Okay, so here's what this is (since I'm sure there are people who have questions) - I started this about a month ago. This was my crazy lil idea of how the final fight in Endgame would go.

Of course, the heroes side is just these ten - its basically the ten that we saw at the compound. Captain Marvel is here, but in this, she doesn't play too big a part. Sowwy.

Oh, also, this will show the true power and potential of the OG 6. I know this story's not the best, but I hope ye enjoy anyways! :D

(btw, Clint's family? Lol, big ol' nope here)

The new and improved Milano ship was flying across the galaxy at light-speed.

And on board were ten passengers, ready to spring into action when they arrived at their destination: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor Odinson, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Scott Lang, James Rhodes, Nebula, and Rocket Raccoon.

Most of them were just known as "The Avengers". Now, the title belonged to all of them.

They all sat in dual-seats: in the captain's seats, Rocket and Nebula. Behind them were Tony and Steve, Clint and Natasha, Bruce and Thor, and Scott and Rhodey. All of them could be seen shaking. No one was really ready for what they were about to do.

And what were they about to do?

They were heading towards Titan. Thanos' home... where he had returned. For nostalgia, to restore it, for some other reason; it was unknown why he was there. But they knew he was there.

"Hey," Natasha said softly, grasping Clint's hand. "I'm glad you're back. You're going to do amazing, you know that?"

"Anything's possible if Strike Team Delta is fighting together," Clint chuckled nervously, yet smiling.

Natasha nuzzled her head into Clint's shoulder, showing her affection and also calming her nerves. The two had been practically inseparable since Clint had come back to the compound, and rightfully so. The two had a lot to catch up on, especially after they were done with Thanos.

Tony and Steve, meanwhile, had put aside every difference they formerly had - the universe couldn't be at stake anymore, especially because of some petty feud. Both were able to conclude that the government sucked.

"So, you got plans for next week?" Steve asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Well, if I could take Pepper out to dinner, that would be nice," Tony said. "Maybe a nice restaurant, some Thai place... I've not had Thai in what feels like years."

Steve sighed... all Tony wanted was to be happy. Why was that so hard?

"We're almost here," said Rocket from the pilot's seat. "You got any feelings you wanna get out, get em out now, cause I don't know if all of us are gonna-"

"We all will, sweet rabbit," said Thor confidently. "All be damned if we don't all make it out."

"I just wish Hulk would show up," muttered Bruce. "The jolly green asshole hasn't even spoken to me recently... I'll stay back to guard the ship."

"Fair enough," Rhodey said. "You ready, Ant-Man?"

"I-I kinda just got, y'know, thrown into this... so yeah! Yeah, totally," said Scott nervously.

Nebula hadn't said a word since they had taken off. Tony was able to tell she was the most scared of all; yet he also knew she was the most ready of them all. She had years to prepare for the moment when she would kill her father... she intended no less for today.

"We're here," Nebula suddenly spoke up.

Everyone looked out the central cockpit window, and there it was... Titan. Home of the mad titan, and former home to his kind.

"Alright... this is gonna be fun! Gonna be real fun, a real hoot," Rocket said. "And, eh-oh who am I kidding. We're all gonna die."

"We won't," Steve said confidently.

"Hey, uh... guys?!" Scott yelled. "Why is there a light show going on over on the other side of the planet?"

Sure enough, the Avengers looked up, and a full rainbow of colors were shining over on the other side of the planet.

"Oh God..." Clint quietly muttered. "Those... those are the colors of the stones."

"Not just that, but also Danvers' colors," said Steve, recognizing the blazing orange from beforehand when the two captains had encountered. "She said she was going to find him."

"And she's going to get herself killed if we don't go help her," said Natasha. "Let's get down there."

And with that, Nebula and Rocket steered the ship over to where the light sources were coming from...

They all knew.

It was time.

As the Milano touched down, all of the seat holders rose up with a series of clicks, and Cap jumped up instantly. "Alright, this is it, people! Let's move! Go, go, go!"

Nebula eagerly grabbed her sword and knife, and Rocket loaded his guns from his seat. Scott's helmet flicked over his head, and Rhodey's helmet dropped over his face with a click. Clint grabbed his bow and checked his arrow load, while also helping Natasha gather her weaponry. Thor summoned Stormbreaker the second he stepped off of the ship, and Bruce moved to the captain's seat so he could watch and be ready for takeoff when the battle was over. Steve grabbed his shield, and tightened the strap on the circular shaped metal to the point where it would probably not come off at all. Tony, meanwhile, pulled the strings on his hoodie, summoning up the Iron Man MK-85 armor, his brand new suit.

He hoped it would be his last.

As the heroes jumped off of the ship, they broke out into a sprint across the low-gravity grounds of Titan, running towards the light source.

And they found exactly what they thought they would find - Thanos and Captain Marvel, engaged in a tight combat...

They could tell Thanos was winning.

Carol had blood spattered on her face and armor, and it wasn't Thanos' blood - she was doing great, for the record, but she was growing tired. They could tell they had been at it for a while now.

"I-I'll never give up," Carol said weakly, raising her fists again. "You... you'll never win!"

"Maybe not," Thanos growled - he had also donned the full set of armor again. "But ungrateful people like yourself are the reason I'll never quit fighting. And those people, ooh... they make me sick."

Thanos then activated the Power, Reality, and Soul stone all at once, and delivered a massive blow to the shield Carol had powered up.

It sent her flying across the planet into a pile of rubble.

"CAROL!" Thor yelled, giving away their position. She was still alive, but badly injured.

Thanos already knew they were there. He turned to face the Avengers, and a scowl was planted on his face - however, it slowly morphed into a smirk.

"You could not live with your own failure," he said, his voice booming as it rocked the dark and cloudy atmosphere of the war torn planet. "And where did that bring you?"

The Avengers had all gathered together as he finished his statement menacingly.

"Back to me."

"We never failed," said Natasha. "We just didn't prepare enough."

"You got the upper hand for a bit," added Steve, "but you won't have it for long."

"Try me," Thanos said. "Something I don't get - why are you pests so ungrateful? If only you would see the work I've done... I've fixed the universe! How are you not grateful?"

"Fixed the universe, huh?" Nebula suddenly said, anger and hurt twanging in her voice. "THEN EXPLAIN WHY I'M STILL SO BROKEN! Why... why does everything still hurt?! Why is my sister dead?! WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!"


"Don't call her that," Tony suddenly interjected, stepping in front of Nebula. "You... you don't get to call her that."

"Are you the one who raised her, Stark?" asked Thanos darkly.

"No," Tony said. "But I know that I've treated her better than you ever could have."

Thanos chose to ignore this comment - Nebula didn't mean much to him anymore. This wasn't a topic he was a fan of dwelling on, anyway...

"I see the universe hasn't given me much of a challenge," the mad titan said, observing his opponents. "They took out most of the ones who stood a chance... ones who had unity. And yet, I can already tell that you all are loosely held together by a thin string that is your ultimate goal. It isn't wise to do such a thing."

"Says the guy who's never put a functioning team together," Clint fired back.

Thanos sighed, and then he did something unexpected - Thanos raised his arm, clenched his fist, and the Power, Reality, Soul, and Time Stones suddenly activated all at once. A massive army spawned behind the titan; Chitauri, Outriders, even his own "children" appeared behind him...

But they vanished in a flash of light.

"I could make this terribly unfair," said Thanos, removing his helmet. "However, I am nothing if not merciful."

Nebula, everyone could tell, wanted to kill him right then and there - she was living proof that this statement wasn't true.

"However, I seek to show the universe that it must survive like this; that there can be no resetting of the actions I have blessed it with," he muttered. "And to do that... I must kill all of you. No more chancing, no more tricks."

Steve then stepped onto the front line, Tony and Thor standing boldly next to him, ready to fight. On one side, Clint and Natasha gave each other's hands one last firm squeeze, before they had their weapons drawn. On the other, Scott's helmet had just flipped over his head, Nebula's swords had been drawn, Rocket had loaded his guns, and Rhodey's full arsenal had come into view.

"I couldn't agree more," Steve growled. Then, with a mighty roar, he shouted, "AVENGERS!"

Everyone stood in a battle-stance, ready for their final charge.

Then, he seethed:

"Let's kill this son of a bitch."

Thor screamed, raising Stormbreaker to the sky, signaling to his fellow Avengers that it was time. Everyone broke out into a sprint, charging towards the mad titan.

Thanos grabbed his sword calmly from its place in the dirt, and he set his helmet down on a nearby stone.

And then, he yelled louder than ever before as he charged into the fight himself.

The battlefield only had eleven fighters on it.

But what would occur next would be the most intense fight than any of mankind had ever known.

The first to get a hit on Thanos was Rhodey - firing his machine guns from afar, he thought he would be able to get a head start on the mad titan. However, it proved to be no good; he ran through the bullets like they were powder.

Scott had just shrunken down to the size of a molecule; but even while running, Thanos used the Reality Stone to reverse the shrink, returning Scott to his normal size.

"OW!" Scott yelled, recovering as quick as he could. "Oh, ohohoho, you're gonna pay for that..."

And he was right - the next person to reach Thanos was Captain America. Steve immediately tossed his shield into Thanos' face, knocking back the titan briefly; it was enough of a space of time for Clint to launch an arrow aimed directly at his skull. While it bounced off of him like it was nothing, Hawkeye wasn't phased. That was one of the weaker arrows anyway.

Tony then got his shot - he wasn't exactly happy with how Thanos had stabbed him in the chest last go-round, so he generated his vibranium sword to take aim at his chest.

It worked.

Thanos felt a sharp pain course through his chest, as the sword somehow penetrated his armor and made it to his flesh; writhing in pain, he tore the sword out, and raised his gauntlet-encased hand to use the Time Stone to regenerate the skin.

He didn't get the chance - Natasha came charging through, and the heel of her boot met Thanos' chin in an epic clash. Thanos grabbed her leg with his hand, however, and tossed her into Clint. Clint was so scared she would hit the ground and hurt himself that he spread his arms in an effort to catch her in a web-of sorts. He was able to successfully grab her, and the two recovered quickly after giving their gratitude to each other.

Rocket, meanwhile, went for the same strategy as Rhodey - trying to pump Thanos full of led from afar. Thanos growled as he noticed the creature, and began charging towards him - Rocket felt a fear like never before as he continued to fire.

When suddenly...


Scott had just grown in front of Thanos, mere feet away from Rocket, and had uppercut the mad titan, sending him staggering backwards. Thanos looked at Ant Man, shocked - he was exactly his size now.

"Alright, come and get some, ya big purple asshole!" Scott roared, charging at Thanos.

Thanos met Scott in a tight clash; they were both trying to push the other back, holding onto each others hands and pressing backward. Rhodey and Rocket saw an opportunity to get a clear shot in, so they both reloaded and took aim.

Thanos, however, was able to hear their guns cock; he knew what they were doing. He temporarily broke his hold with Scott, energizing the Power Stone to fight back against Scott for a while longer. He then fired up the Space Stone under Rocket and Rhodey's feet, and opened up a portal in the skies of Titan, sending them both flying.

His attention was then turned to the other bug-named superhero that had suddenly appeared; Natasha had jumped on his back, and he heard a knife unsheathe from a holster.

He gave a swift kick to Scott's chest, sending him flying back, and grabbed Natasha by her waist and yanked her off of his back.

Thanos and the Black Widow were staring dead center at one another.

"You attempted to kill me," Thanos said gently, staring Natasha as she struggled to release herself; he was still using the Power Stone. If he wasn't she'd probably be able to get out of this.

"You act surprised," Natasha quipped back.

Thanos chuckled darkly...

And then, his gauntlet encased hand moved to her neck. He was going to choke her to death...

When suddenly, an arrow fired out from seemingly nowhere, causing Thanos to retaliate the gauntlet in shock.

Clint Barton was charging towards Thanos, completely alone.

"Foolish man!" Thanos yelled, not letting go of Natasha.

"I'M COMING NAT!" Clint yelled, determined to never let Natasha go. Ever. Today was no exception. He fired another arrow, bouncing off of Thanos' chest, but creating a tear gas cloud. His fist was briefly unclenched, allowing Natasha to fall to the ground. Clint charged through the smoke screen, easily picking up Natasha via her waist, and charging away as the mad titan sucked away the smoke via the Reality Stone.

Clint and Natasha came to a brief stop behind a pile of rubble. "Oh... Oh God, Tash... I-I could've-"

"You didn't," Natasha assured him, cupping his face. "Hey, hey. I'm still here. I'm okay."

"...Yeah," said Clint, nodding. "And... And so am I."

Clint then pressed his face forward, meeting Natasha's lips in the middle. The two were able to briefly ignore everything around them, and savor this beautiful moment with each other.

It was just like Budapest all over again... even though they both remembered it differently, this was a common memory between the two.

The two separated, albeit unwillingly, and simply smiled at each other.

"Ready to go to work?" Clint chuckled.

"I have a good feeling about today," Natasha smiled.

And with that, the two charged out from behind the rock, and charged back into the battle together.

Thor, meanwhile, was just now getting his turn at Thanos; the two were eager to have a rematch. After the battle in Wakanda, both desired more. They were battle hungry, and this was a full three-course meal in that case. Thor tossed Stormbreaker at Thanos' head, going for what he should have gone for long ago.

Thanos caught Stormbreaker mid-flight, however, and buried it into the ground. Thor easily recovered it, but met the Infinity Gauntlet as he went for Thanos again.

"I... will... go for the head!" Thor yelled, trying to push his axe back into Thanos.

"Good," Thanos growled. "You would fail otherwise... and you'll still fail even now."

The Power Stone suddenly activated.


As a matter of fact, Thor only pushed back harder - and he was managing to push Thanos with him. Thanos gasped in horror; never had he been using an Infinity Stone, and losing at a strength contest. Especially when he was using the Power Stone!

"I am Thor, son of Odin," Thor growled, "King of Asgard... brother of Loki... brother of Hela... and as long as there is life in my breast-I'm getting a serious sense of deja vu here! Are you ready?"

Without warning, Nebula bounced on top of Thor, and jumped into the air, screaming at the top of her lungs as she drew her sword to plunge it into her father's skull.

It didn't work.

Thanos grabbed the robotic girl's legs before she could make it, simultaneously kicking Thor back in the stomach, and throwing Nebula into the rubble. Tony ran over to Nebula as soon as he saw her, momentarily letting Steve take on Thanos with Clint and Natasha.

"Hey, hey, you alright? Nebs?" asked Tony quickly. "Nebs? You okay?"

"I will be," Nebula coughed.

"You need to rest," Tony said.

"Look at who's talking," Nebula said, dryly chuckling. "Tony... finish this. I can't. You can."

"Hey, look, as much as I'd love to," said Tony, "you're the one who deserves the final blow the most. We'll save him for you."

Nebula nodded, and kept her physical hand in Tony's. "Thank you, Tony... you gave me something I've never had before... a chance."

Tony smiled at Nebula, and nodded, almost too tired to utter words at this point. But he knew he had to keep on fighting. Giving her shoulder another pat, and making sure she would be okay, he let his helmet appear over his head once more as he raced to join his fellow Avengers.

They were, surprisingly, holding their own quite well - Steve was absolutely kicking ass, and Clint and Natasha, being the power couple they were, were doing good work themselves.

Then, Tony reentered the battle. Now the tides were beginning to turn.

He regenerated his vibranium sword, and stabbed Thanos in the lower stomach. Pulling out the blade instantly, nearly not affected, he resumed a fighting stance before punching Steve's shield; it didn't budge from where it was, and Steve re-emerged into the fight.

Rhodey flew past Thanos' back, and opened fire when everyone moved out of the line of fire. He was unloading just about every bullet in his armor's system, and it was barely making a dent in Thanos. He turned around, and angrily used the Power, Space, and Reality Stones to hurl a pile of rubble at War Machine. Rhodey retreated briefly to reload, and Thanos was left vulnerable.

Meanwhile, from afar, Bruce was watching all the action go down...

He was sitting here. Helpless. Watching his friends get pummeled.

And this...

This made him angry.

"Come on," he muttered, getting up and out of the Milano. "Come on now... if there was ever a time... ITS NOW!"

He then felt his body chance, along with his voice - it was now lower... and he felt way more powerful.

Hulk had finally reemerged.

"HULK SMASH!" Hulk suddenly yelled, jumping the far distance into the battlefield. Thanos smirked as he saw his old foe jump out from the distance, and eagerly made him his priority. Eager for a rematch as well, Hulk charged at Thanos with no less than pain on his mind.

The two met in heated combat, giving the Avengers time to re-group and check on all of their other allies. Clint and Natasha raced over to an injured Thor, who didn't seem to be doing too good.

"Thor? Buddy? Hey, you good?" asked Clint quickly.

"I-I... I'm okay," Thor grunted. "Just... just need a moment..."

"Thor, you're bleeding badly on your chest," said Natasha. "Its seeping through your armor."

"Takes more than a kick to kill a god," Thor said, coughing violently. "O-Oh... I... I may need a moment... but so-someone needs to wield Stormbreaker..."

Thor's eyes then moved to one of his accompanying heroes.


"W-What? Me?" Natasha said, lightly gasping. "T-Thor, I-I... w-why can't Clint?"

"Nat, I've got a bow, arrows, and a sword," said Clint. "And Thanos seems to be scared of pointy things. I've got enough. Nat... this is your job."

Natasha's lips quivered. "C-Clint... I'm scared."

"Don't be sad about that! I'm scared too!" Clint assured her. "Its okay to be scared. What matters is what you do when you're scared. So, Lady Natasha, what are you going to do?"

Natasha looked back and forth between Thor, Clint, and Stormbreaker a few times.

Then, she took a deep breath.

Her fingers moved around the wooden handle of the most powerful axe to ever exist, and she picked it up. She looked at it for a moment, slightly overwhelmed. But Clint and Thor's supportive smiles helped her regain her focus.

"You look so badass," Clint said, laughing lightly.

"It fits you well," Thor smiled.

Natasha giggled, and turned to face Thanos, with the smile being wiped off of her face as she stared down the mad titan. He couldn't see them from where they were at, but the two lovers were now standing side by side, ready to head back into battle.

"You ready?" asked Clint.

Natasha nodded, smiling as she rose up Stormbreaker. "Let's do it."

And with that, Natasha and Clint ran at top speed towards the mad titan - Natasha was spinning Stormbreaker in her hand and yelling as loudly as she could without shattering her vocal cords, and Clint briefly stole glances of his girl as they sped towards Thanos. God, she was so amazing...

Thanos was horrified at the prospect of Natasha wielding Stormbreaker - she had no problem with murder.

He knew he had to act fast; activating the Power and Space Stones, he blocked her first blow. However, Clint sneaked behind him, and dug a knife into his back, very briefly distracting him. It gave a small yet wide enough window of time for Natasha to get a couple smacks off with Stormbreaker, temporarily bringing Thanos down.

"GO FOR THE HEAD!" yelled Steve, who was charging back into the fight with Scott and Rocket by his side.

Natasha screamed, swinging Stormbreaker one more time as she headed for the final killing blow.

But Thanos knew what she was up to - before she could chop his head off, he grabbed the axe with his gauntlet covered hand, and activated every Infinity Stone at once - it was enough to shove her back, push her into Clint, and throw Stormbreaker a solid distance.

Steve, meanwhile, was furious Thanos would do such a thing to his friends - he continued his charge with Scott and Rocket, only to be met by another power surge from the Power Stone that shot them all backwards.

By now, there seemed to be a huddle commencing - Hulk, Clint, Natasha, and Tony were all taking cover behind the same big pile of rubble, with Steve and Thor hobbling over to join them. Scott and Rocket were hiding out somewhere else, and so were Nebula and Rhodey.

"COME ON! WHERE ARE YOU NOW?!" Thanos bellowed, looking around for his opponents.

Tony was breathing heavily, trying to remember what he was going to tell his team.

"He's angry," Hulk muttered.

"No duh," Clint said. "Stark, you got a plan in that brain of yours?"

"I-I... I... WAIT!" Tony suddenly said. He fished in his pocket, praying desperately that he had put them in there... eureka! He had!

"What are those?" Natasha asked, looking at the six disks he currently held.

"Okay, everyone take one," said Tony, "and put it over your wrist, like a watch."

Everyone did so, and immediately, it turned into a bracelet.

"What now, Stark?" asked Thor.

"Okay... this is either a genius idea, or a really stupid one," Tony muttered, "but... we all need to get an Infinity Stone. And by that, pluck it from the Gauntlet. One by one."

"Then what?" asked Steve.

"We all snap, together," said Tony. "And reverse the damage that Thanos did. We bring everyone back."

Everyone looked at one another... they all weren't fully on board with this plot.

But really - what choice did they have?

So they all made a sorting decision to ensure that two Avengers didn't go for one stone - Hulk would go for Power, Thor would go for Space, Clint for Reality, Natasha for Soul, Steve for Time, and Tony for Mind (credit to SuperCarlinBrothers for this arrangement of the Avengers/Stones).

"Alright, on three - Hulk, you get in there and rip out the Power Stone," said Tony, peeking over the rubble to see the mad titan chuckling to himself.

"Rocket, Scott, Rhodey, help us keep him busy," said Steve. "Nebula? You want a piece?"

"Damned if I don't," Nebula said into the comm.

"Alright, one... two..." Tony began. "Two and a half... two and three quarters... three."

And with that, the ten heroes jumped out from their hiding spots and began to run amok, confusing Thanos as to which one he would go after.

Meanwhile, this gave Hulk a solid opportunity to sneak through his field of vision, and yank the Power Stone clean from the gauntlet. Thanos jumped at this, and was surprised that, for some reason, Hulk wasn't instantly on his knees from the effects of the Stone. It was like he was meant to hold it... And then, he placed it into his wrist holster, and the Power Stone gave its power to Hulk.

"No... NO!" the mad titan yelled.

"Yes, YES!" Hulk fired back.

"Alright, Thor, you're up!" said Steve, running alongside Nebula to keep Thanos distracted.

"This is gonna be fun," Thor chuckled, readying Stormbreaker so he could charge into battle. "Man of Ants, enlarge!"

"You got it!" Scott said, running alongside Thor into battle. He grew to roughly the same size as Thanos, and sped at him ahead of Thor.

"For Heimdall... FOR LOKI!" Thor shouted as Scott pinned down Thanos. It was a brief pin-down, yes, but it was enough for Thor to get his hands on the Space Stone - it was harder to yank out than he thought it would be, but he managed to pry it from the gauntlet in the short amount of time he had. And when he placed in his wrist holster, he felt even more powerful than ever before, as if Space was a new thing to him entirely.

"Alright, get in there, Clintasha!" Tony yelled, flying beside Rhodey to keep raining hell down on Thanos.

"Did he just refer to us as one person?" asked Natasha.

"You gotta admit, its catchy," Clint chuckled.

Natasha just shook her head, yet she still had a smile on her face.

The two were aware of the simple fact of the matter - they were only human. They didn't know what would happen when they wielded an Infinity Stone... but they were ready for anything. It was time that the power couple of this universe got their chance to shine.

With that in mind, Clint and Natasha launched themselves into battle, launching arrows and firing bullets. Thanos growled, attempting to use the Power and Space Stones, but they were gone from the gauntlet... fine. He'd do it himself.

It proved to be harder than he thought it would be - Natasha easily used her heel to kick his cheek once more, giving Clint time to slip in and use a smoke screen arrow to briefly blind Thanos and confuse him. Seeing the opportunity, the two moved to the gauntlet, and ripped out each of their designated stones...

And they didn't immediately die.

"Huh, how about that!" Clint said, slipping the Reality Stone into his wrist holster, immediately feeling a surge of power coursing through his body. This... this was really weird. A good weird, but weird nonetheless.

"Hehe!" Natasha giggled adorably. She then placed the Soul Stone into her wrist holster... and immediately tripped, falling to her knees. She was sobbing when Clint knelt down to help her.

"Nat... Nat?!" he exclaimed, shielding her from any possible attack. "What's wrong Nat?"

Natasha looked into his eyes, and what seemed like years of pain and anguish filled those colorful eyes he had grown to adore.

"I... I feel their pain..." she cried.

"Who's pain?" Clint asked, terrified that something could be happening to his Natasha.

She then said something that rocked him to his core.

"E-Everyone's... everyone w-who died..."

They then looked at the Soul Stone... it seemed to be capable of containing its own reality. Like Stonekeeper had said when Thanos and Gamora visited Vormir, the stone had a certain "wisdom" to it. Clint immediately hugged Natasha, knowing she needed some comfort from feeling trillions of souls' anguish all at once.

Natasha didn't hesitate to cry into his shoulder.

For in addition to all the undead's pain, her own mingled with it...

Clint knew she just needed to let it all out. Even on the battlefield, he'd always let Natasha know she was never alone with him around.

"Alright Tony," said Steve, "who's going first? Me or you?"

"How about we go together?" Tony said, flying down lower and landing next to Steve. "I've got an idea - we sick the raccoon on him to distract him. Everyone's helped out, we need to give the small creature his moment to shine."

"Oh, ohohoh, I like that idea," Rocket chuckled from next to Steve, cracking his knuckles.

"What do you want me to do?" asked Nebula.

"When we reverse the damage, I want you to take him out," said Tony. "This has been what you've wanted your whole life... but I understand if you can't-"

"The first free choice of my life, why would I say no?" she said dangerously. "You've given me the clearest shot at killing him that anyone ever could. I'll do it."

"Alright, sounds good," Tony nodded.

"Remember, go for the head," Steve said.

Nebula smirked, nodding.

And with that, the captain and the man of iron shot forward into battle. Rocket bolted ahead of them on all fours, going for the head himself. Meanwhile, Thanos had been severely weakened by the relapse of power from losing the Infinity Stones, yet he still had two...

But he didn't get the chance to use either.

Rocket had latched onto his face, and was clawing like there was no tomorrow.

"THIS IS FOR GROOT! THIS IS FOR QUILL! THIS IS FOR ALL THOSE OTHER GUYS WHO I CAN'T REMEMBER THE NAMES OF BECAUSE I'M SO PISSED OFF!" he screamed, only adding to the scars Thanos already had on his face.

As Steve moved to grab the Time Stone, however, Thanos grabbed Rocket and tossed him aside...

And punched Captain America straight in the chest. Steve keeled over in pain, nearly having the wind knocked out of him.

"CAP!" Tony yelled, looking briefly to his side - that was a mistake. Thanos saw his shot.

And took it.

He swung at Tony with every ounce of force he could muster up, and punched him in the face, knocking him down next to Steve.

"You INSECTS!" Thanos bellowed.

However, even though they appeared to be limp and lifeless... Steve and Tony got back up.

And fell right back down, not moving. But yet, no one cried out.

...They then vanished in a puff of red smoke.

Thanos gasped, and looked ahead.

Natasha, Clint, Steve, Tony, Thor, and Hulk all stood next to each other...

And Steve and Tony held up their left arms - they had collected the Time and Mind Stones.

Clint's arm was glowing red, the Reality Stone having caused the illusions that had distracted Thanos, and he was holding it up as well. Natasha, Thor, and Hulk followed suit, holding their left arms up to reveal their stones.

"No... NO NO NO!" Thanos screamed, moving to kill the Avengers - but he was stopped mid-way. Scott had grown to his size again, and was holding him back by his neck, and positioning his head upright so he could watch. Rocket and Rhodey were grabbing his arms and holding him back. Nebula, meanwhile, stood before him, sword drawn.

"ON THREE!" Tony bellowed, stepping forward. "ONE... TWO!"

All of the Avengers stood ready to snap.


A blinding flash of white light spread across Titan as the original six Avengers snapped all at once.

Their ears rang... yet they could hear.

Nothing was around them... yet they could see.

The six looked around, struggling to grasp their surroundings... but it didn't take long for them to once again regain their senses, and get a clear picture of what had just happened. The three other Avengers were keeping Thanos pinned down, and the cyborg girl that had been abused all her life stepped towards her excuse of a father.

"Scott," she said softly. "Move your arm, please."

Scott did so, and stepped back to grow back to his normal size.

"D-Daughter..." Thanos said weakly. "P-Please..."

"I asked you for the same amount of mercy, Thanos," she seethed, hot tears spilling from her eyes. "I shall give you the exact amount you gave me."

This briefly calmed Thanos... but then, he remembered the amount of mercy he had shown Nebula.

This was the last thought that went through his head. For the last feeling he felt was a sword plunging through his neck.

Nebula had slain the mad titan.

As she left her sword in his neck, Thanos fell to the ground. As he did so, the wind carried his ashes away...

He had been killed by Nebula, then dusted by the Reverse-Snap.

The six Avengers stood close by, sighing as they realized what they had accomplished. They took it all in, and all noticed a common feeling of pins and needles in their left arm.

And then...

Tony heard a familiar voice.

"Mr. Stark?"

So, in case you're wondering, yes, there will be one more chapter! :) Apologies once more for not really using Carol; she just didn't turn out to be that necessary here. She will be in the next chapter tho! :)

And yes... that is our boy Spidey at the end, in case you couldn't tell. XD See you guys next chapter for all da fluff! Hope you enjoyed!

PLEASE let me know what you thought in a review! I've spent so long on this and I'd love to hear what you all have to say! Thank you guys so much for reading! Love you all!