
7 years later...

Cold wind whipped through his hair and sea spray kept spitting him in the face. Through the mist and the fog he could see the sharp outline of the cliffs, and on top of the cliffs...the castle.

His castle.

"How does it feel to be home?" Arya said, sneaking up behind him. After all these years he was still occasionally unnerved by the way she could silently creep up on him like that, more cat than woman.

Gendry shrugged. "I wasn't there long."

He had lived at Storm's End for little under two months. He had lived with the Brotherhood for longer, and Kings Landing longer than that. None of those places had ever felt like home. Only Arya ever had.

Arya nodded thoughtfully and leaned over the front of the bow. Gendry pulled her backwards immediately. "Arya be careful." He said an edge of warning in his voice.

She turned to scowl at him, her dark eyes narrowing dangerously. "Is this how it's going to be now? You watching my every action and wrapping me up in wool?"

"One of us needs to be wary of your condition." Gendry said, smiling.

Arya's scowl deepened. The ship was drawing closer to the shore now, so close that he could see the figures waiting for them on land.

"I blame you, you know." Arya said sharply.

Gendry grinned. "I know."

When Arya had first missed her moon's blood, Arya had indeed been furious. Over the years they had stopped off in various unexplored lands. Sometimes they found people, sometimes only wild empty space. They had worked for Kings and Pirates, they had lived and explored and fought. They's had almost too many adventures to remember, the two of them, their little crew and their ship. Arya had been loathe for it all to come to an end. It only made sense to go back to Storm's End, and so Gendry had sent a raven and they started the course for Westeros.

Arya spent the first month of the voyage locked in her cabin. Her mood so foul that the crew went out of their way to avoid her. When she came up to the deck it was either for food or to throw up over the side. Eventually though she spent more and more time above deck, and as her stomach grew Gendry would sometimes catch her with her hands on her stomach, a wry smile playing on her lips.

Gendry placed his hands on her shoulders. "You're doing so well, Stark."

"You too, Baratheon."

Gendry shook his head. "But I don't have to do anything?"

Arya grinned a wolfish grin, "You have to put up with me."

Gendry pulled her closer to him so that his chin rested atop her head, and watched as the ship drew closer and closer to land. Softly Gendry ran a hand through Arya's hair.

"Are you happy?" He asked quietly.

Arya leaned her head back so that their eyes met. "I''m scared. But I'm also happy...it's a strange feeling." Gendry bit his lip and placed his hands on either side of her face. She hadn't changed all that much over the years. Her hair was longer and there was now a thin, pale scar that ran across her left eyebrow down to her cheek. But she was still fiercely beautiful - fiercely honest.

The ship bumped against a shore and before Gendry could say anything more Arya was out of his arms and barking orders to the crewman of the ship. Instructing them on what to take and what to leave, Gendry couldn't help but gape at her. The strongest creature he had ever known.

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When they finally stood on land they found themselves standing on the sand facing a party of people, Ser Davos marched out to greet them first, his face beaming. As he reached them the people behind him started to help the rest of the crew with their belongings.

"I wondered whether you'd ever come back to us." He said, pulling Gendry into a firm hug. "I was beginning to worry whether the lands of the west had enticed you for good."

Gendry laughed. "They almost did."

Davos regarded the two of them together. "I'm so pleased for you both. You're quite a strikin' pair." He said, and then he turned to Arya. "You're looking well M'Lady."

"Ah Davos, Arya prefers if you don't call her that." Gendry said, before Arya could snipe at him.

Davos raised an eyebrow then smiled. "Not to worry. So yer rooms have all been set up, I think you'll find they're all to your liking. I also took the liberty of preparing a feast for sundown."

"Oh you didn't have to-"

"Of course I did! Our Lord has returned, a celebration was more than in order." Ser Davos waved them forward as he started toward the castle. Gendry and Arya followed. "Oh before I gorget M'Lord, I believe that Queen Sansa is planning on arriving in the next three days."

Arya's eyes lit up. "Sansa?"

Ser Davos smiled. "Indeed. When I received Lord Gendry's message I wrote to her Highness right away. She's quite determined to see you."

Arya turned and grinned at Gendry, she slid her hand in his and whispered. "Maybe coming back won't be so bad after all."

Gendry let out a throaty chuckle. "Maybe so."

Slowly they all walked along the sands and up toward the cliff. Gendry breathing in the fresh salty air and relishing the feel of hard land beneath his feet. Beside him Arya was at ease, her hair falling messily in front of her face, one hand in his and the other resting on her stomach Behind the sun was setting over the ocean and the castle stood proud and poised ahead.

Welcoming them home.