AN: Heeeeeey… hey... how ya'll doing…. I'm back with an update that's only a couple of weeks late this time. This chapter has been coming for awhile as we were building toward the big villain reveal… and here she is.

I'm super excited to hear your thoughts on Amandine. I thought over this chapter a bit and chopped and changed things a lot to make the direction I wanna go work. Every chapter is set for the rest of this fic, and I'm super excited! Each update is going to have the stakes raise higher and higher and it's so fun to write.

Thank you all again so much for your thoughtful reviews. I appreciate them all, and am so happy to hear so many of you are enjoying my story. The Fleurmione ships continues to sail strong. Lesh go.


Fleur took a deep breath.

"Well," she said, as she beckoned Gabrielle over, "I will start with the Speropax."

The sister's silvery hair shone like delicate silk in the moonlight as they stood side by side, rolling up the sleeves of their robes.

An identical fine-lined tattoo of a Speropax was present on both girls' arms. Gabrielle's tattoo perked up its ears at the sudden exposure to light; Fleur's was chasing its tail.

Hermione remembered seeing this tattoo on Fleur at the party after the first task. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

"The women of the Delacour family can all transform into a Speropax," Fleur continued. "It comes naturally to us. I did my first successful transformation at the age of 11. Gabrielle is still learning."

Gabrielle flushed slightly as she rolled down her sleeve.

"I have nearly got it," she muttered. "Just cannot work out how to grow a tail."

Hermione had to suppress a laugh.

"It is a secret among our family," Fleur continued. "We are meant to tell no one as technically we are all un-registered Animagi. We do not want to be tracked."

"Even the Beauxbatons pupils do not know that Fleur can do it," Gabrielle chimed in. "They think that she just brought our families Speropax with her for good luck. Shows you how self-absorbed they all are to not notice they have never seen Fleur and the Speropax in the same room."

"It's really impressive," Hermione replied. "You told me it was only a year old, though?"

"That is how old our family's Speropax is," Fleur said sheepishly. "That is what I had told everyone else, so I had to keep up the story."

Hermione nodded slowly.

"I wanted to," Fleur quickly added. "I dropped a few hints to you, and I always made sure to be friendly to you whenever I came across you in my Animagi form."

"Oh a friendly dog, how did I miss that hint?" Hermione quipped. Fleur failed to hide the smile that comment pulled.

"Well, I think you always pet me a little more enthusiastically than the others. In a way, I think you always knew."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, really. Those head scratches were very-"

"EXCUSE ME," Gabrielle interrupted, a disgusted look on her face. "No flirting in my presence! Finish the damn story, Fleur."

Hermione bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from smiling as Fleur threw a not so subtle look of annoyance at her younger sister.

"Fine," Fleur huffed. "Back to the story. Do you remember what I told you about what the Speropax symbolises?"

Hermione squinted her eyes slightly as she thought back to the detention they shared when she first asked about it.

"Yes," she said slowly. "You said it's a symbol of hope and peace. That they are only born during times of strife."

Gabrielle looked impressed as Fleur nodded.

"That is correct. I transformed for the first time soon after Amandine was caught for her crimes at Durmstrang. I remember it so vividly. I had been trying to do it for over 18 months and could not get the hang of it. One minute I was watching my parents weeping on the floor, the next I had this sensation take over me and suddenly, I had transformed."

Fleur paused for a moment, lost in the memory. Gabrielle glanced at her sister.

"The women in our family have been changing into the Speropax for hundreds of years," Gabrielle quickly chimed in as Fleur's eyes clouded slightly. "We pride ourselves on it. People feel safe when a Speropax is around. They are admired in France. I believe our family got a little arrogant at letting that reputation proceed us. That is why when Amandine did those things…" She trailed off.

The demeanour of both Delacour sisters had changed the moment Amandine had come up. Gabrielle was now staring at the ground, hands deep in her pockets, and Fleur was playing with the golden bracelets wrapped around her wrists. Hermione cleared her throat.

"You don't have to do this," she said sympathetically, meeting Fleur's eye. "I can see Amandine is a… hard subject for you both. This can wait for another day."

"No," Fleur replied quickly. "I do. I promised you the truth, and that is what I will give you. It is true we find it difficult to talk about our past. It has been-"

"A nightmare," Gabrielle finished.

Fleur reached out and squeezed her sister's hand.

"I could talk all night about the complicated relationship we have with Amandine," Fleur continued. "But I think it is better explained if I show you."

Hermione frowned in confusion as Fleur drew her wand from her pocket. She waved it in a wide circle, and black smoke poured from its tip as her wand moved. The smoke settled quickly, creating a large circular black backdrop.

Fleur took a deep breath and touched her wand to her temple. She looked slightly pained as the wand tip began to glow, her brow furrowed in concentration.

The glowing ball of light continued to grow as Fleur's brow furrowed in concentration. After a few moments, she relaxed and arced her wand at the black circle she had created.

The ball of light bobbed over before creating a bright flash that made Hermione shield her eyes.

When she opened them, she had to blink a few times to believe what she was seeing.

A scene was playing out against the black circle like a projector playing an old, grainy movie. The colours were slightly blurred as it showed Fleur standing outside of an enormous Tudor style house. She was wearing the same outfit she had worn when she met Hermione at The Burrow, though her makeup was perfect and the sun was just starting to set.

The real-life Fleur sat down next to Hermione and leant against the Beech tree.

"This is what I wanted to show you," Fleur murmured as Gabrielle sat down next to her. "This happened before I met with you that night over Christmas break. Now, you will see."

Hermione's attention was drawn back to the scene playing out in front of her as her heart began to race.


"Merlin, it is cold out there!" Fleur hissed as she entered her house, shaking her coat off and handing it to the waiting house elf. "This new law that forbids apparating directly out of bars is doing my head in!"

Fleur slammed the door, the noise rattling the pictures that lined the dark oak hallway in front of her.

"Will you be staying in for the rest of the evening, Mademoiselle?" the elf squeaked, its long brown nose bobbing with each word. It handed Fleur a towel which she roughly tousled through her hair.

"I have just come back for dinner," Fleur huffed. "Maman sent her Patronus saying I needed to come home immediately. I was enjoying the most delicious Merlot at the bar."

The elf's eyes widened slightly as Fleur kicked her boots off, mud splattering the cream walls. Fleur looked guiltily at the mess.

"Do not clean that up, I will deal with it after dinner," she added quickly. "Sorry Coco."

"All fine, Mademoiselle. Your mother is in the parlour," Coco whispered. The elf glanced fearfully behind her. The hallway was pitch black, and it suddenly struck Fleur as odd that no candles were lit.

She paused, the towel still tangled in her hair.

"Has something happened?" she said carefully.

"I should not say," Coco squeaked, her eyes flicking toward a nearby doorframe.

"I thought Maman just wanted me home for family dinner? Is something wrong? "

Coco's eyes darted toward the doorframe again.

"Coco happened to overhear Mademoiselle Amandine announcing some news," the elf replied in a harsh whisper, "that Monsieur and Madame Delacour regretted to hear."

Fleur's heart sunk.

"I thought Amandine had left," she said, her voice hollow. Coco shook her head sadly.

Fleur glanced at the grand staircase in front of her. She could easily sneak up it and into her room and avoid Amandine altogether. Maybe they hadn't heard the door slam.

Suddenly, a racking sob echoed down the hallway, and Fleur knew that wasn't the case.

"Where is Gabrielle?" Fleur asked quickly.

"Madame Delacour told her to go to her room shortly after the news was announced. She was quite upset."

Fleur bit her lip.

"Stay out here, Coco," she finally said. "And I forbid you to hit your head against that doorframe for telling me that news."

"Thank you, Mademoiselle, very kind of you."

Fleur walked slowly down the dark oak hallway. The clicking of her boots sounded like gunshots as they reverberated off the high roofed ceilings.

She glanced at the pictures that cluttered the wall as she walked; their many lavish holidays showing proudly to any guest who may pass. Seychelles, Hawaii, New Zealand, Zurich. Any fool would assume they had the perfect family.

Amandine had stepped out of most of them years ago, not that anyone noticed. No one ever asked about Amandine. A jitter of nerves ran through Fleur's body as she saw the rest of her picture family were now hiding within their frames, peering nervously at her as she passed.

The hallway opened up into their pure marble kitchen. Remy, their chef, should have been concocting a delicious bolognese or searing some scallops by now. But the kitchen was cloaked in darkness.

Fleur gripped her wand tightly in her pocket as she entered the next hallway, and another loud sob reached her ears.

"Maman, you are so dramatic," a familiar voice sighed, and Fleur paused for a moment and clenched her eyes painfully shut.

She hated that voice. That voice brought nothing but misery.

"Amandine, I just do not understand why,' her mother sobbed, and Fleur resumed her pace. She couldn't let her family deal with whatever new pain Amandine had brought alone.

"We can help you get out of this," her worried father's voice echoed as Fleur grew closer to their voices. "I have contacts, we can hide you-"

"How many times do I have to tell you, Papa," Amandine replied, her tone almost playful. "No one is forcing me to do anything. It is an honour. I am one of the youngest to ever be chosen, you should be proud!"

Fleur rounded the last corner, her heart racing as the scene in the parlour exploded before her.

Her father was leaning against their large mahogany dresser with his back to Fleur, head down, a glass of port clutched in his hand. The large gold-rimmed mirror resting on the wall in front of him showed pain etched into every fine wrinkle of his face.

Fleur's mother was sitting straight-backed and unblinking on their Chaise sofa, hair slipping out of her usually immaculate bun, dark mascara streaks running down her cheeks.

"Ah, there you are, little sister."

Fleur clenched her jaw as her eyes flickered to the source of the voice.

Amandine was strewn out on the sofa across from her mother, the orange light of the nearby fire flickering across her face.

She wore blue silk robes, bringing out the sharpness of her icy eyes even more than usual. The silver strands of her Veela hair were pulled back into a delicate ponytail, and she exuded confidence in her haphazard demeanour. She took a sip of the red wine in her hand, dark red lipstick staining the glass, and rose to her feet as Fleur entered. Fleur's many years of dealing with her sister recognised this as a sign of intimidation rather than respect.

Amandine was taller and leaner than Fleur; the robes clinging to her ever visible arm muscles. She had recently dyed her eyebrows brown, and had a stare that could make any man shrink into the shadows. Her straight nose and high cheekbones were a staple of the Veela and often drew compliments from gushing strangers about how identical the sisters looked. Fleur hated it.

"Now, wherever have you been?" Amandine asked. Her tone was soft, but there was a bite of condescension in every word she spoke.

"Out," Fleur responded bluntly. She strode over to her mother, crouched down and placed a hand on her knee. Her mother seemed to snap out of her daze, her expression changing to one of fear.

"Out where?" Amandine pressed.

Fleur paused slightly as she caught her father's eye in the mirror. They were wide, and he shook his head so slightly that it could have been mistaken for a twitch.

"With friends in the village," Fleur replied, a moment too slow. "Look."

She flashed her wrist, which still sported the red stamp from the bar she had been at.

Amandine's gaze danced over Fleur's features. She slowly swished her glass of red wine as she took in her sister's posture.

"Why did you call me here?" Fleur asked her mother, dropping her voice. "Are you okay?"

"She didn't call you here," Amandine interrupted, causing Fleur to bristle. "I did."

"It was Maman's Patronus that brought me a message."

"Yes, I asked her to send it."

Fleur slowly licked her lips, suddenly feeling like a bear caught in a trap.

"And why would you use our mother's Patronus instead of your own?" she asked, knowing the answer before the last word had left her lips.

"Because when I send mine, you always seem to have a reason not to come."

Fleur felt her mother's knee tense under her hand. Her brain began to whir as she noticed her father grow paler.

"Why is that?" Amandine pressed. She was still standing, and her shadow loomed over Fleur and her mother. Amandine slid a casual hand into the pocket of her robe, eyebrows raised in fake sadness. "All I want is to see my dear sister, and time and time again, I am rejected! My ego? Bruised!"

"I am a busy person," Fleur said sharply, refusing to play into Amandine's game. "I have school. You have only asked to see me twice, and that is in the past month. You are not even allowed to be in Britain, and yet somehow you always seem to be in Hogsmeade like you own the place."

"Well, I did look at buying shares in The Three Broomsticks," Amandine quipped. Fleur's face remained impassive. "If I didn't know any better, I would think you were avoiding me."

"And why would you think that?"

"Because I have deliberately cleared your schedule while you are at Hogwarts so I could speak to you and you still say you are 'too busy'."

Fleur felt her face begin to redden as anger bubbled in her stomach.

"How do you have the authority to do that?" she seethed. A smirk flickered so quickly on Amandine's face that Fleur almost missed it. Almost. She knew Amandine was toying with her and was loving every second of it. Her fake hurt expression had never left her face.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

Fleur knew this was meant to be a joke, but the words chilled her to the bone. Their father cleared his throat.

"Amandine, you shouldn't be interfering with Fleur's studies like that," he said gruffly. "She has a full course load to take on, plus training for the Triwizard Tournament. I'm sure she would see you if she could."

"No Papa," Fleur interrupted, and Amandine's playful facade finally slid off her face. "I would not. I have no desire to see her."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her father's shoulders slump.

"Your words, they cut me," Amandine replied, a steely look in her eye. "I clear your schedule, and you do what with your free time?"

"Whatever I want."

"Like spending time with the Mudblood?"

The slur zapped through Fleur's body, and before she knew it, she was on her feet. Her mother stayed rigid behind her.

"That is a disgusting word," Fleur spat, "and your casual use of it shows your complete lack of class."

"Your opinion on class is laughable," Amandine retorted, "I've seen the types you hang out with."

"You have no idea who I hang out with when I'm at schoo-"

"Ever had someone say they saw the Speropax in a place that you hadn't been that day?" Amandine interrupted, and Fleur felt her stomach drop. Amandine's eyes sparkled with glee at the swing of momentum. "Ever had anyone say they saw it hanging out by the greenhouses when you knew you were in Potions during that time? Thought it was simply a mistake on their part? Think again."

Fleur's words were choked in her throat. How could she have been so stupid? Of course that was how Amandine was sneaking around. The only people that knew the Delacour secret were their own family. Anyone else wouldn't take a second glance at a Speropax on the Hogwarts grounds. They would think it was her.

"I've watched you gaze hopelessly at Hermione Granger from across the grounds," Amandine continued, her voice dripping with contempt. "I've watched you follow her around like a lost puppy. I've seen how obsessed with her you are. I've already told you that I know everything there is to know about her, and it seems you do too. It's pathetic."

"She's just a friend," Fleur retorted, but her mouth was dry.

"You're a liar."

"Why do you care so much? Why are you stalking me? Why are you stalking her?!"

"Because it's in my best interests."

"What are you talking about!?"

"Amandine!" their father interrupted, and both girls spun towards him. "That's enough. The girl is harmless, and Fleur is right. You have no right following her around."

"That's cute," Amandine replied condescendingly. "See, when you thought I was doing it to keep her safe, you had no problem with it. Even asked for updates!"

Fleur felt her heart tremble with betrayal. Her father took a step forward, pointing a stern finger.

"I never asked you to stalk her," he countered, "I asked you to check in from time to time, make sure she was doing okay. I only let you go to Hogsmeade because you have been performing so well in the family business in Paris. I thought you deserved to expand. Instead, you play this devious trick. I thought we raised you better than this!"

Amandine let out a loud laugh.

"And yet, you knew I wasn't allowed to leave France through Ministry order and still encouraged me to do it?" she quipped. "Even told me ways to get into Hogsmeade undetected! The law is okay to be stretched if it involves making you money, isn't that right? Don't lecture me on rules."

"Don't you speak to me like-"

"I made you your money Papa," Amandine interrupted. "Lots of it. And you didn't care what I was doing as long as your bank balance went up. Your arrogance blinds you. So in my spare time, I pursued a side hustle. I watched your daughter become a sympathetic blood traitor and decided to do something about it. I've told you what is going to happen tonight. In case you didn't catch that, this is my official notice of resignation."

"Who do you think you ar-"?


Fleur's mother's voice rang out, and all three people in the room spun to her. She was hunched over, hands tightly clasped on top of her knees.

"Amandine, we let you join the business in an attempt to get your life back on track," she continued. "You completed your sentence, and we thought you were better than this. You were doing so well! And now… now you're talking about getting…"

She trailed off.

Fleur stood in stunned silence.

The air in the room felt thick, the heat from the fire too hot, and she felt herself taking deeper and deeper breaths. She wanted to run away where no one could find her and never come return. She wanted Hermione to hold her and tell her it would be okay. She wanted to cry and scream and laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. She didn't trust any of them. Her own parents had known Amandine was following her and did nothing about it.

Amandine cocked her head, her eyes flicking between her parents.

"I picked the winning team," she said menacingly. "And you are lucky enough to witness it. Now, Fleur-"?

Fleur snapped herself from her thoughts as their gaze met. The room instantly cooled.

"Unfortunately, I was a bit busy tonight, so I don't know what you've been up to. So, I'm going to ask again. Where else did you go?"

"Fuck you," Fleur replied, and Amandine let out an icy chuckle.

"You look tired, Fleur," their father interrupted, striding over and sitting next to her mother. "You should go to bed. Hurry along, now."

A distant memory flashed into Fleur's mind of the last time her father warned her like this. It was when he had to step in to stop the duel between the two sisters. A duel Fleur lost badly.

But she couldn't even look at her father, let alone take his advice. She was sick of being ruled by her family and their bad choices. She was sick of hearing their excuses. She had to get out.

Before Fleur could react, Amandine strode swiftly toward her and snapped her thin fingers around Fleur's chin in a vice grip.

"What secrets are you hiding from me, little sister?" she hissed as her eyes bore into Fleur's.

No! Fleur thought frantically. She concentrated all her might on building steel walls around her mind like Madame Maxine had taught her, frantically shoving all memories behind them.

"Nothing! I have just been with friends at The Dancing Imp," Fleur snapped as she swatted Amandine's hand from her chin. "There, happy now?"

Her older sister's eyes continued to bore into her own, and her hastily built walls began to shake. Amandine's forehead creased ever so slightly before she raised her thin eyebrow.

"Oh, you're going to use Occlumency this time, are you?" she said softly, a smirk creeping along her mouth. "Didn't like how I looked into your mind so easily the other night? Well, if you insist."

"Amandine, stop!" their father exclaimed, but it was too late.

Fleur cried out as a headache seared through her brain and her mental walls crumbled. All her memories rushed forward like a dam bursting, flickering across Fleur's vision as Amandine dragged them from the dark corners of her mind.

Fleur sitting with her friends at The Dancing Imp, openly ignoring a hopeful man next to her. He offers her a drink, she doesn't hear as she gazes into the distance.

Fleur squeezed her eyes shut, willing the Legilimency connection to break. She could feel thin strands of Amandines magic picking through her thoughts, like fingers flipping through pages of a book. She knew what Amandine was trying to find.

Fleur laying on her bed staring at a golden Galleon. "I hope everything is okay. I miss you" is inscribed around the edge of the coin. Tears stream down her face as she taps the coin and opens her mouth, but she doesn't know what to reply.

Fleur could hear urgent voices in the background, but they may have well been a thousand miles away. Amandine had a vice grip on her chin again.

Fleur knocking heavily on the door of the Ilvermorny truck. Her fine robes drenched and clinging to her body, hair plastered to her scalp. Snow flurries down from the muted grey sky. Professor Fontaine appears at the door in a royal blue dressing gown, perplexed, as Tess stands with her arms crossed behind him.

"Ms Delacour, it is two in the morning! You must stop this incessant knocking!" Fontaine exclaims.

Fleur peers around him to look at the seething Tess.

"Tess, please," Fleur says quickly. "I told you we were going to this ball as friends-"

"You knew how I felt about you!" Tess cries as Fontaine looks exasperatedly between them. "You shouldn't have asked me to go with you!"

"I thought it would be okay-"

"What about me seeing you making out with Hermione Granger did you think was okay!?"

"Enough!" Fontaine booms. Bleary-eyed Ilvermorny students appear at their doors. Cedric emerges from his room and puts an arm around a weeping Tess.

"It's time for you to go back to your carriage, Ms Delacour," Fontaine says firmly.

The door slams in Fleur's face as her shoulders droop.

The memory dissolves.

"No, no," Fleur whimpered as she knew the memory that was coming next. She tried to quickly rebuild the mental walls, but they collapsed like sand in the howling wind. "This is private-"

Fleur standing under the Beech tree with Hermione. Inky darkness surrounds them, punctured only by the glowing blue flames flickering in jars. A gramophone plays softly behind them.

Fleur's heart races as her eyes flicker to Hermione's soft lips. She craves them like she's never craved anything in her life. She's imagined kissing those lips a thousand times.

Hermione's gentle brown eyes flick up to meet Fleur's blue, and she can't stop herself.

Fleur gritted her teeth as she felt Amandines magic clinging tightly to this memory, not letting it slip away.

An invisible force pulls them together. As their lips meet, a rush of euphoria pours through her body in a way she's never felt. Hermione's lips are impossibly soft, and she's instantly addicted. She wants to touch every inch of the girl in front of her and never stop. She pulls their bodies closer, moaning softly as Hermione's hand lightly strokes her face.

"This is private," Fleur said again, her voice stronger this time. The outline of Amandine slowly came into focus.

The kissing grows deeper. Small moans escape from Hermione's lips, and it takes everything in her power not to pin her to the tree behind them and tear her dress robes off.

Her sister's eyes were closed, a deep frown on her face as she concentrated. She was whispering quickly under her breath as Fleur felt the claws in her head start to lose their grip.

She knew she was falling in love. It was the only thing she had been sure about in her whole life.

"Enough!" Fleur shouted, and the walls of her mind slammed down.

Amandine's eyes widened in shock as she stumbled backwards slightly, her hand clasping her forehead.

Fleur realised she was sweating and panting slightly. Her father gently wrapped his arms around her shaking shoulders as her mother silently wept behind her. He placed a cool hand against Fleur's sweating forehead, but she barely noticed. Her tunnel vision was directed at her now furious sister.

Amandine gathered herself quickly, her grimace turning into a sneer as she straightened.

"I knew it," she hissed. "I knew you were dating her. You've been lying through your teeth to me! You're a disgrace!"

"You are the disgrace!" Fleur shouted back. She threw her father's arms from her shoulders, and he fell back onto the couch.

"What gives you the right to prod through my mind the minute you think I'm not telling you something!" Fleur continued, adrenaline coursing through her veins. A headache began to thump behind her eyes from the intrusion of Amandine's magic. "All you do is bully this family around like a dictator! Well, guess what? You are just a washed-up criminal who is just looking for the next person to follow like a puppy! I do not care what anyone says, you are evil to your core!"

The room fell into silence.

To Fleur's surprise, Amandine began to smile.

"Well, that was a bit dramatic," she jeered. Her slender fingers reached into her pocket, and Fleurs hand twitched toward her wand. But Amandine withdrew a tightly bound scroll, the stamp of the Dark Mark glueing it tight.

"You see little sister, you missed my big news," Amandine continued, holding the scroll out loosely. "Though it is clear you do not view me that high, that may change after tonight."

Fleur glanced at the scroll but made no movement toward it. Amandine sighed as she pocketed it again.

"I have been presented the honour of joining the Dark Lord's innermost circle," Amandine continued, her voice oozing with pride. "I was just telling Maman and Papa that the ceremony will be held here, at our home, tonight."

Fleur's reply froze in her throat. She knew Amandine had been sneaking around, but this?

The tick of the clock jumped around the room, waiting for somebody to speak as it claimed the silence.

"What ceremony?" Fleur finally responded, her voice deep.

"I'm getting the Dark Mark."

Fleur's mother let out a gentle sob and leant her head on her husband's shoulder.

Fleur blinked.

"The… the what?" Fleur stammered.

"The Dark Mark, I'm sure you've heard of it. A few Death Eaters will be here soon to set up. Being my family, you are, of course, welcome to be here for the ceremony. Though if you have this ugly attitude when my friends are here, be aware that there will be consequences."

Fleur whirled around to her parents.

"You two have known about this for hours now!" Fleur exploded. "And you have not done anything!? You cannot let her do this!"

Amandine chuckled softly.

"Fleur, I am 24 years old. It's not like I need them to sign a permission slip," she goaded. "Though their blessing would be well received. I don't want to be embarrassed in front of the Dark Lord."

"You must have alerted the Ministry," Fleur continued, ignoring a scoff from Amandine. "Or… or somebody!?"

Her parents exchanged glances.

"We were trying to understand," her father said, "we were trying to convince her otherwise. There's no need to alert the authorities if she does not do it."

"She JUST said she is going to!?"

"She has not done anything yet. We just need a bit more time to discuss. She is our daughter, Fleur, we are not going to imprison our own child if there's a way to reach a compromise."

"But you reach a point!" Fleur exclaimed, "where that is not an excuse any more! You cannot let her do this! Think of the pain she will cause, think of the pain she already has."

"We do not agree with it," her mother interjected. "And we only hope that she will make the right choice. That is how she has been raised."

Fleur gaped at her parents. They looked so fragile huddled together on their lavish couch, hiding behind their wishful thinking. She had never seen two people so weak.

A loud crack sounded from outside.

"Ah, here they are now!" Amandine said excitedly, all venom from earlier suddenly lost. "If you aren't going to atleast put a smile on your faces then I would prefer if you left. You look ugly when you frown, Fleur. You'll get wrinkles before you're 30 at this rate."

Amandine strode across the room and peered through the curtains, and Fleur made up her mind. She was going to make the decision that her parents wouldn't, regardless of the consequences.

Fleur whispered frantically into her wand and slashed it in a wide arc. Her Patronus burst forth, a gleaming Speropax, and darted forward.

Amandine spun around as the Patronus passed, quickly drawing her own wand. Her spell missed it by inches and crashed into the bookcase. Books tumbled through the translucent Patronus as it disappeared through the wall.

"What did you do!?" Amandine hissed as a loud knock sounded on the front door.

"What our parents should have done a long time ago," Fleur replied, tightening the grip on her wand. "The Ministry will be here soon. I am not going to let you do this. This has gone far enough."

The door creaked open, and Fleur heard Coco's squeaky voice speaking.

Amandine's eyes flashed as she waved her own wand so quickly that Fleur barely had time to react.

Two spells crashed into their parent's chests, slamming them against the back of the couch and immediately immobilising them.

"You know what, little sister?" Amandine hissed as Fleur moved into a battle stance, clutching her wand with both hands. "I've had quite enough of you and your insistence on being a pain in my ass. All I'm doing is trying to help, and yet you haven't shown me an inch of respect in years. It's time I taught you a real lesson. No daddy this time to save you."

Fleur's nails dug into her palms as she clenched her wand.

Amandine moved impossibly quickly.

She swung her arm wide, and a blue spell shot toward Fleur so fast that she didn't have time to react. It slashed burning hot across her cheek, singing her hair as it crashed into the mirror behind. The glass smashed into a thousand pieces and clattered loudly onto the wooden floorboards.

Fleur smelt her own blood as she began to stab her wand forward, but Amandine had already sent three more spells in her direction. Fleur stopped mid-motion and pivoted, throwing up a hasty shield charm instead which barely deflected the vicious magic.

There was spell after spell. The magic crashed around the room as Fleur barely had time to protect herself. They moved fast and slow, burned bright and dull, and poured from Amandine's wand without effort. She moved masterfully, her feet sweeping along the ground poetically like they knew where to go before she had even thought of the next spell.

All the while, Amandine never lost her composure. Her eyes burned bright blue as they stayed in a piercing glare, her wand blurring as the spells burst from her wand. She performed hand motions Fleur had never seen before, enchanted magic so skillfully that it was like a part of her body.

She wanted blood.

Fleur finally managed to send a Stunning spell, and it collided mid-air with one of Amandine's. They ricocheted off of each other, smashing into a nearby family portrait. A massive black mark burnt into the photo and obscured the entire family.

Amandine threw a quick curse, and Fleur stumbled backward slightly as she deflected it. Her momentarily loss of balance was what Amandine had been waiting for.

A blood-red spell shot out of her wand and ducked under Fleur's too slow shield charm. It smashed into Fleur's ribs, and the effect was instant.

Fleur fell to the ground screaming, and her wand clattered from her hand. Her limbs stiffened, twitching horribly as pain coursed through her body. It bubbled in her veins and seared her lungs and ripped at her brain and screamed into her ears and burnt under her fingernails and stabbed in between her ribs. She didn't know if she was crying or screaming as her body began to convulse.

Just when it began to fade, another spell smashed into her forehead, snapping her head back. The pain lit up every part of her face as her lips felt like they were being torn off. Her eyes rolled backwards. She wanted to shout but couldn't find the breath.

Thin hands grabbed her roughly by the shoulder and lifted her up effortlessly, slamming her against the wall. Fleur barely felt it as the pain rolled in slapping waves through her body.

"Have you learnt your lesson now, little sister?" Amandine whispered venomously, her face inches from Fleur's.

The pain abruptly subsided, and Fleur's head drooped, her energy sapped. Amandine let her fall forward slightly before slamming her against the wall again. Fleur let out a gasp of pain as her head whacked against the hardwood and stars sprung into her vision. Amandine grabbed Fleur's chin and snapped her head up, so their eyes met.

"If I'm not afraid to use the Cruciatus curse on my own sister," she continued, "then I think you'll understand that my warning is true. Do not interact with the Mudblood again, or Harry Potter. It's for your own good. You don't realise what you're doing. If I hear you've so much as looked in their direction, there will be hell to pay. I won't take it as easy on you as I did this time."

Fleur wheezed as her body felt like lead. She had no retort, no energy to fight back. She had been defeated in a matter of seconds. Amandine was better than her in every way, and she couldn't do anything about it. She felt weak. She felt powerless.

So she did the only thing she had energy for. She coughed, and flecks of blood sprayed onto Amandine's face.

Amandine's jaw locked with rage as her fists tightened and pinched Fleur's shoulders. Fleur braced herself, waiting for the punishment.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

The sisters broke eye contact and turned to stare at the shadowy doorway.

Bellatrix Lestrange stood in it, hands-on-hips, dark hair tumbling over her eyes. Two men flanked her, one scrawny, the other a block of muscle.

Bellatrix's eyes darted from the immobilised parents to the destroyed chaos of the room, to the frozen sisters. A playful smirk lit up her face as she admired the destruction.

"This is unexpected," Bellatrix continued in her high pitched voice, "though I do love a fight between family. Carry on."

Amandine let go of Fleur's shoulders, and she crumpled to the floor. Fleur clutched her ribs where the Cruciatus curse had hit her, feeling a bruise blooming larger by the second.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that," Amandine said, smoothing back her hair. "My sister just needed to be taught a lesson."

"You have a little something on your face," Bellatrix quipped, brushing her fingers along her own. The two men guffawed with laughter as Amandine flushed red. She quickly wiped her face, the blood from Fleur's cough leaving tiny stains on her silk robes.

"Anyway," Bellatrix waved away. "This room is rather beautiful, even with the mess. The perfect place for the ceremony. Let's get it cleaned up right quick. Where's that elf, it can do it-"

"Actually," Amandine interrupted, and her voice wavered as Bellatrix's eyes narrowed. "We won't be able to have it here tonight."

The three Death Eaters all raised their eyebrows.

"And why's that," the scrawny man rasped. Amandine posture stooped slightly.

"Because my sister has alerted the Ministry that this was happening just moments ago."

The burly man hissed, and Bellatrix's eyes snapped to where Fleur still lay crumpled to the ground.

"How dare she-" the scrawny man began but fell silent as Bellatrix raised her finger.

"Quiet, Yaxley," she hissed, and he fell back into her shadow. "Why were we not alerted of this? Why have you let us come here, you imbecile!"

Fleur couldn't help but feel a sliver of happiness at Bellatrix's tone. She had never heard anyone speak to Amandine like that.

"It just happened," Amandine defended quickly. "Just a moment ago. I haven't brought you into trouble, Ms Lestrange, but we should leave."

"And what about the girl?" the brawny man interrupted, leering his yellow teeth at Fleur's crippled form. "Surely we make her pay for this little trick."

"She has been taught a lesson already," Amandine said quickly. "She won't meddle in my affairs again."

"How very embarrassing for you, Delacour," Bellatrix sighed, and Amandine's jaw clenched. "This is why we tested you for six months to see where your loyalty lay with a family like this."

"And I have proven once again it is with you," Amandine replied. "Look at her, she's a mess. They've all now seen what will happen if they get in my way."

Bellatrix eyed Fleur, smiling wickedly at the glare she got in return. A flicker of recognition suddenly passed over her face.

"Wait, you're the Beauxbatons champion, aren't you?" she said excitedly, clapping her hands like a small child. "Oh, I forgot that your sister was in the Triwizard Tournament! Are you enjoying playing your little game? Amandine, are you just oozing with pride to have a little champion in the family?"

Amandine laughed unconvincingly as all the Death Eaters cackled.

Fleur didn't reply. She was burning with hatred for all of them. She tried to lift herself up but pain seared through her ribs and she crumpled back down.

Bellatrix's face stayed in a sly grin as she strode across the room, her thick black boots thumping along the floor. Amandine turned slightly as she strode by, but stopped as Yaxley cleared his throat loudly.

"Not very polite, are you?" Bellatrix asked as she crouched next to Fleur. Fleur had half a mind to cough on her too. "I asked you a question."

"Go to hell," Fleur spat.

Bellatrix cackled.

"Oh, I like her!" she exclaimed as a small crease of worry formed on Amandine's brow. "Did you use the Cruciatus curse?"

"Yes," Amandine said quickly.


Amandine paused.

"It hit her on the chest."

Fleur's eyes darted up to meet her sisters, but Amandine was looking away.

Bellatrix nodded and leant toward Fleur. She smelt like expired perfume and sweat.

"Let me tell you, we really don't appreciate when people mess with our plans," she whispered menacingly. "This beating you got tonight? That is nothing compared to what I would've done."

She jabbed her pointed fingers hard into Fleur's chest. Her eyebrows raised slightly in surprise when Fleur didn't react.

"Stubborn little thing, aren't you?" Bellatrix continued. "This must be hurting like hell right now. No wonder the Goblet of Fire picked you as a champion. Such a pretty, brave girl."

Fleur suddenly realised what Bellatrix was trying to do and shoved her hand away. Her ribs screamed in protest at the motion, but she kept her face set. Amandine's eyes darted nervously toward them.

"We're going to be seeing you very soon, little girl," Bellatrix continued. "Wouldn't want to miss you being crowned as the grand champion would we? Not when your sister is one of our own."

Bellatrix rose to her feet, swooping her hair out of her eyes and sighing in satisfaction.

"Wel, let's leave before half of the French Ministry arrives, shall we?" she said smartly. She strutted toward the door and flashed a wicked smile at Amandine.

"Your inauguration will be delayed, of course. The Dark Lord will not be happy with the events from tonight. I'll be surprised if you still get the Mark after this debacle."

Amandine's face fell as Bellatrix touched her wand to her own Dark Mark, whispering quickly.

"Come!" she barked and strode down the hallway, the two men in tow.

Amandine glanced down at Fleur.

"I meant what I said," she murmured. "Don't see the Mudblood again. They would've done much worse if they knew what you had been up to. I'll be watching."

Amandine snatched her cloak from its stand as Fleur called after her.

"Why haven't you told them?"

Amandine froze in the doorway.

"You have been saying all these threats to me, but in reality, you have not told them a thing," she continued. "There must be a reason for that. My relationship with Hermione would be like gold to them. You obviously are not fully committed to them if you choose to hide this, so why are you joining them?"

Amandine didn't turn around.

"You don't know anything," she snapped. "I am committed to this cause. This is your last warning. Stop associating with Mudbloods and blood traitors."

With a swish of her cloak, she disappeared into the darkness after the Death Eater's.

Fleur's breaths came in tight gasps as she rose painfully into a sitting position. She gripped her ribs as her head throbbed incessantly.

The light patter of feet peppered the ground, and a moment later, Coco was standing in the doorway, her wide eyes staring at the scene before her.

She clicked her fingers, and Fleur's parents were no longer immobilised.

They rushed to their feet and scrambled toward Fleur, their concerned voices babbling over each other.

Coco waved her hands, and the room slowly began to repair itself. The glass of the mirror clinked as it reformed and became full again. Feathers floated back into pillows, the rug straightened out, and liquid collected together and carefully refilled toppled bottles.

"Where does it hurt?" Fleur's father breathed frantically. "Let me check you over, you may have a broken-"

"Where did the spells hit?" her mother babbled over him. "Maybe Remy can mix together a Drought of Peace or some mead with a dash of Mandrake syrup for your-"

"We couldn't interrupt when she was doing Legilimency, it could have caused you brain damag-"

"You may just need some rest-"

"Stop!" Fleur shouted, the volume of her voice causing a searing pain through her brain. "I am fine. What are you going to do about Amandine?"

Her parents looked at her in shock. The scraping of wood echoed across the room as Coco pushed the Chaise sofa back into place.

"She attacked me!" Fleur shouted, wincing as she adjusted her position. "There were Death Eater's in our house! She is getting the Dark Mark! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?!"

Her parents gaped at her.

"When the Ministry arrives, we will tell them what she did to you," her father replied. "We do not condone any form of violence."

"And you will tell them that she is a Death Eater?"

Her parents exchanged glances.

"She has been protecting you from them, Fleur," her father replied. "She has not been passing on information. We still have time to get her back."

"Protecting me? She has joined them! She attacked me!"

"You heard those Death Eater's," her mother added. "They said she will not get the Mark now. She is not getting into the inner circle. She will open her eyes to this soon."

"We just need to reason with her, Fleur," her father finished. "She gets fanatical about these things and then she goes onto the next thing-"

Fleur let out a hysterical laugh which made her parents jump.

"What will it take for you two to open your eyes!?" Fleur laughed, looking at the ceiling. "Another murder? It is coming, and that blood will be on your hands when it does."

"Fleur, that is enough!" her father said sharply. "Do not speak of such horrible things."

"You are blinded by love, waiting for her to come back from the dark life she has made. She is too far gone! Do you really believe she has been protecting us? She brought three Death Eaters into our house. There will be some selfish reason as to why she has not passed on more information. How can you believe there is any room for her to reform?"

"She is our daughter, we will never give up on her," her father replied gruffly. Fleur shook her head. She was too sore to argue with the ignorant.

"I want to be alone, please just go."

Her mother quickly rose to her feet and tried to hide her tears as she strode from the room, her heels clicking loudly. Her father gazed at her for a moment, but Fleur averted his eye.

"We love you, Fleur," he said softly. "And I won't let her get away with what she did to you tonight. I will talk to the Ministry when they arrive."

"You'll tell them she's a Death Eater?" Fleur repeated.

Her father gazed at her face for a second, and he looked as though he may hug her. But the moment passed.

"No," he said flatly. "Because she is not. But she hurt you and I won't let her get away with that."

"She did the Cruciatus curse, Papa," Fleur replied, and suddenly her voice was wobbling. "My own sister did the Cruciatus curse on me. That is enough for her to go to Azkaban, and I hope she does. I hope she rots in there."

They fell into silence.

Fleur blinked back quick tears as her father rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands. She had never seen his boyish face look so old.

The doorbell chimed loudly.

Coco's head darted toward the noise, but her father raised a weary hand to stop her.

"I will see to it, Fleur. There must be another way," he said as he slowly rose to his feet, his knees cracking loudly. "You do not understand, you are not a parent."

Fleur's expression darkened.

"Thank you, Coco," he said softly as the elf finished the last of the repairs, and she bowed deeply. He glanced once again at Fleur before sighing and walking down the hallway.

Fleur closed her eyes and let her head fall softly back against the wall. Tiny footsteps pattered toward her.

"May I, Mademoiselle?" Coco squeaked, lightly touching Fleur's ribs. She nodded, and Coco placed both of her tiny hands on Fleur's side. A soft glow shone through Fleur's eyelids, and the pain started to subside.

"I cannot understand it," Fleur whispered. "What more proof do they need?"

"Amandine is a danger," Coco replied, "but I understand your father's logic."

Fleur's eyes snapped open. How could everyone be so comfortable not reporting Amandine? Had they not seen what had just happened?!

"She's about to be inducted into the most dangerous group in modern history," Fleur argued, "and you think it's unreasonable to report it?"

"Pardon me, Mademoiselle, but that is not what I said," Coco squeaked. "I said I understood his logic."

"Then please explain it to me because I am at a loss."

The elf moved her small hands to Fleur's head, warm magic slowly threading the cut on her face back together.

"You have not seen what I've seen," Coco replied. "I've seen your parents weep when they found out they were pregnant with her and hold each other so tightly they left marks. I watched how they cradled her tiny form so delicately at birth and the love that poured from their eyes as they stared at her. I've seen them run to her when she cried as a toddler and bandage up her knees when she fell and tell her what an outstanding young girl she was going to be. I've watched them shine with pride when they let her hold you for the first time when you were born. I've seen them console her for hours as she wept in disappointment when she broke her arm and couldn't play in the finals of her Quidditch tournament."


"And," Coco continued, raising her white eyebrow at the interruption, "I've witnessed them argue when your mother didn't want to send her to Durmstrang. I've heard conversations that lasted for hours to the teachers at the school as they lost sleep with worry over what she was doing. I've heard them call the Ministry to report their own daughter on the night she planned to break into Nurmengard. Yes, that's right, Mademoiselle" Coco said as Fleur's eyes opened in shock. "I must punish myself later for telling you this, but they reported Amandine and set the Ministry to stop her. A classmate had already told them though, so the Ministry was aware. The tip-off from your parents was what pushed them into action, though."

"I-I did not know that," Fleur stammered.

"Of course you didn't," Coco said, dropping her hands to her side as the cut finished healing. "They want your family to be whole and reunited once again. Remember when the two of you were children? You were thick as thieves. You adored your sister. It hurts them the way you and Amandine treat each other now."

"I am not a child anymore, that is why," Fleur argued. "I can see her for what she is, and I do not have an ounce of respect for her. She is selfish, she is a follower, she is a murderer. She is nothing that I want anything to do with."

Fleur lightly felt her face to have something to do with her hands.

"Mademoiselle," Coco continued. "Don't assume your parents take this lightly. They speak for long, arduous hours over how to manage Amandine. They thought that bringing her into the family business would set her back on track, give her a purpose, make her feel welcome again. They don't trust her the way you think they do."

"So why continue to make excuses for her!"

"They don't want her to regress. They want to support her, as they would for you and Gabrielle."

"Yeah right," Fleur scoffed. "We all know Amandines always been the favourite for Merlin knows what reason."

"Just because she gets this attention does not mean she is the favourite. You should be thankful they don't keep such a watchful eye on you, it is not the gift you seem to think it is."

Fleur fell silent. She was still furious with her parents, but a weary understanding was now nibbling at the edge of her brain.

"You should have seen your parents bursting with pride when you were named the champion of Beauxbatons," Coco continued softly. "Your father tells anyone who comes within five feet of him how spectacular you are. Do your ribs still hurt?"

Fleur shook her head, and Coco bowed. She felt completely better, fatigue and confusion the only thing now washing over her in waves.

"Any other injuries you can feel?" Coco asked.

"Just my pride."

"That will heal in good time."

Fleur's body felt like lead as her thoughts drifted to the soft bed upstairs awaiting her. She knew she looked terrible and was deliberately avoiding looking in the mirror across from her.

The swirling of her emotions had finally stopped to be replaced by a dull nothingness. She didn't want to feel anymore. She didn't want to think. She wanted to sleep and escape the mess that was her life.

Fleur's pocket warmed suddenly, and she reached into it. The enchanted Galleon Hermione had given her was shining with a new message.

Fleur, we need to talk. Before we get back to Hogwarts. It's urgent."

Her breath hitched in her throat. She yearned to speak to Hermione, to cry in her arms and have her hair stroked and pretend like everything wasn't a nightmare. But at the same time, she was terrified to talk to her.

She knew she had been distant over the break and had explaining to do. But how was she meant to explain that her sister was a murderous stalking psychopath about to become a Death Eater? What if she didn't take it seriously, just like the rest of her family? What if she did take it seriously and never spoke to Fleur again? She didn't know which option was worse.

Amandine's threat radiated through Fleur's brain as she re-read the message.

"I need to go, Coco," Fleur said and rose onto unsteady feet.

"You should rest, Mademoiselle."

"I know, there is just something I need to do. I cannot put anyone else in danger because of me."

Fleur tapped the coin and murmured her reply. She walked tiredly to where her cloak lay and flapped it a few times to remove the dust.

"I do not know why you stay with our family, Coco," Fleur said as she slid on some clean shoes. "We could get you a job at Beauxbatons. You would be amongst other house-elves, and you would not have to deal with our family's drama. It would be a quiet retirement."

Coco's eyes began to shine.

"It has been the greatest honour of my life to serve your family, and I wish to be with you all until my death."

Fleur shrugged and glanced in the mirror. She looked terrible.

Hermione's going to take one look at me and realise how truely out of my league she is, Fleur thought.

She still smelt like wine, and her reddened eyes looked like she'd been doing drugs.

Better she thinks that than know the truth.

"Thank you for healing me, Coco. And for listening," Fleur sighed.

"As ever, Mademoiselle."

"And I forbid you from hurting yourself for any of the information you told me tonight. I am sorry you had to be involved in all of this."

Fleur glanced at the coordinates Hermione just sent as it flashed onto the coin and, with a small smile to Coco, disapparated.


Fleur, Gabrielle and Hermione sat in silence as the memory faded. The black smoke backdrop drifted away with the wind.

Gabrielle's face was the colour of chalk and Hermione had a lone tear sliding down her cheek

"Oh," Gabrielle finally said. "I didn't realise… she used the Cruciatus… I would have never teased you..."

Fleur turned to Hermione.

"So do you see?" she said quietly. "Do you see what I have been afraid of this whole time?"

"Fleur," Hermione replied softly. "I-I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry."

"It is what it is," Fleur said. "But you see how deep my fear was and how I never felt right letting you in. You now see the real danger Amandine poses. But I have decided I am not going to let her dictate my life anymore. I would rather take a thousand more beatings from her than live in fear."

Hermione swallowed and stared off into the darkness. She was at a loss for words. Her mind was racing, and a thousand questions sat on the tip of her tongue. She opened her mouth to reply, but Fleur gently touched her hand to silence her.

"I told you I wanted to show you this and that you did not owe me anything," she said quietly. "We will not talk about this tonight because I want you to think about it. This is a difficult memory to show you, and I expect you want to say the right thing, but I want you to go and give it thought. Think about what being with me will involve. I have made my decision."

Gabrielle made a slight noise and stood up, wandering toward the castle slowly and pretending to be extremely interested in a firework spiralling overhead. Fleur smiled slightly.

"She is giving us privacy, but I should go," Fleur continued. "I promised I would take her to the party, and I can see how upset she is from that memory. I will need to look after her tonight."

"Of course," Hermione breathed.

Fleur interlinked their fingers, and for a brief moment, Hermione's thoughts came to a standstill. The warmth crawled up her arm, and she wanted to reach out and pull Fleur into a tight hug, to say everything her mouth couldn't.

"I want to be with you so badly, Hermione," Fleur said, and Hermione's stomach exploded with butterflies. "I know I do not deserve you. I have treated you horribly these past few months, and I have been a coward, and I have a fucked up family. But now atleast you can see why I was so scared. Everything is laid bare, I have no more secrets, and the choice is yours. I will understand whatever you choose."

"I don't want to be the reason you get hurt," Hermione pleaded. "Amandine said that if she saw you with me again, she would do much worse. I can't have that on my conscience."

Fleur's squeezed Hermione's hand.

"Whether we are together or not, Amandine and I are going to reach a breaking point. It is coming, I can feel it," she replied. "You saw what she did to me when she realised I had reported her. I will do everything in my power until she has been stopped, be that result whatever it is. That means I will be putting myself in danger regardless of my status with you. If I was a stronger person, I would have been able to stay away from you to keep you safe. But I cannot. This feeling-"?

She motioned toward their intertwined fingers.

"- this fills me with ecstasy, and it is only the slightest of touches. I have never had that in my life, and I do not want to fight it anymore. I want to face everything with you."

To Hermione's dismay, Fleur unlinked their hands, and the warmth vanished.

"If I do not leave now, I never will," Fleur said to Hermione's questioning look. "So I will take my little sister to this stupid party and try to keep her out of trouble. She is the one part of my family that is not yet broken. I will think about you every second until I hear your decision. And probably every second after that."

Hermione wanted to tell Fleur she had already made up her mind as her heart reached for the girl in front of her. She knew how to take care of herself, her antics with Harry had proved that. She wasn't scared of Amandine. She wanted to fight. She wanted to protect Fleur. She wanted to face any threat head-on, together.

But the small rational part of her brain was whispering in her ear too. A lot of water had passed under the bridge, and this was complicated. She was still hurt from the way Fleur had treated her the past few months, even though she now knew why. She would be putting herself and her friends into danger. She would be putting Fleur into danger.

"I'm worried," Hermione finally replied. "There's so much going on here. What about your family?"

"There comes a time when you have to make hard decisions," Fleur replied gently. "I cannot keep letting them get away with everything just because they are my family. There are too many secrets I have kept out of loyalty to blood. Gabrielle agrees. These secrets have put other people in danger for too long. I know the difference between what is right and what is easy, so I have made my choice."

Fleur's voice stayed strong as she spoke, and she drew herself up taller.

"How long can I take?" Hermione asked. "How long will you wait for my answer?"

A firework suddenly exploded overhead, painting the sky red and green in the shape of a dragon. A distant cheer echoed across the grounds.

The colours reflected off of Fleur's bright blue eyes and danced along her slim face. If Hermione could have frozen time at that moment, she would have.

"How long is a lifetime?" Fleur replied, and the fireworks behind her exploded into a brilliant gold.


Hermione approached the Fat Lady, barely remembering how she got there.

Her mind raced the entire walk back to the common room as she replayed the memory over and over in her head.

Amandine was a danger, a real threat to wizardkind. Now she finally understood this wasn't a simple crush for Fleur. But Amandine had withheld information about Fleur from the Death Eater's, and had lied to Bellatrix's face about where she hit Fleur with the Cruciatus curse. What did that mean?

It means she hit her own sister with a torture curse, Hermione thought grimly.

Fleur was willing to risk her life to be with her. But what if she changed her mind again? What if she spooked?

I can't go through that heartbreak again, it was excruciating the first time around. But what if she doesn't change her mind? What if we can really be together?

The thought filled her with euphoria, and she pursed her lips to stop the smile creeping onto her face. It was all too much for tonight. Her body still ached from the second task, and her eyelids were heavy with sleep. She couldn't wait to lay down and-


Hermione's eyes snapped up to see Ron stumbling down the corridor toward her, Harry scurrying along behind him.

"Where've ya been!?" Ron exclaimed. He fell onto her in a hug, putting his entire weight on her as she struggled to push him off. He stunk of Firewhisky.

"Oh my God," Hermione snapped as she tried to shove him away. Harry ran forward and grabbed him under the armpits, heaving him back to his feet. "Ronald Weasley you are so drunk."

"Yeaaaaaah," he giggled. Hermione looked in exasperation at Harry who gave her an apologetic smile.

"The party got a little out of hand," he muttered as Ron swayed on the spot.

"Where did ya go?" Ron asked as he swayed dangerously close to the edge of the stairs.

"Just for a walk."


Hermione looked at Harry in exasperation. He was still desperately trying to keep Ron standing.


"You went to see Fleur didn't you!? We all told you not to go!"

Hermione flushed. In the intensity of the past hour, she had forgotten how desperately her friends had said not to meet up with her ex. She had told them all she was going for a walk to clear her head.

"It's complicated, Ron," she replied and ducked around him to get to the Fat Lady.

"She was such a bad friend to you," he howled back at her as Harry tried to steady him again.

"We'll talk in the morning when you're sober," Hermione replied, her eyes so heavy she could barely keep them open.

"Y-You're wasting your time with her!" he hiccuped. "So many guys at the party asked where you were! Dyu realise how many people you could've snogged tonight!"

"Gross, no. I'm not interested."

"What about Cedric! He may be a bit dim but he's a decent looking bloke. Or… or Dean? Girls seem to like him lots."

"Mate, drop it," Harry said as Hermione threw a filthy look. Harry clasped his hands on Ron's shoulders and steered him toward the portrait.

"She's wasting her time with that stuck up bitch!" Ron wailed, and Hermione's tiredness evaporated as her temper flared.

"Don't call her that!" she snapped.

"She is! Typical stuck up, French, pretentious, old-money family who treat people like shit 'cos they get away with it!"

"She's not like that-"

"Forget about her! Come back to the party! Hook up with someone, it'll make you feel better! Let loose for once!"

Harry spoke the password to the Fat Lady, but Hermione barely noticed.

"You're being an ass, Ron!" she snarled back. "You need to go to bed."

"You need someone to take you to bed!" he countered. "Why won't you hook up with any of these guys? They're all drooling over them, and you barely look at them!

"I don't want-"

"You haven't even tried it"

"Because I don't want to!"


Hermione didn't know why she said it. Maybe it was because she was exhausted from the second task, or maybe because of the revelations from the past hour, or maybe because her subconscious was bursting to finally let it out into the world.

As the portrait swung open, Hermione seized control of the words that had haunted her for years.


Her voice echoed down the empty corridor, and her heart was racing. Ron looked like he'd been slapped in the face as his mouth dropped open.

A small cough came from the portrait hole, and she whirled around.

Half of the Gryffindor common room were sitting inside, all in stunned silence as they stared at Hermione. She gaped at them as heat crawled up her neck.

"Dibs," a female voice called.