A/N: This is my first story and I will enjoy any feedback on it. This is mainly inspired by A New Kind of Different but will have a different pace and a higher rating. There will be lemon(s) and some other features that I will not spoil. Hope you enjoy!


Chapter 1: A Day in the Life

It had been three years since Astrid had started high school and could not believe that her routine during the school week had never changed. Every day she would wake up in her room with a face that would make her wonder if her reflection in the mirror was actually real. However, once she brushed her hair and teeth she would look much like how everyone else saw her. A young woman that had piercing light blue eyes and blonde hair that was tied into a long braid and went passed her shoulders but not all the way down to her waist. She played soccer on Berk's High School Varsity team and was named captain so she had a very athletic body and was very curvy but that did not mean she was a pushover. She was called a Valkyrie for the way she moved across the field and would intimidate any man that would dare lay a finger upon her.

"I just want to have a decent day today. Just one Monday where I don't feel like I want to break something when I arrive home." Astrid said to her reflection.

She had decided to dress a bit warmer than usual as her phone read that the weather today would be sunny with a high around the mid-fifties. She wore a Navy Blue long sleeve shirt with gray jeans. A small silver sports watch was around her left wrist and she put on a pair of white sneakers. She grabbed her school bag and went downstairs and made herself a bowl of Cheerios. After that she placed her bowl in the sink and ran out the door. She was not surprised her boyfriend's car was rolling up as she stepped off the porch.

"Mornin' babe! Hope you have a kiss for me as payment for driving you." Shawn said.

Shawn "Snotlout" Jorgenson was her boyfriend and a tight end on the varsity football team. She had started dating a year and a half ago because at first she believed he cared for her, but as time went on she learned that he had different ideas. She found him constantly looking over her body and always found him having a grin that showed only a portion of his lingering thoughts. He was decently built due to his involvement in football, and other girls have commented that he was also "the biggest" in the school but Astrid speculated that he was a probably around the general average or tad above it. Not like she would ever want to see it considering she finds the dreams he tells her repulsing. The only reason she was still with him was because she was afraid of what people would do to her and that she would be left alone.

Astrid walked to his red 1980 Chevy Camaro and planted a kiss on his lips which took a much more dirty direction at Shawn's enforcement. She then walked around to the passenger side door and opened it, and sitting on the cloth seat. After putting her bag between her legs, she buckled her seat belt and Shawn raced down the road.

"I would prefer not to die Shawn, I still want to attend college and live a decent life!" Astrid said with a slight fear in her voice.

"Babe you are fine when you have me at the wheel. Don't you trust me?" Shawn said with an attempt to sound cute.

Upon hearing Shawn's words, Astrid formed a burning glare at him and had reached her point of rage.

"Trust you?! You are still in the deep end with me after that back to school bash at your house! You got drunk even after you promised me you wouldn't drink too much and would not stop putting your hands all over me even when I yelled at to stop you! So no, right now you are low on my list of people to trust!"

"Oh come on babe, you know you liked it. You know you can never resist me."

Shawn then took his right hand and reached down to touch Astrid's thigh. However, he was not successful as Astrid had slapped his hand away, and before she could do more, she was relieved as they pulled into a parking spot in the school lot.

Astrid had unbuckled, grabbed her bag, hopped out of the car and slammed the door behind her. She then took off as fast as she could to her locker.

"Wish he would just once respect my thoughts! Great way to start my Monday migraine!" Astrid thought to herself. She quickly found her locker and grabbed what she needed for her first period class which was AP History. With her binder and textbook in her arms, she walked to her classroom and sat in her normal seat. She opened her textbook and started writing some notes for the morning assignment. The teacher, Mr. O'Riley, had finally walked into the room and Astrid had hoped that her Monday morning would be redeemed with a simple advanced course, but as she would soon find out that her day would only get more interesting when the teacher opened his mouth.

"Good morning class! As you know, this is the third week of classes and we certainly have covered enough information on our first area of study. Because of this, I have decided to assign your first project of the year! You will each be paired up with a student from this period's class and will have to do research on a specific aspect of Norse history. Do not fear of being creative as something simple as a tiny screenplay would work. More information will be posted on my website. Now to announce who you will be working with and split up!"

Astrid was completely filled with dread. She hated that she couldn't pick a partner for this project. She looked around the room to see who she hoped she would get. All of her friends were not in this class as she was the most intelligent out of all of them, and she firmly believed that no one in the class could be as smart. However, upon hearing Mr. O'Riley speak the name of her partner, she would replace her dread with confusion.

"Astrid you will be working with Hunter on this project. Your assignment will be to research the Norse mythological beliefs of dragons and how they were described. How you choose to complete this assignment with a model of one, powerpoint, or even a fake documentary is up to you. You should know that this will make up a large portion of your first semester grade."

As he continued to read off the partners for the assignment, Astrid could not help but wonder who Hunter was. She noted that the name sounded familiar but she couldn't figure out if she knew him earlier in her high school years but nothing came to mind. As she continued to ponder, Mr. O'Riley finished naming off the partners and told everyone to split up and meet with their partners to discuss the project. She then left her thoughts and saw a young man in front her. She then went from confusion to deep curiosity.

The young man standing in front her was tall, around 6'1 while she was only 5'8. He had shaggy auburn hair that made him look like he had just gotten out of bed, but she thought it made him hot as hell. His skin had more color than her own, so she further deduced he had spent his time outside often during the summer months but not doing sports, as the man had a lengthy frame but he was no fishbone, noting that he had an ectomorph muscular build, perfect for his height. He had forest green eyes that she felt was calling to her, and behind them she saw creativity, adventure, and passion. She also took note of his facial structure, noting his jawline and nose, seeing how well balanced his face was. His outfit of the day was a dark green t-shirt covered by an open zipper black leather jacket with red lines down each arm. He also wore deep blue jeans and dark brown boots.

Astrid shook her head slightly to wake herself out of her trance and began to speak.

"Hey you're Hunter right? So before we start I just wanted to ask you if you are new to the school, as I've never seen you around before."

Hunter looked at her like she had two heads then responded.

"This some kind of joke Astrid? Cause if it is it's not funny at all. I know you hate me and wish you could forget me but this is low even for your standards."

Astrid grew wide eyed as she heard him speak. She then noticed the small scar on his chin and her jaw dropped open as the realization hit her. She could not believe he was the same boy that she knew from the end of the school year the previous year. Still staring at the man before her, she then said her realization in shock.