Hello there and welcome back to my she venom story hope you enjoy and please leave a review.

"Die you little Bitch!" Scream,Agony, Lasher and Phage grabbed onto venom who then slammed them across the wall.

"Work properly with me!" ("I don't want to hurt her.") "You have got to be kidding me!"

The symbiotes where having trouble with their hosts as they tried to hurt venom only to stop at the last second as Venom grabbed their legs and swung them around in circles hitting them with furniture. They then tackled venom as they broke a wall as they landed on the street.

(Authors note:Play till i collapse by Eminem in this scene)

"Shit!" Scream then grabbed a lamp post and swung it hitting venom. "Finally!" Venom then slammed into a parked vehicle which set off the alarm. "ARGH!" Venom then grabbed it and swung it at Lasher who was holding a metal pole sign which caused the car to exploded in front of her as she caught of fire. "ARGH!,It Burns!" Venom then shot a tendril at her and then pulled out the host as Lasher then started burning as venom stomped her way towards the symbiote and slammed her face on the pavement. "We're almost there Emily." ("Good.") Lasher then slowly went back inside her host who then fainted from exhaustion. "One down,three more." "DIE YOU CUNT!" Scream then leapt on her sister while truing her hands into axes and slashing her back. "Save some for me!" Agony then rushed at her impaling a pole at her torso and nearly hitting Emily. ("Shit!") "Are you alright?" ("I'm fine.") Venom then grabbed her sister and slammed them together with brute force. The Black symbiote then roared in victory. Both Agony and scream then went back inside their hosts. ("Who's left?") "My mother,she's the only one who can match my strength." "She's right about that." Phage was about the same size as her daughter but had an average build while venom was ripped with muscles.

"Why do you care so much about the humans?" "They are good hosts if you let them understand your propose." "Then Fuck you!"

Phage then grabbed venom with her tendrills before shoving her bladed arm into her chest as it hit Emily's stomach. "ARGH!" ("FUCK!") Venom then went back inside as Phage grabbed Emily. "How can a weak human like you give her so much power?" "You stay long enough with one the bond grows more." She then stabbed Emily more as Emily then threw a rock at a car as the alarm went off. "ARGH!" Phage then held her head as the noise was too much for her as she then went back inside as Emily then punched her host in the face. "There down now what?" "I feast on their bones." Venom then took over as she stomped her way towards the confused hosts. "What happ.. ned." "What is that?!" The four women then back towards a wall as the ten foot tall bulky creature then approached them as it grabbed Donna Diego while licking it's long tongue. "PLEASE DON'T EAT ME." "Oh not you." Her tongue then went inside her throat as it came out with a yellow and red ooze as it then fell to the floor and went down a sewer drain. "Darn well i still have three more." The other woman then quickly ran off in different directions as Donna then simply ran down an alleyway only to be blocked by venom. "Who are your Friends?!" "We were simply studding a meteor when it broke these things attached themselves to us and..." "Good enough." She then opened her mouth showing large teeth.

("V,What are you doing.?!") "She's bonded with scream." "NO i'm not you have to believe me!" ("When we bonded you swore to only eat the ones that do harm to others.") "She harmed us." ("She's innocent!") "Fine!"

She then grabbed her by the neck "But if i see you with her or you harm us again,i will not hesitate to eat your brains and your heart! understand?!" "YES!" She then dropped her as Donna then ran off as Emily took control. "Now what?" ("We wait for them to attack us again.") "Are you sure about..." "BROCK!" Emily then saw her landlord walk up to her. "What is this?!" He pointed to the large hole in the wall of her apartment. "OH... well uhm... Mr. Ditkovich i can explain!" "And my rent!?" Emily then gave him the money her aunt gave her.

"There should be some more for the damages." ("Let me eat him.") ("Shut up!") "Fine,but you should find a place to stay while the repairs are being made." ("He's not the bad after all.")

Emily then stayed at a local homeless shelter as she slept the night off. The next morning she walked to a local coffee shop and entered as she waited in line. "Donna Diego!" The same woman from yesterday walked up and grabbed her order as she froze still as she saw Emily as she dropped her coffee and ran out the door. "Ma'am you.. oh forget it." By the time Emily got to the front of the line the door opened as Donna came back with two police officers.

"She's stalking me after threatening me!" "Miss is this true?" "No it's just a coincidence... You Fuck!" "Miss i suggest that you leave." "I just got in front of the line... You piece of Shit!" ("Stop your making this worse!") "Miss your under arrest for disturbing the peace."

The two officers then pinned her down and cuffed her as Donna was heading to the door.

"Miss your going to have to take a witness statement." "Of course." ("I'll help you.") "V don't..."

Emily then stood up before kicking one of the officers in the chest with her foot and grabbing the other with her legs and slamming her head on the table as she then rushed at Donna and slammed her at the glass breaking it as she fell to the ground. "Ow." "Payback Bitch!" ("Oh no.") Emily then transformed into Venom breaking the handcuffs as she grabbed Donna as everyone was recording it. "I told you not to mess with us!" ("V,leave me out of this!") Just then she was shot multiple times as the bullets then simply came out the other side of her skin. Venom then dropped Donna who once again ran away screaming bloody murder as multiple squad cars then arrived as a SWAT vehicle as they all surrounded her. ("What the fuck did you get us into?!")

And that is another chapter complete.

Donna ran towards a warehouse as she entered it to find her fellow friends there.

"Donna why are you here?" "Those things you have just let them take you!" "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?" ("I like her.") "Get out of me head!" Phage then took over her host as she walked towards Donna.

"What do you propose?" "I mean,Leslie think about you said that your always harassed by guys." "Yeah but that doesn't mean i want an alien inside me!" "Carla you want to be stronger right?" "I mean yeah but like working out,then again that Venom chick was ripped." "And Ramira you always wanted to be recognized?" "Yeah but not like a freak!" "But think about what we could do with them,think of the power they can give us!"

The three women the thought about it. "Fine,but what about yours?" "She's somewhere but i'll find her." "Alight fine we agree." "Good." The women then turned into the symbiotes who in turn began to grow in power and size. "Finally!" "So much power!" "Nice tits and ass." The other's looked at Lasher. "What?"