Fate is a cruel, yet benevolent mistress. She pulls the strings, she makes sure everyone plays their part. This time, she has decided to play a different tune.

"Kaachan? Who is that?"

Her song took a boy on a different journey, it changed him.

He threw him like a ragdoll, the cruel laughter filling the air.

"Kaachan, HELP!" The boy looked around helplessly from the edge of the playground. He managed to see the blond bob of hair dart away, past the gates of the playground and past the buildings beyond. The boy felt his heart drop.

The man, a crystal formation forming along his arms, and shifting around, replacing limbs occasionally, sometimes replacing other parts of his body, constantly in a state of motion and doing it so fast the boy couldn't tell what he actually looked like under the constant formations. He laughed again and grabbed the young boy, the crystals cutting at his skin before he effortlessly tossed the boy like a softball onto the swings, the boy crying out in pain as he felt his arm break.

She played her music, twisting the strings, and taking an event four years in the future, and placing it four years in the past. She thought herself clever, giggling lightly.

It hurt so much, he was bleeding, and his arm was broken. The boy cradled his limp arm, blood seeping through his clothes as he tried to get away from the still laughing man. He was playing the boy like a fiddle, and let him get a few more feet before bounding forward and punting the poor boy with a crystal-covered foot, spinning the boy lightly as the kick broke the boy's right leg.

"Please, s-stop." He begged the man. The boy tried sitting up, and the man laughed again, kicking his other leg with a nasty cracking noise, before slamming his foot down on the child's chest, snapping sounds mixing in with the gasp of pain from the poor boy.

"Stop, stop!" The man cackled as he mocked the boy, who started spitting up blood. "Why should I do that?" he giggled, not noticing the wind had stopped, but the leaves on the trees kept moving.

The song grew sad, the tears flowing into the music as different strings played different tunes, and the right people saw the wrong things.

The leg was brought up again, this time to smash the boy's skull, and he finally noticed, as the trees bent at him, and the leaves enveloped him and tossed him away. He struggled and cut the leaves away, looking around in panic and confusion as rocks started pelting him, striking his crystals and face as he held his arm up to try and block the horde of stones revolving around him. He was unprepared for the car flying at him from outside the park, the crystals barely blocking him from being crushed.

He stared in fear at the boy he had so mercilessly beaten bloody, as his body started floating, his face contorted in pain. He backed up, his face contorted in more terror as the boy cried loudly and a tree became uprooted beside him and twisted around the boy, before flying at the man.

He ran backward, and ducked, not realizing a hero had arrived and only noticed as the hero Kamui Woods casually stopped the tree with his branches.

"Don't worry citizen, I got this!" The crystal man looked at him incredulously before nodding and dashing out of the park. The hero turned back toward the rampaging child, not noticing the tears or the bruises forming on the child.

"Stand down!" He let his branches out into his signature attack as he yelled this, not noticing the child breathe in.


The child's voice had power to it, and the force surrounding him threw itself at Woods and dragged him back towards the boy before an explosion of energy threw him across the park like a stone skipping off a pond. The boy screamed in pain before landing on the ground and convulsing violently. No one noticed the black portal form under him as he fell.

Kamui Woods sat up to a silent and torn apart park, now noticing the screams of pain in the distance, the buildings just on the outside of the park in rubble, and ones behind that damaged and some burning.

"What the hell just happened?" He asked himself quietly before dashing off to assist, making a note to inform the cops of the mysterious boy who had caused all this.

The shuddering blonde had gone unnoticed a street away, wondering how he was going to tell Inko Midoriya that her son was gone.

Fate hums the next tune as she plucked her strings, and looked back to the future, interest sparking at the school of disaster, as the students met their first trial of heroes, in the form of a dark cloud from the first enemy. She grinned if such a thing could happen, and she added a string, and the world shuddered from its impact.

Aizawa didn't know what to do, his students were terrified, they were all cut off from the other heroes, and there was an army of villains now facing them, and for once he didn't know what to do.

Thirteen started sending orders and he sighed in aggravation, donning his goggles.

"Get everyone out Thirteen, I'll deal with these guys." The space hero made to object but was cut off by his resident gravity student, who looked quite scared. He made a mental note to make sure he made them pay for this more.

"Sir, didn't Shinso say you were more one on one and usually ambush? This isn't your kind of fight!" She mumbled, trying to get him to come with them, he grunted before looking back at the group of villains snarling at them. "No hero is a one trick pony Uraraka, go with the rest." He muttered and made to move toward the villains, taking not of the four in the back, the large dark purple skinned beaked guy, the shadowy teleporter, the guy with all the hands all over him, and attached to the beaked guy a young pink haired girl, her hair greasy and knotted, bruises forming all over her body, and looked like she could barely stand.

She wore torn suspenders and a similarly torn muscle shirt. He only noticed her feet when he saw the blood trails following her and realized the soles of her feet had been reduced to just under the skin layer, hurting and bleeding whenever she stepped.

The Beaked man had a chain attached to her neck, wrapped around his waist. She couldn't be older than his own students, and she looked like a slave. This only made him angrier as he bounded down the steps, and he threw his scarf, activating his quirk.

That string was bright, red, and angry.

Fate cackled as it settled with the rest, and our story truly begins.

The roof imploded, that was the only thing Aizawa could call it, a huge implosion of the roof, followed by what he could only describe as a black meteor slamming ten feet in front of him, he never noticed his scarf suddenly changing direction back at him.

He looked in confusion as it settled back into his hand, the black meteor slowly rising from its crater, and he realized it was a person, back to him, covered in a black hooded cloak, and what Aizawa could tell, metal leggings and metal armored gauntlets.

He couldn't pin the feeling down he felt from the person, then it hit him. Pure rage. Tense shoulders, shaking in their hands as they clenched them, this person had a bone to pick with these villains and Aizawa didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

In their right hand, a short black blade extended, as he pointed it past the large group of villains, at the man with hands on him, who had recoiled in.. fear? In fact, he and the shadowy cloud figure had taken a step back, the yellow blobs of light in the shadow had widened in recognition. The girl had started to cry, falling to her knees. The beaked man had not moved even to acknowledge the person, which Aizawa found incredibly unnerving

The blade suddenly ignited and the blade grew longer, the sides and end extending in red light, going from a foot long to three.

And then the person spoke, and Aizawa could feel the anger in his voice, it dripped with it, soiled the air with it. Deeply metallic, robotic even, it echoed through and over the stunned villains.

"Give. Her. Back."

Enjoy this story I'm crossposting it from Ao3, hope you enjoy!