Hello everyone this is my first My Hero fanfiction also seeing that it's Earth Day I decided to green. Yup this is Izuku Midoriya x Ibara Shiozaki the two green haired teen of U.A.

Honestly I would love to see more of the ultimate cinnamon roll and the purest girl in this site.

A/N: Ibara might be a little OOC

Chapter 1: Dagobah Beach

"All men are created equal" that was a common misconception. In the bible it dose not say this exact phrase but it does say no matter what race you are, no matter who you are we are all the same. We all equally live in sin and we all equally have the ability to receive redemption.

A week before the exam a young woman by the name of Ibara Shiozaki was standing at the Dagobah Municipal Beach taking in the scenery. As a child she once saw a picture of parents and how the beautiful beach it once was. Her mother once told her how she would have little romantic getaways with her father in there younger years. But as the years passed while exploring she had heard about how beautiful this place was and how it had transformed from a junk heap do to mankind sinful nature. When she had heard of this she felt a sadness that was unbefitting for her do to the fact that she will never have the experience that her mother and father once had.


Until she heard how someone has been little by little restoring this place to it's former glory. Yet so far no one has claimed this act of good deed, not the heroes nor did any environmentalist organizations, who would go through the effort of coming here everyday without any interior motive it was left a mystery to her. Seeing this as it is now sitting on the sand and admiring the view as the sun slowly set she felt guilty.

Here she was getting ready to attend U.A. High entrance exam and with her head held high she was ready to attending such a prominent school. She believe with enough conviction and heart she will make it as a hero but after setting her eyes on this place she wondered what a hero really meant. She wonder if she's following her path for the right reasons or was it an excuse to follow her selfish dreams. With her conflicting emotion a lone tear passed down her face.

Little did she knew there was another green headed teen on the other side of the beach finishing his 'Aim To Pass The American Dream Plan' routine for the day. When Izuku decided to go plus ultra with his training regiment he didn't imagine he would end up finishing sooner then expected. As the sun was setting he finished moving an abnormal amount of trash. In his hands were broken skin, his track suit he was wearing was covered in sand and sweat. He lay down his exhausted body in the cool refreshing sand as his breaths were heavy.

"All Might should be here soon" Izuku said to no one unparticular "it sure nice of him to pick me up"

As he stared at empty space he watched the night starry blanketed the sky while listening to the gentile waves. As he took in all of the scenery has to offer he had a moment of guilty pleasure. When he told his mother that he was going to single handily cleaned the entire beach she cried to much she actually fainted from dehydration. She then told him how in her younger years his father took her to this beach for his first date and how he attended to propos on this exact beach...but failed to so do to the junk, so he just propos to her on the car ride home.

While Izuku was recalling what his mother told him he wondered seeing that the beach is now restored if he was going to do the same. The part of his dad proposing on the beach not part on the car ride home.

Without the boy realizing it the No. 1 Hero was already on the beach to pick him up. But imagine to his surprise he saw a young girl with thorn-covered vines for hair sitting all alone in the sand crying. So as a Professional Hero and as an educator he did what needed to be done.

"Young lady are you alright" said an unknown voice to the young maiden.

Ibara didn't replay right away she was to surprise by the fact that someone else was here as she wiped her tears she imminently responded.

"YES! Yes I'm fine sir" she said sounding a bit off.

"I don't mean to intrude but maybe talking to a stranger might help" All might said with his usual smile. Even without his costume he will always try to help those in need and it was the same kind of sprit he saw in young Midoriya.

When Ibara saw the man he seems to be an older malnourished man with blond hair and was wearing a coat that protected him from the cold. She was told in a young age to never judge a person by their appearance but when she saw his smile she felt at ease for reasons unknown to her.

"Well since you insisted I need to ask" Ibara talk to the stranger not knowing why "Do you think I could become a hero" when she said this Yagi was shocked to say the least as he took a few steps back.

"By any chance are you quirkless" he said with the slightest of hesitation 'What are the odds of me running into another quirkless child inspiring to become a hero' he thought not realizing the obvious.

"I umm no I am not quirkless. My quirk is called Vines it allows me control these vines in my hair if I soaked them in water and bathed with sunlight I am able to regrow them" she explained with an odd expression seeing that her quirk is a mutant type she didn't expected such an odd question.

'I can practically hear young Midoriya's muttering' the professional Hero thought knowing the boy far to well.

"Yes I can see that now hahahaha cough "Toshinori said with a halfhearted laugh and as soon as he did he spat some blood. Without warning he felt two incredibly soft hands touching his face.

"SIR" Ibara said...no YELLED while looking directly in his eyes in horror all the while All Might feeling nervous "Are you feeling alright? Are you hurt? Can you breath correctly? You seem malnourished. When was the last time you had a proper meal? Should I call the ambulance? You're bleeding of course I should? Please allow me to help" she said not giving him a chance to speak.

"Young lady" with this he got her attention "you were worried for a complete stranger and it seems to me you're kindhearted soul. So why did you have doubts if you could be a hero"

"Well...is because I'm wondering if I'm following this path for the right reasons" Yagi was surprise "You see I have heard rumors had it that a green haired boy and a muscular man could be seen here every morning doing charitable work. So if I wanted to become a real hero shouldn't I do the same" when she confessed her true feeling Yagi couldn't help but have a nervous sweat but he couldn't help but smile knowing their was another inspiring hero in this very beach.

"Tell me young lady what's your name? Are you planning to go to U.A." Yagi said with blood still on his face.

"My name is Ibara Shiozaki and yes I am planning to go to U.A. if they have me" Ibara said not feeling 100% comfortable talking about private matters to a stranger.

"Good to hear, you see I work at U.A. as their Instructional Coordinator for the Hero Course" All Might said giving her his card. Nezu had given him an official job title under his real name of course.

"Mr. Toshinori Yagi" Ibara said reading the card out load, to her it looked official.

"Yes...and please don't worry about my health. Ever since working there I've been getting a lot better cough" more of his blood has been spilled.

"Are you sure you are all right"

"Don't worry I'm fine actually I'm All Might"





"Apology excepted"

Before they even realized it the sun had already set and now the two were now alone.

"It's getting very late tell me do you have a ride home. I don't feel comfortable leaving a young girl here" he said with an unsettling tone.

"Well...I do not. I came across this place while I was wondering lost in my thoughts" the vine girl answered honestly.

"Then please allow me to drive you home" even though it was unselfish offer it did sounded it bit unsettling for the No.1 Hero to say.

"Even though generous offer I cannot, I don't believe my parents would allow me to take the offer from a stranger, even if you work for U.A." when she stated this she felt guilty, even if speaks the truth. This man has offer her an unselfish act of kindness and she had to deny this.

"I see that is problematic" Toshinori said with a slight frown as he saw the young girl looking down in guilt "How about this I have an idea that would satisfy everyone"

To Ibara surprise Mr. Yagi had suggested that she could call her parents for permission. It took convincing but after explaining he worked at U.A. and a call from Principle Nezu for clarification. He manage to persuade them with his natural charm.

"Well young Shiozaki it seems that your parents has given their permission to drive you home. It took some sway but they finally gave in thanks to my charming personality" he said with a light chuckle and Ibara gave out a giggle.

As they took their journey towards Mr. Yagi luxurious car it took 15 minutes of driving before Ibara asked a question that she should have asked long before.

"Mr. Yagi can I ask you something" Ibara said with hesitation and sounded slightly nervous.

"Theirs no need to be so nervous young Shiozaki I am an educator after all" All might said with a bit of pride in his voice 'If I can expect students like her at U.A. teaching will be a breeze' he thought as he was calmly driving his car.

"I was just wondering...why did you on the beach so late" she asked with genuine curiosity knowing full well about the old proverb with the cat.

"Is that all well that's a simple question I came to Dagobah Municipal Beach to pick up...YOUNG MIDORIYA" he said as he gushed out blood with panic in his voice witch effected his driving.

"Mr. Yagi" the girl half shouted in panic for multiple reason.

Back on the beach Izuku was still alone laying on the sand waiting for his hero to come.

"All Might where are you..." Izuku pleaded but no one responded.

"I'm cold..." Izuku said as he felt the cold breeze of the night.

"...and hungry" Izuku said as his tummy began to growl.

So he waited and waited but his hero never came...

Until the next chapter.

Ok so please leave a review and comments I'm open to any and all suggestions. Also Ibara is the purest girl ever and Izuku is so sweet and innocent so I decided to have some fun with them Mu ha ha ha ha

Ok Happy Earth Day everyone with our power combine we are Captain Planet