Hello everyone and welcome to the new fic: The Bearer. The feature character in this is Ben Tennyson with a bit of OOC-ness and why that is will be explained this below, so please read it before you begin complaining or questioning. It would be majorly appreciated.

Okay, let's talk about how strong Ben is going to be when he leaves the Null Void. Physically, his human form will be in peak human condition and due to due to the fact that he was in alien form constantly, some of the strength and abilities that he got from being in alien form accumulated into his human form. So, he got some of the Galvan's intelligence and some of the Pyronite's fire and heat immunity for example.

In the while in the Null Void, he was either fighting to survive or he finding shelter or food. So, with master control fully unlocked, Ben could stay as an alien for as long as he wished, and so he did. As he got older and more powerful, more experienced, he started finding secret abilities within his aliens. Truthfully, he could now see what Tetrax meant about him not even scratching the surface of the abilities with his aliens. While Ben came leaps and bounds with his improvement and strength, that also meant Vilgax had as well. The two clashed every two or so months. It would always either tie in a draw or the fight would due to interference. Though, when It wasn't a tie, Ben had come on top most of the times.

Also, in this Universe, Ben's aliens has another form, named their 'Mastered Form', which is the form that Ben's aliens evolve into once he masters all of abilities to said alien form. They change the appearance of the alien, while they also increase the form's natural power ten-fold

With the amount of aliens that were imprisoned in the Null Void, Ben was bound to get more samples while in the Null Void to add on to his roster. Nuff said.

Also, I will be using event from the comics, tv shows and the cartoons, as I am not going to be following one set continuity like New 52 or the DCAU for example. The same could be said about characters.


"It's over, Tennysons." The being known as Vilgax spoke in a malevolent tone, sending a chill down the spine of both Ben and Gwen. Ben's faced morphed into an emotionless slate, making Vilgax actually raise an eyebrow in surprise.

"Tell me, Vilgax, how much do you actually know about the Omnitrix?" Ben asked him, a completely relaxed facial expression adoring his face.

"More then you could possibly imagine…" Vilgax was going to continue but was interrupted by a chucklefrom Ben. He growled angerly at the green-eyed boy.

"What's so funny, Tennyson?!" Vilgax asked with a furious tone. Ben just chuckled even harder before his chuckles turned into to full blown laughter.

"If you know so much about then you must know that even if you cut off my arm and dismantle the Omnitrix and then slap it on your wrist, it still wouldn't work. The watch is bonded by my DNA! Something that you were always too foolish to know, eh Squidface?" Ben asked mockingly, causing the space emperor to roar in anger and snatched Gwen out of the air or he thought he did.

"Thank you for letting your guard down, Squidface." A raspy voice said from behind him. Vilgax angerly turned around and found nothing, just a kicked-up dust cloud.

"TENNYSON!" He roared in absolute fury as he looked around in a furious manner.

"Good going, Vilgeek. You screwed things up again!" The mutant Kevin Levin shouted at him angerly.

"Shut up, Osmosian." Vilgax told him in bone chilling calm voice that promised the next person he saw unprecedented anger.

"Fine! How do you propose we find him?" Levin asked with an irritated expression his face. Vilgax just smirked at him.

"How else, we trace his Omnitrix with the device we were using earlier. Also, use your Vulpimancer senses. That should make things easier." He ordered.

"I'm guessing that's the mutt form that that Benji transforms into?" Levin guessed, causing Vilgax nod in confirmation. They both whistled and called over two strange bat-like creatures, they were actually named Null Guardians, once they got there, both of them hopped onto their respective creature and commanded them fly forwards.


Ben as XLR8 sped through Noll Void and settled down on, what looked like rock and jellybean combined. Just as he placed Gwen down, the Omnitrix symbol glowed green briefly before he transformed back into his human form.

"Look Gwen, we need to get out of here." Ben told her in a serious tone.

"How?" She questioned confusedly, the portal had already closed… or had it.

"Look next to you." He told her. She did as she was told and saw the Null Void projector was still working.

"It's going to close in… I say a few minutes." Gwen informed him, Ben nodded in appreciation, just then, screeching came towards their ears. Ben growled in annoyance and Gwen shivered lightly in fear.

Ben turned around faced his back towards Gwen. "Gwen, worst comes worst, you have to get out of here." Ben told her in a serious tone. Gwen looked shocked before smacked him on the back of the head. Ben didn't comment.

"I'm not leaving you; I don't care if we bo-," Her speech was interrupted when Ben turned towards her with tears streaming down his face.

"Gwen, we-you don't have much time." Ben told her as grabbed her and pulled her in the biggest hug that she had ever received.

"I'll miss you." Ben told her with a sad smile, Gwen looked shocked as she looked ready retort.

'XLR8!' Ben mentally commanded as the area was blinded by a bright green flash. XLR8 then scooped up Gwen in his arms and zipped forwards down the land and jumped towards another rock formation, he landed swiftly and sped off once more, creating blue and black after imagines. Just as they neared close to Null Void projector Ben mentally commanded once more.

'Four Arms!' Ben hurriedly shouted in mind. The portal looked ready to close, it would probably only stay open for a few more moments, maybe even less.

'I'm sorry I had to this Gwen. I hope you can live on and have a happy life.' Ben thought before he did a summer sault and then threw Gwen with two of his four red arms, right into the portal right as it closed. But he still heard that scream, it was filled with fear and panic, but also desperation.

"NO! BEN!" Gwen screamed as she got sucked through the portal.

'Stinkfly!" Ben thought as he transformed in a flying bug-like alien and he flew over to another rock range and transformed back in his human form. He stared at where the Null Void portal had been for a few more moments with a sad and longing look before he snapped his head towards two new arrivals.

It was Vilgax and Kevin. Ben face turned from sad, to anger and finally to hatred.

"You finally stopped running, eh Tennyson." Vilgax stated, not the least bit bothered that the Noll Void portal had closed before he could leave. Kevin had a deep frown, but his eyes held an undetermined amount of bloodlust.

"I would rather make a sacrifice to keep you here. At least in here, you would be stopped." Ben told him with a still furious face.

"So, shall we start the battle that will rock this dimension to the very core?" Vilgax asked rather patiently. He knew he wasn't getting out of this dimension for quite some time, so he had time to waste before he killed his archnemesis.

Ben smirked and mentally commanded himself to transform into Four Arms. He cracked his now fresh knuckles and neck joints as he smirked. "You're going down… Squidface, Levin." Four Arms stated as he charged forward. Vilgax smirked as well charged forward. The two power houses clash together in stalemate with fist clashed against fist.

For once, Ben wasn't afraid of Vilgax, but then again, his overflowing and barley contained rage could have been numbing that fear at the moment.


The Null Void.

The most secure prison in the entire Universe.

But to Ben, it was hell. Everywhere he went, he was he fighting for his life. There were people who enjoyed killing others weaker than them, just to serve their own sick amusement. People like Vilgax, Kevin Levin and a Galvan that went by the name of, Albedo. Ones brilliance that rivaled First Thinker Azmuth; the creator of the Omnitrix.

Ten years. Ten, long, hellish years it's been since he'd last seen Earth. Since he'd last seen his parents and his cousin Gwen. He missed it all so much. Yet at the same time, he'd forgotten what I felt like to have a civilized conversation with someone. It made his heart burn every time he thought of Vilgax. Oh, how he ruined his life, tore him away from his own world.

The Omnitrix was one of the only things keeping him alive. Without it, he would have been dead a million times over. He'd been lucky enough to get Gwen out. He knew that she wouldn't last in a place like the Null Void. It didn't matter that she was a magical prodigy. He still remembered that faithful day. It was still so… vivid.

Ben remembered activating the Maser Control of the Omnitrix for the first time. He felt truly happy, not those fake smiles that he'd give Gwen on most occasions and even his Grandfather Max. They didn't understand him. When he went alien, he truly felt like he was somebody… somebody important, that's why he stayed alien for as long as he wanted too when he first unlocked the Master Control. Not because he thought it was cool, like they originally thought.

He then fought Kevin and Vilgax and he won spectacularly. But they knew that they couldn't win against Ben at that time. So, they used Gwen as a hostage. But Ben already saw through it. For once, he had a plan if that happened. Instead of surrendering like they though he was going to do, he transformed into Cannonbolt mid jump and caught Gwen out of Vilgax's grip. After that he went XLR8 and ran towards the portal. By the time that they got there, it was too late, the portal was only big enough to get one person through… thus Ben made the ultimate sacrifice.

He sacrificed his own freedom for Gwen's own. And he never regretted it. Not now, not ever.

Throughout, his adventures in Null Void, he'd met a lot of interesting aliens. Most of them were very powerful, some even more powerful then Vilgax; more powerful then he could possibly imagine.

Ben was forced to grow up in that place. One thing that he learned about the Null Void, was that there were no rules. You just had to survive. Ben did what he always hated doing before he got into the Null Void; he trained. He trained his absolute hardest. He studied about his alien forms, their strengths, weaknesses and their hidden abilities. He did his best to survive. And he did so spectacularly.

Every alien form had secret abilities. Ben still remembered what Tetrax said in the Mineshaft. Telling him that he hadn't even scratched the surface of potential in any of his alien forms, he realized just how right Tetrax actually was. Once he started training and once he started progressing, he kept thinking about how right Tetrax was.

Albedo. He was a very powerful villain. He even built his own Omnitrix, much to the shock of Ben. After that, they fought, and Ben won, pretty easily. But as their fights progressed, Albedo kept getting stronger. He still remembered the first loss to Albedo, which was nearly eight years ago. It was Ben's first time going against the Ultimate Omnitrix or what Albedo called it… the Ultimatrix. It allowed him to hyper evolve any alien he used. After that, their fights have always been tooth and nail. But, Ben found a way take Albedo permanently out of the picture without killing him.

It was a plan to take Ultimatrix core. He knew without the core to Omnitrix then it was useless. It took a few tries, but Ben succeed. He thought about using the Ultimatrix core for himself. He knew it was dirty and scummy move. He absolutely hated the idea of stealing power… but he could destroy it. So, against better judgment, he decided to use it and not look a gift horse in the mouth.

So, he used three aliens that made the project possible. He used Grey Matter, Upgrade and an alien that he named Jury Rigg. The best builder Ben had ever had. Jury Rigg could probably dismantle the entire Omnitrix and rebuild back perfectly fine along with Grey Matters help. That alone was an incredible feat.

It was a gamble, but Ben succeed. After three weeks of planning, researching and good ol' trial and error, he did it. He took apart the most important pieces of Ultimatrix core and amplified them with other tech. After Ben had done that, he basically merged the Omnitrix core with Ultimatrix core with Upgrade and Jury Rigg's help and it actually worked. That wasn't even the beginning of what was to come. The upgrades Ben had installed, was a very high powered, self-replenishing battery that was added to the original battery as well. So now, he could use at least twice the amount of power opposed to what he could use before. He also added a Universal Language Scanner and Translator, which he received by trading with someone high up in the Null Void food chain. He paid a pretty penny for it, but it was worth it.

That all happened during Ben's seventh year in the Noll Void.

Deep within a cave was a young man with an angular face who appeared to be in their late teens, he had spiky brown hair, bright green eyes. He had muscular frame and broad shoulders. He wore a shiny grey suit that had a retractable black helmet, which housed a green triangle on the front. Under the helmet, the suit went all the way up to the bottom of his neck. The triangle was also on the center of his utility belt, and there were markings resembling it on either shoulder pad. Though, the sleeves for his suit went down to his mid-forearm. Revealing the Omnitrix on his left wrist.

The Omnitrix also looked different as well, underneath the Omnitrix was, what looked to be midnight black metal that covered a portion of his hand and arm. The Omnitrix rested on top of it, but it didn't change, it just got larger and wider.

"Omnitrix, I want you to scan this for any residue DNA." Ben said in deep, yet smooth voice as he held, what looked like a shrapnel of metal. He held up his left arm and the Omnitrix glowed a dim yellow before a narrow yellow laser scanned the entire piece.

"DNA scan, complete." A robotic voice Informed it's user.

"Does it match with Vilgax's DNA?" Ben questioned seriously.

"Negative. This DNA does not match Vilgax or any other Chimera Sui Generis." It informed in monotone.

Ben slammed his fist down on the table roughly and nearly broke it in half out of rage. 'Damnit all! That was the last lead to Vilgax. With his whole disappearance there are only two probabilities. One; he's hiding or… Two; he escaped. For the love of the Universe… I hope it's not the last one.' Ben thought with his anger quickly diminishing and being replaced with worry.

'Maybe he did escape. If that true, then I need to escape as well. I can't let Vilgax out of my sights for too long. Every time it happens, it always comes and bites me in the ass.' Ben thought with a new resolve.

The Omnitrix glowed briefly glowed green before he was enveloped by a green flash. In Ben's place was a grey-skinned, frog-like, bipedal alien that was only eight inches tall with large green eyes, which had rectangular pupils and horizontal eyelids. He wore a white jumpsuit with a thin vertical black stripe going down it. He also had the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.

"Grey Matter!" He shouted as he hopped onto his desk and began writing notes on what he deemed necessary to record. 'If I'm going escaping the Noll Void then I need a Noll Void Projector. Though, even with my superior intellect, it will be most…challenging.' Grey Matter thought as he started going through various mechanical parts that he had lying around. The Galvan jumped down from the desk and he started looking for a usable coupling and a type of wire. He then slowly brought it up to the table, sometimes dropping a few things before dumped it all on his desk.

'I think it's time for a certain somebody to come out and play.' Grey Matter thought with a small smile as his Omnitrix symbol glowed green before another flash of green light appeared and Grey Matter transformed into…

"Jury Rigg!" He shouted. Jury Rigg was an alien that wears an aviator's outfit which comes with an ascot. His skin tone was that of a crimson-red and looked slightly smooth. His eyes had black pupils, his ears were spiked, and his nose was a few inches long. He also had a spike on his chin and one near each of his eyes. The Omnitrix symbol rested now on his waist.

"NOW! Assemble! FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX FIX!" He shouted in a crazed manner as ran at sonic speed and he kicked up a dust cloud. After a few minutes, the dust cloud settled and Jury Rigg was in the center of the desk holding a silver handle that looked like it belonged to a hand gun, only slightly larger.

Jury Rigg looked tiredly at the handle he had just built before he transformed back into his human self.

"Okay, maybe this going to be, at little tougher than I thought I would be." Ben muttered as sat on his chair and started working on something separate.


A Few Days Later

It took a lot of time and effort even using some of Ben's best builders, upgraders and smarter aliens, it still took a total of over thirty hours to finish the device. If it wasn't for the fact that he had already started on making a Null Void Projector a few years back, then making it would have been damn near impossible. Even with the Galvan's intellect, the Null Void Projector was a level 18 piece of alien technology, as he was no Azmuth. Who he had recently found out who actually made the Omnitrix. Ben got a good shock when he found out he was a part of Grey Matters race, though his location was currently unknown.

The Null Void Projector was a large machine similar in appearance to the handgun and had a glass like appearance for the 'barrel'. The glass itself was blood red in color as well.

"Let's get the hell outta here." Ben muttered with excitement creeping in his voice as he grabbed the Null Void Projector with a shaking hand and pointed it directly at a large, solid wall. He instantly pulled the trigger and out came was a narrow, orange beam that struck the wall, but It wasn't damaged, no small portal was green portal was made. Ben held the trigger down even longer and as time went by, after a few moments the portal was at full size. The portal was round and bright green in color. The size of the portal was the size of a small car, give or take a few inches.

"Well… it looks like I'm finally going to be leaving this hellish place… Meh, I'll miss it… Oh the hell am I kidding. I'd rather watch this place burn before I step back in this dimension." Ben commented with a bitter chuckle towards the end.

Just before he walked into the portal, he quickly activated his suit and his visor-like mask sealed his whole face.

With that done, he walked straight into the portal with a full-blown smirk that was concealed by his suit.

And with that, Ben Tennyson had escaped the most dangerous intergalactic prison in all the Universe. Ben saw a flash of green light, and then saw nothing. Everything went back.


Jump City

The next thing Ben saw was a building… and he was heading right for it… face first. He landed with a loud crash as he rocketed straight through the roof, causing a large dust cloud to be kicked up. Though his sudden appearance was noticed by normal bystanders and what looked like… green lizards with wings and weapons.

Ben slowly got up and lightly dusted his coat off turned towards where he had first appeared.

"Okay… at least I didn't land in the ocean. That would have been a pain in the ass." Ben commented to himself before he popped his neck and shoulders. "Work through the pain." He muttered in agitation.

"You! Stop right there and identify yourself… or prepare to be terminated." Spoke what looked like leader of the group as he stepped up to the front, casually walking through the wreckage.

Ben felt a sadistic, battle hungry smile form on his face after he heard that threat. Now, he didn't have to give an excuse to beat every living shit of them.

"You know." Ben started off in an ominous tone, causing them all to ready their weapons. "You all must the biggest set of balls to threaten me… either that, or you all stupid. To be completely honest, I'm willing to bet on the last one." Ben snarked with a cocky grin that was concealed.

They all growled and charged with their own various battle cries; some even flew up into the air planned to provide covering fire. Ben just chuckled in amusement as they charged him.

Ben just dodged swiftly to the side and elbowed an alien in his kidney, causing him drape over in pain. Ben saw a couple of laser-like lightning bolts coming straight at him, he just mentally shook his head in amusement. Ben grabbed two fits that were coming from the side and pulled them forward with surprising strength and grabbed them by their forearms threw them straight forward into their own comrades attack. Both of them screamed in pain as they were violently electrocuted. The attack ended, and their two burned and scorched bodies fell to the ground in smoking and groaning heap.

Their comrades looked at their fallen bodies in shock before they snapped their heads in anger and charged once again.

"Hmmm, so your intelligent enough to know that to fight against your own comrades during a life and death battle would idiotic. You people aren't so stupid after all. Then again… I can't speak for all of you." Ben mockingly praised in a fake surprised voice, while unfazed at them charging straight at him.

Just as they all got close, Ben whipped out, what looked like a police baton, but the Plumber symbol gave it away. He dodged all the incoming attacks with swift and small movement as he countered their attacks each time they attacked.

Just as there was only a few left, Ben pulled out, what looked to be a medium sized rifle, but it had a large whole for the barrel. It looked like you could fit a baseball in it as well.

The remaining flying lizards weren't so confident anymore, but when they what weapon Ben pulled out they regained their arrogant smirks once more and began snickering together. Ben just shook his head as he fired his weapon and shot out what looked like smoke grenades.

The grenade itself had several green spherical spots on it. They simultaneously were pushed down to their knees, and thick grey smoke coarsened out, causing them to, after a few moments of coughing they fell down, unconscious.

Ben walked over their unconscious bodies casually walked out of the destroyed building as he pocketed his two weapons on his utility belt.

He walked out on the street and stared straight and was immediately surprised when he saw a warship a few hundred feet in the sky.

"Okay this is Earth. I'm sure of it. Just a more… futuristic version." Ben observed. Just as he was about to leave, he saw a bunch of people that looked to be around his age fighting the same race of aliens that he had just fought a few moments ago.

He figured that he'd help, maybe get some information out it as well, which was always a bonus.

Ben reached into his utility belt and he pulled out what looked like a metallic black, oval shaped piece of titanium.

"Well, first day back on Earth and It looks like I'm saving it already." Ben commented idly in amusement. He pulled on the black piece of metal and shockingly enough to the already shocked bystanders, an all blue technological surf board materialized (3).

He then dropped it, but it didn't hit the ground the many were expecting it to do. No, it stopped a few inches on the ground and Ben hopped on it and instantly flew off at high speeds towards the fighting teenagers.

When Ben had gotten there, he saw an alien pinning a girl with orange skin and green eyes straight on the broken ground. He calmly flew behind the alien and shot him the back with a metallic pistol shaped weapon, which singed his back angrily.

The alien turned around angerly at his offender.

"I don't think the girl like you pinning her down in the middle of the street. To be quite honest, judging by the look on her face, I'd say she doesn't like you period…" Ben stated causally, causing the alien to growl in primal anger. "Though, it's probably cause you smell like rotten ass." Ben commented off handedly. The was the apparently straw from the blue-skinned alien before he roared and charged at Ben.

He sighed in disappointment before he dodged a jackhammer strike before he grabbed the alien by its neck and hefted him up with a show of impressive strength. The last thing the alien saw was Ben's head before he was headbutted and sent into blissful unconsciousness.

"Such arrogance. Though, I suppose that's what I should expect from a Gordanian." Ben muttered in disgust.

Ben mentally commanded his hoverboard float downwards. Once he was proper height, he offered his armored hand to the downed beauty.

"Hello, I would introduce myself… but it would seem that there are more… precedented matters to attend to." Ben told her in a polite tone, causing her to nod lightly in slight understanding.

She grasped Ben's hand in a firm grip which he lightly pulled her up and some rubble from her clothes.

The orange skinned beauty was nothing short of that. She had a voluptuous figure, G-cup breasts, which were straining on her outfit. She had a smooth, toned stomach, which was shown off clearly. Her hips were decently wide, and she had nice round and firm butt.

She wore a tight purple, sleeveless shirt that was cropped only a few inches below her breasts, leaving her toned stomach on display. It had a green gem stationed a little above the valley of her breasts. She also wore a pair of purple bottoms that only half covered her plump butt.

Ben had to admit, he wasn't a pervert… but he was teenager with minimal human contact and seeing a gorgeous hot-blooded female had him shamelessly staring.

"My name is Koriand'r… or in your language, Starfire." She introduced herself, with a light bow. Ben lightly jerked out of his staring before he started to introduce himself as well.

"My name is Ben. Nice to meet you, Starfire or Koriand'r, whatever you prefer." Ben introduced himself in a semi warm tone. "Now that pleasantries are done, what in bloody hell is going on here?" He asked confusedly.

"I think we can answer that." A voice spoke from behind. Ben turned around and saw the four other teenagers walking towards him, all them looked to be around the same age as him, except maybe a little younger.

"It turns out they want her as… a prize. And she escaped, and which there trying to kill us all for it." The tall cyborg looking man told him.

"Really, well I have to say, if you fighting to keep her safe and away from them, then you're doing the right thing." Ben told them, which they all nodded simultaneously. "Okay, well I'll help. I have nothing better to do, maybe besides sleeping. But I don't really like winged lizards flying everywhere and destroying everything." Ben lazily drawled with half-idled eyes, causing everyone beside Starfire to sweatdrop.

"Yea, I say we can use all the help we ca-," The green skinned teenager started but was interrupted.

"Hold that thought for… a few seconds." Ben said as another alien charged straight Ben's 'blind spot'.

He waited for it to get in close, before Ben elbowed him straight between the eyes and he grabbed the golden staff before he twisted It like a pretzel and tied it around the aliens throat, but not enough for it to suffocate, just enough to cause mild to extreme discomfort.

He then grabbed it's face roughly before threw the alien straight into the glass window, causing it shatter in million pieces.

"Typical Gordanian coward attack someone in their 'supposed' blind spot." Ben huffed in disgust.

Starfire nodded in agreement with that, as she knew how Gordanian's were and everyone else looked confused.

"What do you mean." Another girl questioned. She was another beauty.

She had neck length dark purple hair, dark purple eyes and a red gem stationed in the middle of her forehead.

She also had a voluptuous figure as well. She had Large, round E-cup breasts that were straining against her outfit. Her waist, however, was much tighter and her hips were wider, supporting a much more supple and firm ass.

She wore a skin tight, midnight blue one-piece outfit which cropped a quarter behind her shapely behind. On her waist was what looked like some sort of golden stringed belt that had numerous red gems attaches. Over all that, she hid her figure decently well with a lighter blue hooded cloak that over showed her amazing face.

"Oh, it's that where I had recently came from, I saw a good amount Gordanians and they act almost Identical to each other. Selfish, arrogant, prideful and really fuckin' ugly." He finished with a slight humorous tone, causing a few giggles and chuckles escape some mouths.

"But, now that we've acted, Trogaar will strike!" Starfire warned.

Just as Robin was about to respond, a large hologram came to life from in the ocean.

"Fools! You Earth scum were warned! Your insolence will be punished… And your city shall be DESTROYED!" Trogaar shouted out the part out before his hologram vanished in large blue lightning bolt.

"Well…" Cyborg led off with a depressed tone.

"Shit." Robin muttered.

Just than entire argument broke out and Raven and Ben just watched in slight irritation.

It looked like she had enough, "Quiet!" She shouted, causing everyone to stop in their tracks and they stared at her with wide eyes.

Raven awkwardly waved her hand and muttered 'hi'. She apparently didn't like attention being brought onto her; Ben observed silently.

Robin stepped forward with a determined look on his masked face, "Look, it doesn't matter how we got into… this mess. Were in it and were going to solve it. But were only going to be able to do it if we work together." Robin spoke with natural charisma. It seemed to get everyone to stop arguing and they started smiling, even Raven was sharing a small smile.

"Now, let's get going… we have a city to save."

From inside the warship, a few Gordanian guards were running down the hallway in with golden staffs.

"Ah, creepy black magic…" Beast Boy muttered as he involuntarily shivered, getting a monotone look from the magic caster.

Almost immediately, he broke out into a giant sweatdrop and started scratching the back of his neck and chuckled nervously before he quickly walked off.

Raven said nothing to that remark, after all, it was true.

Once they ran by, a medium sized dome of black energy appeared and revealed six people.

Robin stepped forward and peeked around the corner to make sure it was safe to walk through. "Let's go guys," He gestured as everyone walked cleanly through the hallway with extremely quiet steps, well except Beast Boy as he had on leather boots which were creaking with every step he took.

Everyone else walked forward except Cyborg Raven and Ben.

"Why you always by yourself?" Cyborg asked curiously, but his tone held an undertone of seriousness.

Raven's saddened purple eyes only dropped further down. "You heard the kid; I don't belong here." She muttered, but the two boy's still heard her clearly.

Ben walked forward from behind her and placed he on her and squeezed reassuringly, causing her looked back at him in surprise.

"Trust me, your fine. Because if anybody actually deserves to be here… it's you." Ben told her as warmly as he could, which wasn't really warm at all.

Raven looked on in surprise before her cheeks lit up in a small blush.

"Not only on that, but trust me girl, half of me is metal, the other girl is an alien, and the kid's green." Cyborg assured her as well.

She looked at them both with a small on her face before he nodded in appreciation.

"Uhh… guys, I think they found us!" Beat Boy squeaked.

Ben turned around and saw five more Gordanians. He sighed lightly in frustration and annoyance.

Ben calmly strode forward in front of everybody, catching their attention. "You know, I'm getting really sick of this frog and pony show. So, how about this, return from the way you came... and you can live." Ben threatened narrowed eyes, earning shocked looked looks from everybody.

The Gordanians on the other were on the verge of breaking out in laughter.

On Gordanian turned to the another beside him and cracked a joke, "This puny human thinks he can take us." He laughed arrogantly, along with the rest of his race.

Ben calmly exhaled before he smirked up at them, "I'm going to enjoy this far more than I should." He said to himself before the Omnitrix glowed briefly before the area the blinded by a green flash, forcing everyone to shield their eyes.

Once everyone opened them, they were to shocked to see what was in Ben's place.

There stood a humanoid alien that was approximately eighteen and half feet tall, he had well developed muscles, two pairs of four-fingered arms, and red skin. A black stripe went from his chin to his lower lip, he also had two fangs that jutted out from the bottom of his lip and he had four yellow eyes: a main pair, and a smaller pair below them. The alien wore a white T-shirt with a black line going down it, black pants, and fingerless gloves. In the middle of his chest, a white, silver and black Omnitrix symbol rested straight onto his chest.

"A-A-A-A T-T-Tetramand?!" One of them shuddered pitifully.

"You'd be correct." Four Arms spoke with deep rumbling voice.

Suddenly, two of his four arms grabbed onto two of the Gordanians by the top of their heads before he smashed them two together, causing them to yell in pain before Four Arms then threw straight through the iron door that blocked the path, creating a large bang along with a large dent.

The remaining three shivered even harder in fright before Four Arms bitch smacked two of them into the opposite of the walls, creating a two large bangs.

The last thing the one remaining Gordanian saw was a large red, leather gloved fist before sent sailing through into the control room, coincidentally smashing into another Gordanian, knocking him out as well.

The rest of the teenagers looked on shocked at they had just seen Ben do. Starfire walked forward, "Is that you… Ben." She asked, almost calmly, as there was a slight tremor in her voice.

He turned back at them before he nodded calmly, "While in this form, you may call me Four Arms." He told them, causing them to sigh in relief.

Four Arms and Co. all waked forward with newly transformed Tetramand leading.

The, commander of the ship hopped off his seat and marched forward angerly before he pointed at Four Arms angerly, "What the hell is a Tetramand doing on MY SHIP!?" Trogaar shouted the last part as he looked at the larger than average Tetramand.

"The reason I'm even here is because you threatened the planet that I live on. Not only that, but I hear your scum even kidnapped an innocent girl, that much is irrefutable." Four Arms growled out.

The Gordanian growled as well, "Look at that, a Tetramand protecting someone else instead of fighting for their own pride… how rich." He laughed along with his subordinates.

"I'll give you the same option I gave the unfortunate five I met just a couple moments ago… give up and leave this planet. If you do, then I'll let you live… if you don't…" He trailed off threateningly.

The Gordanian gave his answer by him screeching out a command in own language, which caused all of the Gordanian's to immediately charge off into battle.

Just as they were nearing and as everyone was getting to battle stances, another bright green flash blinded everyone, causing most to shield their eyes.

In Four Arms place was a tall humanoid mummy that stood at an approximate seventeen feet tall. His eyes and the gaps between his bandages glowed green. He had a brown and gold pharaoh's head-dress. He also had brown bracers and greaves. And he had the white, silver and black Omnitrix symbol placed on the back of his left hand.

Snare-oh said nothing, he sent his hands forward and immediately after, his bandaged 'fingers' lengthened as they shot forward and wrapped around a Gordanian tightly before he sent at one of his comrade, which he soon crashed into, sending them against the wall.

Everyone else charged forward after Snare-oh attacked.

Robin charged forward, and he immediately jumped forward and punched one straight across the face. The attack sent a Gordanian back a few feet before he was kicked in the stomach, which sent him hailing into the all.

Robin wordlessly charged forward once more.

Beast Boy morphed into a kangaroo and he jumped up and dropped kicked one Gordanian who was sent tumbling into the ground.

He then morphed into a large green lion which he roared imposingly before he bit down onto one of his enemy's leg before he showed impressive strength and dexterity as he threw him by the grip on his leg upwards.

Snare-oh saw an opening at Gordanian that Beast Boy sent screaming to the air, he reached out and shot out another one his tendrils before they securely tied around his torso before he jackhammered him into the ground repeatedly until he stopped struggling.

"Thanks for the opening!" Snare-oh's aged, yet firm voice rang through the Lion's sensitive ears, who nodded before he roared once more as he charged back into battle.

Raven was sent sailing into a wall, or she would have if she wasn't caught by bandaged tendrils. He pulled her towards him before he gently set her down right beside him.

Raven nodded thankfully, "Thanks for the save." She mumbled gratefully.

"It's no problem. But I think I know a faster way to get this done, but I need your help." Snare-oh asked.

She nodded her and gained an almost determined glint in her purple eyes.

"Good. Know this, in this form, I'm great at One vs One battle, but against hordes of opponents I'm no good. I was thinking if you have a large-scale attack if I distract them long enough, and I'll pick of the stragglers." Snare-oh planned.

She nodded before she started chanting.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" She shouted the part as a wave of black destructive magic flooded the room as medium sized explosion went of inside the room. Causing the ship to lose power as it was sent straight at the ocean. But luckily enough, it landed straight, and it kept floating.

From inside the room, everything was destroyed and there were numerous amounts of unconscious and unmoving bodies that littered the floor and the roof of the room was pretty much nonexistent.

Slowly, Trogaar began twitching as stood up. It looked like he took on minor damage from the large-scale attack before he began marching towards the partly regenerating mummy humanoid.

The Gordanian charged forward with nails lengthened and sharpened and he had them raised threateningly.

"Ben! Look out!" Raven shouted as she tried chanting what she done before but kneeled straight down in exhaustion.

"You know Trogaar… you're a real idiot, you know that." Snare-oh said with a hint of humor in his voice before he sprung back a few feet as his body finished regenerating.

His mentally willed his chest bandages to move and four damaged arm tendrils and one shot clean through Trogaar's stomach, earning a gut-wrenching scream as blood spurted free from his wound. The other tendrils formed a giant fist before Snare-oh uppercutted him sending straight into the air for a few seconds before he came hurling down with a loud clang.

Trogaar wasn't completely knocked out but was finished and he was beaten. And he knew that. He lightly turned around and faced Snare-oh's form as the humanoid mummy walked over to him.

Trogaar's sight was fixated on the Omnitrix symbol the mummy's back hand. He finally realized what he was really up against. Trogaar weakly chuckled and Snare-oh raised a nonexistent eyebrow at his apparent amusement.

"What's so funny?" Snare-oh asked curiously.

"It's just the fact that… I realized what I was up against in the beginning and I never noticed it till just now."

Robin, Cyborg, Raven, Starfire and Beast Boy, who was back in his human form. Everyone looked fine, except some ripped clothes, some scratches and bruises but they had nothing major.

"Y-You have the Omnitrix, the strongest weapon in the entire Universe! But the last person who had the Omnitrix was a human by the name of Ben Tennyson, after he disappeared. Rumor says he was imprisoned into the Null Void; the most secure and dangerous prison that is used to secure some of the worst people there… But he never returned." Trogaar finished, causing everyone to become wide eyed and shocked, except Snare-oh.

After he said that, a bright green flash erupted once more in the room, causing some to shield their eyes once more.

Ben, back in his human form walked forward once more. Ben stared in Trogaar's eyes unflinchingly before the sound of air pressure was heard releasing and some steam breached through the helmet part of his suit. Many of them waited anxiously to his face and once the helmet retracted, Ben's handsome angular face became visible.

"You're looking at Ben Tennyson." He told him in an emotionless tone, making everyone even more shocked.

The Gordanian chuckled once more, but it was devoid of all humor, it sounded more like bitterness. "So, you survived the Null Void and even escaped, huh? Well… damn." It was than Trogaar said his last words before he died.

It was quiet for a few moments before Ben turned his back and started walking away from the group. However, just as he was about leave the room, a shout got his attention.

"So… you're a criminal with the most powerful weapon in the entire Universe?" Robin asked as Ben turned around with a completely expressionless face.

Ben released a bitter chuckle before he looked at them with saddened eyes. "No… No, I'm not a criminal. But yes… I do have the most powerful weapon in the entire Universe." Ben informed.

But Robin didn't buy it. "If you aren't a criminal, than why were you sent to the Null Void, he said it was the most secure and dirtiest prison in the Universe. So why were you sent there if you aren't a criminal?" Robin interrogated, but he was completely caught off guard when Ben shared a sad smile.

"I was sent there on accident with my cousin Gwen while fighting two very powerful enemies a decade ago. During that battle, I was winning spectacularly… but they turned the tables by holding my cousin hostage. I had no choice but to surrender. And I did, but they let down their guard and managed to saver her. After that we fled. Once we got to the portal that our grandfather was holding up for us, it was only big enough for one person. So… So, I threw her in. Ever since then, I've been in the Null Void and I only got out recently." Ben finished his tale, which earned some tears and some shameful stares.

"I-I'm sorry." Robin muttered in apology.

Cyborg walked forward with a frown on his face. "How old are you? You don't look to much older than me." He asked seriously but held a tint of worry at was his answer would be.

Ben gave another bitter chuckle, "I'm twenty." Ben told them, earning more shocked looks.

"Than that means you were just a kid when you were in the Null Void." Robin muttered absentmindedly.

Ben smiled sadly before he wordlessly walked out of the room.

Seeing as they didn't have anything else to do, they all walked out the same way Ben did and surprisingly, they found Ben staring straight up at the clouds.

Robin took a few steps forward, getting Ben's attention, but Ben just stood still and kept staring at the sky.

"I want to say thank you for the help." Robin said with a smile and everyone else nodded as well.

"Yea, for real man, you were a big help!" Beast Boy agreed enthusiastically.

But Ben kept staring forward as if he didn't hear them at all.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Ben finally spoke up.

"Helping all of you was no problem, as for helping save the city… I was just doing my job." Ben spoke monotonously.

"I want to warn you about a few things." Ben started, catching their attention as his helmet retracted upwards once more, sealing his entire head up once more and the yellow-green triangle once again was visible in the center of the 'face' of the helmet. "This world is a lot uglier than you think. If you guys really want to pursue your hero career than I suggest being careful and start training. There a lot of beings out there that multitudes stronger than ones you fought before… take it from experience." He warned with his tone unchanging.

Everyone thought about his suggestion, before Robin walked up to him and reached out his hand which held something, it looked like circular device with a few extra components.

"I want you to have this, I already gave everyone else one. For what it's for, it's basically a highly advanced transmitter. If you need anything, than call, we'll help." Robin told him with a small grin.

Ben turned ever so slightly before he grasped the device before he slid it in a compartment in his utility belt.

"I have another warning… if you see anybody with this symbol on their clothes and a badge that have it as well, than treat them with the upmost respect. I won't tell you who they are, but trust me, those are people that you don't want piss off." He warned in monotone, but his tone held an undertone of seriousness.

"Listen to my warning Robin. And remember… things aren't always what they seem." That's all he before a familiar bright green light blinded them before a sonic boom was heard and Ben was gone with only a swirling leaves.

Everyone stared up at the sky where Ben was previously staring at with all different process' in their mind. Some thoughts were filled with determination. Some thoughts were filled with admiration and some were filled with gratitude.