Warning for past mentions of self-harm


It was her favorite time of the day. She loved the orange tint that danced across the sky. She felt peaceful. It was the only time of the day that she ever felt peace. Being the CEO of a powerful company did that to a person.

Tonight was the same as any other night. Shoes off, feet up on the railing. Margarita in her hand, a pitcher on the table next to her. Her laptop was in her lap though she wasn't getting much work done.

Budgets and agendas for the next meeting were flashing across her screen. After staring at the numbers for more than an hour she was ready to give up for the night. She wasn't going to accomplish much more tonight.

She was halfway through her second margarita when she noticed something sailing through the air. At first she thought it was a plane going by, or maybe a shooting star, then she realized whatever it was, was falling, toward her.

As it got closer to her Lena Luthor could see the outline of a cape. One word come to her head.


Supergirl was flying toward her. Lena sat her laptop down on the table and leaned forward in her seat. Supergirl wasn't flying toward her, at least not very well. No, Supergirl was falling toward her.

Lena knew something was wrong the moment she saw Supergirl falling toward her. Supergirl didn't fall. Lena jumped up, knocking the pitcher off the table and causing it to shatter. Lena ignored the glass and watched in shock and horror as Supergirl slammed into the ground of her balcony, creating a small crater.

Lena was horrified by the sight in front of her. Supergirl had been beaten half to death. Her lip was cracked and bleeding. Dirt caked her face and suit. She looked like she had a black eye. She couldn't tell what the rest of the injuries were. The super suit covered them well. Lena assumed it was just as bad if not worse.

"Oh Kara," Lena whispered heartbroken. She dropped down beside her best friend, well her only friend. She didn't care if Kara learned that Lena was aware of her secret identity. All that mattered was Kara's safety.

"Lena," Kara muttered. It was so unlike Kara's normally strong voice when wearing her costume. She sounded so fragile, so broken.

Lena gently cupped her cheek. "It's okay. You're going to be okay," Lena said, although she wasn't sure if she was trying to assure Kara or herself. "Can you walk?"

With some help Kara was able to stand. She leaned on Lena as they walked through the penthouse. Lena took Kara to her bedroom. It would be the most comfortable for her. Plus, with the balcony attached to her room it would give Kara the sunlight she needed to heal.

Lena eased Kara on the bed. She winced at every moan of pain from Kara. "I'm sorry," she apologized over and over. Though she had nothing to do with this attack she couldn't help the guilt she felt. The guilt she felt overwhelmed her.

Kara looks so helpless, Lena noted. She didn't know what to do to help Kara. She settled on getting Kara cleaned up. "I'll be right back," Lena whispered in Kara's ear, unsure if Kara could hear her. Kara's eyes closed.

Lena dug through her closet looking for something, anything that Kara could wear. She pulled out a matching set of red, silk tank top and shorts. Considering Kara was several inches taller than her the shorts would be rather short.

Lena prayed to every god she could think of that Kara was wearing a bra, and underwear. She didn't think she could handle a naked Kara on top of everything else.

The clothes were dropped on the bed for the time being. Lena still needed to clean the dirt off of Kara's face. A bowl from the kitchen was filled with warm water and soap. On the way back to her room she grabbed a washcloth and a towel.

The hard part now was figuring out how to take off the super suit. As carefully as she could she lifted Kara up in the hope of finding a zipper. Unfortunately, there wasn't one. Lena gently pulled off Kara's shirt, leaving bruised skin exposed. Lena sobbed as she saw just how hurt Kara was.

The top was removed with a few moans of pain from Kara. Lena was happy to note that Kara was in fact wearing a bra, a sports bra to be exact. A necklace tucked under the super suit caught her attention. She remembered seeing Kara wear it. It must have been important to her if she wore it as Kara and Supergirl. Lena straightened the necklace, allowing the gemstone to fall against her chest.

As she removed the red boots Lena heard a thud on her bed. Two items had fallen out. One was her glasses. She reached for the other item and found Kara's cell phone. It was placed on her nightstand. Lena wanted to finish cleaning Kara up, then she would figure how who to call.

Once Kara's suit was off Lena took a moment to study the damage done to the superhero. Most of the damage was on her face and torso. There were a few bruises on her legs. That was the least of Lena's concerns. A human would have broken ribs based on what she saw. Whether or not Kara had broken ribs Lena didn't know. Small gashes littered her torso, from the looks of them they weren't healing.

Lena quickly dressed Kara in her pajamas. As she pulled on the shorts Lena caught sight of two small scars, each about an inch long on her inner thigh. She checked the other thigh and saw the same thing. She knew from Lex's research that Kryptonite caused permanent marks to a Kryptonian when it comes in direct contact with their skin. That meant at some point in the past Kara had been cut by Kryptonite, judging by the patterns of these cuts, Lena knew they were self-inflicted.

Lena's heart broke even more at the thought of Kara, so happy and bubbly, resorting to harming herself with pieces of her long dead planet. She quickly covered the scars. Lena doubted that Kara wanted her to see those scars and Lena wanted to respect her privacy as much as she could.

The washcloth was dipped into the warm water. Lena slowly, and carefully, scrubbed away the dirt and blood from Kara's body. The bowl had to be refilled three times before Lena was able to get Kara clean and presentable. She used the towel to dry Kara off and tossed it aside. She planned on burning the washcloth. It wasn't everyday someone got a hold of Kryptonian DNA and Lena would be damned if she gave anyone the opportunity to obtain it.

Once the mess was cleaned up Lena grabbed Kara's phone. It was unlocked. She scrolled through the recent contacts. She recognized some of the names: Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Cat Grant. Some of the names were a mystery to her: Winn Schott, James Olsen. There was one name that appeared more often than others: Alex Danvers. Lena thought that was a safe bet considering they also shared a last name.

Lena quickly dialed the number and waited.

"Kara, where are you? Your tracker is gone. We can't find you anywhere. Are you—"

"Alex Danvers?" Lena questioned, interrupting the DEO agent.

"Who is this?" Alex demanded. "Why do you have my sister's phone?"

"This is Lena Luthor, Ms. Danvers," Lena introduced. Lena heard the sharp intake of breath. "Kara is at my penthouse. She's badly hurt. I cleaned her up but I don't know how to help her."

"I'm on my way," Alex said before handing up the phone.

Lena sat the phone down. There was nothing to do except to wait for Kara's sister to show up. She opened up the curtain to the balcony. It was still dark outside but this way the morning light would come in and hopefully help heal Kara.

It was nineteen minutes after the phone call when Lena hears someone banging on her front door. She kisses Kara's forehead before making her way to the front door. She pulled the door open and saw Alex Danvers, dressed in all black, gun on her hip. She looked angry and scared.

"Where is she?" Alex demanded. Of all the places Alex had searched, CatCo, Kara's apartment, her apartment, the DEO, this was the last place she thought to look.

"My bedroom," Lena responded, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Your bedroom," Alex repeated with a raised eyebrow.

"It will offer her the most sunlight in the morning," Lena defended.

"She's not staying here," Alex said with the shake of her head. She marched off to where she thought the bedroom was.

"That's my office," Lena informed her. She grabbed Alex's shirt and led her to her bedroom.

"Kara," Alex whispered at the sight of her injured sister. She eyed the super suit on the floor. "You changed her?"

"Would you rather she stay in the suit?" Lena countered.

Alex pushed the hair from Kara's face. "How did you find her?"

"I didn't find her. She found me," Lena corrected. "She crashed into my balcony, quite literally." Alex reached for her phone. "What are you doing?"

"Look, I appreciate everything you've done but I need to get Kara out of here," Alex said as she started to dial Hank's number. "Then we are going to have a conversation and I will decide what to do with you."

"No," Lena said grabbing the phone from Alex. She mentally winced. Alex looked ready to knock her out. "Kara came to me for a reason. She's staying here with me."

"Kara is my sister. She is my responsibility," Alex said fiercely.

"Where do you think Kara would rather wake up?" Lena questioned. "Here where she is comfortable and well taken care of? Or in some government facility that feels like a prison?"

Alex sighed. She didn't have the energy to fight Lena. Besides Lena had a point. Kara came to Lena for a reason. A reason Alex didn't know or understand. Alex would respect Kara's choice, at least for now. "Fine," she agreed. "But I am staying too."

Lena expected as much. The devotion Alex had for Kara was unlike anything Lena had ever seen. Lena would kill to have Lex care for her half as much as Alex cared about Kara. "I figured," she said. "There's a guest room across from this one."

"Thanks." Alex climbed onto the bed beside Kara. "How did you know?" Alex saw the confused expression. "About Kara, how did you know?"

Lena laughed and sat at the edge of the bed. "Kara once told me she flew to my office… on a bus."

Alex groaned. "She is a terrible liar."

"She really is," Lena agreed. "How long will she be like this?" She didn't like seeing Kara like this. She was still, so quiet. It wasn't normal for Kara, or any human for that matter.

Alex ran her hand through her hair, ignoring the tangles she felt. She would brush her hair later. "I don't know," she said honestly. It killed Alex to admit it. "Do you have a pin or something?"

Lena pulled a bobby pin from her hair and handed it to the DEO agent. "What are you doing?" she demanded as she watched Alex gently poke Kara's skin. A single drop of blood formed and Lena understood. "She lost her powers."

"For now," Alex said with a sigh. She would need to fill Hank in ASAP. "She'll need to be on the balcony tomorrow. Let her rest in the sun."

"How long?" Alex stared at her. "How long will her powers be gone?" Lena clarified.

Alex shrugged. "Last time it was three days. That was different. She exerted herself too much, used up all of her energy. Now she's just hurt. I don't know what that alien did or—" Alex's phone buzzed. It was Hank. "I should take this."

"Fill free to use the balcony for some privacy," Lena said nodding toward the slider across the room.

Alex nodded and pressed her phone to her ear. "Hank, yes I found her—" Lena couldn't hear anymore as the slider closed.

Lena massaged her temples. She now had both Danvers sisters staying with her. Lena grabbed her own phone. They were going to need food. Her fridge contained mostly alcohol. She dialed the familiar number.

"Ms. Luthor," Jess, Lena's assistant, answered. "Is something wrong? You usually don't call this late. Not that there's anything wrong with you calling."

Lena smiled into the phone. Her assistant reminded her of Kara. She was a wonderful girl, a college student trying to pay her way. Jess was always willing to go the extra mile, even if it wasn't directly related to her job. Lena would have to remember to give the girl a raise.

"Jess, breathe," Lena told her. "I need a favor."

"What kind of favor?" Jess asked a little more hesitant this time.

"I have a couple friends staying at my penthouse for the foreseeable future," Lena began. "Unfortunately, I have no food."

Jess laughed. "You need help shopping?"

"Yes please," Lena said, grateful she didn't have to say the words. She was embarrassed to admit but she had never been grocery shopping before.

"Of course, Ms. Luthor. I would be happy to help," Jess said happily. She imagined her boss asking her something much worse than simply help with shopping. She had heard horror stories from employees at L Corp that had previously worked for Cat Grant. The things that woman demanded… Jess shuddered at the thought. "Do you need me to go now?"

Lena rubbed her head. She didn't know Alex but she knew her type. The older Danvers sister would never eat if someone didn't force her to. Lena could relate. "Not tonight," Lena told her. It was late and Lena didn't want to put more on her assistant that she already was. She would order pizza for the two of them. "But breakfast tomorrow would be great."

"Yes Ms. Luthor," Jess readily agreed.

"Jess," Lena said before her assistant could hang up. "One of my guests is Supergirl, so when it comes to food…"

"More is better," Jess said. She understood exactly what Lena was getting at.

"Yes, good," Lena said with a small smile. "And with Supergirl being here—"

"Don't worry Ms. Luthor," Jess interrupted. "I won't tell anyone."

"Thank you Jess. Goodnight." She tossed the phone on the nightstand.

Lena lifted Kara's shirt slightly. The bruises were still there. In fact, they looked worse now than they did before. Lena regretted it instantly. "What are you doing?" Alex asked as the slider closed again.

"I was hoping the bruises were fading," Lena said. She readjusted Kara's shirt. "Instead they're getting worse."

Alex checked Kara herself and winced. "Well she is human for now," Alex said to herself. "With any luck she will get her powers back before she wakes up."

"When's the last time you ate?" Lena questioned. Alex looked up. "If you're anything like me then you don't eat half as often as you should. We need to take care of ourselves or we can't take care of Kara."

"You sound like Kara," Alex muttered.

Lena laughed. "I may have quoted Kara," she confessed. "Pizza?" Alex nodded. "My assistant will be by tomorrow to bring more food."

"Did you tell her about Kara?" Alex demanded. Her hands balled up in fists. If Lena told… Alex didn't want to think about it.

"No," Lena answered. "I did tell her Supergirl was a guest here. I had to so Jess would know to get enough food to feed a Kryptonian." Alex relaxed slightly. "Alex, if I wanted to out Kara, I would have done so weeks ago when I found out, or when she flew here tonight. If I wanted to hurt her, I wouldn't have called you."

"Why are you doing this?" Alex asked. "And don't give me that bullshit about wanting to prove that you're not like the rest of your family."

Lena sighed. "It has nothing to do with my family and not wanting to be like them." Lena played with her phone. This was not how she wanted this to come out. She prayed that Kara couldn't hear her right now. "I love her. I'm in love with her."

Alex's eyebrows widened. That she was no expecting. "You're in love with her?" she choked out.

"I am," Lena confirmed. "At first it just feelings for Kara, ever since the day she walked into my office with Clark Kent. Mr. Kent didn't trust me. I don't blame him. After everything that happened with Lex. But there was Kara, no judgment. It was almost as if she didn't know about my family. I know that's not true, but still."

Alex brushed Kara's hair from her eyes. "Kara's always sees the best in people. Hell, even if she saw Lex I imagine she would try to find something good in him."

"There is nothing good in Lex anymore," Lena said sadly.

"I don't know if I trust you," Alex said after a few minutes of silence. "But I do believe that you love her. So, if I will give you a chance." Alex locked eyes with Lena. "Don't mess this up because I promise you if you do anything to hurt Kara, no one will find your body."

"Understood," Lena said. Lena ordered the pizza and sat back in her seat. "Can I ask you something?"

Alex looked up from her phone. "What?"

"The scars on her thighs," Lena began.

Alex sighed. "I wondered when you were going to ask about that." Lena was confused. Alex gestured toward the shorts Kara was wearing. "You changed her. There was no way you would miss the scars."

"How did she get them?" Lena asked, her eyes locked on the scars on Kara's thighs.

"Kryptonite," Alex answered like it was obvious. Alex sighed. "When she came to Earth, it wasn't easy for her. Part of it was my fault. I didn't make her feel welcome. My dad, he studied Krypton and Kryptonian's. He was even friends with Superman. When Kara came to Earth my dad wanted to help her. He studied the Kryptonite in hopes of learning more about Kara, so he could better cater to her needs. One night, Kara found the Kryptonite. She didn't know what it was at the time, just that it hurt her."

"She tried to kill herself," Lena whispered in horror.

"No," Alex said wiping away the tears. "She never tried to kill herself. She just… wanted to feel something." Alex grabbed a tissue from the nightstand. "You should really talk to Kara about that."

Lena nodded. "You're right. I apologize. I shouldn't have asked."

"It's okay," Alex said. "Honestly, you're the first person to see those marks."

"The first…" Lena repeated confused. Then it dawned on her. "She's never been with anyone."

Alex shrugged. "She never told me and I never asked. But no, I don't think she's ever been with anyone. She struggles with dating as it is."

Lena stared at Kara. Even broken and beaten Kara was still the most beautiful girl Lena had ever seen. She couldn't imagine Kara struggling to date. There should be men and women lined up to date Kara. If there was a line Lena would happily stand in it.

When Lena really thought about it, she shouldn't be surprised. Kara was strong, stronger than everyone on the planet, except maybe one person. Lena knew Kara well enough to know that Kara wouldn't want to put her partner in danger.

The doorbell rang pulling Lena from her thoughts. "I'll get it," Alex said pulling the gun from her hip.

"It's probably just the pizza," Lena said walking over to her purse to so she could grab some cash.

"I'm not taking that risk," Alex said. "Kara is vulnerable. If anyone found out she was here…" She shuddered at the thought.

Alex made her way through the penthouse. Lena trailed behind her. If it was just the pizza boy she was going to give him a big tip. He deserved it after having to deal with Alex.

It was the pizza boy. Lena mentally groaned at the sight. Alex with a gun aimed at the boy, who couldn't be more than seventeen. Lena recognized the boy. He delivered pizzas here many times when Kara visited.

"Ms. Luthor," he squeaked. He was nervous on a good night. Having a woman point a gun at him was making it worse.

"Alex lower the gun," Lena demanded. The last thing she wanted was the boy wetting himself in front of her door. Alex hesitated before putting away her gun. Lena dug through her wallet and pulled out a one-hundred-dollar bill. She took the pizza and handed it to Alex before handing the money to the boy. "Keep the change."

His eyes widened at the money. "Uh, are you sure?" he asked.

Lena nodded. "Take the money." He tucked the money away and left as quickly as possible. "Was it necessary to scare the pizza boy?"

Alex shrugged. "When it comes to Kara's safety there's nothing I wouldn't do." She put the pizza on the kitchen counter.

Lena pulled two plates from the cabinet and sat them on the counter. She grabbed two beers from the fridge. "There's nothing I wouldn't do to keep her safe as well," Lena confessed.