All characters are owned by Saban. Mine is just the idea... this is my first longer story. I hope you have fun, i am not the best writer. The next chapters will follow soon.

" But Vin Farra..:"

" Silence, i don't want to hear one more word from you. You know the rules, it's forbidden to all of us to become a human. " Fin Varra leaves his seat and stand up right in front of her. " And now listen to your punishment: you want to be a human, now you have all the time for this. You will live as a human for one year and since the humans can't do magic, you won't have any magic too."

Fin Varra takes his rod and swings it. Suddenly blue sparkles beginn to rain on Aideen and the little fairy began to grow, till she has reached the size of a young girl.

Rohan was standing in his and Angus hut watching the fire and waiting for his best friend. Dinner was ready.

At the same time there was a little strange figure not far away, hidden behind a big bush, watching the little village. " Hey, who are we having here" a familar voice asks from behind and she feels a hand on her shoulder, turning her arround. "Angus?" the figure shouts out in surprise.

" Ähm, yes, it's me... and who are you?" Angus looks at her questionly and pull back the hood " Oh, it's you" he grins. "Everyone was wondering where you have been. Deirdre wanted to say thank you for her rescue." he grabs her arm and pull her up to her feet. Aideen looks a t him surprised, she had never kown how strong he was. As a fairy they never need to be that strong, they have magic instead.

" Come on, Rohan is waiting for me. I am sure he would be glad as well to see you again. And tomorrow we will go and see Deirdre at the castle " Angus laugh and pull her with him. " Hey Rohan look who's back" he shouts out as they have arrived the hut.

Rohans head appears in the door and as he spots the girl he smiles too. " Hey, you are back. Right in time, dinner is ready. Come in."

" Dinner" Aideen mumble and follow Angus inside. At the table she takes a short look at the men and their behaviour. Of course she has often see how people are eating, but thats all. She has no clue why and how. After a few minutes she starts to follow the doing of Rohan and Angus and so she got her first meal in her live. Later on the men also offered her a bed, but she prefers the corner at the fireplace.

After breakfast they made their way to the castle. As they pass the entrance they see Deirdre and Ivar, which are helping to list all the new recruits. Deirdre looks up and smile as she sees Aideen. " Hey nice to see you again. I wanted to say thank you for helping me. That was really brave" she walks over to Aideen and hug her. Aideen hestitate for a moment, she never had been huged before.

Instinctivly she places her hands on Deirdres back and wait till Deirdre would pull back.

" Do you want to go on with the training? But then you can't leave like last time, it means you have to stay here. " Deirdre look at her.

" No, i am in. I don't go anywhere" Aideen answers without thinking much about it.

" So, whats your name" Ivar joins both of them and look at Aideen.. She swallows hard and think about what to say? She hasn't think about how and when telling the knights who she really is.

"Eileen" she answers and wish she hadn't.

"Eileen, ok i will make sure that you are on the list and then we will show you everything" Ivar nods and walks back to the soldier with the list.

" And then i will have my revenge at the parcours" Angus grin at her. He still couldn't get over the fact that this girl has beaten him.

" Do you really think, you are better now" Rohan laughs and slap Angus shoulder.

"Of course i do" Angus look at him offended " and i will show you now. The winner will show Eileen everything."

Rohan nod without hesitation and walk over to the start piont. " Ok, then go."

" Oh boys" Deirdre sighs and watch the two men running throught the parcours. Rohan was faster and with a big grin on his face he comes over to the women and offer Eileen his arm" Ready for a little tour?"

" Of course " Eileen smiles and take his arm.

" What... " Deirdre was watching after them with her mouth open. She wasn't sure what makes her more angry. That the men forgot about the training just because of their own little fight for Eillen or that Rohan seems to forget about her... Angry and disappionted she headed to the horses and grap hers. " Is anyone with me? Checking the outpost?"

" I will" Ivar nod and get himself also a horse.

" And what about me?" Angus look at them.

"You make sure the training is running again" Deirdre orders.

" Always me" Angus mumbles but don't answer to Deirdre and watch after them, as they leave the castle.

Meanwhile Rohan and Eileen have leave the castle on the other side and Rohan shows her the little train area behind the castle. Eileen need her full concentration to put herself together the whole time. She has never been that close to Rohan before.. She take a short look of him, would he be as strong as Anugs was? He has beaten him in the parcours, so maybe yes.

The parcours, as the two men have fought because of her... Her hearts skips a beat and she was lost in thoughts and feelings as she suddenly noticed Rohans look. " Oh sorry, what did you say?"

Rohan laughs. "In this tent you need to give back your weapons after training" he points at a tiny tent next to the fighting place.

" Ok, and what are you guys doing after the training?" Eileen looks at him

Rohan looks at her a bit surprised " Different, i guess the most of us are going home, have dinner and maybe some time with family or friends. Why are you asking?"

" Just asking. I thought maybe there will be a celebration or something." Eileen mumbles back.

" Just of special reasons" Rohan answers and without any other word about it, he let go of her arm and show her the inside if the tent." And here we have all the kind of weapons you will need for the training" he point at all the big boxes.

Ivar and Deirdre have been riding for a few, without saying much. As the castle was out of sign, Ivar lead his horse near to Deirdre. " Are you ok, you haven't said much, since we have left the castle."

Deirdre turns to him, watch at him for a second and turn her head back. " No, everything is fine"

" Are you sure?" Ivar still looks at her " if i did't know better, i would say you are jealous."

" Jealous?" Deirdre stop her horse at bit shocked and catched in some way " You really think i am jealous?"

" So you are not?"

" No, i am not and now come on, the outpost is waiting" Deirdre brought her horse back to walking.

As far as she has turned her back on Ivar, the mystic knight of water couldn't hold back a grin.