Yes, not kidding, this is really a new chapter! I'm sorry it has taken me so long and I hope you haven't given up on the story in the meantime.

"I still can't believe mom and dad are okay with uncle Edmure looking after us." Bran commented as he packed his overnight bag, his voice one of suspicion. "The last time mom left the five of us with him to go an weekend with dad, Robb crashed Edmure's quad and Arya wound up with stitches."

Sansa had just helped Rickon pack his small trolley, not trusting her youngest brother to prioritize clothes over useless trinkets. "That was ages ago," Sansa laughed though admittedly it was only five years ago. She had been eleven then, that felt like a whole different lifetime. "Edmure is married now and they've adopted a child, he's certainly matured." She added, not believing it herself considering the disaster the previous Christmas had been.

"Yeah, I still don't know how the government saw him fit to adopt a kid." Bran scoffed and Sansa suddenly wasn't so sure this was a good idea anymore. It's only for two days and two nights, until after the graduation ceremony, and Roslin was there, what could go wrong?

Truth was she wasn't feeling all too well, not since a certain gift had been delivered to her three days ago. The ostentatiousness of the present had left no doubt in her mind about the sender's identity. Surprisingly, Joffrey had picked up after the very first ring.

"What's this for?" Sansa wondered as she carefully lifted the necklace off the cushioned box, a red and gold lion head pendant catching the sunlight and reflecting it in a thousand shades. Sansa didn't like wearing anything red - her hair was already crimson enough - but she knew it was Joffrey's favorite color.

"I know you're worried about your father and I just want to you know that I'm here for you even if physically I'm currently a few thousand miles away," his soft laugh reaching her ears through the phone.

"And the necklace is to show your support?" She inquired, suppressing the amusement from her voice.

He chuckled and it was as if she could feel him snaking his arms around her waist and digging the tips of his fingers in her skin. "That, and to let everyone know you're with me so don't you ever dare take it off," he murmured lightheartedly but Sansa had learnt to recognize a threat when she heard one. "I had someone write the personal statement for you so your application to Georgetown is all done."

Sansa expected it to be a joke but he didn't laugh. Well, that was nice. Especially considering he knew she was struggling with it. One of the perks of being with a Lannister, she guessed. "Isn't that a tiny bit illegal?" Sansa teased, enjoying his good mood. It was moments like this, this version of him, that made those less good times worth it.

"Sweetheart, by now you should know I will stop at nothing to get what I want. Even if it means breaking the law."

"So tell, what do you want?" Sansa asked quietly.

"I want us to go to Georgetown and then to Law School. You will specialize in corporate law and I'll go into politics, just like my father. We will marry, have children and be that picture perfect family the public loves so much. And then, we'll move into the White House."

Sansa couldn't help but laugh at the last part, despite him being serious. "And you won't let anything keep you away from your dream?"

She knew his lips had undoubtedly curled up into a rictus. "No sweetheart, nothing. Not even you." Joffrey promised, his grip on her waist tightening even though he wasn't even physically present.

After hanging up, Sansa had thrown the necklace inside the bottom drawer of her dresser despite having promised only a few seconds earlier never to take it off. It had remained in that same spot since then, yet somehow she could feel it weighing her down around her neck. Bran had noticed she was on edge, Robb too had immediately deduced something was wrong when she became more quiet.

It was a miracle if he wasn't pissed at her by now. On Monday morning, she promised she would go to his room that night but then chickened out when she heard Bran going to the bathroom just as she was sneaking out of her room. Tuesday was such a fiasco she didn't even want to reminisce it.

Sansa had barely reached the top of the stairs when the door to Arya's room was pulled open and her sister appeared in the doorway, her brown hair tousled beyond words. "Where were you going?"

"I was hungry so I decided to go eat some cookies," Sansa quickly lied, not letting herself panic. She wasn't actually doing something wrong. Yet.

Arya gasped tiredly before nodding. "Let me just put on some socks and a bathrobe, and I'll join you." She said, taking Sansa by surprise. Out of all the moments Arya could seize to spend some quality time with her older sister, she decided on now?

Knowing she was grilled, Sansa headed downstairs to the kitchen and started looking for cookies. Somehow the noise must have woken up Robb because he came strolling inside the kitchen, clad only in his black boxer briefs, clearly thinking Sansa was on her way to join him. But then Arya came rushing down the stairs loudly, waking up everyone else in the process and what had been meant as a fun night with Robb, turned into a midnight family reunion with milk and cookies.

Robb greeted Edmure as his uncle pulled up to pick up the kids, waiting for Sansa to get ready. Truth was he wasn't looking forward to the dinner thing so much, but Sansa and he had used it as an excuse to get Cat to agree to let Arya, Bran and Rickon stay with her brother and she would start asking questions if they didn't have at least one photo to show for it.

"Do you think I should risk wearing the white sneakers outside and getting them dirty, or wear something else instead?" Sansa asked, making her way downstairs.

Robb raised his eyes from his phone only to almost speechless at her sight. While he was only wearing his jersey, Sansa had gone for the full cheerleader outfit that was barely decent, including her hair in a high ponytail. Last time he had seen her with her hair pulled back, she had sucked him and the memory of it was still fresh in his mind even though it happened almost a week ago. The first few days afterwards, everything had okay but then on Wednesday Sansa almost stopped speaking to him altogether without an explanation.

"I think you should wear a coat or you're going to be cold," Robb replied evasively, running his hand over his pockets to make sure he had his keys and wallet. Not that he would or could admit it, but her distant behavior actually stung.

"It's summer," Sansa scoffed before opening the door and walking straight to the car. Robb sighed before following her outside.

Sansa was silent the whole ride, silently observing the small shapes the sun was drawing on her skin, not making an effort to start a conversation. "You would tell me if there was something bothering you, right?" Robb inquired after a while as he drove them to the diner in their mom's car.

Sansa fought the urge to sigh, suddenly fidgety. Yes, something was bothering her but it was silly and she had most likely simply extrapolated Joffrey's words so much, they didn't mean anything anymore. Joffrey's self-assurance and determination was what had driven her to her to him in the first place, so what if it was a little scary sometimes? Besides, Joffrey was miles and miles away, there was no way he could find out what she had been up to so there was no reason to be worried.

"Yes, but nothing's bothering me." Sansa lied, noticing him slightly turn his head to her but didn't comment. "I'm sorry I haven't been down to your room yet," she added, her voice much lower.

Robb swallowed, clearly just as uncomfortable. It seemed both had trouble dealing with what they had done and intended to do when they weren't actually doing it. When they were just brother and sister. "Look, if you've changed your mind-"

"I haven't," Sansa quickly cleared the doubt away. "I'm just scared one of our siblings could catch us."

"We could just put a sock on the door handle," Robb joked as they pulled into the parking lot, actually succeeding in making her laugh.

They were one of the last ones to arrive but somehow Theon and a few others still hadn't shown up yet. Sansa almost forgot to rush away from Robb as quickly as possible after exiting the car. They had to act as if nothing had happened, feigning to barely tolerate each other's might still be miles away, but Margaery, Loras and a few more were right in front of them. There was no doubt every move tonight would be reported to him.

"Long time no see," Margaery greeted her as the red-head approached her fellow cheerleaders and then proceeded to hug Sansa as if they hadn't seen each other in ages.

"I've been a little busy," Sansa replied apologetically once they pulled apart. The other girls nodded understandingly but Marge merely smirked.

For the first time in years, Sansa looked into her best friend's eyes and felt intimidated again. Margaery always had that all-knowing aura about her and Sansa had to keep herself from searching for Robb with her friend's hawk-like eyes on her.

Finally, Theon arrived with two more jocks in his Escalade, loud music blasting through the open windows. Myrcella would have called it tacky if she had been present. Once inside, everyone squeezed to fit around the table. Sansa found herself pressed between Margaery and Violet, but most of all, with Robb almost right in front of her. He gave her a discreet, reassuring smile before joining some conversation about college plans. After all, they were there to celebrate some of their friends' graduation.

"So," Violet drawled loudly, hoping to be heard by most girls. "Now that I'm leaving, who will be taking care of coach Blackwater?"

All the girls laughed in reaction before almost unanimously turning to Margaery who didn't look remotely uncomfortable as she spoke. "Don't you all look at me like, I've got my hands full enough as it is."

The subject topic of coach Bronn left her uneasy and Sansa busied herself with choosing something to eat that wouldn't earn her a disapproving stare from Marge but that would still be tasty.

After a while, everyone was either engrossed in their food or in recalling all of this season's games. Robb too was listening to Theon boast about their exploits as a team, a bright smile on his face that Sansa felt as being contagious. Seeing her in her cheerleading outfit did something to Robb, but she wasn't immune to the sight of him in his football jersey either.

A mixture of boredom and defiance fueling her, Sansa slipped the ballet flat off her foot and then brought it to Robb's leg. His whole body stiffened as soon as Sansa's foot brushed over the fabric of his jeans but she looked away, slightly smirking, before he could give her a warning glare.

Margaery was going on about a party she was throwing next week at Highgarden but Sansa barely registered the conversation, much more focused on slowly running her foot along Robb's leg until she reached his inner thigh. He let out a strangled sound once she started applying pressure and quickly hid it with a fake cough when the others stared at him curiously.

Sansa kept on her game, feeling him stir against her touch until he tightly wrapped his hand around her ankle. She looked at him, feigning innocence. His blue eyes had darkened and his jaw was set. Knowing she had him aroused while surrounded by all their teammates had her skin tingling with excitement. Robb shook his head once, curtly, silently ordering her to stop with his eyes. It was the same authoritative stare he used to keep their siblings in check and it made Sansa feel like she was doing something bad. Reluctantly, she pulled back her foot and rejoined the conversation but she wasn't done with him just yet.

Dinner went on for almost another half hour and once everyone had paid, they met in the parking lot to take a souvenir photo. Robb watched as Sansa quietly jumped in place as Margaery and Theon directed everyone to their places. She was very obviously cold but too stubborn to admit it. The short skirt bared almost the whole length of her legs and he was having a hard time (no pun intended) not letting that sight drive him mad enough to run his warm hands on her milky white skin in front of everyone.

Theon directed Violet to Robb and he crouched down so the girl could sit on his shoulders for the photo. Robb watched Loras do the same with Sansa, wrapping his hands around her thighs and he couldn't help the annoyed groan that escaped his lips, Violet instantly thinking it was her fault and apologizing for being too heavy.

At least, Loras was as gay as they came and Robb had a feeling that Theon, trying to be a good friend, had purposefully paired Sansa with the Tyrell because no brother wanted to see their little sister being groped by some guy, funny business or not. However, it didn't help that Sansa was loudly laughing at something the blond had just said.

It took them a few tries to get the timer to work properly and then a few more to get a picture where no one had their eyes closed. By the time the final picture was taken, the flash had to be turned on since night had fallen.

"Thank you for coming guys!" Theon shouted loudly, making everyone cheer. "My sister is having a bonfire at the Tiger Mountain State Forest with some college friends. You're all free to join!"

Instantly everyone started discussing whether they should go, especially since for some, graduation was the next day. Margaery immediately decided she wasn't going into the woods with that kind of "crowd". Sansa bit her lip, watching Theon try to convince Robb that it could be fun.

"Joffrey wouldn't want you to go," Marge whispered into Sansa's ear once she noticed her friend was hesitating. "And that's not our crowd, Sansa."

Margaery's comment actually made Sansa decide much faster. She was her own person, not someone to be ordered around. "My crowd is whatever I want it to be, Marge. Besides, Joffrey isn't even here," Sansa retorted boldly though silently hoping Margaery wouldn't tell him anything.

Since the Prius was too low to go to the woods, Sansa and Robb ended up carpooling with Theon. There were only seven seats for nine people and Sansa had to sit down on Robb's lap though anyone thought it was weird, no one pointed it out.

She made sure to squirm more than was absolutely necessary, subtly rubbing her ass on his crotch at every bump of the dirt road. Sansa could feel his fast heart beat against her back and knew he wished for her to sit still, but couldn't say anything in front of everyone.

They were able to hear the party before actually seeing it and everyone rushed out of the car as soon as Theon had turned off the engine, not bothering to lock the car. Now in the woods, Sansa lost most of her confidence. Just like at Theon's party, she barely knew anyone. From afar, she spotted Yara, Theon's older sister, sitting by the fire. Instinctively, Sansa headed there, feeling safer surrounded by other girls even if she didn't know them.

Robb joined some of his old football mates for a beer. They were are all gushing about how college was so much better than high school, mainly because it meant moving out of home but some could understand Robb's choice to stay closer.

"No matter your major, you should definitely take Economics 101 with Ms Wilson," Rick boasted before taking a sip of his beer as other college students started laughing.

"Why's that?" Robb asked, joining the laughter even though he didn't know what it was about.

Immediately, Devon started making some obscene gestures, cupping his flat chest and everyone laughed harder. "Not only that," Rick scoffed, looking at Devon, "but she's pretty much the female version of coach Bronn in college."

The conversation continued with Robb slowly growing uneasy. He had promised himself to keep an eye on her, even though she all but ignored him the past few days only to start playing with his nerves tonight and enjoying it way too much. Yet, now she had disappeared from his sight and he was getting worried.

Suddenly, Robb was reminded of that trip to Disneyworld all those years ago. Ned had joked he didn't even have to keep an eye on his daughter because Robb had been so scared of losing his sister in the crowd, he hadn't let go of her hand the whole weekend. But that had been before she befriended the Tyrells and Lannisters and drew him away.

"Hey!" Theon said loudly, grabbing Robb by the shoulder to get him to turn around. "Isn't that my sister with... your sister?"

Robb looked at were Theon pointing, quite sure his friend was wrong but... Yara was sitting on a log, her hands on Sansa's ass who was straddling. Even from their position, there was no doubt on what was going on.

"Sorry dudes, but that's kinda hot," Devon commented, openly gawking at the two girls.

"Nah, that's my sister, it's disgusting," Theon said with a grimace, looking away. "Plus, Sansa's a minor, Devon, you shouldn't be looking."

"Just saying, I'm happy she's not my sister," Devon chuckled.

Robb knew what Devon meant. He would have been spared of many speechless nights when he first realized he was attracted by his sister. Watching Sansa make out with a girl was undoubtedly hot but it also had his blood boiling with... anger? He had no right to be angry, if Sansa wanted to kiss a girl then she was free to do so even if he didn't like it. Hell, at least it wasn't Joffrey. Somehow, Robb had managed to forget that his sister was still dating that prick but now all he could see was Joffrey in Yara's place.

"Stop staring at my sister," he growled, hitting the back of Devon's head.

Robb helped himself to something stronger than beer, hoping it would help him forget that image. Sansa could drive them home once Theon dropped them off.

Frankly, Sansa didn't know what had driven her to make out with Yara. The only other girl Sansa had ever kissed was Margaery, and that had been years ago, mainly so that she didn't embarrass herself the first time she kissed a boy. Perhaps it had been a stupid act of defiance - Robb wasn't paying her any attention and she wanted to appear not to care, even though she knew she had been the one ignoring him the past few days.

However now, Sansa was cold and quite frankly bored. Maybe she shouldn't have come after all, it was late and she would look gruesome at Robb's graduation. Remembering that Theon hadn't locked his Escalade, Sansa started walking to where the cars were parked, hoping that she could perhaps take a nap while waiting for the others to be ready to go home.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Sansa jumped at the sound of Robb's voice, not having heard him arrive. "You promised you wouldn't get out of my sight after what happened at the party," he said , his voice somewhat accusatory.

"I wasn't about to ask you in front of your friends to escort me to the car so I could warm up and nap."

Robb nodded but didn't comment on her tone, though his silence only had the effect of making her tense up. They reached the car and he opened the back door for her. "Theon has a blanket under one of the seats," Robb told her.

Sansa sighed and lowered herself to her knees on the carpeted car floor to look beneath the seats. Maybe she should apologize for…

"You're doing this on purpose aren't you?" Robb groaned behind her.

"What?" Sansa blurted out, turning her head to look at him only to notice she was flashing him her ass. "Sorry," she whispered but his hands were already on her hips.

"At home, you were too scared our siblings might see us but suddenly your fears were all gone at dinner?" Robb teased, his voice darker, warm hands slowly rubbing on her cold skin, at strong contrast with his previous coldness.

Sansa wasn't sure what drove her to do what happened next. Perhaps it was his tone, the slight anger in his voice or maybe it was the culmination of having denied themselves what they wanted for the past week, but the next thing she knew, Sansa had turned around and grabbed Robb by the collar of his jersey, pulling him inside the car with her.

Despite his previous cold demeanor, Robb must have been just as needy as her because his lips immediately attached to her neck, sucking on the sensitive skin. Sansa let herself dwell on the exquisite sensation for a moment before prying him away from her skin.

"We don't have time for that," she panted, seeing his confused expression before sliding her hands between their bodies to pulling the shirt over his head and undo his belt, thankful for the fact that she was wearing a short skirt.

Anger and resentment had turned to passion and within instants, their movements were frantic and clumsy in the small, unlit place between the back and front seats of the car, both already breathing heavily. Grunting with frustration, Robb peeled her hands away, hoping it would be quicker if he did it himself and Sansa used her now free hands to stimulate her nub already flush with anticipation.

Unsurprisingly, Robb was already hard, precum leaking at the top after a couple of pumps. Their lips connected in a passionate kiss as Robb replaced her hand with his thumb on her clit and she raked her nails through his curly hair. Sansa forced herself to be quiet despite the overwhelming sensations, knowing that they were still in the woods.

She parted her legs as much as the small place allowed, but it was a tight fit. Robb was careful as he first slid inside her, aware foreplay had to be cut short but it soon gave way to frantic thrusting as Sansa raised her hips to meet his movements.

Truly, everything else was uncomfortable - the scratchy carpet was grating against her skin, some hard metal piece was digging into her back and her head would be hitting the door with each thrust if it weren't for Robb's protecting hand. And yet, the blissful sensation of him moving inside her made up for it all. How the hell she had managed to go without this for a week, she didn't know.

"Cum for me," Robb groaned, the veins in his neck strained as he worked to change the angle and pick up an unforgiving pace, determined for her to peak before he let himself go even though he was already close. "Cum for me, little sister."

The coil that had been tightening inside her lower belly sprung free at his words, her walls spasming against his pulsing cock as a gasp escaped her lips.

Through the euphoria and as Robb all but collapsed on top of her, a thin layer of sweat on his naked skin, Sansa couldn't shake his words off her mind. Had he really just called her that... while...? Just like the past few times, Sansa had tried to forget about who they were when they fucked and she had thought he did the same.

"Is something wrong?" Robb asked with concern as he slowly lifted himself off her, not pulling out just yet.

Sansa hesitated for a second, somehow just now realizing that she really had just had sex with her big brother in the back of a car that wasn't even theirs.

Suddenly, the half closed door behind Robb was pulled wide open. Sansa let out a surprised squeal, quickly hiding her face against Robb's chest who immediately wrapped an arm around her to hide her from sight.

"Aww man," Theon groaned loudly, the position his best friend was in letting him know quite obviously was had been going on. "You refuse getting your dick wet when I put a bedroom at your disposal and then you decide to do it in my car!"

Sansa quietly waited for Theon to close the door and go away, too scared to allow herself to even breathe, but he was making no movement to leave. If he recognized her, they were so fucked.

"Theon, can you give us a moment, please?" Robb groaned through clenched teeth, acutely aware of the cold air on his ass cheeks and the fact that he was still inside his sister.

"I told you just yesterday how I had the interior professionally cleaned after spilling coke and the first you do, is bang some cheerleader on the backseats!" Theon shouted.

Sansa almost pointed out they were technically on the floor before remembering she wasn't supposed to be there.

"Theon, just leave, okay!" Robb shouted back anxiously, not able to move without revealing his sister.

Theon sighed loudly. "If you leave a mess, I swear to God I-"


"Okay, okay," the Greyjoy gave in before finally shutting the door.

Sansa almost began tearing up with relief once they were alone. They had been so close... She opened her eyes only to see Robb sticking his hand inside the pocket attached to the back of the front seats.

"What are you doing?" Sansa whispered, propping herself on elbows when Robb nervously laughed.

"Looking for something to absorb the fluids when I pull out."

After the long wait, you're bound to be disappointed with whatever I came up with but I hope you still enjoyed this chapter.

Somehow, after not writing for a few weeks, I feel like I have completely forgotten how to do so haha.

Anyway, hopefully the chapter will be up much quicker than this one!

Thank you for your continued support, I really appreciate it!