Chapter 5 - Best Served Cold

Goku had never truly known the meaning of the word "peace" until this moment.

He always felt an insatiable need to act, to move forward, to be active. Even while meditating, he struggled to fully clear his mind; it was always considering his next step, his next adventure, his next meal.

But sitting on the couch in the visitation area, with Bulma curled up into his side, he wasn't thinking about the future. He was focused entirely on how pleasant it was to feel her body next to his.

It's been a long time since we cuddled like this, Goku recalled. The two had often huddled together for warmth during their numerous adventures together, when the nights in the wilderness turned bitterly cold. I forgot how nice it is.

This time was different, though. Now, he felt as their breath slowly matched rate, and how her head nestled into chest. He laid his head on Bulma's, and her hair began to tickle his chin. He inhaled deeply, and the soft scent of lilacs filled his nose. Her shampoo smells so nice… he thought, his mind drifting into a peaceful rest.

It felt like he was where he was meant to be.

"So, Goku?" Bulma asked, quietly.

"Yeah, Bulma?"

"I guess I should let you get back to the tournament, huh?"

Goku nodded his head. "Yeah, I guess I should go," he said. He looked up at the ceiling momentarily, not quite willing to break their embrace. "So, does this mean I'm your... what did you call it, again? Boyfriend?"

Bulma laughed again, the sound like music in Goku's ears. "I hadn't precisely thought about it like that," she said, the laughter still coloring her voice, "but, yeah. I think it does. And I'm your girlfriend!"

"My girlfriend," Goku said, getting used to the phrase. "My girlfriend. My girlfriend." He smiled and looked back down at her, an enormous grin on his face. "I think that sounds nice!"

The two shared another giggle, when the subtle sound of someone clearing their throat forced them to acknowledge the presence of someone else beside them. The security guard had returned, and he told Bulma that her five minutes were up.

Bulma regretfully broke away from Goku's embrace, and Goku immediately felt incomplete without her next to him.

Bulma quickly bent over and gave Goku a kiss on the cheek, and Goku could feel an energy pass through him. She whispered in his ear, "Kick ass out there, okay? I want my boyfriend to make me proud!"

Goku smiled. "You bet, Bulma!" He gave her a peace symbol as an affirmative, rubbing his hand to the back of his head. Why did I do that? he thought sheepishly. That's… totally embarrassing…

But Bulma smiled, her blue eyes twinkling as she turned away to walk back out of the visitation area. Goku watched her leave, feeling both invigorated and sad at the same time. He couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of her body as she walked away, her hips swaying seductively.

He wasn't sure, but he felt like she knew he was watching, and was purposely walking that way for him. She turned to give one last look back at him, her eyes still twinkling with mischief as she winked at him. Then, she was out the door.

Once she was out of sight, Goku gave a sigh. Well, back to the tournament, he thought. Man, I sure didn't expect the first battle to lead to something so… life-changing!

His mind went back through the events of the last 20 minutes or so. I still can't believe that it was Chi-Chi I was fighting! he thought. He could remember the girl well enough… he just could not for the life of him remember that he promised to marry her! I mean, to be fair, even if I did, I did not know what it was. I learned that from Mr. Popo, when he taught me the rest of the stuff about sex.

He had felt absolutely awful at the way Chi-Chi had looked after the match. I don't like seeing anyone hurt like that… But he couldn't be anything but honest with her. The last words she had said to him had been, "Please, Goku, don't break my heart..."

That hurt badly, knowing that I couldn't do anything but break it.

Then, she had kissed his cheek, much as Bulma just had. But when Chi-Chi did it, he had felt nothing. No spark of energy, no thrill running through his body. Chi-Chi looked into my eyes, he thought, looking to see my reaction. She had found none. That was when she knew, I think. He had watched as the last glimmer of hope had vanished from her eyes. He had felt a twinge of sorrow for her, but nothing more.

His feelings for Bulma were simply too strong for anything more.

At the time, a part of him considered the possibility that he might be breaking Chi-Chi's heart for nothing. But Yamcha's words had begun spinning in his head. Yamcha had been so certain that Bulma was interested in him, and Goku trusted his friend's instincts. And he was absolutely right!

A thought ran through his mind. I should tell Yamcha! He'll be so excited!

Goku ran back into the fighters' waiting area, looking for his former bandit friend. As he glanced around, he finally found him. He took a quick step towards him, but stopped as he saw who Yamcha was speaking with.

It was Chi-Chi. The two seemed to be having a very pleasant discussion. A weight seemed to lift off Goku's heart a bit at that sight.

Yamcha was a very empathetic person. No doubt he saw how much Chi-Chi was hurting after her rejection. Good, Goku thought. Hopefully, he'll do what I couldn't, and blunt the blow a bit…

He saw the between-match festivities were almost over. Tien was standing by the entrance to the ring, stretching, preparing for his match against his former master's brother. This one's going to be personal, Goku knew.

Goku glanced over at the rigid form of Tao Pai-Pai, who was smiling wolfishly at Tien, and felt a knot of anger deep in his belly. That bastard shouldn't be alive, he thought. It was rare for Goku to feel this level of hatred for another person, but Tao had certainly done enough to earn it. He murdered Bora, Goku thought, and tried to murder me.

His mind flashed to the battered and bloody form of Chiaotzu after Tao had savagely beaten him, and Goku could feel his rage building again. He remembered Tao's words after.

He's here because Tien and Chiaotzu abandoned the Crane School, Goku thought, sighing internally. We should have known that Master Shen wouldn't take that lying down. Shen, according to everything Goku had heard from Master Roshi, Tien, and Chiaotzu, was supremely petty, capable of holding a grudge for decades.

I'm sure I've earned a bit of a grudge myself. After all, I'm the one who turned Tien against his master.

Goku walked over to Tien, wanting to judge how Tien was handling things. I know Tien has a tendency to get emotional, Goku thought, especially when it comes to Chiaotzu. The psychic was like a little brother to the three-eyed warrior. Chiaotzu had often been treated poorly because of his physical condition, and Tien had protected him for years. Tao knows that. That's why he was so brutal in his attack.

Goku didn't want his friend going into this fight distracted or out-of-control emotionally. Against an opponent like Tao, that could be fatal. Goku had no doubt that Tao cared little for the restriction against killing blows.

As Goku approached, Tien turned to look at his friend. "I don't need a lecture right now, Goku."

A sheepish expression came over Goku's face. "What I was going to say was that obvious, huh?"

"Yeah." Tien closed all three of his eyes. "I know, he's gonna try to get in my head, use my emotions against me." His eyes opened, and Goku saw an absolute certainty he had never seen there before. "Don't worry, I'm ready for it."

"You sure? You were pretty furious at him in the preliminaries…"

Tien gave a brief, barking laugh, a bitter edge within it. "Oh, trust me. I'm still plenty angry." His eyes narrowed, and his voice grew deadly quiet. "But it won't control me. He's getting his ass handed to him, and I'll show the world just how pathetic the Crane School really is."

Goku put a hand on Tien's shoulder. "Just… don't lose yourself, okay Tien? And be careful." Goku gave a bitter smile, the image of a grenade flashing through his mind. "Take it from me, Tao doesn't deal with losing very well."

"Believe me Goku, I know exactly what you mean."

The gong sounded, revealing it was time for the match to begin. The announcer's voice piped through the system.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for our second match! It is a showdown of two masters of the Crane School of martial arts! First out is a first time entrant to the Tenkaichi Budokai, a warrior with a shadowy past and the brother of the founder of the Crane School! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Tao Pai-Pai!"

Goku watched as Tao walked silently out to the ring. It's time, he thought, letting his hand drop from Tien's shoulder, and he stepped back.

Goku bowed to his friend. "Good luck out there."

Tien briefly bowed back. "Thanks."

The announcer's voice resumed his call. "And this warrior will face none other than his brother's former top pupil, a man well-known to anyone who watched the last thrilling tournament! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back to the ring our defending champion, Tien Shinhan!"

Tien turned and walked out into the ring as the crowd roared its approval. Funny, Goku thought. Tien was the hated villain at the last tournament, and now they love him. Tien had certainly earned that moniker three years ago, Goku had to admit.

But this Tien is not the same man who competed here.

For as long as Goku had known Tien Shinhan, a bubbling rage had existed within him. That rage gave Tien incredible strength, but it was also his greatest weakness.

No doubt, that rage had been stirred and cultivated for years by his former master. Far easier to make someone kill when they're angry, Goku thought.

But there was a measure of calm to Tien today. Goku didn't feel that nearly unrestrained fury roiling underneath the three-eyed warrior.

Something's changed for Tien. I'm not sure what it is, but he just seems more at peace with himself.

Goku could still feel surface anger coming from his friend, but it was just that: all on the surface.

As Tien took his place opposite Tao, Goku looked out into the crowd. He could see his friends in their front row seats. Bulma had already returned, and was cheering for Tien. Goku smiled at the sight of her. He could see Oolong and Puar as well, and they were every bit as vocal. He saw Master Roshi, carefully examining Tien. He senses the same thing I do, Goku figured. Finally, he saw Launch. She was in her peaceful form, and the look on her face was surprising to Goku.

She seemed… angry. Angry, and perhaps a little sad.

Goku was confused by this. Why would Launch be upset to see Tien? Everyone else seems to have started getting along with him…

He made a mental note to ask Yamcha or Krillin about it later. Tien was an intensely private person, so Goku doubted he would be particularly forthcoming. And Launch won't be of much help, either. If she was in her blue-haired form, she would likely just dismiss it, or pretend it didn't happen. And if she were in her blonde-haired form…

Goku shuddered. Yeesh. Yeah, I'm not going anywhere near that version to ask why she's angry! I'm liable to get shot at!

Goku's gaze turned back to the ring. Both men had taken their positions in the ring, forgoing the traditional bow of respect.

The crowd murmured at that. Neither man has respect for the other, Goku thought, his focus lasered on his friend. Don't let him goad you into becoming your old self, Tien…

The men entered remarkably similar stances, the neutral position of the Crane School.

"Fighters ready!" called the announcer. "Let the match… BEGIN!"

The gong sounded.

Neither man moved.

Several moments passed, and neither Tien nor Tao moved a muscle. Goku saw a wicked smile on Tao's face, while Tien's was a passive mask. Mind games, Goku realized. Tao is trying to test Tien's patience.

The moments stretched to more than a minute. The crowd began to grow restless at the lack of action. Even the announcer seemed frustrated. "Will someone please DO SOMETHING?!"

As the silence overwhelmed the stadium, Goku could feel two figures walk up beside him. "Do you think Tien can keep it under control, Goku?" Yamcha asked.

Goku looked over at his old friend, who was accompanied by Chi-Chi. Her eyes met Goku's for a moment, and a flash of guilt passed through him. At some point, I'll need to clear the air with her. I'm just not sure I'm ready for that yet.

Responding to the question, Goku nodded to Yamcha. "Yeah. I actually do. Something's changed in Tien."

Yamcha gave a slightly confused look to Goku. "Changed how?"

"I can't quite explain it, but he just seems more at peace than I've ever seen him before."

An inscrutable look passed over Yamcha's face at that. "Wonder why that could be," he said.

As the trio looked on, the tension finally reached a boiling point, as the fans began to voice their arduous disapproval of the lack of action, booing vociferously.

Tao gave a small, cruel laugh. "I'm not sure if I'm impressed at your patience, or bored by your passiveness. Really, Tien? I was expecting so much more! Where's the anger, the fury? Didn't you promise me you'd make me pay? Or has the Turtle Hermit's inane drivel about 'training for peace' made you as soft as the rest of his students?"

Tien took a deep breath in. "Trying to get into my head, Tao? It's not going to work this time. I've changed."

Tao gave another laugh. "Have you now? Well, isn't that special? The little brat all grown up and acting like a man." His eyes focused hard on Tien's, his smile turning wicked. "But I know the truth, Tien Shinhan. Deep down, you still feel exactly the same as you did then, don't you? You know you deserve everything my brother and I did."

Tien's back straightened, but his face remained impassive. "You can't hurt me with that any more Tao. I've let it go. I accept everything about myself."

Goku's eyes narrowed in confusion. Let it go? Let what go?

"Ah, but what about your friends? Do they accept you? Or do they just see the mask?"

Goku whispered to Yamcha. "Do you have any idea what that means?"

Yamcha shook his head. "Not a damn clue," he whispered back.

Goku didn't understand what Tao meant, but it was clear that Tien did. His impassive mask began to show anger. He's starting to hit a nerve now. Goku's heart began beating faster as the tension grew. Keep cool, Tien.

Tao continued his mocking. "You haven't told them, have you? If you were truly "over it", you'd have told them everything wouldn't you? Admit it! You're still the same scared little boy who was driven out by his tribe and family!"

Goku could see Tien's jaw clenching. It's taking everything he has to keep in control.

"Now that I think about it, you really do belong with the Turtle Hermit and his band of freaks," Tao said, disdain filling every word. "You and your midget friend."

Tien's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Oh, no. He pushed the Chiaotzu button…" Yamcha said.

Goku couldn't help but agree. He shouldn't have done that. This might turn really bad, really quick...

"His name is Chiaotzu, and don't you dare speak of him," Tien growled.

"If the little freak is so important, why don't you come over here and shut me up?"

Tien tensed, seemingly ready to try just that. Instead, he lowered his arms out of his fighting stance, his eyes closing in an attempt to control his emotions. "Pathetic."

"What was that?!"

Tien's eyes opened, a look resembling pity in them. "I used to fear you and your words, Tao. Not anymore. The fact that you aren't attacking me physically tells me everything I need to know. You're the one who's afraid."

Goku smiled slightly. He saw through it, and kept his cool. Tien has changed.

Tao audibly scoffed at the notion. "Me, afraid of someone as pathetic as you?!"

"I knew it the moment I saw you. You've never understood true strength. The strength from within. I have friends, now. Friends who I know will be there for me, who will accept me. Who will help me shoulder my burdens, and cover my weaknesses. But you? You are alone with your bitterness and your anger." Tien's eyes narrowed, focused fully on the assassin. "You will pay for everything you've done Tao, just as I promised. But it won't be through pain."

Tao's smug smile never wavered. "Oh, really? If not through pain, then how?"

A wan smile appeared on Tien's face. "I'll prove you don't matter. Never have, never will." Tien began walking toward Tao. "You are of no consequence, Tao. And you are beneath me."

At that, Goku saw something snap in Tao. "YOU ARROGANT LITTLE BASTARD!" he shouted, throwing a vicious punch at his former protege.

Tien barely moved, just rolling his head slightly to avoid the blow. Lightning quick, Tien grabbed onto Tao's arm. Twisting it around, Tien maneuvered himself behind Tao, who shouted in pain. And then, something amazing happened.

Tien simply began escorting Tao out of the ring. He walked him slowly toward the edge of the ring like a parent might lead a naughty child out of a store.

Tao struggled vainly against the vise-grip Tien had upon his arm, and the crowd began speaking in amazed tones as the spectacle played out. Goku could hear laughter and cheering from the pair beside him, as well.

Goku's smile grew wider. He's hurting Tao's pride in a way that he may never recover from. Well done, Tien!

As the fighters reached the edge, however, something shifted. Goku barely had time to register as Tao broke his arm free from Tien's grip. Wait, no! His arm came off! What the hell?

In a flash, Tao spun, striking with the now stumped forearm. A glint of metal shone as he struck with lightning speed.

Tien staggered back, a long slashing wound in his chest. His eyes were wide in shock, and Goku could feel his own eyes narrow in anger as his smile turned into a scowl.

Damn you, Tao! You coward!

Tao stood near the edge of the ring, his arm replaced by a long, razor-sharp blade. The edge of the blade dripped crimson blood on the ring below.

The crowd began to boo vigorously at the assassin.

"Tao has used a weapon against his opponent within the ring!" The announcer shouted loudly over the cacophony. "Tao has been disqualified!"

Tao began to laugh, the sound carrying no warmth or joy. He brought the blade up to his face, and licked Tien's blood off the edge. "Do you actually think I care about your pathetic rules?! I came here for one reason: to kill Tien Shinhan and Son Goku! No one embarrasses the Crane School and lives to tell about it!"

Tien stood tall, barely reacting to long mark in his chest. "Tao, you are even more of a coward than I expected. But I shouldn't have expected any more from you. You have no honor!"

Tao pointed his blade directly at his foe. "The devil take your honor, and shove it up your ass!"

Tao charged at Tien, preparing to drive the blade into the three-eyed warrior's heart. With a casualness that belied his speed, Tien side-stepped the strike, and followed with a strike of his own to the blade. The deadly weapon shattered into a million pieces.

A fierce smile came to Goku's face. Impressive!

"Holy shit!" he heard Yamcha exclaim beside him.

"He's so fast!" Chi-Chi said, wonderingly.

Tao staggered to his knees after the strike, unbalanced. Tien stood calmly and turned to face his opponent. "It's over Tao. It's been over since the moment you stepped into the ring with me. Give up, and walk away. It's the only way this ends with you keeping any shred of dignity you have left."

"Give up?" Tao said, a dangerous mockery in his voice. "Oh, no Tien. There's no way I'd ever surrender to someone like you." He turned to face Tien. "But you are right about one thing: this fight is over!"

Tao suddenly detached his other arm, revealing what looked to Goku to be a cannon of some sort.

"Are you kidding me!?" Yamcha exclaimed beside him. "What else does this guy have? A blender in his chest?! A rocket launcher for a leg?!"

"Don't give him ideas, Yamcha," Chi-Chi replied dryly.

Tao laughed maniacally, a fearsome yellow glow beginning to fill the cannon. "Prepare to die, Tien Shinhan! This cannon is my Super Dodon Ray! My brother and I designed it just for you! This takes the already deadly Dodon Ray technique, and magnifies it's power tenfold! There's no way anyone can survive it!" He licked his lips disturbingly. "And once it's locked on, there's no escaping it! You're already doomed!"

"TIEN!" Yamcha shouted, preparing to rush to the ring to help his friend.

Goku held out his arm to stop Yamcha. "Yamcha, don't," he said. His eyes remained focused on the two warriors in the ring. "This is Tien's battle. He needs to do this on his own. If he doesn't, it might haunt him forever."

"But, Goku!"

"Don't worry, Yamcha." Goku said, a smile passing over his face. "I think Tien has this well in hand."

Goku's focus was on his friend in the ring, who showed no sign of fear or nervousness. He simply stood, his eyes fixed on Tao. He made no effort to dodge, or to move at all. Goku's face scrunched into a thoughtful grimace.

But, what are you planning, Tien?

"Ha! Not even trying to escape?! Are you paralyzed by fear, or do you simply recognize the inevitable?! Either way, this is the end for you! SUPER DODON RAY!"

An enormous blast of light and heat erupted from Tao's cannon. The heat was so intense that Goku could feel it from where he was standing.

Goku could hear gasps coming from Yamcha and Chi-Chi at the sheer, staggering size of the attack. The crowd roared in fear, and those standing behind Tien began to run in a blind panic, certain that the blast would carry past the defending champion, and into their position.

Tien remained motionless despite the chaos as the attack moved toward him. As it was just about to strike, Tien gave an enormous shout that drowned out all other sound within the stadium. Within that sound, Goku could feel a massive outpouring of ki. The sound echoed off the buildings for miles around, and Goku could feel a slight ringing in his ears.

As the shout impacted the Super Dodon Ray, the blast dissipated into nothing. In an instant, it was as if nothing had happened.

Goku gave a low whistle. Wow. Was not expecting him to pull that move out of his bag already. Kame had explained to Goku how the kiai worked, but Goku had never imagined Tien could have mastered it to that level. Man, I cannot wait to go up against him!

If Tao still had human eyes, Goku had no doubt they would be wide with shock and terror. Tao stumbled back several steps. "But… how?! That's imposs…!"

He never got the chance to finish. In a flash, Tien charged forward and struck a single blow to Tao's midsection. The assassin stood for a handful of moments, gasping for breath, then sank to the ground unconscious. The crowd was remarkably silent.

Tien stood for a moment over his fallen opponent, then turned to the announcer. "Get him out of the ring. He doesn't even deserve to lay in it."

Tien turned back towards the ring entrance, leaving Tao in a crumpled heap.

"Well, folks, since Tao was disqualified, Tien Shinhan is the winner! Let's give him a big round of applause!"

As Tien walked back in to waiting area, Goku met his eyes. Goku smiled and nodded to his friend.

Tien's stern face slowly shifted to a smile as well, and he put a hand on Goku's arm. Neither man spoke. No words were needed to express their feelings about what was to come.

We'll finally have our rematch, Goku thought, the idea filling him with excitement. Outside of Piccolo, there was no fighter Goku more wanted to face in this tournament than Tien. We were so evenly matched three years ago. It'll be fun to see how far we've come!

Tien continued to walk further into the waiting room, taking a position near Krillin, who quickly spoke in excited tones with Tien.

Yamcha gave Goku a quick smile, then went to join the pair to congratulate Tien on his victory.

Leaving Goku alone with Chi-Chi. Oh, no…

For a few moments, an awkward silence sat between the two. Finally, Goku broke the silence. "Chi-Chi, I'm… uh… I'm sorry I forgot about saying I was going to marry you…"

Chi-Chi's eyes met Goku's. He could still see pain and sadness in them, but there was an understanding there as well. She sighed deeply, looking away from him. "No, Goku. I'm sorry. Coming here like this, it wasn't fair of me. I should have known all of this was just a child's fantasy."

"Well, even so, I still feel bad, ya know? You seem really nice! And we had fun together as kids. I just…"

Chi-Chi smiled wanly. "You just really like Bulma. I know."

Goku smiled at Chi-Chi. "Yeah, I really do!"

Chi-Chi's eyes brightened, her smile becoming more and more genuine by the moment. "You and your friends… it's amazing to watch. How did you all grow so powerful?"

Goku shrugged. "Well, it just kinda happened, I guess. We've all pushed one another to become stronger and stronger. Along with a few things outside our control…"

"Like King Piccolo," Chi-Chi interrupted.

Goku gave a quick nod, glancing toward the still form of Piccolo, who sat cross-legged at the back of the room. His eyes were closed in meditation.

"I remember that time, you know," Chi-Chi whispered.

"Yeah," Goku said wearily. "It was pretty scary."

"I don't think you know the half of it," Chi-Chi said, her voice almost shaking. "My dad was once viewed as one of the strongest warriors on the planet, Goku…"

Goku's heart skipped a beat. Oh, Kami. Did her dad… "What happened?" he asked, dreading the answer.

"When my dad realized what was happening, we ran. We left everything we owned behind, doing our best to remain out of sight of King Piccolo's minions."

Goku let out a breath he didn't even realize he'd been holding. Thank Kami. Then the Ox-King must be okay...

"For months, we barely dared to leave our hiding places, terrified that King Piccolo would hunt us down. So many nights, I went to bed hungry, because we were too afraid to go out and get food." She paused, tears beginning to arise at the memory. "Then, we'd hear King Piccolo's servants were in the area, and we'd have run again, terrified every step of the way. You can't possibly understand how awful it was, Goku."

Chi-Chi looked up at Goku, a sad wonder in her eyes. "And then, we heard the news. King Piccolo was dead, and the man who killed him was Son Goku, the man who promised to marry me one day."

Goku's eyes opened wide in understanding. "Ah. That would explain a lot."

"Yeah, I think that was the moment when my feelings went from childhood crush to… obsession."

Chi-Chi turned away from Goku. "I told my father that I wanted to train, to become a great fighter too, so that I might catch your eye. And failing that, I might beat some sense into you!"

She turned back to him. "Ironic that the one who needed sense beaten into them was me."

Goku had no idea how to respond to that. A silence was cast over the pair. What might have been, Goku thought, looking at the girl. If I didn't know how Bulma felt… maybe…

He stopped that train of thought quickly. No use in imagining. What's done is done. And I do know Bulma cares about me, and I care about her, too.

"Goku?" Chi-Chi asked, hesitantly.

Goku returned his attention to the young woman at his side. "Yeah?"

"Did you really mean what you said before? That you'd like to fight me again someday?"

Goku smiled broadly. Finally, talking about some that I'm comfortable with! "Oh, yeah! Definitely! You're really strong!"

Chi-Chi blushed, embarrassed. "But you beat me so easily…"

"Well, there were a couple of flaws in your techniques I could take advantage of." Goku gave Chi-Chi a thumb's up. "A bit of training, and those would go away no problem!"

Chi-Chi smiled at Goku, then closed her eyes in thought for a moment. "Okay! I've decided then!"

Goku's eyebrow raised in interest. "Oh? Decided what?"

Chi-Chi's eyes opened, a look of determination and contentment within them. "Can I stay with you guys, and start training the way you all do? I'd like to be friends with you all!"

Goku laughed excitedly. "Sure! There's always room for more friends!"

Chi-Chi shared in Goku's laughter. "Shall we go congratulate Tien as well?"

"Yeah. Lead the way!"

As Chi-Chi began walking toward the group, Goku felt a warm feeling inside him. Well, another day, another new friend! he thought, excited at the prospect.

Goku began to follow Chi-Chi, but he sensed a piercing gaze upon him. When he turned to find their source, he suddenly found himself looking into the eyes of Hero, the non-descript warrior who would face off with Yamcha next. But in those eyes, Goku saw a cunning, dangerous mind. The figure gave Goku a subtle nod of the head before beginning to make his way toward the entrance ramp, as his fight was next on the card.

That guy… There's something I can't quite place, Goku thought.

Goku made his way over to his friends, the odd feeling passing by. As he did, Goku didn't notice the fierce grin that grew over Hero's face.

"Soon, Goku, I'll get to see what you are truly capable of..."

A/N: One thing that has absolutely stood out to me as I re-watch the Piccolo Jr. Saga is just how smart Goku is throughout it. He figures out Hero's identity from just watching one fight, he analyzes Tien's techniques and deduces the weaknesses of them almost instantly, and he outsmarts and out-maneuvers Piccolo, the guy we come to view as the best tactical mind of the Z-Fighters in Dragon Ball Z, throughout pretty much the entirety of their fight. While the two seem pretty equal in power, Goku is a step or two ahead of Piccolo for the whole fight, until Piccolo sucker-punches him with the mouth beam. And even then, Goku has an ace up his sleeve. You know, I didn't think it was possible, but I am even more frustrated with Goku's characterization in Super after re-watching this saga.

If you enjoyed, please go ahead and drop me a review! I'm always looking for good feedback, so I appreciate a bit of constructive criticism as well! In the next chapter, Yamcha faces off against Hero, and the first big surprise of the story will be dropped! It's Chapter 6, The Wild Card! See everybody then!