Being the younger sister of the Great Kakashi, you'd think she'd be just like him. Smart, strong, over confident at times? Well she is. She's just nothing like her brother when he was her age. She spends most of her time with her best friend Naruto Uzumaki, keeping him out of trouble as best as can and learning to be a great healer for her team. Though she had a crush on the boy she'd never let him know. Kira just never figured anyone would like, especially not Sasuke Uchiha. That boy didn't seem to like anyone but from the looks he gives her to the boys he scared away, he was head over heels in love with the girl.

Eventual SasukeXKira or GaaraX Kira

With Sasuke:

Sasuke had just walked into class, took his seat and stared at the board. Today everyone would get their teams as a Genin, though Sasuke could care less. As long as he was capable of completing his ambition in life then he could be happy again.

In front of him he could see Naruto patronizing everyone to try and figure out how he was there when it was clear yesterday he failed.

"Naruto stop bragging, we all know that you're the best." Kira spoke shaking her head with a smile. Some of her gray hair fell into those beautiful crimson eyes that he loved so much.

Kira Hatake. Sasuke made sure no one could see that he was watching her. He let out a sigh of content as he looked over her figure. She was a little bigger than most girls but she pulled it off wonderfully. Her blue tank top clung to her figure like a second skin. Those black shorts wrapped around her toned legs. It was obvious she worked hard.

He admired her for it. She was the only one who worked just as hard as he did, he craved her attention, he craved her touch, her affection, he just wanted her to pay attention to him like the other girls do. She never gave him the time of day like she would for Naruto. That idiot.

Naruto wrapped an arm around her shoulder pulling her even closer to him. Showing off his hitai-ate. She didn't push him off, she just laughed and shook her head before placing a kiss on his cheek. Naruto had that stupid cheeky grin on his face.

"I WIN!" Sasuke cringed in pain as he glared at the front double doors at the top of the stairs. Sakura and Ino. Both girls glaring heatedly toward each other.

"I won the race, so I can have Sasuke-kun." Sakura yelled, toward Ino but basically throughout the room. "Yea right, my foot was at least a centimeter before yours." Ino said.

"Uh huh, yeah right, keep on talking Ino. You know that Sasuke would never like you."

"As if he likes you…not when he has me." Ino said confidently, as she flipped her blond hair to prove her point.

Kira and Naruto rolled their eyes. "Whats so good about teme?" Naruto whispered to Kira as if she would know.

"You're askin the wrong girl, Naru." He shrugged, accepting that answer since that seemed the most logical since all the other girls were madly in love with Sasuke.


"Fore-Head brow."


"Fore-Head brow."


"Fore-Head brow!"



Suddenly the two sprinted across the room, trampling anyone in their way, they only stopped when they were directly in front of Sasuke. Trying to look as pretty as possible as they spoke. "Can I sit next to you, Sasuke-kun?" they started to glare at each other again.

More females came toward Ino and Sakura claiming that THEY were the first girls to come so THEY could sit next to Sasuke.

Naruto only growled as he jumped on Sasuke's desk glaring down at him. Sasuke glared right back. Soon everyone quieted down watching in anticipation for what was going to happen next. They knew that if Naruto started a fight Sasuke could surely defeat him.

The guy behind Naruto tilted his chair back hitting Naruto's which ended up making Naruto lose his balance and fall face forward.

"AHHH!" the hoard of girls covered their eyes. Opening their eyes to see Naruto's face and Sasuke's face lips planted on a black hardcover book. Kira sighed shaking her head when both boys pulled back pulling her book back to her chest.

She thought something might happen and stayed close to her best friend. Though the chance that the two might kiss was not what she thought would happen. Kira figured that the two would start a fight and she would have to bash them both with her book.

"Thanks Kira, I owe you one!"

Kira smiled softly "Wouldn't want him to take your first kiss Naru, that would be weird." Naruto nodded in agreement.

Sasuke stared at Kira giving her a nod of appreciation, she shrugged her shoulders and took Naruto's hand helping him hop off the desk. "Lets get to our seats, sensei should be here soon." He nodded and the two walked away from Sasuke.

He sighed when Sakura sat beside him when no one was looking.

Iruka came in holding his trusty clipboard in his hands. He smiled as he stared at the class he's grew close to.

"Beginning today all of you are real ninja's. But you are still merely rookie 'Genin.' The hard part has just started. Now, you will soon be assigned duties by the village. So today we will create three man teams. Each team will have a 'Jounin' sensei. You will follow that sensei's instructions as you complete the assigned duties."

One by one everyone was teamed up three to a group.

"Uchiha Sasuke…" Iruka sensei had to pause as almost every girl in the class screamed.

"Haruno Sakura…" He had to pause again as Sakura jumped up screaming and cheering. "Cha, Ino! Looks like I get to be with Sasuke after all!" Ino just growled.

"…Uzamaki Naruto…" Iruka stated. That caused Sakura to drop down crying while Naruto had jumped up cheering. Well until he realized he would be paired up with Sasuke.

"And Hatake Kira." Sasuke smirked to himself, Kira smiled brightly and high fived Naruto. "Sweet!" Naruto laughed with Kira about all the mischief they would pull together. "Any questions?"

"Why do I have to be in the same team as Sasuke-teme?" Naruto shouted.

"Naruto, the reason why you're put in the same team as Sasuke is because you got the lowest score on the test while Sasuke got the highest. That helps even out the teams." Naruto sat down muttering under his breath.

"Then how come Kira as to be on my team? Isn't it supposed to be a three man team? Why this team?" Sakura asked glaring Kira as she tried to cheer up Naruto.

"First of all, there was an odd number of people passing the exams, so that's why one team will have a fourth genin. And the reason why Kira is on this team is because your Jounin asked for her specifically." Iruka explained.

Sakura sat back down at her desk. 'Cha! That girl thinks she's so much better than me. I'll show her! She won't take my Sasuke-kun from me! I'll make sure of it, Cha!'

Sakura was convinced every girl loved Sasuke, some had said they don't like him but they actually do. So Sakura would make sure Kira knew her place that Sasuke was hers.

As soon as Iruka named all the teams he left so that the kids instructors would pick them up. Hours had passed and all the teams had left the building except for team seven. After waiting so long Naruto had had enough. He set up a trap. Sakura was shouting at Naruto to stop and that he was being an idiot.

But in the end our instructor had fallen for the trap.

"Of course it would be you!" Kira yelled glaring at their instructor.

"My first impression of you guys is…your all idiots. Meet me at the roof." The man disappeared. Sasuke and Sakura seemed confused. How would Kira know their instructor? They've never seen him before in their life. Naruto shrugged still laughing about how he had fallen for his trap.

When the four Genin's arrived at the top of the roof, they saw their instructor with his orange book in his hands giggling and blushing. Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto sat down while Kira glared at him with arms crossed over her chest.

Sasuke watched her. She was so close to him. "Why is it you're always late to everything." She groaned. "Sit." He commanded not looking up from his book. Kira grumbled but did as asked.

"Okay, I'm your Jounin instructor for today, so lets start things off by introducing yourselves; likes, hobbies, dreams, and so on."

"Why don't you start first, sensei?" Sakura asked already trying to be a kiss ass.

"Okay. My name is Hatake Kakashi, my likes and dislikes are for me alone, my hobbies…my dreams are none of your concern. That is my baby sister." Kakashi said bored like.

Kira slapped her head in annoyance.

Sasuke and Sakura's eyes widen in shock. Was that even aloud?

"That's so unfair! You'll end up getting special treatment because he's your brother!" Sakura snapped glaring at Kira now.

Sasuke didn't say anything. Now it made sense. Naruto bumped shoulders with Kira giving her a goofy grin having met the male before. It felt good not being the only one out of the loop for a change.

"No I won't." Kira snapped looking off the roof.

"You first, pinkie." Kakashi pointed at Sakura.

Sakura gasped at the insult before starting. Not so sure if she likes her instructor yet.

"My name is Haruno Sakura. I like…" She glanced at Sasuke. "My hobbies are…" she glanced at Sasuke again and started to blush. "My dreams are…" This time she started giggling madly as blushing even harder. "And I hate Naruto and Kira!" Sakura ended. Naruto was depressed at this while Kira just rolled her eyes not caring at all.

"Whatever pinkie." Sakura made a sort of noise that sounded like choking and growling combined.

'Fangirl and hates Kira…must think she wants to take Sasuke from her. This is going to be a long day.' Kakashi thought annoyed.

"You next, blondie."

Naruto glared at him before speaking. He knew his name. He's been over the house so much that he practically lived there. "My name is Uzamaki Naruto, I like ramen, I dislike the kind of ramen that takes three minutes to cook 'cause, I mean, who can wait that long? My hobbies are eating ramen, and my dream is to become the next Hokage, so that people would start to acknowledge me and I want Kira as my personal adviser since she's my best friend. Believe it!"

'A fangirl and a weirdo, who's next?'

"You, the brooding one." He pointed to Sasuke.

"I'm Uchiha Sasuke, I have a few likes and many dislikes, my hobbies are none of your concerns, and my dream…no my ambition is to kill a certain man and revive my clan." He spoke. Kakashi didn't miss the quick glance directed at his sister. Sakura looked as if he had said the coolest thing in the world.

An avenger who might have a crush on my dear baby sister.

"Go." Kakashi pointed at Kira.

"What why? You know who I am." Kakashi rolled his eyes. "Just do it."

She grumbled but did as asked. "My name is Hatake Kira, I like a lot of things and I dislike when people hurt those I care about, my hobbies are reading and spending time with my friends…my dream is probably working in a hospital." She said with a smile.

"But I'm going to need you when I'm Hokage!" Naruto whined slumping his shoulders forward and giving her his best puppy dog pout. He always wanted Kira to be there for him through everything!

"I'll do both, how's that?" He nodded and the two high-fived.

'Let's see, I have Sakura, the lovesick fangirl, Naruto, a hyperactive kid, Sasuke, an avenger, and my sister…this is going to be a very interesting team.'

"Okay, you are to meet me at the training ground at seven am. Tomorrow, we're going to take a little test." Kakashi stated sounding very vague towards them.

"What kind of test?" Sakura asked.

"A survival test."

"What? But we already did that during the academy!" Sakura shouted. She could be so loud.

"That survival test was supposed to separate the people who can actually become a Genin and a those who had no chance at all. The test I'm going to give you has a 66 of failing."

'Sixty Six percent of failing? This can't be the test he gave his other students...could it?' Kira thought nervously. Kakashi told her how all the other teams he had were horrible when it came to teamwork.

"WHAT?!" Naruto and Sakura shouted.

"Yeah, so don't eat breakfast because when I'm through with you, you're going to puke." Before disappearing and leaving everyone behind.

"Well that's my brother for you," she laughed nervously, she was just glad Kakashi didn't do anything to embarrass her.

"Oh well, I gotta eat a bunch of ramen today since I won't be able to eat in the morning."

Kira laughed shrugging her shoulders. "I mean you can but I have an idea of what this test is, so I'd still eat just in case."

Sakura scoffed glaring at the two walking back into the school. "She can't tell me what to do, I'll listen to Kakashi sensei because that's what a good student does! Right Sasuke-kun?" she looked over to see that she was the only one left on the roof.

She groaned falling to her knee's crying that he left her alone on the roof.

Outside the school Naruto, Sasuke, and Kira separated to prepare for tomorrow. "So were you surprised?" Kakashi asked popping out of literally nowhere.

"You specifically asked for me?" Kira asked confused.

"Well what better teacher to train my weak minded, baby sister than me? You know I'm a great teacher." Kakashi said feeling proud of himself. Taking his sisters backpack from her when she wouldn't respond.

"So what happened before I picked you guys up?"

"Naruto and Sasuke almost kissed. I stopped it with my book though." He didn't think that would happen but supposed something was going to happen with Naruto in the mix. Of course he knew everything about his students before he was assigned to them. It also helped that Kira told him everything she knew about her classmates.

The two picked up some dinner and went home to relax for the rest of the day. "Make sure you're at the training grounds at seven tomorrow young lady."

"I will be, I will be."

"And no eating!"

"I'm gonna!"

"Kira, I said no."

"But I get hungry."

"Too bad." He was really putting his foot down on this.

So I don't expect a lot of views for this story here, I have it posted on Quotev and I was just thinking eh hey maybe I should just post it here too. I really just want it to be put it everywhere to see if I could get the most views on my stories. So thanks again for watching! I mean reading! Totally meant reading, what are you talking about?