Wow... I left that up a lot longer than planned. Since author-note only chapters are technically against the rules, I didn't want to release the update without the chapter, but I also had a lot less time to deal with things than expected.

A lot of things happened, including my seventh time being hit by a car, which prompted me to completely bail on the state. I've returned home to Washington and am currently staying with my brother while I find work. Thank all that is unholy for my marvelous great aunt Marilyn, since she's the one who bailed me out of Tennessee. A shame I couldn't stay with her, but she's old enough to be at significant risk of death from the whole *worldwide plague* thing.

Somehow, that seems a lot less important after spending a good month or so eating one meal a day and walking 3 hours or more on an injured leg.

Thanks for the emotional support, the few of you who reviewed. While I can't say you were the difference-makers here, you did keep my spirits up while I went through complete and utter bullshit.


I am alive.

The story is alive.

The world moves on.

The Schnee manor was exactly as Weiss left it.

She wasn't surprised by the fact, but it was still slightly annoying to discover. So much within the family had changed, and yet the grand halls and lavish decorations left the mansion feeling disconnected from the occupants.

No wonder it felt so lonely...

Weiss turned when a hand settled on her shoulder, only to find her nodding reassuringly. That's right- it wouldn't be lonely for once. She had her team with her, even if JNR and the others found themselves occupied in Atlas.

And they weren't in Atlas. The Schnee Manor was located atop a flattened snowfield adjacent to a dormant volcano. Despite its ownership, the building was powered by the heat of Remnant. Tunnels leading into it also formed most of the secret escape routes.

There were... A lot of those. They were a necessity when you had so many enemies.

"Are we going in?" Yang asked, though her usual impatience was gone. The question was hesitant and- from the look in her eyes- she was probably trying to gauge Weiss' own feelings.

How fragile did they think she was? No- they didn't deserve her irritation. The person who did had gone so far as to invite them here, and it would be rude not to deliver. With more confidence than she really felt, Weiss led them all inside.

The front door was manned by two men Weiss didn't recognize, but she never had familiarized herself with the staff. She knew the cooks, waiters, and Klein. An oversight, perhaps, but there simply wasn't time to rectify that issue right now. She wasn't returning to the manor full-time anyway.

As expected, Jacques wasn't in the lobby to greet them. Nor was Willow or Winter, though Weiss knew the latter was busy on a mission for Ironwood. They weren't unseen, though, and the process of elimination found them greeted by Whitley. "Weiss!" he called out, rushing over from the vaguely familiar businesswoman he'd been speaking with. "I'm glad you could make it."

He was taller than only two months ago, which initially sparked a pang of jealousy in Weiss. It passed the instant she saw his shoes- raised by an inch or so. One of Jacque's ideas? Weiss shook her head, focusing instead on the way Whitley bowed and checked the group out.

Thankfully not in the way Yang did to him.

Weiss masked her frown in mirroring his bow. The rest of her team followed suit, allowing them all to rise. "Thank you for inviting me, Whitley- these are my teammates, Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, and Blake Belladonna." Weiss imagined Yang's wink during her introduction.

Thank the Brothers that wasn't what Whitley got distracted by. He gestured with his hand- not quite pointing, but the closest thing is was polite to do- towards Blake. "Belladonna as in White Fang Belladonna?"

"The Belladonna household was responsible for the original White Fang, not the one that has targeted your family." Of course, Weiss helpfully neglected to mention that Blake had been a part of both. Whitley hadn't panicked- thank heavens for that- but he had narrowed his eyes at Blake's ears in suspicion.

Whitley glanced between Weiss and Blake a few times, his thoughts unknown, before coming to some kind of conclusion. Another smile- weaker than the one he'd originally greeted us all with- spread over his face. "Welcome to the Schnee manor, all of you. May I take you to the first-floor lounge for drinks and a short meeting on tonight's itinerary?"

Ruby, and Ruby alone, nodded, but that seemed enough for Whitley. He led them through the West wing. It ended in a library but had a myriad of rooms along the way including the simple lounge they were led into.

Weiss couldn't recall ever entering this room before, but it was a near duplicate of the lounge on the second floor. Expensive couches, TVs, a small kitchen, a bathroom at the corner, and a complete lack of windows. If you were going to sit still for a long period of time, you didn't do it in full view of snipers out in the wastes.

What they actually sat down at was a small roundtable surrounded by six chairs. Whitley pulled out a chair for each of them, as pointless a gesture as it was to the other huntresses. Weiss only cared because he also pulled one out for her, meaning he was currently being viewed as a guest.

I suppose I deserve that. For her brother's sake, Weiss didn't bring it up. He didn't take a seat. As per his role as host, he retrieved a bottle of True Silver wine and a glass for each of them. That would be outside their palette... He wouldn't know that, though, and it would be rude to call him out on that.

"May I have some Vacuan Rose?" she asked instead, prompting him to bring a bottle of that over as well. Both were strong wines, but Vacuan Rose was a fruity red instead of bitter white. Helping them wasn't the only thing- she preferred it too.

"Here you are, ladies," Whitley said, setting their glasses on the table. He kept a hold of the True Silver bottle, prepared to serve them, but- as Whitley was growing to realize- they didn't understand the etiquette of such things. Since he kept the bottle, they all took from the Vacuan Rose. Catching his mistake, Whitley served himself and took a seat. "Before I run through the schedule, I was hoping you'd answer a question for me."

Ruby took the lead there. "Sure."

"What brought you all to Atlas?"

Oh dear... Whitley knew they arrived, but only the General, Winter, and our group knew why. However many contacts Jacques had in the military, they weren't among them. While the confirmation was nice, it also meant they needed some kind of excuse.

Weiss returning to Atlas after fleeing it just over a month ago. That wasn't suspicious at all.

"Our group was taken on to escort a VIP to Atlas," Ruby answered for them. It wasn't even a lie, as much as they'd been heading to Atlas before meeting Maria. Was Ruby always this good of a liar? "Once we got here, we were hailed by the military," she continued without missing a beat. "In honor of our actions at Beacon and later Mistral, he decided to make us official Huntresses."

"Splendid! Simply splendid!" Whitley exclaimed, and Weiss could see the energy there. It wasn't in the polite clap of his hands- that was a gesture Jacques taught all of them- but rather the sudden glint in his eye. He's found something... "Will you be staying in Atlas, then? I don't imagine he could make you Huntresses of another nation."

"We'll be staying for a while," Blake answered in Ruby's place. "The General needs more soldiers and huntsmen on duty while the wall in Mantle is repaired. We should be here for that, at least."

Whitley grinned ear to ear. "That is fantastic news. I have more questions, but I'm sure there will be time for that later." He rose from his chair, retrieving a set of pamphlets from the counter by the sink. There looked to be a dozen- were they expecting more guests? "This contains the full itinerary for tonight, including several optional events. It is-" he checked the clock above the door- "12:36 and father's welcoming ceremony is at 1:00. I know you don't enjoy these things, Weiss, but he does need to ensure everyone here knows you're alive and well."

More like he needs everyone to know his daughter has come crawling back. Weiss bit back on the comment- Whitley probably knew, but he wasn't responsible for it. "I can't help but note that particular item doesn't have an ending time."

He winced. "Yes... You know how long Father's speeches can go, and he's also going to invite you to make one. He'd rather you didn't after what happened at your last public function, but etiquette demands he makes the offer."

Another flash of irritation rose through her, but she buried it just like before. "I'll come up with something brief."

Whitley nodded happily before continuing. "At 2:00, the East wing will be opened to all attendees." He noticed the complete lack of recognition three-quarters of team RWBY displayed. "That's where the entertainment is- simulation rooms, bowling, the movie theater, and where we store equipment for outside sports. Jacques said he was in the mood for badminton this morning, so expect that outside."

Hm. That might be fun, actually. Huntresses had abnormal speed, reflexes, and strength, so a pairs match against one another would make for a nice challenge. The sheer difference in physical ability would also stop Jacques or any of the other businessmen from breaking them up.

"Father will be unveiling some new initiatives for the company from 3:00 to 3:30." He couldn't have missed their lackluster reaction to that one, but he set that aside to keep going. "Shortly after, Walter Simmons- one of the professors who worked on the original Atlesian Knight- will make an appearance to show off a breakthrough his team has made."

That sounded interesting, at least. Ruby seemed to recognize the name as well and perked up alongside her.

Blake frowned instead, showing a clear distaste for the man. That made sense- she probably lost more than a few comrades to Walter's creations.

And Yang... She clearly had no idea who that was but nodded along anyway.

"Everyone should be gathered in the dining hall by 4:30 where Father will make another speech- this one for charity." Weiss opened her mouth but Whitley beat her to it. "The itinerary doesn't mention what for, and I didn't think to ask. All I know is that it relates to Mantle."

Probably the wall, then. Using military assets to make up for the hole in Mantle's walls would require an extortionate amount of Dust, but that Dust was also at a reduced price due to a number of contracts between the SDC and Atlas. The reduced productivity in Mantle was likely to be a bigger hit than that.

"Once he is done, dinner will begin. That should end around 7:00."

Yang interrupted this time. "Two and a half hours to eat a meal!?"

"Closer to two, given his speech, but yes." Whitley coughed into a fist, the first true break in his composure. "We normally only have six-course dinners here, but Father often includes the full eleven for large events like these."

Weiss caught the way Yang stared, utterly incapable of understanding what he'd just said. Honestly, Weiss was with her here- six courses were ideal.

"I'll arrange for a menu to be brought to you before the dinner itself. I'll be busy for the next few hours, so I'll entrust selecting their meal to you, sister." She nodded, prompting Whitley to move towards the door. "It was a pleasure to meet the three of you, but Father has requested my assistance in entertaining a few other guests. You can find us in his office should you need anything."

With those final words, he stepped out, quietly closing the door behind him.

Left the only Schnee in the room, Weiss finally relaxed, half-falling onto the table. That startled the rest of them, but she found herself faintly bemused by that. They certainly startled her enough times in Beacon to deserve it.

"Weiss?" Yang asked with a noticeable hint of concern. "You alright?"

"I'm fine." And she was, physically at least. She carried herself differently since Beacon, and reverting to 'proper' posture took some effort, but it couldn't possibly compare to the training they all went through. No... "I'm just realizing how exhausting today is going to be if I actually play my part."

There was no real way to hide her contempt of Jacques from the man himself, but he didn't care. It was the image he wanted to portray, and she could fake her way through conversations with total strangers.

Her team would help there. Just by being present, they provided both an easy point of conversation and an excuse to bail on any uncomfortable situations.

Yang and Blake, to their credit, nodded in acceptance and focused on the itinerary. Whitley had gone over the main attractions, but Weiss knew from experience there'd be more than that. Mostly after dinner, she imagined- that's where the most time would be.

On the other hand, Ruby was staring at her in a way Weiss almost confused for a glare. It wasn't until Ruby's eyes flicked to the door that Weiss realized she was worried. What for? Her, obviously, but why?

"Do you not like your brother?"


Silver eyes locked on hers instantly. "Do you-" she jabbed a finger into her sternum- "not like your brother?"

Weiss was taken aback but- still sitting in a chair- could only express that with an indignant gasp. "He's the second coming of Father- of course I don't like him!" Ruby seemed to calm down, settling back into her chair. A few seconds later, Weiss caught her mistake- she'd become neutral. "Ruby-"

"It's fine, Weiss," she interrupted in a way that made clear it wasn't fine. "Forget I said anything."

Utterly lost, Weiss turned to Yang. The blonde had looked up from the pamphlet but remained silent, only offering a slow shake of her head. Blake didn't even go that far, hiding behind the simple sheet of paper the second Weiss' eyes fell on her.

What did I do? It clearly related to Whitley, but why? They didn't know him, or her Father, so why was she perturbed she didn't like him?

"Ruby?" When she didn't turn her head, Weiss pushed harder. "Ruby!"

"Leave it alone."

Weiss was about to push the issue when Yang placed a hand on her shoulder. The shake of her head was a silent warning. With a quiet sigh to calm herself, Weiss let it go. The mood was further ruined, but instigating a fight wouldn't help with that.

A minute or so later, a housekeeper arrived with the menu for tonight's dinner. It was nothing outlandish by her standards, but it might as well have been written in Babel for all the difference that made for them. They gravitated towards dishes with simple words like pork or beef in them, relying on her for the rest.

It was a hassle, but- eventually- a list had been compiled for each of them. The chefs would still have a record of her own preferences, but she enjoyed more red meat and heavy starches after Beacon. That only left a more complicated, though thankfully faster to address, problem.

"Once we're seated, we'll be served, but there will be delays. Only start eating when everyone else does- it's the easiest way to avoid making any mistakes. I might not be at the same table as you and I know you won't remember if I explain the utensil arrangements, so just copy those around you. Oh- unless they're eating the eggs," she added, glancing back towards the menu for a moment. "None of you ordered them, thankfully, but someone will."

The three nodded, though how much of that they would retain wasn't fully clear. Nonetheless, the welcoming ceremony was in only three minutes.

The door the studio area behind the stage swung open. Jacques glanced to the side, forced to bury the instinct to grimace at the sight of his daughter. Her outfit was the same as she'd worn last she was here, but the time apart showed. Damage to the hem, faded coloration by the color and cuffs- even a button that was clearly sewn back on.

Hm... That might actually work to my advantage since she's supposed to be returning from a dangerous lifestyle. And it was dangerous, as powerful as she'd clearly become. Almost half of them died before they could sire a single child. I'll still need her to change before dinner... That shouldn't be a challenge- he'd even ensured that every outfit any of them had came in pairs so they could mask this very problem.

"Weiss," he greeted, striding forward to meet her halfway. Weiss nodded slightly, mumbling something that one could reasonably mistake for 'father', while refusing to make eye contact. If only she'd been this reserved from the beginning. Her teammates seemed equally unenthused, but the Belladonna girl had the most visceral reaction. Her hand twitched as if reaching for a weapon that wasn't there. She caught the motion an instant later, pressing the hand flat against her thigh as if that was what she intended all along.

It was impossible to hide the way his eyes flicked to the girl's extra set of ears. Despite what many believed, Jacques held no ill will towards Faunus. They simply had lower standards for working conditions than human laborers. Unfortunately for the both of them, Jacques knew that wasn't all she was.

Daughter of Menagerie's Chieftain, a position that is already worthy of significant caution, but also a known White Fang agent and partner to Adam Taurus- the greatest threat the White Fang had to bare. She'd officially left- not even Ozpin could get away with bringing her in if she hadn't- but records indicated a strong level of involvement nonetheless. I'll be watching you, girl.

From the way her yellow eyes glared into his own, he wasn't alone in that sentiment.

"Weiss, if you would, please stand behind the curtain on either side of the stage. You'll be called out as part of the speech." She obliged wordlessly, tailed by her teammates. The Faunus lagged behind slightly, utterly failing to keep her expression neutral as she watched him.

And yet I'm the paranoid one. Jacques hadn't even hired extra security for the event- though there were a few huntsmen among the guest list.

With a shake of his head, Jacques fixed his collar once more and glanced into a mirror. Having naturally perfect complexion and an Aura to avoid blemishes left him without need for makeup, but every part of his outfit still needed to fit perfectly.

Setting his face in a self-assured smile, Jacques followed Weiss out towards the stage. As requested, she was in the wing, leaving the area clear for him.

Conversation throughout the hall abruptly stilled on his approach. With nary a wave to the crowd, Jacques took the podium at the center and posed- arms straight against the wood and expression as confident as his stance.

Cameras flashed, recording both the crowd and him while cementing this day within the aisles of history.

"Welcome, esteemed guests, to the Schnee Manor," Jacques stated. As part and parcel with his role, he couldn't show any excitement. It was convenient, then, that he felt little for the occasion. "As you all should know, I frequently host charity dinners to raise funds for whatever ills affect Atlas and Mantle. Today is no exception, with funds being raised to repair the breaches in Mantle's walls- the Schnee family has already donated five million Lien to the cause and will match whatever you all put forth one to one tonight." Nods and sounds of approval filled the hall, and Jacques waited for it to pass before dropping his cryptic finisher. "But this banquet isn't just for charity."

The reaction to that was mixed but mostly came in the form of confusion or interest. Jacques took full advantage, leaving the meaning vague as he took back control. "I have told this story before- and while many of you have attended these gatherings before and no doubt heard, there are a few new faces that could do with a little history. The Schnee family story is one of triumph over adversity. Whether simply logistical or life-threatening, we have always greeted these challenges with the determination to see it through and the talent required to see our vision through."

"My daughter has become one such example. Top of her classes at Beacon-" academic ones, specifically; it was hardly fair to compare her to Pyrrha Nikos of all people- "and part of the best team at the Vytal Festival, she more than proved herself even before fighting in the defense of Beacon." Jacques paused, his eyes passing over the crowd. "Most of Atlas has been wondering where Weiss has been these past two months, and I am pleased to say the conspiracy theorists were wrong. She is alive, well, and here this very moment." Jacques made his smile a little softer as he looked her way- the silent request clear.

He took two steps from the podium as she came out, taking it amongst the surprised adulation. There were a few who were not so enthused- no doubt remembering her last public appearance- but they could thankfully be ignored. Small in number and with no recordings of that event, they could be dealt with subtly.

Weiss stood there for a moment, hesitating. The energy of the crowd let her get away with it, preventing her from speaking anyway, but Weiss could still clearly recognize the way her hands gripped the podium tight enough to press in the soft wood. From the corner of her eye, she could see Jacques' smirk; it was as self-assured as always, and the way he watched her with a mix of amusement and the unmistakable air of satisfaction only caused her grip to tighten further. He wasn't alone in it, either- Whitley had the very same smile on his face as he watched her from the crowd.

She forced herself to relax before she broke the podium. Having to replace the Vacuan Alpis, without access to the Schnee coffers, would bankrupt her entire team.

"Thank you all for coming and for any donations you may make," Weiss began, mostly because it was easy and expected. Jacques nodded, and his approval felt far worse than it had as a child. It reminded her of the weight Raven's shackles had, but all the more insidious for how it wasn't visible. "The people of Mantle will thank you as well, as your contributions make the city a safer place."

Jacques nodded again, no doubt pleased by her word choice. It hadn't been intentional, but these people were from Atlas, so using the description of their relationship as giving unto a defenseless other place would stroke their egos. How deep does his influence over me go? He had raised her, as much as she hated it now. The crowd didn't hear her inner thoughts, and so took to the 'praise' with smiles and nods to one another.

She used the moment's respite it offered to prepare herself for what was about to come. "And I would like to extend my personal thanks to General Ironwood for sponsoring my stay in Atlas."

There was the briefest moment of silence before the words truly sunk in. For that split second, the only sound Weiss heard was Jacques' jaw snapping shut.

That little click was oh so satisfying.

Questions rang out in an indistinguishable mass. Weiss didn't even bother trying to differentiate the voices- she knew what at least some of them were asking. She raised a hand for silence but settled for the much quieter mumbling. The gesture also implied her wish to continue, which brought Jacques to a standstill.

Trying to take the podium back, huh? He'd stood just slightly too far to the left to arrive in time, and that cost him his only chance to stop her.

"Following the actions of my team and Team JNPR at Haven and the takedown of the Leviathan at Argus, we have been made into official Atlesian huntsmen and it is by that position alone that I will remain on the same continent as my Father."

Weiss eyed Jacques for a brief instant. Oh yeah, that smirk was gone. There was still one tiny, little, microscopic piece of news left, though.

"And, for the sake of fairness, I must offer my thanks to one final person," she declared. "There was one other fighter there in Argus- the man who truly secured the safety of Argus." The whole room seemed to vibrate from the suspense- Jacques genuinely did, though obviously for a different reason.

Grinning vindictively, Weiss allowed a moment to pass in anticipation.

"Thank you for your service, Adam Taurus of the White Fang!"

The crowd erupted.

Everything was canceled.

Weiss wasn't particularly surprised by that, nor the way Jacques had them forcibly removed from the manor. The bullhead they'd ridden in on their way here was still docked, and since Blake learned to pilot them back in her terrorist days, they had a clear way home.

They... Did not leave. The engines didn't even start, despite the fact Blake and Yang sealed themselves off in the cockpit.

"...ible sister," Ruby muttered under her breath.

Weiss glanced her way. "Huh?"

She looked up, scowling. "You are a horrible sister."

"What is your problem?" Weiss growled.

"My problem?" Ruby's hands tightened into fists. "What about yours!?"

Weiss tried to take a step back, forgetting entirely that she was standing in a bullhead. She tripped backward onto a seat.

The motion only seemed to make Ruby angrier.

"Out of the four of us, you have the best possible chance at a normal family life! I've heard your perspective, and I can respect your wish to be outside Jacques' control, but do you have any idea how the rest of your family feels!?" She threw an arm out to the side, gesturing towards the door. "Whitley was ecstatic to have to back- he didn't once stop smiling after seeing us. You didn't even notice, did you?"

Weiss tilted her head slightly, only having recalled him smiling once. It was the wide grin he'd given when he learned she'd be around for a while...

"Tell me, right now- why don't you like Whitley?"

"I-I, he..." Weiss raised her hands, earning a moment to actually consider her answer. Ruby's eyes narrowed further, but she took a step back. "Nicholas Schnee- my grandfather," she explained, knowing only Blake would know, "started this company with funds he earned using the family Semblance for the Kingdom of Mantle. The company made a name for itself with the sheer amount it could produce, largely thanks to the power our glyphs can offer a mining crew."

"Jacques married into the family prior to Nicholas' death, and since he was the more business savvy of my parents, he was made the next head of the company. In only a few years, almost everything my grandfather had built was changed with the goal of profits over everything. And, as you no doubt no, that was a resounding success." Ruby opened her mouth, but- knowing what she was about to say- Weiss continued. "Around the time Whitley turned eight, Jacques took a personal hand in grooming him to be the heir. He took to it well, mastering every lesson even better than I did."

"You've told us the story of how Winter left the family to join the military; with you training to be a huntress, was he supposed to think you weren't following in her footsteps!?" Ruby shook her head furiously. "But no, it's clearly because he's a monster. It's not like you did abandon the family or anything! Twice!" she added, throwing her arms in the air.

Weiss stammered, but words weren't forthcoming.

"And now you return, only to embarrass the whole family and give thanks to a terrorist organization!" Ruby forced herself to breathe, some semblance of calm returning. "I'm still glad Adam was there to save Argus, but he did it entirely out of self-interest; he wanted to revive the White Fang. Well, congratulations! You just helped him do that!"

"That doesn't-" Weiss grit her teeth. "I didn't think that part through enough. Fine. That still doesn't mean my brother is any better than Jacques."

"You don't like him because you think he's like Jacques?"

"Think?" Weiss asked, brandishing an eyebrow. "I know him, Ruby, more than you at least."

She disagreed.

"Jacques would go out of his way to invite the girl who ran away twice back into the family?" Weiss blinked, but Ruby wasn't finished. "Jacques would greet you with a kind smile, even in private and with nothing to gain? Jacques would bring you back knowing full well you might become a threat to his place as heir?"


"Shut up!"

Weiss did, jaw slamming together hard enough to hurt.

"Look- I can tell that Jacques isn't a great parent. I can see why you dislike him since I do too. Whitley, though?" Ruby sighed, all her energy seeming to drain out of her with that breath. "I don't think you and Winter gave him a chance."

"You're blaming us for him coming out like Jacques!?"

Ruby stared her down, and Weiss was forced to shy away from it. It stopped there, though. "I do blame you, if indirectly. What happens if he dies and none of you are fit to run the company?"

"A member of the Board of Directors is elected to the position."

"I knew it was something like that." Ruby pointed a finger towards the manor, still visible through the bullhead windows. "Jacques wanted one of you to take over after he was gone, so he taught each of you how to do the job. Winter left, so he focused on you until you made it blindingly obvious you were going to leave too. He only has one other kid."

Is it that simple? Jacques never made mention of retiring, but was the because he planned to run the business until he died or because he couldn't retire without giving the company away? Even now, none of them were fit to run the company. It might take another decade or more to prepare Whitley, and that was with six continuous years of tutelage.

"And I want an honest answer right now- did you disagree with everything Jacques taught you?"


The answer must have shown on her face because Ruby nodded. "Exactly. Even by your own admission, he's great at his job. Teaching Whitley that can only be a good thing for the company, and any problems you have with his practices can be addressed properly. This-" she threw her arms to the side, gesturing to the manor again- "accomplishes nothing but burning that bridge forever."

"What..." Weiss looked up to the team leader- her leader- with one question. "What do I do?"

Ruby broke eye contact.


Jacques thanked the Brothers for his secretary- Miss Hawkins- and the way she calmly ordered a new chair to replace the newly smashed pile of wood in his office. No amount of catharsis would cure his temper, but it did allow him to simmer down. Acting irrationally at a time like this would only make the situation worse, especially with the election coming up.

Like I have a chance to win that now. With his daughter humiliating him in public again, and with video footage this time, there was no way he'd beat that thieving bitch Robin. Oh, there wasn't any incriminating proof, but there was no doubting the source of the robberies. Losing to a criminal... What could be more pathetic?

A few ideas came to mind- part of the curse of intelligence- but he ignored them. As he'd said at the beginning, the Schnee name stood for triumph over adversity; there was always a solution, and he already had one in mind. With a vicious grin, Jacques locked the door to the office.

His computer terminal whirred to life while Jacques dug through his bookshelves. An unassuming book, Ghost In The Wires, was drawn out and flipped to page 20. At the top, alongside an artistic 'W', was a long string of random characters.

Remembering the instructions from so long ago, Jacques held the CTRL key down as he typed it in. The process took around two minutes, given the length of the password and the risk should he mess up, but he was eventually able to submit the password like any other.

The computer appeared to log in just like normal, but the screen loaded into a call the moment it booted up. It rang a few times, only the same artistic 'W' from earlier on the screen, before it finally settled onto a familiar face.

"Watts. It's good to know you're still alive."

"Jacques," the mustached man returned. "And what's the point of faking one's death if you die soon after?" He fiddled with something just outside the view of his scroll- no doubt a computer terminal of his own. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

The moment of truth. "I need a favor."

"What wonderful timing," Watts exclaimed with a growing smile. "I was about to call you for the very same."

I want to take a moment to clarify something in this chapter. Since I write from the 'third-person limited' narrator, the beliefs or opinions stated within the thoughts of characters are phrased as though facts. Whether Jacques actually is racist or not is never confirmed since he only showed disapproval of Blake specifically and he had Faunus staff at his manor. Either way, he wouldn't think he is and I won't be addressing the problem itself in my story.

Racism is a difficult subject to resolve because it's an embedded cultural idea that can't be stripped away from everyone. It can take generations not because of the time it takes to convince people but simply because it takes that long for the people sticking to it to die. Since it can't be done in a timely manner, I will not be contriving a solution to do so anyway or take time away from world-ending cataclysm to provide further elaboration on it.

And speaking of flawed narrators, Weiss is equally inaccurate. While all the events described did in fact happen, the emotions or intentions she attributes to them can be and are sometimes inaccurate.

I also wrote the history of Nicholas Schnee before watching the World of Remnant, and I can't help but be pleased that they came up with almost exactly the same thing. There are some differences I have planned here, but those can wait for later.

And yes, Jacques knew about Watts! It doesn't change much in terms of how things play out right now, but it makes their interactions more realistic and makes proving their cooperation all the more difficult. The whole 'Willow has video proof of them conspiring against the government' thing felt wrong to me, both because of narrative convenience but also because it undermines the paranoia Watts and Jacques are supposed to have.