Written for:

Hogwarts: 365 Prompts
Prompt - fresh

Hogwarts: Quarterly Event - Gym
Madam Pomfrey's Fun Fitness - Shoulder Press Machine - Word: Defiant

Hogwarts: April Auction
Day 18 - Auction 1 - Pairing: Ariana/Gellert

HPFC: Character Diversity Bootcamp
Character - Ariana, Prompt - Outstanding

HPFC: Pairing Diversity Bootcamp
ArianaGellert, Prompt - General


Pairing: Gellert/Ariana


Ariana was so fresh-faced as she stood in the doorway leading to the outside world, a world she didn't get to see very often. It was almost painful to see her. She stood with a defiant pout on her lips, hands on her hips. "Are you going somewhere?"

In general, Gellert wasn't scared of many things. He was outstanding, and he knew it, and there was nothing he couldn't do if he put his mind to it. Still, he took a step back. The one thing he feared was disappointing her.

"I was just…"

"Just what?" Ariana asked.

He stayed silent.

She narrowed her eyes. "Don't tell me you're letting my brothers scare you away. Doesn't it matter what I want?"

"They want what's best for you, and they don't think I'm good enough for you."

"What about what I think? Doesn't that matter?"

"Maybe I agree with them. Ari, I care about you, but you're so fragile. How can you know what you're feeling?"

Ariana's expression didn't change from her unimpressed look. "My body might be weak, but my mind and heart are strong. You're running away. Like a coward. Maybe you should go. I'm way too good for a coward."

Gellert stayed standing, staring at her.

Ariana sighed and shook her head. She turned to go back into the house when her steps faltered.

Without thinking about it, Gellert raced to her side, catching her before she hit the ground. He cradled her to his body. "Let's get you back inside," he murmured, easily lifting her light body.

"I hate you," she muttered. All the while, she buried her head in his chest, clutching his shirt between thin fingers."

"No, you don't," he returned. He got into the house and stopped at the sight of Albus and Aberforth. He averted his eyes from the glaring pair and carried Ariana to the couch, gently laying her down on the plush furniture.

"You can go now," Aberforth said.

Gellert stood up and hesitated as Ariana opened her eyes, staring at him.

He stared back. "I'm not going anywhere until Ari tells me to leave."

She smiled.

Aberforthmade a little bit of a commotion and Albus wasn't pleased either, but all that mattered was what Ariana wanted. And if she wanted him on her side, he'd stay at her side.


(word count: 389)