a/n: a chuckquinn production

disclaimer: I don't own Chuck.


Chuck opened his eyes, blinking. "Gonna sleep all day, Baby?" Sarah asked him, getting dressed.

"What time is it?" Chuck asked, trying to get the fog out of his brain.

"Time to bring down Amy and the Cartel," Sarah said. Chuck sat up, grinning, and then he caught what she was wearing… or more importantly, what she wasn't.

"So, when this thing is over, I was wondering…" he trailed off, looking away.

"What is it, Chuck," she said, hurrying over to the bed, internally cursing herself for going along with this charade for as long as she had.

He turned to her, reached for her, and she squealed as she allowed him to pull her into bed. Flipping her over him, onto her back, his lips attacked her neck. "I was wondering if we could go to that diner for that piece of pie?"

"Baby, you kiss me there, like that, I'll do anything you want," she said.

Chuck pulled away and looked down at her. "Anything?" he asked bouncing his eyebrows.

"Damn it, we can't be late to work, but this is the last time, I promise," Sarah said, staring into his eyes. His cell phone went off, and so did hers. "Oh, look at that, it may already be over." She reached over and answered it. Chuck ignored his.

"Walker," she said smoothly, with Chuck kissing her neck. Making his way to her collar bone, he deftly removed the bra strap. She swatted at him, but not very hard. "You've got her in holding?" He made his way back up her throat to her chin, and her eyes were crossing. "I have an idea, let her sit and sweat for a bit." He quickly moved to her earlobe and wrapped his lips around the bottom of it. "Hours, Graham, she should sweat for hours. FINE! An hour. We'll be there." She hung up the phone and glared at him. "You have thirty minutes."

"Forty-five," he countered.

"Fine," she said, and pounced.


The two walked into the office an hour and five minutes later. "I lost the bet," Morgan said as the two came off the elevator. "I have the over on an hour and a half," he said holding his fist out to Chuck. Sarah fist pounded Morgan before Chuck could, and many looked surprised. Morgan grinned at Sarah, and she pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Okay, everyone," Graham said, coming out on the floor. "If you haven't figured it out, we've had a sting set up in this office for a while, trying to catch a mole, and we caught her. Now comes the fun part." He turned to Chuck and Sarah. "One more time?"

They turned to each other and grinned. "The final time," Sarah said.


Amy sat in the chair in holding, irritated. How had someone gotten her messages? She had one chance. She had been cultivating her own asset for a while. The problem was, she had fallen for him, hard. He could save her, but she had to make him believe, and she really thought she could. The door opened, and Sarah made her way in, followed by Chuck, his shoulders slumped. He went to pull out a chair for her, but she did it herself, and sat down quickly before any other chivalrous actions could happen on his part.

"We know, Amy," Sarah said.

"Chuck, tell her, tell her the truth, how we're together and you asked me to go undercover. Tell her how I was setting up the Cartel! Tell her how we feel. Tell her! If you don't, I'll go to jail, and then who will love you?"

Pain flashed in his eyes. "Wait, you have info on the Cartel?" Sarah asked. "Who is in charge?"

"Free him, and I'll tell you," Amy countered. "Otherwise you'll never know." She crossed her arms.

"I don't control him," Sarah began. Amy snorted. "I don't control him," she continued. "But I freely let him make any decision he wants."

"Any?" Chuck asked softly. Sarah glanced at him, the glare on her face apparent to everyone as both Chuck and Amy flinched. Chuck from the glare, Amy for what Chuck was having to go through.

"I refuse to be treated like this anymore," Chuck replied, staring at Sarah.

"I see," Sarah said briskly. She turned to Amy. "Tell us, tell us all of it."

"Augusto Gaez," Amy said softly.

"Wait, doesn't he work at the museum?" Chuck asked, sitting up.

Amy smirked. "I found out he had the first painting stolen from the museum, to cast doubt on them."

"Our first case," Chuck said looking over at Sarah.

"Hrmmph," she grunted.

"Chuck, you have to accept that the two of you are over, you even said you didn't want to be treated like this anymore," Amy said, reaching out to him.

"I did," Chuck replied, twisting his wedding ring around his finger, staring at it.

"Finish," Sarah said waspishly. "Let's have all of it."

"Daniel Shaw feeds Gaez info," Amy began.

"Figures," Chuck muttered. "Looks like Superman, acts like Lex Luthor."

"Wouldn't that be Penguin?" Sarah asked. Chuck whipped his head over to her. "Lex would do the work himself. Penguin always uses goons."

Chuck was silent for a minute, his eyes dancing. Amy looked from Chuck to Sarah, confused. "I mean if you look at it from that angle, you're right."

Sarah slowly turned to Amy, a smirk on her face. "Last part, The Cat. Also, would you say she's more Black Cat, or Catwoman?"

Amy was very confused. "She's the wild card," Amy admitted. "Gaez has no idea who she is, or who's she aligned with."

"No idea?" Sarah asked.

"He thought it was Rizzo," Amy admitted. "I thought it was you." Sarah pointed to herself. "But, Chuck described Agent Miller, who he knows, so that confused all of us, and you two were seen together partying last night when the cat attacked."

"Catwoman," Chuck said quietly. Sarah turned toward him. "I'd say Catwoman."

"Do go on," Sarah practically purred.

"Well, it's more because of her man," Chuck admitted.

Sarah got up, and pulled Chuck's chair, with him in it, out from under the desk. She dropped herself into his lap. "What are you doing?" Amy asked, panicking.

"See, Peter Parker couldn't let Black Cat do that, and he has a thing for Mary Jane, and you knooooooow Carina."

"She always has to be the redhead," Sarah replied, running her fingers down Chuck's face, watching him shudder.

"What are you two doing?" Amy asked, her voice very small, near the verge of tears.

"So that means that someone has to be Batman in this instance," Chuck continued.

"Who could that be," she said tapping her lip like she was thinking. "I mean whoever it was, would need a Robin."

"No," Amy said softly.

"And comic relief opponents," Sarah continued.

"Jeffster fits that bill," Chuck replied.

"No, this can't… this isn't… no," Amy muttered, not believing, but beginning to realize.

"But Batman can't be in plain sight," Chuck said.

"That's true," Sarah agreed, scooting closer to him in his lap. "Where on Earth could Batman hide in plain sight?"

"Matches Malone?" Chuck asked.

"Sorry, baby, you're not that gangster," Sarah said with a slight pout.

"That's just freaking adorable," Chuck said, tracing his finger over her lower lip.

"But you could be Bruce Wayne," Sarah suggested. Chuck looked over at Amy.

"She never had a chance, did she?"

"Nope," Sarah replied, and kissed him like she was claiming him.

In the observation room, Morgan nodded, happily.

"We're sending agents to arrest everyone now," Graham said to Morgan. "It's over."

"Great," Morgan said, barely paying attention.

"Aren't you happy?" Graham asked.

"Oh, yeah, sure," Morgan answered. He felt Graham staring at him and turned to him. "What?"

"You seem preoccupied," Graham explained.

"HE CALLED ME ROBIN!" Morgan exclaimed.

"He… you know what, I'm just gonna let you have this," Graham said, turning and heading for the door.

A/N: I thought I had posted this. I'm so sorry for it to have not been posted already. I'm not sure what else to do with this one, maybe they can have another fic in the future. I'd need a semblance of a plot. Why do I kinda think you don't care if it has a plot or not? Thanks for reading, reviews are awesome.

DC Chuckquinn