The Last Shinobi(& Kunoichi)

Chapter 1

Naruto was proudly marching down the streets of Vale. The sun was shining and it was partly cloudy. Not too hot, not too cold just right. He was garbed in an orange hoodie with jet black sleeves and a dark blue hood. Below his waist, he was wearing grey shinobi pants with a bandage on his left leg and had bandages on his exposed ankles. He was wearing black boots with an open area above his toes. On his hands were fingerless gloves with metal plates on the tops of his hands. He was currently wearing a black cloak and a white fox anbu mask over his new outfit. He shivered a little "Sakura was called flat again".

"….Even I wouldn't do that….." Kurama shivered as well.

"Now it's time to begin the operation" he muttered, scaring a nearby faunus. "Sorry" he said sheepishly and the woman nodded before walking away. He watched her leave and his eyes eventually fell onto her fine behind. He began staring at her butt like a creep which would be found giggling and fapping in the bushes while staring at nudes. He was drooling and his cheeks turned a bit red, scaring even more people walking by him. "Do you need help sir?" asked a random person. "Goddamnit Kakashi, I blame your this"

While Naruto was still the lovable blonde, he became a pervert because of Kakashi Hatake. It is not important how that happened, it just did and that day happened to b the day he couldn't hold in his perverted nature anymore. "Ero-sennin once said 'Embrace the pervert' you can do it Naruto. Just embrace it and you will be just fine. Hopefully". He began breathing sharply "embrace the pervert" he whispered. He put on his stoic face and turned to the man who had spoken.

Naruto shook his head. "No thanks," he responded in a serious tone. The ground beneath him erupted as he disappeared in a burst of speed shocking the witnesses. As time seemed to slow down for Naruto, he began picking his targets, his eyes trailing from one person to another. "Targets acquired" he whispered darkly.

"You know this is a bad idea right?" Kurama asked as he watched his host circle around the block towards his first target. "Pfft as if, it's not like anything can go wrong" he responded with a grin forming on his face.

"KYAAAh!" Multiple women shrieked in one instant. Naruto appeared 15 feet away, wearing pink lingerie on his head and was wearing a bra. He about 200 panties on both his arms, each finely arranged and colour coded. White was first, followed by yellow, then green, the blue and last but not least orange.

He laughed like a cliché super villain as the surrounding women looked horrified. "I am Mask Du Panties and I love panties!" he announced, as he began running. "GET THAT PERVERT!" One faunus yelled. "Those belong to my wife you fucker! Get him" yelled another random guy.

He ducked under a chair, and lept up onto a building, sprinting past a weird librarian and a short black and red haired girl who were battling a woman in an airship. All 3 paused as they watched a weird masked man covered in… what seems to be… panties? And bras? run away from a crowd of.. women. oh it all makes sense now, nevermind

"YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE!" he yelled triumphantly as he began jumping from electric pole to electric pole, then from street lamp to street signs and benches, performing parkour tricks when he reached alleyways.

"This would be more fun if they were shinobi," he thought to himself. He jumped slightly, evading a kitchen knife by 0.4 mm which was heading for his groin. "I take it back," he thought ."If they were shinobi, my nuts would be gone" he continued.

"Then why are you moving at their speed. Can't you? Ya know move at the speed of light and end this boring chase"

"I can but that wouldn't be fun for me"

"Why did I get a moron as a host"


With Sakura

She was dressed in a red quipao dress and had biker shorts on. On her feet she wore blue shinobi sandals and her hair was neck length. She was sitting in a bar, having a non-alcoholic strawberry sunrise minding her own business. "I love this stuff, I wish Sasuke-kun was here to share this with me. Then we would both get drunk and.. and… and…" she swooned like a girl in high school.

Junior sweat dropped as he stared at his customer. "Kids these days" he sighed and started wiping glass cups. "Cha! That would be amazing! We could ride Sasuke-kun long hard ****! We could model our sexy, mini nurse outfit. But sadly this is not alcoholic and he is not here and he is immune to toxins" Inner Sakura stated before getting depressed. She began weeping at the back of Sakura's mind.

A dark cloud formed above Sakura's head, making her cross her arms and lie her head on the table. "She is right" she muttered with a sombre voice. "Who is right?" asked a confused Junior. She gave him a stern glare causing him to shut up. She then groaned in a depressed tone, making Junior's sweatdrop even larger. A stranger walked out of the crowd behind her and sat next to her. "Hey there" he greeted with a charming smile.

Sakura looked up, and her eyes met the stranger. "What do you want?" she asked rudely, giving him a dangerous eye causing him to sweat a bit. "My, she is so fiesty" thought the guy. He smiled awkwardly as he shifted back. "I just wanted to see, if you were okay?" he responded confidently.

Sakura's hard gaze softened, and her eyes left him going to her drink. "I am thinking about someone who left me alone. He is so perfect but he had to go somewhere without me" her eyes began tearing up. "My name is Dante and I say that man must be a piece of shit to do that! Come here baby, I'll show you a good time and never leave you!" he announced with great confidence.

Sakura's eyes disappeared behind her bangs. "Holy shit! Dante do you have a death wish or something!? If this place gets wrecked, you are paying for everything" Juniors thought as he began to panic. Melanie and Miltia stepped away as they felt the killing intent oozing from the bubble gum haired female. The crowd as well began shifting away while the now named Dante remained oblivious to what was going on. "I wonder if the curtains match the drapes" he wondered. "C-c-calm your tits pinky!" one man shouted from the crowd causing Sakura's eye to twitch. "Dude what are you talking about? She got no titties bruh" responded another voice. A tick mark appeared on her forehead as a dark aura enveloped her.

"This is not good," Junior thought as he hid behind the counter, knowing very well what Sakura was capable of. "S-s-s-Sakura, p-p-please calm down" he pathetically tried to defuse the situation from behind the counter. Sakura gulped down the remainder of her drink and stood up dramatically, pulling up imaginary sleeves. She disappeared from where she was standing.

"Haha little bitch so ashamed of her washboard she le-"


He was sent through a wall, sending bricks to the floor. "NOBODY CALLS ME FLAT AND GETS AWAY WITH IT CHA!" .Sakura got a fire in her eyes as she turned to the man who attempted to woo her.






"Hello, police! Please help, we have a crazy woman and we can't stop her! Please help! Track my call! OH GOD, SHE IS COMING BACK!" Junior dropped the phone and dashed away from the scene with tears in his eyes. "We have had a good time sweet bar of mine, I just hope you survive!"

Sakura had lost her senses and was chuckling like a maniac. "You call me flat, so you get a WHAMMM!". She began laughing as she knocked out all of Juniors guards. "All who get in my way to protect my man's name will be punished" she spoke as she threw a poor guy 400 meters into the air. She then turned to a bald fellow

"And you called me a washboard so take this you vermin! WHAAAMM!"

Dante stood transfixed by the counter, unable to move as he watched everyone who threw an insult at Sakura get punched, deforming their faces with her unrivalled strength. Formerly handsome men now looked like the Earth got struck by a meteorite. They somehow survived but didn't change the fact that she was hella scary.

"Your turn Dante-kun" she sang with her beautiful voice. Said man began sweating and chuckling nervously. "They are coming off," she said as she made scissor motions with her left hand. His face lost colour. She started walking slowly as if wanting to intimidate him whilst chanting "chop, chop"

"Please, I beg you! NO! NO! NNNOOOOO!"

She grabbed his face and smashed it into the ground.

"CHA! That's how we do it"

Helicopters, cars and tanks arrived at the scene. "You are surrounded, so come out with your hands in the air".

Sakura was glowing as she walked out of the somehow still standing building. "I feel satisfied for some reason" she stated as a sweet smile appeared on her face causing everyone to sweatdrop

With Kakashi

As usual, the not so old pervert was reading one of his eroge. He was sitting on a park bench and was giggling rather.. perversely. A random woman covered her son's ears and rushed away from the scene. "Oh Miku-chan, you are kinky" he giggled, blushing slightly. He paused, "I wonder who called Sakura flat. Oh well that is none of my business" he chuckled.

"He is disgusting"

"Where did he get that book from?"

"Oh my Oum, he looks only 16 and he is reading that!?

"Kids these days, no respect"

Kakashi ignored them and planted his face deeper into the orange cover. "Naruto, I am so proud of you! You did the impossible! You continued Icha Icha". His eyes trailed over to the next paragraph, his face turning red and his mask began getting wet and a bit reddish around the nose. He was wearing what he was wearing back in the 3rd great war. Short tanto and everything.

A cop walked up to Kakashi. "Young man! You are not allowed to read such indecent material in public!" he stated with a firm voice. "Hmm, You say something?" he asked nonchalantly. The cop got a tick mark and grabbed his arm. Kakashi grabbed his wrist and threw him off with relative ease.


People started screaming and scrambling away from the silver-haired ninja. "I need more back up!" the cop yelled into his radio. And just like that police cars, bulkheads and a lot of police with guns arrived. "Yare, yare" he sighed while he closed his book. "Put your hands in the air!" yelled one of policemen

He stood up, grabbing his tanto's hilt while his eye slowly bled red and his pupil split into 3 commas. He yawned as he began approaching the police. "Let's end this quickly shall we, I have places to be and things to do," he said in a completely bored tone.

"Sir, we are going to have to ask you to put down your weapon and put your hands in the air!"

Kakashi kept walking forward, ignoring their warnings. "Young man, if you take a step further, we will be forced to open fire"

Kakashi rolled his eyes. "Just do it then"

They all began shooting at him. "So slow" he yawned while cutting small floating objects as if he were performing some sort of dance that involved twirling swords. "I'm gonna take a quick nap," he told himself before collapsing.

The police all looked at him strangely, cutting up ammo at superhuman speeds only to sleep. "Cuff him"

With Sasuke

He donned a black cloak with purple lining, and a grey long sleeked, collared shirt, over which he wore a periwinkle vest. He is also wearing black pants, a purple belt, and dark grey fingerless gloves. He was walking down the hall of a hidden underground base.

He reached a metal door which he tapped 3 times, in a rhythmic pattern. It opened and he let himself in. A bulky, tattooed man bowed slightly and to which nodded. The man ushered him down another before stopping in front of a fancy oak door.

The man opened the door and Sasuke was led into a heavily guarded, well-furnished office, with objects only the richest could afford. Behind an oak desk sat a brown-haired fat man with a scared face. "So Sasuke, I heard you needed some of the good stuff," he said with a smug look. Sasuke stared at him for a while.

"Bring it in boys!" he called out. 2 of his men bowed and walked out of the room. They returned 3 minutes later pushing a cart full of cocaine. "What do you think?" he asked the emo. Sasuke smirked instead and looked him in the eye.

"I am impressed" he responded with a small smile. His face became stern as he looked into the man's eyes. The man burst out laughing as if he were a maniac. His hands waving as if he were giving praise to a great deity.

Sasuke remained silent during the duration of the man's episode. He finally stopped, his laughter watered down to chuckles. "You know, I like you Sasuke. Tell you what, I will give you all this for a 100, 000 lien and I will let you become one of my subordinates. How does that sound?" he asked with a glint in his eye.

"I don't know yet" he responded, his eyes not leaving the drug lord. "How about I sweeten the deal?" he attempted to persuade. "Let's hear it" the young Uchiha responded. "Bring her in!". A faunus woman in ruffled, torn and old clothes were dragged in. She had a pair of bear ears, was a brunette and had bright red eyes.

She looked broken and miserable as if she had lost all hope, believing there was no light only darkness. "These guys….. Naruto would kill me if I didn't help" Sasuke thought as he looked at the guards with disgust. Sasuke approached her and placed his hand onto her chin then looked into her dead eyes.

"I see you like her. She is one of our finest women and she has been trained to take any form of can even satisfy your urges if you want" he grinned while licking his lips. "I wish I could have her myself but you are very important to me and I want us to be friends. You can have her and the cocaine only for a 100, 000 lien. What do you say Sasuke?" he tried to tempt the former avenger, hoping he would fall into his hands.

Sasuke's right eye bled red and his left became purple and ringed. "Rinnegan" she became limp and fell into Sasuke's arms. The man looked impressed and so did the guards. "That your semblance buddy?" he asked, "Imagine what you could do to the cops with it" he continued. "I removed those terrible memories, hopefully, you will be able to live a normal life... How dare they?"

The Uchiha began seething and kept his head down, not showing any of his facial features. His right eye's comma's slowly join his pupil as his eye began to turn slowly. His eye entered its mangekyou state. "Change of plans," Sasuke said, "You are going to jail and you will tell me where all your drugs are and I will have you release all the slaves in your possession".

His chokuto appeared on his left hand. The man widened his eyes and hid under his desk. "Guards!" Various armed men rushed into the scene. He began oozing massive amounts of killing intent petrifying all the guards. He then whispered the words that would be forever stuck into their nightmares. "Susanoo"


Bang! Gattling!

They opened fire on the grinning humanoid before them. Its eyes yellow and had a pharaoh's fake chin. It was wearing a vertically stripped kimono. It had no legs but could barely fit into the office. It had a pair of forearms on a pair of arms. Each arm had 2 forearms

Its right upper hand carried a jet black flame and its left hand it had an energy sword. It swung once, and all the guards were knocked unconscious and room shook as it struggled to stay standing at the great display of power. Sasuke kicked the desk away revealing the shivering man. The smell of piss was introduced to the air.

"P-p-please! SPARE ME! I'LL GIVE YOU ALL YOU ASKED FOR! ALONG WITH ALL MY MONEY! I SWEAR!" He begged, snot gushing out of his nose and tearing streaming. Sasuke grabbed by his and looked into his eyes. The man's eyes widened in horror as he saw hundreds of white ghosts swirling in his left eye. "I'LL TELL YOU EVERYTHING! I SWEAR!" he tried to struggle out of Sasuke's grip.

"You don't have to"

"Gen jutsu: Sharingan!"

The man fainted. Sasuke placed a finger on his chin as he walked out of the room, towards the chambers where all the slaves were being kept.

He opened the office's door and saw a dozen cops pointing their guns at him. He sweats dropped as he put his hands into the air.

-The Last Shinobi(& Kunoichi)

"Assaulting innocent men in a bar, public indecency then evading the law, drug dealing, theft and kidnapping though you proved your innocence so kudos to you mr Uchiha and stealing underwear items from various women, what do you have to say for yourselves?" asked a tall man in a black suit, green scarf and had silver hair.

Team 7 was reunited… in an interrogation room. Naruto whistled innocently 'I told you it would go wrong", Sakura avoided looked into her boy friend's eyes as he stared at her in amusement and Kakashi had his finger in his ear.

"I was bored"

"He called me flat"

"People needed help"

"Naruto writes amazing books"

Everyone with the exception of Naruto gave Kakashi dull stares. "I can tell you are all talented individuals and I am quite surprised you all know each other" he began. He snapped his fingers and 4 policemen entered all carrying various food items, including the infamous ramen.

A blonde woman in a pencil, a white long-sleeved shirt and had a witches cape. She had oval glasses and was wearing high heels. "Sexy librarian + Witch = Sexy .Kakashi likey" he thought. He sat upright and began grooming himself in preparation. In an instant, Naruto gave a thumbs up and a wink. Kakashi nodded.

"Do you know who I am?"





Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Sasuke all responded in that order. "Well then, Naruto Uzumaki and Kakashi Hatake, I am Ozpin the headmaster of beacon academy" he introduced himself. "Well, seeing that you know us professeur Ozpin, what do you want?" Sasuke spoke up .Ozpin looked at Sasuke as if he were collecting data for an important project.

He placed a large tablet on the desk which was split into a grid with 4 sections, each showing the teams individual skills. Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi shifted away from Sakura as she began glowing again. "That really felt good" she moaned with a small blush. A certain video caught her eye. The librarian smirked, getting ready to watch the perverts receive their retribution

She lost her smile and turned to the now cowering Naruto who was backed in a corner. Kakashi tried sneaking away but was grabbed by the hair. "Oh fuck, I'm going to die… And I haven't even finished the book yet" he thought in horror. "So you two have been perving because I wasn't with ya ha!?" she asked with a dark tone. Sasuke turned her around and placed a peck on her lips making her lose interest in her other teammates.

Kakashi – Blink Blink Blink

Naruto – Blink Blink Blink

Sasuke – Blink


"Thank you so much, my precious student, you saved me!"

"Damn Sasuke, you saved my ass again! Thanks, man"

"You owe me…"



"Oh Sasuke-kun, I didn't know you felt that way. It's a yes, I'll definitely be your girlfriend" Sakura swooned. The Uchiha gave the two perverts a stern look. Naruto and Kakashi gave the thumbs up. "That makes no sense, you are already his girlfriend," Naruto said, scratching his head in confusion. "I will accept any proposal from Sasuke-kun" she sighed in a dreamy manner.

Ozpin chuckled at the teams antics. "Let us get back to business"

Plang! Swoop!

Both professors sweatdropped at the speed Team 7 sat down. "You are all exceptionally talented individuals with amazing skills" he started. "How did you get cameras into a crime boss' dungeon?"

"How did you get cameras outside a drug lord's bar"

"I want ramen"

"Will you stop asking stupid questions!" yelled the woman beside Ozpin. He cleared his throat, "Anyways, where did you learn to fight like this? And I can't seem to find any records of you 4 anywhere" he continued. "We were born, raised and trained in a hidden village of ninjas which was sadly wiped out by Grimm" Naruto responded as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Do we know you?" asked a clearly confused Sakura. The other two gave Naruto equally confused looks causing him to pout. "Jerks" he mumbled.

"My condolences"

"It's fine, we got over it and decided its time to have a new life" Sakura responded for her team. "Something isn't right," Ozpin thought to himself as he eyed team 7. "We humans and Faunus have had a war with Grimm for thousands. These monsters killed our loved ones, destroyed our property and infested our former cities like pests." He began.

"So basically you want us to join your academy and become one of your soldiers to fight the Grimm" Kakashi easily deduced. Ozpin began sweating, "What can I do to persuade them to join. Aha!"

"Miss Glynda will be your combat teacher, tomatoes and Ramen are available in the cafeteria and the girls uniform is attractive". Glynda glared at Ozpin and took a step back after she saw a glint in Kakashi's eyes.

"We are in" they chorused.
Naruto blinked once. Then twice…. He realized that he sold his soul to the devil

"Kurama, what did I just do?"

"You signed yourself us for school again"



"Shit…. I gotta … Bail!"

Naruto was sprinting in place. "You are not going anywhere MR" Sakura dragged Naruto out of the room with Sasuke and Kakashi following closely behind. "Damn it, curse you, clever old man!" Naruto threw curses at Ozpin who just waved.

"Proffeseur Ozpin, what do you think you are doing!?" Glynda asked as she glared at her superior. "I am merely making sure humanity is safer." He responded while walking out of the room. She followed closely behind him.

"But the only decent person there is Mr Uchiha but the other 3 must be punished for their crimes! And how dare you-you use me as bait!?" Objects began floating as she grit her teeth.

"Ms Goodwitch, you are to calm down and go to sleep. We will discuss this on a later date!"

"Yes sir"

-The Last Shinobi(& Kunoichi)

Naruto sighed in a lazy manner. "I blame you for this Sakura" he muttered. "What was that? Is that the sound of someone who wants to be punished!?" she asked sweetly, emphasizing the word 'punished'. Naruto sweet drop and placed in front of him defensively. "N-no mam" he stattered. "Thought so" she responded. She then rolled her eyes and moved closer to Sasuke.

"This place is pretty impressive" Naruto stated as his eyes traversed the school. "Yes it is. Don't even think about painting it orange loser" Sasuke responded in a neutral tone.


"Let's find the amphitheater" Kakashi stated as he began walking toward the school. The team followed closely behind their former teacher.


"I'll be back". They turned around and saw an outline of Naruto with him missing. Sakura sighed and walked past her teammates. She strode a couple of times before stopping, "You two coming?" she asked. Sasuke did not respond but walked past her. "Yare Yare, what a troublesome student he is"

He chuckled once more and followed the couple. "Yo guys, wait up" he called out in a lazy manner.

With Naruto

Naruto raised an eyebrow when he appeared by the scene. He saw a girl his age dressed in a white strapless dress shouting at a young girl in a red and outfit. "Oh I remember her, she was fighting that weird woman in the airship" Naruto nodded, "I suppose it won't hurt to introduce myself," he patted his hair backwards.

"You just like the hair you weirdo"


He stopped and watched as a sexy teen in black interfered on behalf of the girl in red. He began feeling a bit of de ja vu which allowed him to emphatize with the young girl. "Poor girl, she just got tormented by a Sasuke and Sakura hybrid….. That girl in black has a fine ass…. Her bow is twitching… That ass is still amazing though"

He nodded in approval and watched as the two girls left the young girl alone. Naruto then approached her and got a closer look. She wore a black long-sleeved dress with a high collar and red trim on the sleeves, a black waist cincher with red lacing up the front, and around her skirt has a red trim. She also wears a pair of thick black stockings and black combat boots with red laces, red trim around the top and red soles.

Her outfit was topped by a red hooded cloak fastened to her shoulders by cross-shaped pins. Her emblem appears as a large silver brooch and is pinned to a wide black belt slung around her hips on an angle, which also carries bullets and a pouch.

She was muttering to herself in a sad tone making Naruto's heart wrench. "I've been there" he expressed how familiar he was with those kinds of situations. He lowered his hand, offering his hand. She looked up and noticed it then grasped it firmly, pulling herself off the ground.

"Uh…Thanks for that…. Um"

Naruto chuckled, "Its Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki".

The girl's face lit up in a smile, "It's nice to meetcha, I am Ruby Rose"

"And I am Jaune Arc" an unfamiliar voice introduced awkwardly causing the two to pause and give him strange stares. He blushed and looked away shyly "Sorry, just wanted to make sure she was okay, with the explosion and what not"

Ruby's face lit up once more, "Nice to meet ya Jaune!".

Naruto then looked at Ruby, "I am assuming it is your first year in Beacon" he said giving one of his foxy grins. "Was it that obvious?" she shyly responded.

"We are pretty sure experienced hunters and huntresses don't blow themselves up with dust" Jaune responded causing Naruto chuckle. "It wasn't my fault! It was an accident! A complete accident! My sister left me! and I was dizzy and I I I…" and so she rambled on while childishly flailing her arms.

3 minutes passed and the rambling was finally over. "Better?" the sun kissed blonde asked.

"a little bit" she responded, blushing slightly at the fact that she poured out everything to two strangers who she met 3 minutes ago. The 3 burst out in laughter enjoying the sheer oddness of the situation. "What's that?" asked Jaune, pointing at the red block behind the girl. Naruto looked interested.

She stood up proudly and unveiled her scythe. "This is my baby crescent rose. She is a high calibre sniper scythe," she said proudly. "That's really cool" Naruto said with stars in his eyes. Jaune looked really confused as he stared at the weapon. "It's scythe that's also a gun" Naruto explained. "Ohhhhh, that's pretty cool" Jaune praised with a smile. "Since you referred to it as your child, I am assuming you built it yourself. I'm impressed" Naruto stated while giving a nod of approval.

"May I?" Naruto asked.

"Uhh.. She is a bit heavy. I don't think you will be able to handle her" she responded nervously. "I am far stronger than I look" Naruto responded with a chuckle. Still unsure she handed him the scythe which he easily lifted with one hand.

"Interesting, it is really steady and durable." He analyzed the weapon on his left hand. He then began twirling it as if he were blocking kunai. He jumped 6 meters into the air and performed a spin. Ruby and Jaune watched their new friend, awestruck with the level of skill he had. Naruto landed and slashed horizontally, creating a gust of wind.

"Wow Naruto! THAT WAS INCREDIBLE! AMAZING! INCREDAMAZING!" Ruby shouted with glee. Naruto handed her the scythe while smiling. "Thanks Rubes" he responded. "That was really good Naruto" Jaune said.

"You have gotta train me later, you might even be better than my uncle" she said in great excitement. "It's a date" he responded with a grin. She paused then blushed. "H-h-he wants to date me?". She coughed into her fist and looked at the two. "So what are your weapons?" she changed the topic with her cheeks tinted pink. "That is really cute" Naruto thought. "Her figure is impressive for a 15 year old. And she has a nice butt as well. 73 56 83. A solid B cup near c -cup. I love it!"

While Naruto was having his thoughts, Jaune had introduced his sword and shield. "What about you Naruto" Ruby asked, Naruto was snapped out of his thoughts and scratched the back of his head.

"Well my primary weapons are Kunai and Shuriken" he pulled out the ninja stars and knives causing Jaune to gasp in shock. "I am proficient in trench knives, scythes, Kusarigama, sickles, Katanas and long swords. Also umbrellas and senbon needles" Naruto shrugged as his friend's jaws dropped.

"Y-you are a ninja!" Jaune exclaimed, "That's so cool!" he exclaimed once more, his eyes glowing as if they a child's. "Yes I am" he responded nonchalantly. "That is really cool," said the impressed Rose, "How accurate are you?" she asked.

"Off the statue, onto the ground, toward the wall, into the window, hits the lockers, comes out, hits the rock to Jaune's shield then between your legs into my hand" Naruto pulled out a Kunai. "That shot sounds impossible" Jaune stated cautiously. "Oh relax, just stand still" Naruto responded. "Fine then, stick it in that ole thing," Jaune said.

The kunai soared in the air before bouncing off the statue, to the flooring then it went up to the right diagonally entering one of the windows.

"Kyaaah!" shrieked a familiar voice

The kunai came out of another window with pink panties attached to it. It bounced off Jaune's shield, between Ruby's legs and Naruto caught it and the panties.

Ruby looked a bit disturbed and took a step back. "Hmm, I didn't mean to do that-"

"Yes you did"

"I have gotten rusty," he said with a bored tone. "NARUTO YOU BASTARD, I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" .

Naruto looked up and saw Kakashi saluting him. He sighed and threw the underwear back.

"Let us go inside"

"You know the way?" asked Jaune.

"Nope" Naruto responded in a cheerful voice.

Ruby and Jaune sweatdropped.

The Last Shinobi(& Kunoichi)

After separating from his friends (and getting his face smashed in). Team 7 had reunited in the meeting place. Girls avoided Sasuke for obvious reasons, Naruto was twirling a kunai, Kakashi was reading one of his dirty books, disguised as a normal book and Sakura was guarding Sasuke from the "sluts" that wanted a piece of him.

Naruto averted his eyes from his kunai and saw Ruby hugging a bust blonde. "BEWBS!" he cried out in mind making Kurama chuckle. "Hey guys, I'll be back" he told his team. "Have fun" Kakashi waved him off in a lazy manner. Sasuke grunted.

"Hurry back," Sakura said.

Naruto gave a thumbs up as Sakura watched his retreating back. "Hey Ruby" he called out, getting the red riding hood themed girl's attention. "Who is that?" Yang raised an eyebrow as she watched a fellow blonde approach them. "Hello there," he greeted Yang, "I am Naruto Uzumaki" he gave her a warm smile which she reciprocated.

"I'm Yang Xiao Long and Xiao Long is my whole surname" she chuckled. "Small yellow dragon eyy?" Naruto asked in a joking manner. She looked shocked at his knowledge of her name. "Fish Cake," Ruby said.

"Oi, its maelstrom" he responded as his eye twitched. And so the trio began chatting ,getting to know each other with Yang enjoying Naruto's company. Normally creeps would ogle her sister.. Well he is a creep but he was different.. She caught him looking at her breast a dozen times in 2 minutes.

He was unique in such a way that he may be a pervert but his personality was very nice. He didn't sexualize them in anyway well except the cleavage staring.. That and he was super funny and was really fun to be around. Yang actually didn't mind this pervert being next to her and her sister cause she had a feeling that he was trust worthy.

Before their little get together could continue, a familiar white haired girl stomped her way to them and made her presence known by dramatically pointing her finger at Ruby whilst yelling "YOU!".

Ruby jumped into Yang's arms, seeking protection. "Oh god, she is back!"

"You're lucky you didn't blow us off the cliff!" she ranted. "What cliff?" Naruto asked neutrally. Weiss actually shut up. "Besides you are a schnee, you should know better than shaking vails of dust. You should be disowned" he scolded, causing the girl to seeth. Ruby and Yang burst out laughing. "Oh! BURN!"


"Shut up! And who the hell do you think you are!?" roared a Weiss. Her face red from the embarassment the blonde caused. "For a princess such as yourself forgetting their manners is… Well its common curtesy to give your name first before asking for another" Naruto shot back with a small smile.

Yang collapsed and Ruby fell off, with Yang laughing and Ruby giggling. "You must be part Uchiha or something. Do something about that stick in your ass" He tilted his head, evading a lightning covered Kunai. Weiss fumed and stomped away screaming "YOU ARE SO INFURIATING"

"Naruto you are so evil" Kakashi chuckled as he watched his former student's interaction with the girls.

As Weiss stamped away in anger, Naruto chuckled as Yang leaned on his, trying to catch her breath. "I like you blondie" Yang grinned. Naruto gave his own grin and gave her a fist bump. "Thanks for defending me Naruto" Ruby said shyly. "Anytime, what are friends for?" She smiled.

The crowd began to quiet down, Ozpin walked into the stage with Glynda behind him. He got close to the microphone before tapping it twice to make sure it was working.

"I will… keep this brief. You have travelled here today in search of knowledge 'No I didn't you use ramen as bait you damn bastard', to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you are finished you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people.. but I look amongst you all and all I see is wasted potential and talent, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time in this school will prove that knowledge will carry you so far. It is up to you to pick your path"

Without any more words, Ozpin walked away, not even looking back to his students

"You will all gather in the ball room tonight. Tomorrow your initiation begins.. You are dismissed" said Glynda.



"Kakashi has a clone" 4 individuals thought.


Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Rank: Genin

Nicknames: Orange Ninja, God of Shinobi, Knucklehead ninja, The Child of Prophecy, The Super Shinobi

Threat Level: Beyond S : Flee on sight

Notable Attacks: Rasengan Variants, Shadow Clones, Elemental Nin jutsu

Weakness: Sometimes acts without thinking

Kekkei Gen kai: Accelerated Healing, Lava Release, Boil Release ,Magnet Release and Wood Release

Name: Sasuke Uchiha

Rank: Former Genin (Rouge Ninja)

Nickname: Sasuke of the Sharingan, Death, The Super Shinobi, The child of prophecy, Sasuke of the Rinnegan

Threat Level: Beyond S : Flee on sight (Rivals Naruto Uzumaki)

Notable Attacks: Chidori, Gen jutsu, Elemental nin jutsu, High Visual prowless

Weakness: None notable

Kekkei Gen Kai: Sharingan, Mangekyou Sharingan, Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan

Kekkei Mora : Rinnegan

Name: Sakura Haruno

Rank: Jounin

Nickname: The one hit killer, Forehead girl, Tsunade Number 2

Threat level: Mid S , High S with Yin Seal activated

Notable Attacks: Cherry Blossom Clash, Strength of 100 healings, Mastery of Medical nin jutsu and water release

Kekkei Gen Kai: None

Name: Kakashi Hatake

Rank: Jounin, Anbu

Nickname: Friend killer Kakashi, Copy Ninja, Kakashi of the Sharingan

Threat Level: High S

Notable Attacks: Mastery over all 5 elements, Sharingan, Kamui, Space -time migration

Kekkei Gen Kai: Sharingan, Mangekyou Sharingan

Weaknesses: None (Used to have average sized chakra reserves and the sharingan drained them now it is his kekkei gen kai)