his spot. He knew he had to do something quick, or this was going to look weird. A grown adult just shouldn't stare at a woman like that, especially when said woman was four years old. She looked at him, and that's when it happened. She began to cry. Chuck didn't notice anyone but the little girl. He was terrified, he was freaked out. It was over.


Sarah watched the tall bunny…very, very tall bunny, stare in their general vicinity, at least she thought it was their general vicinity. She made a quick decision after glancing around, and quickly closed the few strides between them. "You are freaking her out," she hissed. The bunny seemed to nod, reach up, and took off his head. The screaming intensified.

"Hey, hey," Chuck said. Sarah noticed his hair was plastered to his head, which made sense because he had to be hot in there. "I'm just a regular guy." Sarah watched Molly stop crying and stared at the curly headed man. "I'm really sorry I scared you, but my boss insisted I wear this even though it's kinda big and maybe a little scary."

"It is a little scary," Molly replied.

"I'm Chuck," he said. "I'm not gonna hurt you, and I know you don't know me, but I promise you, I won't."

"I believe you," she said shyly.

Chuck grinned at her, and turned to Sarah, and his eyes widened. He had finally noticed her. "Sorry about scaring her," Chuck said to Sarah. He knew Molly was the owner's daughter, but who was she?

"It's okay," Sarah replied, realizing now how he was kinda cute, in a sweaty, I'm in a bunny suit and burning up, kind of way. "Sarah Walker."

"Chuck Bartowski," Chuck said, taking her hand and shaking it. "Is this your sister, daughter….you know what, I'm sorry, I have a bad habit of talking too much-"

"I'm her sister," Sarah replied, giggling. "I know, there's a bit of an age difference."

"I mean, if Morgan was you, he'd use her to go try and get a date." Chuck's eyes widened when he realized what he said. "Gah."

Sarah giggled. "Mr. Chuck," Molly said, making both turn toward her. "Could you put the head back on?"

"Oooo, you're brave," Chuck said, smiling.

"Not as brave as my sister," Molly replied.

Chuck stopped as he was putting the head on to look at her. "Is she a soldier?"

"No, she was in the secret society," Molly replied. Chuck's eyes widened

"Molly," Sarah admonished her, but the grin showed she really wasn't that upset. Molly giggled. "She means Secret Service."

"I'm not sure which one of those two is cooler," Chuck replied. Sarah gave him a look. "Sorry, I'm a bit of a nerd and that sounds very comicbooky." Chuck slipped his head back on, and bent down on one knee. "Hello, Molly."

"Hello Chuck-Bunny," Molly replied. Chuck held his hand up for a high-five. Molly tentatively gave him five.

"BARTOWSKI!" he heard Big Mike yell.

"That's me, I really gotta go, it was good to meet you Miss Walker," Chuck said, taking her hand, bending down, and simulating a kiss with his big bunny head on. Sarah laughed. "Gotta go," and he began to hop away, making both women laugh.

"He's nice," Molly said.

"Eh, if you go for tall, sweaty, and curly," Sarah replied.

"So that's the kind of guy you like?" Sarah's mouth dropped, she scooped up her sister, and raspberried her cheek. "Come on, let's go find some eggs, huh?" She watched the bunny get yelled at by someone who look like they needed a vacation. Sarah shook her head. Maybe she should have gotten his number. She thought about following him, but she was sure it would be a mistake. She was better off with family. She sat Molly down, took her hand, and they walked off together toward the Easter Egg hunt.

A/N: Do we like this? Let me know. Broken and College both should be updated soon.